At that time, Xu Ziyan had just practiced the Eight Diagrams of Alchemy. He was standing there and squinting and repeatedly familiarizing himself with the eight methods of alchemy, and he did not pay attention to them.

I can't help but worry about it. At this time, the early monks in the first few places also saw Xu Ziyan. These monks and monks also knew Xu Ziyan, looked at Xu Ziyan, and shook hands slightly, and then went in the direction of coming. Xu Ziyan moved in the heart and asked:

"Dear friends, are you ready to withdraw from the trial space?"

A few monks stepped in, and one of the monks nodded toward Xu Ziyan: "Not bad!"

"Why?" Xu Ziyan asked.

"Because..." The monk in the land hesitated, and finally said: "We found that the extraterrestrial demon here is mainly aimed at the monk's state of mind. If you try to go beyond the domain beyond the scope of your own cultivation, the demon is very dangerous. Several of us have met the requirements of our own cultivation, so this trial space is not suitable for us."

Xu Ziyan nodded, and in the heart, it seemed that the monks who were able to cultivate to the dignity of the land were not fools. Then she asked again:

"Excuse me, do you see the Taixu monk?"

"I saw it!" I didn't expect Xu Ziyan to get an unexpected answer. I couldn't help but say: "Where are they?"

The monk reached out and pointed to the front: "They just left here less than an hour!"

"Thank you!"

Xu Ziyan walked in the void and his body flew like a fly in front. At the same time, it quickly spread to the gods.

Several monks and monks looked at the back of Xu Ziyan’s departure. One of the monks asked inexplicably:

"How is she behind us?"

Several other monks shook their heads and their faces were confused.

"Let's go! Anyway, we have a lot of gains here when we come here, not only to get the magic of the dragon, but also to make our own state of mind slightly more than the self-cultivation. It is too dangerous, we If you don't, go back all the way and pick up the herbs and excavation in the previous treasure spaces."

"Yes! Go! Go!"

Several monks and monks flew in the direction of coming.

Xu Ziyan's knowledge quickly spread out, and soon she saw fifteen people in her gods, and even one did not lose. At this time they are killing five days outside the middle of the field.


Xu Ziyan’s body figure fell on the ground, and Xu Xiaotian looked back and saw a happy color on his face:


"Uncle!" Xu Ziyan smiled and nodded. At this time, her mood had eased, because she had already seen ten Xujia youth besieged five out-of-the-field demons without any problems. Then stood in front of the five old people:

"How are you still going inside? It is very dangerous inside!"

Ximen’s solitary smoke laughed and said: “The Sovereign, you have to worry!”

"Well?" Xu Ziyan looked at the solitary smoke in Ximen.

"The Sovereign has now known that there are two kinds of geniuses outside this domain?"

"Well. I know. One is to create a fantasy, the other is to devour the god."

"Do you know that our gods are repaired?"

"This... don't know!" Xu Ziyan shook his head honestly.

"You think about it again!" Simon smoked and said with a smile: "In the beginning, our breakthrough was obtained because of the devouring of the demon spirit."

Xu Ziyan heard the words in her heart. Of course, she knew that the power of the Danish demon was not only to enhance the power of the monk, but to contain the heavens.

"Don't your gods have been repaired more than themselves?"

"It’s not always!" Simon’s solitary cigarette said a little slyly: “It’s just after refining the scent of the Dan’s demon, the Yuanshen’s cultivation began to lead itself.”

"What kind of spiritual **** are you doing now?" Xu Ziyan asked curiously.

"We are almost all the gods in the middle of the land, and some are slightly worse. Some are slightly higher. We are going to rebuild the Yuanshen here and upgrade them. As long as they are promoted to the mid-peak of the land, we will leave immediately. ""

At this time, the ten young masters of the Xu family had completely surrounded the five heavenly demons in the middle of the field, and squeezed the space of the five extraterrestrial demons very small.

In the absence of escape, the five demons in the field finally became fierce and got into the sea of ​​five young disciples. The five monks immediately stood still, while the other five monks It is to protect the law for them.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept through fifteen Xu family monks. In fact, these fifteen monks have a tortuous experience besides Xu Zhenshan, and their minds are very strong. Only Xu Zhenshan was after Xu Ziyan entered the Xu Yuan of the Zhongyuan Galaxy. With the medicinal herbs, his cultivation was rapidly increased, and he did not have too many dangerous experiences. He did not want Xu Qinyang to follow Xu Ziyan everywhere.

Xu Haotian can be the head of a family, and the mind is definitely not low. Then look at the nameless, the solitary smoke of Ximen, Di Yi, which is not a person who has experienced richness, that is, the ten young disciples also have their own twists and turns, and they have already refined their minds like iron. Therefore, when she heard that the solitary smoke of Ximen was to raise the power of the gods to the peak of the middle of the land, she did not worry much. After all, their gods were already in the middle of the land.

Just worried about Xu Zhenshan in his heart, he decided to stay for Xu Zhenshan to protect the law. However, she did not directly say to Xu Zhenshan that I stayed to protect you, so I changed my mind:

"Right, have you seen the steps shake?"

"No!" The five old men shook their heads together.

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and she was worried. However, when this worry is useless, I will let go of my mind:

"Father, my uncle, have you seen this tower in my hand?"

The eyes of the five old people instantly condensed on the pagoda on the left hand of Xu Ziyan. The young monks who were guarding the law also looked at them. They looked at the pagoda in the hands of Xu Ziyan.

"Ziyan, what is your idea?"

"Yifu!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "I have captured a lot of extraterrestrial demons on this road..."

"Do you want to establish a state of trial in Taixu?" The nameless immediately responded.

“It’s not a simple place for trials!” Xu Ziyan said seriously: “It’s still a place of assessment. After the renovation of the Taixu dynasty, it’s necessary to kill an extraterritorial demon before it can pass the advanced assessment and get the corresponding benefits. ""

The five old people listened and couldn't help but pick up their eyebrows. Xu Haotian even took a slap in the palm of his hand: "That's great, so the monks who are too imaginary are not invincible in the same ranks, but also among the best."

"I think so too!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "And there is no defect in the state of mind. When practicing in the next realm, there are also many barriers that can improve the speed of monk cultivation!"

"Not bad! No wonder the fairyland in the ancient times is so brilliant!" Five old people could not help but sigh.

A few people talked and laughed, but after half an hour, the five monks who fought with the demon outside the field opened their eyes. Xu Ziyan’s knowledge scanned the past. When he saw no red eyes, he knew that the five monks were successful. It is.

From then on, Xu Ziyan and Xu Jia, the fifteen monks, together with her state of mind, and with a pagoda in hand, quickly caught a lot of the middle-aged and middle-aged mid-level peaks of the demon, then Xu Ziyan I found a place, and gave fifteen monks outside the fifteen extraterrestrials, and she sat on the side to protect them.

Fifteen extraterritorial demons brought illusions to fifteen Taixu monks, but they have not waited until the fifteen sects of the mid-field have entered the sea of ​​knowledge, and they have broken free from the illusion and released the immortals. He fought with the fifteen extraterrestrial demons.

When Xu Ziyan saw that they all broke away from the illusion, they knew that these extraterrestrial demon had no effect on Xu Tianwo, so she began to release the extraterrestrial demon of the mid-term peak.

Sure enough, when they faced the extraterrestrial demon of the mid-term peak, Xu and other fifteen people were caught in the illusion. Fourteen people are in a shallow illusion, and Xu Zhenshan is deeply involved.

Although the creatures outside the world like to devour the gods of other creatures, they don’t like adventures. In fact, they are very cautious. If they are not forced, they will not easily rush into other races. The sea of ​​knowledge, but the use of the released fantasy, so that the other party deeply into the illusion can not extricate themselves, they will enter the other side of the sea, in the absence of the opponent's ability to devour each other's yuan God.

Therefore, when the fifteen monks of Taixu are only affected by the illusion, and they are still trying to solve this illusion, these extraterrestrial demons are only struggling to provoke the illusion, and there is no move near the Taixu monk.

Xu Ziyan’s knowledge enveloped fifteen Taixu monks and closely observed the expression on their faces. Xu Ziyan’s face gradually showed a smile, because she could feel that the fourteen Taixu monks had begun to gradually break away from the illusion, and only Xu Zhenshan had a tendency to indulge in a deep fantasy.

Xu Ziyan sighed softly and paid more attention to Xu Zhenshan. After all, Xu Zhenshan had a clear and clear view at this time, and he did not completely fall into the illusion.

After half an hour, Ling Hao, who had the white tiger's fineness, was the first to break free from the illusion, but at the moment of breaking away from the illusion, his gods were upgraded to the mid-level peak of the land.

In the next two hours, everyone gradually broke away from the illusion and killed the opposite Tian Zun. Only Xu Zhenshan did not wake up, and it is obvious that it has reached the critical point of losing control.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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