The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2317: a mess

This life of purple smoke is naturally to be saved. These dragons and monks can be human beings. The relationship between Taixu and Longye is also a solution to the contradiction, and too imaginary to take root in the south, can not do things that can not be saved. .


Xu Ziyan’s left hand was raised, and the pagoda in her hand was sacrificed to the air. It was instantly enlarged into a giant tower of Baizhang. The gate of the pagoda and the windows of each floor were opened, and the glory of the glory was smashed, and the thousands of extraterrestrials were shrouded. The demon is absorbed into the pagoda. Thousands of extraterrestrial demons were sucked into the pagoda like a moth.


One by one, the emperor fell to the ground with exhaustion, and his body was shaken a few times before he stood still. He turned his head and looked into the air. The faces were shocked. The extraterrestrial demon that made them desperate to escape in this moment, has been absorbed by the pagoda of Xu Ziyan.


One by one, the monks fell from the air, while gasping and looking at the extraterrestrial demons that were being absorbed by the pagoda. In less than ten years, thousands of Tiandi-level extraterrestrial demons were absorbed by the pagoda and empty. Xu Ziyan’s left hand was a move. The Baizhang Pagoda in the air instantly shrank toward Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan’s left hand grasped the pagoda.

"Thank you for the help of Xu Zongzhu!" At that time, more than 200 Xiandi responded, and bent over and bowed to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan swept over them and asked, "You are together?"

A monk standing in front of him said respectfully: "Returning to the Lord, we are not together. We are probably divided into several teams, and they met on the road of being chased by the devils outside the domain."

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan nodded and continued to move forward and said: "You should not go inside. If you feel that your state of mind has already reached your own requirements, then quit this space!"

"Yes! Thank you, Master Xu."

Looking at the back of Xu Ziyan's gradual departure, the monk turned back and looked at his own team and said: "My state of mind has already reached the needs of my own cultivation. Who else has not reached this squad, we have not met these requirements. Protect the law. After we have all met the requirements, we will withdraw from this space."


At this time, other teams were negotiating about this matter, and they quickly decided. But no matter what decisions they make, they all have one thing in common. That is no monk dare to go further.

Xu Ziyan is sitting on the ground at this time. She puts herself into the extraterrestrial demon in the late Ming Dynasty. Every time she enters a different realm area, she must try to find the strongest extraterrestrial demon in this area, but so far it is really There is no such thing as a foreigner that makes her state of mind react a bit. It is this time that the Emperor of the Emperor’s late peaks is no exception. Xu Ziyan stood up from the ground with some disappointment, his left hand holding the pagoda, and the right hand with a robes sleeves continued to go forward.

After walking for another three days, Xu Ziyan suddenly stopped and looked up into the air. Seeing a monk in the late Emperor of the Emperor, he swooped down to her in the air, and both hands sacrificed a million prison peaks to press against Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the moment scanned the past. I saw that the monk had a pair of dark red eyes.

"Being a stranger!"

Xu Ziyan reached out and grabbed it. One hand was infinitely magnified, and the Wan Prison was caught in his hand. The peak of the Emperor of the Emperor in the late stage was a panic, and he thought that he would take back the Wan Prison, but he was caught by Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan sipped at the monk of the late Emperor Xian. The body of the Emperor was like a yellow sand. It was blown into a grain of sand by the wind and floated in space.

The Wan Pangfeng, who has been breaking free from the big hands, has quieted down. Xu Ziyan’s knowledge has been swept away, erasing the brand of Wan Prison, and collecting Wan Pangfeng into the storage ring.

"This trial space is really dangerous. I don't know how many monks have died!"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and sighed. Clean up the spirit and continue to move forward. This trip is more than three days. On this road, Xu Ziyan also saw some monks, but the monks at this time are all repairs. At the same time, on this road, Xu Ziyan also used the pagoda to collect a large number of extraterrestrial demon.

This day.

When Xu Ziyan was walking, he heard the roar of Xianyu coming from the front, and the gods extended the past. It is to see that two monks are excited. It was a great monk who had two people's respects. The gods instantly enveloped both of them. When they saw a monk's eyes, they had dark red, and they couldn't help but sigh. Even though they began to be honored, the monks were settled.

Xu Ziyan is absolutely unable to let the aliens who are living in the field leave the trial space alive. Once they are allowed to leave the trial space and enter the Upper Yuan, it is a disaster. Therefore, Xu Ziyan walked in the void and the figure flew toward the two monks.

The demon outside the field saw Xu Ziyan flying over, and immediately turned around and ran.


The hundred-handed sword swayed out of the body, swaying the purple mans to the singer who was colonized by the demon outside the field.


The hundred-handed sword was shot in the monk, and the sword was smashed. The monk who was living in the field outside the field was smashed, and the celestial magic outside the field rose to the sky, but it was caught by a hundred-handed sword. The sword was criss-crossed in the air, and the celestial demon was smashed and turned into black.

The man who fought against the demon in the field looked at the monk, and then his face changed. He knew the sword and he was there when he was in the wild in Longye. He saw the sword with his own eyes. Power. However, I thought that Xu Ziyan was killing the monk who didn’t know what the reason was like attacking himself, but did not kill himself. The heart was slightly stabilized, and he said to Xu Ziyan:

"Thank you for your support!"

Xu Ziyan thought of a move, put away a hundred swords, faintly nodded and did not speak, step forward toward the front. But the monk rushed two steps:

"Xu Zongzhu, there is something unclear, please ask."

Xu Ziyan stayed in the footsteps and looked at the monk. The look of the monk was a little nervous, and there was no way to be nervous. I saw the power of Xu Ziyan in Longye Xiancheng. Now, when I talk to Xu Ziyan, how can I not be nervous?

"Xu Zongzhu, I also know the monk just now. It is also a monk of Longye. Although we are not friends between the two, we are not enemies. Why did he attack me when I saw me?"

"He was born in the outer world!"

"Is it strange to be surrounded by the heavens?"


Xu Ziyan briefly told the story about the demon outside the domain to him, only to hear the monk stunned.

"Well, if you have already rehabilitated your mind to achieve your own cultivation, don't go any further!"

"Yes! Yes! Thank you, Xu Zongzhu!" The monk once again took a gift and showed a sincere look on his face:

"I am willing to be a friend of Taixu under the blue night!"

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a smile: “Taiwan is also welcome to friends!”

"Thank you!"

"Well, leave!"

Xu Ziyan left the place and continued to move forward, but his mood was much better. Soon after she went on, she finally saw a person who respected the peaks of the late Tianfeng with a group of people and the emperor’s extraterrestrial demon. Xu Ziyan immediately sacrificed the pagoda, except for the extraterrestrial demon who was the late peak of the man. All the extraterrestrial demons are included in the pagoda.

Then she stood opposite the celestial demon outside the peak of the man's late stage. The celestial demon outside the field saw the glory of the treasure released, and immediately fled to the distance, but where did he run through the purple smoke?

So no matter where he ran in that direction, he was stopped by Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan did not attack him, just wanted to see his power.

The demon outside the field saw that he could not escape, and finally became fierce, and released the environment to Xu Ziyan. However, Xu Ziyan still did not have the slightest reaction, and the state of mind did not wave, and there was no environment at all. The demon outside the field saw Xu Ziyan so staying in the word and standing there, it seems that he did not have any precautions against him, then he slammed into the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen is the peak of Tianzun’s later stage. He just sat there with the heart of the tree. When he released the pressure, he pressed the extraterrestrial demon out there, and he was shot by the gods, and then he was black. Forced to know the sea.

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said in his heart: "There is nothing in this domain outside the demon!"

The left hand held the pagoda and continued to move forward. On this road, he never encountered other monks, because the total number of monks who entered the area was less than two thousand, and the space here was huge, and Xu Ziyan had a slow walk. Everything is an extraterrestrial demon.

It is true that there is no attack power in this field. One is to confuse the other side to create a fantasy, and the other is to enter the other side of the sea to devour the gods. There is no other means of attack.

And Xu Ziyan, as today’s realm of the late Ming Dynasty’s peak, is at least in the immediate danger of the area outside the Tiandun domain. So her main task is to collect extraterrestrial demon.

After walking for another seven days, I finally saw several early monks in the first place. When I saw these monks, she suddenly remembered Xu Tianwo and others, and did not know how they were? There is also that step has not seen it, and I don’t know how she is?

Xu Ziyan was the place where hundreds of thousands of monks entered the trial space before she entered the place. Presumably, at that time, Xu Tianwo had already walked in front of her, just outside the trial space, and everyone outside the bridge did not have each other. See you.


After the chapter owed this month, the ringing will be completed. I hope that the comrades will continue to support the ringing this month. Don't let the ringing data be too ugly!



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