The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2319: Tianzun area

Xu Ziyan sighed softly, and the right hand finger twirled on the left hand pagoda. The door of the pagoda opened, and a beam of light was shot. After sweeping the body of the demon, the extraterrestrial demon was collected. Within the pagoda.

After the disappearance of the demon outside the field, the illusion in front of Xu Zhenshan disappeared. After ten interest, Xu Zhenshan spit out a long breath and opened his eyes, showing bitterness in his eyes.

"Uncle Zhenshan, you take a break, then we will come again. In fact, this time back and forth, you will be able to break through!"

Xu Zhenshan gratefully nodded toward Xu Ziyan. He knew that Xu Ziyan was right. He experienced several illusions and naturally resisted the illusion of this level. The power of the gods also increased. But he knows that this requires a master who has the power of the gods to protect him for this. Otherwise, he just needs to try a few times, but only then, he will fall.

Xu Ziyan left here for nine days. During these nine days, Xu Zhenshan experimented more than a hundred times and finally raised the power of the Yuanshen to the mid-term peak of the land.

At this time, everyone knows that they are not suitable to stay in this space, and these people are also decisive people. Once I had an idea in my heart, I immediately said goodbye to Xu Ziyan, and told Xu Ziyan that they were going to the treasure space to pick herbs and excavate ore.

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment, they all had their own congenital charms, and the violent increase of Dan, plus the strength of these fifteen people was not weak, there should be no problem. Then he nodded and agreed, and after everyone’s resignation, Xu Ziyan once again went to the depths of the trial space.

After three days, he saw that a dozen monks were fighting with extraterrestrial demons that were twice as many as theirs. When Xu Ziyan knew it, he discovered that these monks were the peaks of the late Ming Dynasty. Among them were the monks of Longye, the monks of the three major commercial banks, and the monks of the city government. And those extraterrestrial demons who are entangled with them are also the extraterrestrial demon of the late peaks.

It is really not so good to say that the defensive power of these extraterrestrial demons is not so good, and it is simply not comparable to the monks of the late Ming Dynasty. As for their attack power, it is only the illusion and the devour of the gods.

But they also have a lot of power, one is that their illusion attack is really powerful, this is their talent. The other is that they are extremely fast, although they are not resistant. But it is able to avoid the attack of the monk.

At this time, a dozen monks fell into the illusion, but they were not completely lost, but also kept their hearts clear, generally resisting the illusion, while making a fierce attack toward the demon outside the domain.

However, the performances of the dozens of senior monks in the late stage were completely different. Three of them completely prevailed, and their appearance was not affected by the illusion. When Xu Ziyan saw it, he knew that the monks of these three monks had also reached the peak of the late Ming Dynasty.

There are still six people who are in a state of balance with the demon outside the world. Moreover, there are four local monks who have begun to slow down the attack speed. When the four monks are considered to be repaired, they are slightly lower than themselves. some.

"Well, I also try to honor the extraterrestrial demon in the late peak!"

Xu Ziyan’s figure is floating. Just drifted to the front of a domain outside the demon, the extraterritorial demon saw Xu Ziyan standing in front of him, first to the rear and floated away from the distance between Xu Ziyan, and then released the illusion.

However, Xu Zi’s heart is like a meteorite, and the ancient well is not wave. This illusion simply cannot affect her mood. Shaking his head, I felt very boring, and I flew out in a robe sleeve, ready to leave. She did not want to destroy these monks to try here, but the extraterritorial demon who stared at Xu Ziyan did not let Xu Ziyan, and even followed Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan flexed his finger on the pagoda and collected the extraterrestrial magic. Then quickly left, and after collecting two days of extraterrestrial demon, Xu Ziyan stepped into the area of ​​the Tiandun period.

This day.

Xu Ziyan just used the pagoda to collect a Tianqu early Tianqu, and he heard a roar from the front. Xu Ziyan flew by the sound, and he saw a large monk in the early days of Tian Zun’s struggle with a Tiandun period. Xu Ziyan stood there for a while, and the monk was entangled in the outer world. However, he did not call for help from Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan decided to leave.

But she was just about to leave, but she saw an extraterrestrial demon from the front of Tian Zun, screaming and screaming at the early monk of Tian Zun. This next day, the monk is not calm, and he has felt the difficulty of coping with an extraterritorial demon, if one is added. He really did not have the confidence to resist, so he called to Xu Ziyan:

"Daoyou, help me!"

When Xu Ziyan was in the shape of a float, he intercepted the Tianqu’s early days outside the sky, and said that Xu Ziyan had no pressure on the heavens outside the domain. These extraterrestrial demon will not send out any substantial attacks to her. When Xu Ziyan stopped him, he immediately released the illusion to Xu Ziyan.

However, Xu Ziyan also had some headaches at this time. The fantasy of the extraterrestrial demon naturally did not have any effect on her, but she did not have any means for the extraterrestrial demon.

The quickest way is to collect the extraterrestrial magic in front of the pagoda in the hand, but Xu Ziyan does not want the Tianzun monk to know that he will collect the extraterrestrial demon. Because at this time, there is a monk in Tianzun, and there are some taboos for Xu Zun, a monk of Tianzun. Who knows that this Tianzun will not be blind to the pagoda in his own hands. When he saves himself, he will instead grab his own pagoda?

And the early days of Tianzun’s extraterrestrial demon, its speed has been very fast. Otherwise, the early monk of the Tianzun will not be entangled by the extraterrestrial demon. It can only resist the illusion of the attack, while approaching the full force to attack the demon outside the domain, it is impossible to escape.

Xu Ziyan is also very clear in his heart, his attack can not catch up with the speed of the demon outside the field. Don't look at him now standing opposite his own, it is because Xu Ziyan did not move, if Xu Ziyan moves, the speed of the demon outside the domain Absolutely beyond the few streets of Xu Ziyan, even if the purple smoke is full of the meaning of the wind. After all, Xu Ziyan is only the beginning of the land, and there is a huge gap between the early days of Tianzun, and the advantage of the extraterrestrial demon is the speed. The speed of the Tianmo in the early days of Tianzun is far beyond the early days of human beings.

Use a gas sword?

The grade of the sword is also the late stage of the land. If you want to kill a **** outside the heavens, you need too many swords. Not to mention 100,000 handles, at least 50,000 handles.

"I still have lost control! Put him into my knowledge of the sea, and then kill him with the **** of the gods. This is not very good to dress, then I will laugh!"

Xu Ziyan suddenly became mad, and danced and danced on the ground, laughing and laughing in his mouth.

The Tianzun Master who was not far away from her closed her eyes in pain. He knew that if Xu Ziyan was swallowed by the demon of the field, the final result would be the same as that of Xu Ziyan.

But at this time, he can only be stiff, and it is best to kill the aliens outside this area before Xu Ziyan is swallowed up.


The surrounding space oscillated with a humming sound, like Hong Zhong Da Lu, the big monk bite his tongue, and a blood spurted on the sacred knives that he had presented in front of him. His face was pale and his sleeves were swelled. Give a drink:

"go with!"

The 斩 飞 飞 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛

The extraterrestrial demon felt the fierceness of this sinister flying knife, and screamed with a scream and flew away in the distance, but the power of the sacred knives that came out of this is the statue of the monk who took it out. The skill of the family, a spurt of blood on the knives flying knife.

Although the look of the monk's monk became disappointing, the power of the celestial flying knife was firmly locked in the distant demon.

A **** red light swept through the dim sky, and the extraterrestrial demon was smashed by this **** knife. The knife of the Zhu Xianfei knife converges, the blade shrinks, and it turns around the Tianzun and hides in his body.

Master Tian Zun looked at Xu Ziyan and sighed slightly with a frown. He had already seen the current state of Xu Ziyan. At this time, the only demon outside the field with Xu Ziyan has disappeared, and Xu Ziyan no longer jumps and jumps, but does not laugh and laugh, but just standing there, at first glance, it has already been rushed into the sea by the Tianmo. The **** of Xu Ziyan is being swallowed up.

For this situation, he was helpless. It is reasonable to say that the best way to deal with this time is to kill Xu Ziyan when Xu Ziyan is sluggish. However, this Tianzun did not go, after all, Xu Ziyan did not hesitate to stand up and block the extraterrestrial demon for him. If Xu Ziyan ran away at that time, he was only one of the two sides of the field.

When he was hesitating, he saw Xu Ziyan open his eyes. The heart of that **** is a glimpse.


Zhu Xianfei knife came out of the body and made a warning color.

Xu Ziyan's face showed a smile, nodded to him, saw the appearance of the other side's alert, and did not want to have too much involvement with the other party, then turned and left.

Seeing Xu Ziyan turned and left, but did not rush to him, that Tianzun immediately knew that Xu Ziyan did not lose his mind, and when his heart was loose, he took up the 斩仙飞刀 and chased it toward Xu Ziyan, while calling:

"Xu Zongzhu!"

Xu Ziyan stayed in his footsteps and turned his head and asked: "Do you know me?"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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