Xu Ziyan stayed in his footsteps and turned his head and asked: "Do you know me?"

That Tianzun could not say with a smile: "Hsu Zong is humble, maybe your statement in the South is not obvious. But there is little to know you between the upper monks in the east."


Xu Ziyan thought slightly for a moment, and this reminded me of the time when she was in the ranking competition, but there were a lot of monks and monks who went to watch. Even the twelve ancient Tianzun and the nine patriarchs at that time went to watch, and how these heavenly statues might not look.

I really want to say that the number of Xu Ziyan who knows the monks above the Eastern Chinese people is definitely more. On the contrary, the number of Xu Ziyan who knows the Emperor or Emperor Xiandi is very small. In particular, the monks of Xianwang almost did not know Xu Ziyan.

After the reaction of Xu Ziyan, he vowed to the other side: "Do you have a friend from the Eastern Zongmen?"

"Well, I am Dan Zong's Wan Ruhai!"

"I have seen thousands of brothers!" Xu Ziyan once again gave gifts.

After Wan Ruhai returned to the ceremony, some curiously looked up and down Xu Ziyan: "Xu Zongzhu, are you really okay?"

Xu Ziyan looked a glimpse, then smiled: "Wan Shixiong, if a monk is swallowed by the gods outside the domain, the monk's eyes will be dark red."


"of course it's true!"


Wan Ruhai and a serious amount of Xu Ziyan, a look of surprise, she found that Xu Ziyan's breath is very strange, just like ordinary people. But will the people who can enter here be ordinary people? I think that Xu Ziyan just killed an extraterritorial demon in the Tianzun period, and my heart was even more shocked. If Xu Ziyan is at this age. It’s terrible to fix it to the Tianzun period.

What is it?

What is your own cultivation for thousands of years?

So he asked Ai Ai in some period: "Xu Zongzhu, you...but have you been in the sky?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and shook his head: "Wan Wan brother, how is this possible? Even if I say so, would you believe it?"

"I believe!" Wan Ruhai immediately nodded, and at the same time secretly said: "You can kill a Tiandun period outside the demon, I still can't believe anything!"

Xu Ziyan heard and said with a smile: "I don't have that repair, but in the coincidence of my chance, my Yuanshen cultivation has reached that level. If my own cultivation is true, I will still be suffering." Sink into the illusion, and get the extraterrestrial magic into my knowledge of the sea?"

Like a sea of ​​color, I think that Xu Ziyan makes sense when I think about it, but I still have the color of envy:

"That's too much! Your Yuanshen cultivation can go beyond your own cultivation. It is almost a smooth road on your way to cultivation. No wonder your repair is so fast. Right, Xu Zong. It's better than our companionship." Let's go!"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "I want to see the deepest part of this trial space!"

Wan Ruhai heard the words silently, Xu Ziyan's sentence let him know, and now Xu Ziyan's Yuanshen cultivation has reached the peak of the late Tianzun, otherwise it will not be so bold. I think that I have been practicing for thousands of years, and now the Yuanshen cultivation is the beginning of Tianzun. It is not as good as Xu Ziyan, who is more than 200 years old. There was a slight frustration in my heart.

However, as a monk in the Tianzun period, his mind is very strong. Immediately cut off this frustration, and smiled toward Xu Ziyan:

"That would like to wish Xu Zongzhu a good trip!"

"Thank you, Master Wan, I am welcome to come to Japan to come to Taixu as a guest."

"for sure!"

The two men said goodbye, Xu Ziyan walked toward the front.

Walking for about two days, Xu Ziyan saw a group of people appearing in front of him, and Xu Ziyan swept away. There are about forty people. There are no extraterrestrial demon around these forty people, but Xu Ziyan is not unexpected. Today, this area still belongs to the Tianqu area outside the Tianzun period, and the forty monks are almost all of the late Tianzun. Forty generations of Tianzun late masters gathered together, and where can they dare to come outside the domain?

However, Xu Ziyan still saw the exception. Among the forty masters, there are really a few monks who are not the late Tianzun. For example, the sword at the beginning of Tianzun's peak is not empty, which makes Xu Ziyan can not help but sigh, it really is the sword's mind is extraordinarily powerful.


Xu Ziyan shouted and flew over to the sword. The dozens of big monks in front of the singer turned back, and they could not help but show the strange colors on their faces, and they also saw the sword without a glimpse. One by one can not help but sigh:

"This Jianfeng is really a freak. Master can use the cultivation of the peak of Tianzun to find the area of ​​Tiandeng's late Tianqu. If this is the case, this apprentice is also the same."

Liu Jinsong, Jin Wuwei, Hua Yu, Xuan Tianao, Luo Bufan and Hua Xianzi, the six masters of the nine masters of the sect also greeted with the sword. These six people are now the masters of Tianzun’s later period. Xu Ziyan came to the front of the seven people and hurriedly prayed:

"I have seen Master, four old brothers and Luo Zongzhu, the flower master."

The flower fairy pulled the hand of Xu Ziyan and smiled and said: "Ziyan, you are calling them old brothers, you can't be so thick, otherwise the older sister I have to take care of."

"Yes!" Luo Tianzong, the lord of the side, also smiled and said: "I will take care of my older brother."

Originally, the first four ancestors of the purple smoke tube Danfu dynasty called the old brother, Luo Fanfan and Hua Xianzi also intentionally and Xu Ziyan more close. Because they are very clear in their hearts, they can let the four old monsters of the Danfu array put down their relationship with Xu Ziyan, then this purple smoke must not be simple.

However, the two of them have never had a chance. Today, Xu Ziyan was able to come here. It is obvious that Xu Ziyan is not the late Tianzun, but it will be a smooth road in the future cultivation road, and it will definitely become the late Tianzun. The most important thing is that Xu Ziyan is so young, and it is almost a must for the monk to be the peak of the late Tianzun.

At this time, I will not be close to Xu Ziyan. Is it necessary to wait until Xu Ziyan really becomes a peak of Tianzun?

At this time, Xu Ziyan was very embarrassed, and could not help but look at the sword. This generation is not very good! At the beginning, I was forced to recognize my old brother by the four masters, but at least at that time, Master was not present. Now, in the face of Master, this always has to look at Master.

The sword is not empty but it does not care about it: "All theories!"

Xu Ziyan looked a glimpse, then suddenly, anyway, Master did not suffer, this promised so happy. So he once again prayed to the flower fairy and Luo Weifan:

"Ziyan has seen Luo Laoge, spend my sister!"

"Ziyan!" Flower Fairy took out a jade bottle and handed it to Xu Ziyan: "I have nothing to give to you as a sister. This is a bottle of Dan Yao's gas as a face-to-face ceremony!"

"I have a bottle here too!" Luo Fanfan also handed over a bottle.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept to know that this was a space fairy, and there was a lot of Dan’s temperament inside. I shyly shouted:

"This gift is too expensive, and I have collected some..."

"Give it to you!" Flower fairy face sullenly angered: "There is any need in the future despite the old sister!"

Luo Bufan is also a firm look, Xu Ziyan took over two jade bottles, shyly said:

"Thank you!"

"Ziyan!" The sword on the side looked up and down Xu Ziyan: "What are you doing now? How can you get here?"

"This one……"

Xu Ziyan glanced at the seven people in front of him. These seven people are looking at Xu Ziyan with a smile. No one has the meaning of walking away. They are very curious about the cultivation of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan is speechless. They are all monks and monks. Is curiosity so strong?

But I can't answer it, and there is nothing to hide, so I whispered:

"I am only the first time to cultivate the original, but the **** of the gods is the cultivation of the peak of the late Tianzun!"

The seven Tianzun late monks looked at Xu Ziyan like a monster. When I thought of the phrase "I am just the early monk in the early days" of Xu Ziyan, the emotions in one heart are very complicated.

Early in the land!

An early age in the early 200s!

Moreover, her gods have also reached the peak of the late Tianzun...

"Master, what are you doing here? Why don't you go forward?" Xu Ziyan asked with a blink of an eye.

The seven faces of the old man are red, and the sword is full of sorrow.


Xu Ziyan reacted. The eyes of these seven people have not reached the peak of the late Tianzun. Naturally, they dare not go any further. I am so eager to ask, is this not a face?

He smiled and smiled: "Master, the lord, what about them?"

"Of course, go to the front!" The sword said nothing.


Xu Ziyan reacted again. He asked nonsense, and such a question was like reiterating that the seven people in front of him were not enough. This is another face.

Say no to step forward, and stretch out a hand to grab the sword and the sleeves are gently shaken.

"Master, don't be angry!"

The sword was crying and laughing, and turned a white eye: "Too lazy to care for you!"

When I saw that Master was not angry, Xu Ziyan asked with a smile: "Master, what are you waiting for here?"

"Wait for those who go in and pick us up!"

"Take you?"

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a glimpse. When he saw Xuan Tianao, Hua Yu and Liu Jinsong understood. If you want to open the fifth floor of the gantry, you need these three people, so you have to wait until the eleven ancient celestial gods, the sacred road, the dream machine, the earth and the four big devils have opened the front passage, they must come back to pick them up. Therefore, these Tianzun are waiting here later.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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