The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2315: Great opportunity

As a result, the monks thought of a question again, and exchanged their eyes with each other. The **** machine’s dream machine condensed and asked:

"So if we leave here, we don't enter the space leading to the fifth floor?"

Yinlong Wang’s hands spread out: “The Jinlong family will continue to be closed!”

The monks once again exchanged their gaze again, and the dream machine continued to ask: "Silver Dragon King, can you tell us what is the danger of the trial space? What benefits can you get?"

The Silver Dragon King silently said slowly: "There is a very dangerous place. It is a danger that you have never encountered before. Even the peak of the late Tianzun has the danger of falling, and the possibility of corruption is very great. That is to say, you There is almost no chance to go to the fifth floor of the Dragon Gate. But there is a big chance there, a chance you have never encountered before."

"What is the chance?" Life Tian Zun could not help but ask.

"Can't say!" Silver Dragon King shook his head.

"Then if we can't get to the fifth floor of the gantry, we can't open the endless barrier of the fifth floor. So even if your Yinlong family can open the fifth gantry, they can't open the sixth layer of the five-color dragon. The Dragon Gate." Ye Haotian said openly.

"Five-color Huanglong does not need to come out! If we need them to come out, we can degenerate ten silver dragons!" Yinlong Wang said faintly.

“Why?” Tu Yi could not help but ask.

"Can't say!" Silver Dragon King said with a good temper.

The monks were immersed in meditation, and their hearts were slightly awkward, but it was not very clear. The speculated result is likely to be the strong strength of the five-color Huanglong, and the potential is huge. If the dragons do not encounter such big things as the genocide, the five-color Huanglong can be retired in the sixth floor.

But what is the potential of the five-color Huanglong? What are their goals for retreat?

The monks suddenly jumped in their hearts, and they suddenly thought of a possibility.

Holy level!

Is this day's chance to be a holy inheritance?

The breath of this monk's monks was slightly heavy, and every monk knew very well that the strength and pride of the dragon ancestors could not deceive them. Not only the pride of the dragon ancestors, but also the dragons can listen to the dragon ancestors invariably, and they know the pride of the dragons.

As a result, the Silver Dragon King said that there is a big danger in the danger of being a big one. There must be a big chance for a big chance.

The first three floors are the dragon's offerings, and there is no danger at all. But from this level, with the birth of the Silver Dragon King, the Dragons are not too concerned about whether the Jinlong family is born. Therefore, while giving you the opportunity of Tianda, it is accompanied by the danger of greatness.


Can Xu Ziyan be able to reject this big opportunity?

That is to say, the birth of the Jinlong family is certain! Because as long as Xu Ziyan these monks enter the trial space, the Yinlong family can enter later.

"Of course..." Silver Dragon King once again said: "After you enter the trial space, if you feel dangerous, you can withdraw at any time."

This sentence is exported, and the monks inside and outside the hall are full of smiles. With this sentence, who else will not go in? As a result, the ban on the trial space must be broken.

"And..." Silver Dragon King said again: "If you step back, you can't go in again."

The monks in the hall once again exchanged a look. Finally, Liu Jinsong, who was promised by Yinlong Wang, said:

"Working with Yinlong Wang leads the way!"

"it is good!"

The Silver Dragon King stood up from the chair and took the lead to go outside the gate. The monks followed him behind him and came to the gate, taking a step. Fly into the air and fly to the front.

After flying for about two hours, I saw a gantry far away. The gantry was not located on the ground, but floating in the air, that is the gantry leading to the fifth floor. There was no step before the passage to the Dragon Gate, but there was a large bridge. Rising from the ground, like a rainbow, it leads to the air and is placed in front of the dragon gate.

No monk tried to fly directly to the gantry, because everyone knows very well that the gantry and the bridge leading to the gantry must be banned. Only the bridge can walk to the gantry.

The monks who entered the Dragon Palace this time came from the Terran and the Yaozu. Almost all the Terran and the Demon's Tianzun period monks came here. Only the Mozu did not arrive because they did not receive the news. Most of the monks who are below the land and the land are the monks of the Longye, and the three major business monks in Longye, plus the monks of the city government led by Qin Wuyang. The monks of the other regions and the monks below the land do not have time to come.

Xu Ziyan did not know that the outermost gantry of the first floor had been closed at this time. There were already a large number of monks from the whole south, and there was also the East. Northern and Western monks are coming to this side. However, they can't get in. Even the top three peaks of the Mozu can't open the closed gantry, and they are all blocked out.

Xu Ziyan is looking at the back, and his eyes are looking around. Today, Tianzun is concentrated in all the monks of the Upper Yuan Dynasty except the Mozu. From the early days of Tianzun to the end of the Tianzun period, there are nearly a thousand masters. . On the contrary, the great monks who respected the land and the people's respects because they only came from Longye, and the three major commercial firms in Longye, the masters of the city's main government, the number is not as good as that of the monks. However, there were too many monks in the Emperor and the Emperor, and there were hundreds of thousands of monks at this time, and there were millions of monks who did not come to practice in the first three spaces.

Xu Ziyan did not hurry in, she still switched to the body with chaos, and went to the purple smoke space to practice the inferior immortal Dan's eight methods of alchemy. When she switched back to the body again with chaos, there were no monks in the eyes of Xu Ziyan. Those monks who were in the midst of the dynasty were marching toward the rainbow-like bridge.

This time, Xu Ziyan is not in a hurry. On the one hand, Yinlong Wang has already said that this trial space is very dangerous. Liu Jinsong may not be able to walk to the fifth floor of the Dragon Gate. Even before I can walk to the Dragon Gate, this eight-way alchemy method is the eight-method of the alchemy of the innate fairy. On the mainland of the Yuan Dynasty, I am afraid that apart from Liu Jinsong, you can try it, that is, only Xu Ziyan can try it. Therefore, the five alchemy furnaces must have a purple smoke position.

Looking at the bustling hundreds of thousands of people flocked to the flyover, Xu Ziyan simply stood in the same place. Wait until all the monks entered the bridge, and Xu Ziyan walked toward the bridge. When she walked past the Silver Dragon King, Silver Dragon King asked curiously:

"Do you want to stay at the end with your cultivation?"

Xu Ziyan smiled faintly: "This is not an urgent matter!"

"Yes!" Silver Dragon Wang smiled and extended a hand to the bridge: "Please!"

"Thank you!"

Xu Ziyan stepped on the bridge in a step, and he entered a dimly lit space, like the twilight time, the eyesight could not be far. Xu Ziyan released the knowledge of her. She was the peak of the gods in the late Tianzun, and the instant knowledge spread.

The heart couldn't help but jump. In her knowledge, she saw a cruel scene. Some monks were sitting still, some monks were fighting with a black, grotesque thing, and some monks were being Those black things are chasing, and many monks are killing each other.

"How is this going?"

Xu Ziyan is awkward. Unknown things are always horrifying. Xu Ziyan only feels a cold rush from the spine tail bones along the spine and sways up to the top of his head. The entire scalp is numb.

"Thunder giant sword!"

Xu Ziyan immediately summoned the Thunder giant sword, but did not get a response, God swept away Dan Tian, ​​Thunder giant sword disappeared. Xu Ziyan was shocked and hurriedly felt it in his heart. He immediately sank into the purple smoke space, and then she found that the Thunder giant sword ran into the time array, and explored the gods and saw only the Thunder giant sword. Constantly moving the tip of the sword there, drawing a symbol on the ground, what is being deduced at first glance.

"Thunder giant sword, what are you doing?" Xu Ziyan knows the voice.

"Don't bother me!" Thunder said with a big sword.

"Thunder giant sword, I have encountered strange things, you help me see!"

“Well?” Thunder’s giant sword finally stopped and said, “What strange things?”

"You will know when you come with me!"

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan took back his own knowledge, and a blue light came out of the body. The Thunder giant sword floated around Xu Ziyan and looked around:

"This is where?"

"This is the space leading to the fifth floor. According to the Silver Dragon King, this is a trial space left by the Dragon ancestors! What do you think of those strange things when you look far?"

“Well?” Thunder’s giant sword suddenly surprised, and jumped a few jumps in the air: “This... seems to be an extraterrestrial demon!”

"Out of the world? What is that?"

"I am not very clear that this extraterrestrial demon is said to have come from outside the world, but it has been very few in our time. Their main role is to confuse people's minds and cause illusions."

"You have very few times in that era!" Xu Ziyan’s face showed disappointment, and suddenly his eyes lit up. He waved his hand from the storage ring and shouted:

"Folly come out!"

A light spot floated out of the pen and then turned into a human figure. Xu Ziyan looked at her up and down. "啧啧" two channels:

"Not bad! The land is honored!"

"That is of course!" Fu Shen has a chest, looked at the Thunder giant sword, his eyes clearly revealed fear, and hurriedly turned his eyes to Xu Zi flue:

"What do you call me out?"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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