The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2316: Extraterrestrial

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"What do you call me out?"

"Do you see those things in the distance are outside the world?"

"The extraterrestrial demon?" Fushen jumped a few hops in the air, and then his face changed slightly: "Sure enough, the extraterrestrial demon!"

"What is this thing outside the domain?" Xu Ziyan asked curiously.

"They are things from the sky!"

"Where is it? Where is the sky? With our cultivation, is there a place for us to be a foreigner? Where can we not go?"

"Where is the sky outside, I don’t know where it is. Anyway, everyone says so, no one knows where it is, so it’s called the sky."

Xu Ziyan sighed and spit out a sulking breath: "Well, what you said makes sense. Then you tell me what is the real thing outside the realm!"

"Outside the field, the demon has a magic word, but he is not a demon. He is a very strange life, they can enter the body of any kind of creatures to devour the gods of those creatures, and the gods are the most out of the world. Like the food, they can grow up by consuming the gods. And when they swallow a monk's god, they can still live in this creature's body, and get the memory of this creature, exactly the same as when the creature is alive.

For example, if an extraterrestrial demon enters your body, it will swallow your god, and then he will live in your body, gain your memory, you can mix into the virtual, and then appear in your face, look for opportunities. The entire monarchy of the imaginary sect was swallowed up. ”

Xu Ziyan immediately took a nap, like falling into an ice cave, cold from the inside out.

This is this... too horrible!

This is to let the extraterrestrial demons live in the monks here, and then return to the Upper Yuan. The Upper Yuan Dynasty will definitely be a catastrophe.

"That... then there is no way to see the demon of the stranger?"

"Can!" Fushen nodded: "The eyes of the monks who lived in the outer world are red. This can't be hidden by any means, so the monks who are living in the outer world are squinting. If you will see To the person who is squinting, it is necessary to observe whether he is an extraterrestrial demon."

"So dangerous things, how does Longzu still use this as a trial space?" Xu Ziyan said with some anger.

"This is a trial space!" said the **** of the gods: "The extraterrestrial demon has a very powerful auxiliary effect on the monk's state of mind. Or in the ancient times, a monk reached a level, such as reaching The Emperor Xian. It is not the power of the fairy singer that he released to reach the level of the Emperor, but also to pass the assessment of the extraterrestrial demon, and must kill an extraterritorial demon with his realm to prove that he has reached the level of Xiandi.

Because the cultivation of the mind is very important to the monk. If the state of mind falls behind the cultivation, it is easy to get mad. If the state of mind exceeds the cultivation, then the cultivation will be smoother and much more. ”

Xu Ziyan thought about his own experience. It was because of all kinds of adventures that his own realm of Yuanshen was always higher than that of cultivation. This made his own self-contained space in the body a thousand miles. I agreed to nod.

"This is a rare space for trials! Don't miss the purple smoke!"

"The power of my gods is already the peak of the late Tianzun, is there a need to cultivate here?"

"Can't say that!" Fu Shen shook his head: "It's always good to hone more!"

Xu Ziyan suddenly jumped in the heart, remembering what the Silver Dragon King had said, that is, the monk in the late Tianzun period will almost fall here. Is there an extraterrestrial demon beyond the peak of Tianzun?

"Try it!"

The spirit of Xu Ziyan’s heart is boiling. Let Fu Shen return to the pen to collect it, and then put the pen into the storage ring, and let the Thunder giant sword return to the time array in the purple smoke space to do his own business. This is to walk up to the front.

Just walking a step, Xu Ziyan stopped again, and thought about it with a slight squint, then transferred the water of a palm into the sea of ​​knowledge, letting a palm of water play Long Fengming when he was extremely dangerous.

Xu Ziyan did not fly. Instead, walk step by step toward the front. She took back her knowledge, so she could not see an extraterritorial demon in her field of vision, nor could she see a monk, everything was dim. Thinking about it while walking. After walking for about an hour, I finally saw a small demon outside the domain, and looked like a wolf. There were two heads, and the teeth fluttered toward Xu Ziyan. Then he stood on the opposite side of Xu Ziyan and took Xu Ziyan.

Some of Xu Ziyan didn't understand, so he flew up and kicked it out. The two-headed wolf rolled and flew a few hundred meters away, then stood up. Four hoofs slammed and rushed toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan did not move this time. She had already tried it out. The repair of this two-headed wolf is very low, just equivalent to the level of the refining period. So she would like to try to find out how the demons outside this domain can make themselves appear in the illusion, how to devour their own gods.

This time, the extraterrestrial demon ran to a distance of about three meters from Xu Ziyan and suddenly stopped. Four red eyes looked at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan greeted the eyes of the extraterrestrial demon, but Xu Ziyan did not respond at all, and the mood was not good.

The extraterritorial demon saw that Xu Ziyan stayed there and motioned, and thought that Xu Ziyan had been under his control. He screamed at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan still did not move, carefully observed this extraterrestrial demon. This extraterrestrial demon instantly rushed into the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan, and opened the mouth to bite the **** of Xu Ziyan. At this time, the **** of Xu Ziyan was holding the heart of a tree in his hands and refining. He saw that the demon outside the field flew over and suddenly opened his mouth and sucked.

"嗖", the extraterritorial demon was sucked into the mouth by the **** of Xu Ziyan. The time of less than half interest allowed Xu Ziyan to refine, and Xu Ziyan could feel that his own **** did not improve, but Condensed a trace.

"I didn't see how terrible the devil is outside this domain! It is very useful for refining him to the Yuanshen!"

Xu Ziyan took out the pen and sent out the **** of the gods, and said his feelings to the gods. After listening to the gods, I couldn’t smile and laugh at the moment.

"Your state of mind has been repaired as the peak of Tianzun's late stage. Is that the extraterrestrial demon is just a refining period? Do you want an extraterrestrial demon that affects you during the refining period?"

"Also!" Xu Ziyan was a little embarrassed.

"And!" Fu Shen said seriously: "Don't devour the extraterrestrial demon, you can only break the extraterrestrial demon and then force it out to know the sea."

“Don't there be side effects?” Xu Ziyan asked, slightly frowning.

"Not bad!" Fushen nodded: "The devil devours the demon outside the real world to really make the gods grow, but it will make the metaphysical mutate, mutate toward the direction of the extraterrestrial demon, the more the devours the more mutated, the more will become a The real extraterrestrial demon is no longer a human!"

Xu Ziyan was scared, and Ai Ai said: "That... I won't have anything?"

"Nothing, with your current gods, you will recover as time goes by. As long as you no longer devour the extraterrestrial demon."

"Well! I won't!"

Xu Ziyan nodded, this time she simply put the pen on her back, and then let Fushen return to the pen, so that when the danger is encountered, let the gods remind.

After walking a few steps forward, Xu Ziyan suddenly asked: "Fu Shen, you said that I have to catch some extraterrestrial demon to return to Taixu Zongjiao? I can build a trial place in Taixu Zong, and later it is too imaginary. Every time a monk raises a realm, I also let them kill an extraterritorial demon as an assessment."

"Well! Yes!" Fu Shen nodded.

"Then catch more!" Xu Ziyan gnashed his teeth.

"You don't have to catch too much. The extraterrestrial monsters are very strange. If they don't promote a realm, they will split ten extraterrestrial demons. Nine of them will lower one realm, and only one will maintain the realm after promotion, so they will come. more."


Xu Ziyan nodded and understood. At the beginning, Longzu should have captured some extraterrestrial demon thrown in this space. It took so long to split so many extraterrestrial demons, and took out a top-grade space from the purple smoke space. It is a pagoda, and Xu Ziyan walked forward with his left hand.

Xu Ziyan walked all the way forward, all the way to collect the extraterrestrial demon of each order, and gradually began to meet some monks sitting on the ground, Xu Ziyan knows that it is the extraterrestrial demon into their knowledge of the sea, at this time their gods are and the extraterrestrial struggle.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has collected a large number of monks below Xiandi, and some of them sit on the ground. Xu Ziyan ignored them and kept a distance from them and continued to move forward.

After walking for another two days, there was a burst of screaming and screaming in front of him, and then hundreds of physiques flew in the direction of Xu Ziyan. Behind them is followed by a group of black-pressed extraterrestrial demons. Although these demons are all Xiandi level, but the number is too much, Xu Ziyan knows, and they find that there are thousands of them, but the monks flying in front but It’s more than two hundred. Don’t you run this time, isn’t it looking for death?

Moreover, these fleeing monks are also Emperor Xian, and there is no power and thousands of immortal levels outside the domain. This is the case, from time to time there are monks who are caught up by the demon outside the domain, and instantly submerged by the demon outside the domain.

At this time, a few monks saw Xu Ziyan, and his face showed ecstasy. These monks are the monks of Longye. They naturally know the greatness of Xu Ziyan. They rushed to the side of Xu Ziyan and fled one by one.

"Xu Zongzhu, help!"


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