The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2321: Silent silence

"Master, why don't you take advantage of this time to find a heavenly demon in the late peaks of Tianzun to cultivate the gods?"

The sword looked at Xu Ziyan with a vain, and then turned his head, a pair of unwilling to take care of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan scratched his head and looked confused.

"Ziyan!" Some of the flower fairy on the side can not help but smile and said: "You should also know that the more difficult the cultivation, the more difficult it is.

We have been in this area for some time. Through the trials here, our Yuanshen cultivation has not been upgraded, but it is incomparably concise. I don’t know how many times stronger than before.

But this does not mean that we can now try the extraterrestrial demon of the peak of the late Tianzun. In this environment, once the accident occurs, it will fall. So we all decided to go back and continue to practice cultivation is the right way. Of course, if we have a monk in the late Tianzun period to protect the law for us, there is no problem. but……"

Speaking of this, there is a bitter smile on the face of the flower fairy. Xu Ziyan was in a state of sorrow. Just like Xu Zhenshan did not protect him by himself, he would be degraded.

In front of these seven great monks are hard to cultivate to Tianzun, and they are noble people, naturally refused to take the risk. The Taixu monks are not, they are all grassroots, and they think less. The so-called ignorant is fearless.

The sword was suddenly empty and the eyeball turned and turned: "Yes, purple smoke. Your **** is not already cultivated to the peak of the late Tianzun? You protect the law for the master!"

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but smile and said: "Master! I can only guarantee that I will not be hurt in this area, but if you fall into a illusion, how can you help me? I can't beat the extraterrestrial demon of the late peak of Tianzun."

The sword did not falsify the tooth flower, and he also reacted. The extraterrestrial demon of the late peaks of Tianzun may not be able to go to Xu Ziyan, but Xu Ziyan also does not want to be outside the heavens. Because the true strength of Xu Ziyan is only the beginning of the land, even if the Tianmo Demon stood there to let Xu Ziyan fight, Xu Ziyan could not move him.

"Forget it!" The sword shook his head in vain.

"That... I went to see it in front..." Xu Ziyan said weakly, she was really afraid that Master thought that this sentence was hitting his face again. I didn't think that this sword was full of sorrow but it was frowning. I hoped that Xu Ziyan was half-sounding:

"Are you sure?"

Xu Ziyan immediately shook his head: "No. But I want to try!"

The sword is empty and indulged for a long time: "Go and try it! But be careful!"

"Well! Purple smoke is not a master!"

After Xu Ziyan and Liu Jinsong and others quit, they went to the front. At that time, the rest of the Tianzun late monks also heard what Xu Ziyan said, and the look of Xu Ziyan’s back was full of complexity.

Xu Ziyan walked not far, and he saw an extraterritorial demon in the late peak of Tianzun. The demon outside the field saw Xu Ziyan, and immediately released the illusion to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan's state of mind has not changed in the slightest, but she does not take care of the extraterrestrial demon, because at this time Xu Ziyan has not left the vision of the sword and other people.

So she just walked forward, and the celestial demon outside the field would hover around the body of the purple smoke, constantly releasing the illusion. However, Xu Ziyan still went to the front without hesitation, and was not affected by him. The gods behind Xu Ziyan looked at Xu Ziyan and gradually disappeared into their vision. Then they looked at each other and their eyes were shocked.

Xu Ziyan also performed too easily!

One by one can not release the knowledge to trace Xu Ziyan. However, once they enter the area of ​​the demon outside the peak of the Tianzun period, they become slow and heavy. Gradually the purple smoke figure disappeared completely into their knowledge.

Xu Ziyan took back her knowledge, and she has already determined that she has got rid of Master's knowledge. Then I glanced at the extraterrestrial demon who had been hovering around. Suddenly there was a purple sword in the hand, and the golden sword was instantly transported to the great consummation.

The golden swordsman smashed from the outer world of the demon, and the scorpion outside the domain became two halves, but the celestial demon outside the field instantly merged together. There is no slight change.

Xu Ziyan shook his head and knew that he could not rely on the strength of his own early stage.

It seems that only he is put away! I don't know if I can accept it.

When Xu Ziyan collected the extraterrestrial demon in the Tianqu area outside the Tianzun period, he found that his pagoda had begun to have a little bit of difficulty.

This pagoda is a top-level space fairy in the late stage of the product. It is easy to put away the extraterrestrial demon in the body of the body, even if it is the extraterrestrial demon of the late peak.

The space fairy is not a refinery that the fairy master can refine alone. It needs a refiner and a fairy actor to cooperate with refining. There are countless arrays of bans in the space fairy. The combination of fairy and fairy tales doubles their power. Therefore, even if it is the peak of Xianpin Xianbao in the late stage of the product, it can also accept the monks of the Tianzun period.

Of course, if the monks of the three demons of the demon demon are taken in, they can send a fairy to bombard the space fairy. If it is the late monk of Tianzun, the pagoda will be blown up.

But now Xu Ziyan receives the extraterrestrial demon, these extraterrestrial demon in addition to releasing the illusion is the gods swallowed, the actual attack is really not. This will allow Xu Ziyan to collect a large number of Tiandun's late days. However, how to say that they are also the extraterrestrial demon in the late Tianzun, although they can not make a substantial attack, but the power that is emitted also faintly affects the space fairy, so that the array of laws in the space fairy has a slight instability. .

Xu Ziyan opened the pagoda. When the Tiandeng’s late peaks were collected, they felt that the ban on the pagoda in the pagoda had added a little instability. After living in the footsteps and thinking about it, I finally took the pagoda and decided not to charge the extraterrestrial monsters. I have worked so hard to collect so much. Once I have caused problems in the pagoda because of the extra-territorial days, let those extraterrestrial demons escape and lose money.

No longer charge the extraterrestrial demon, Xu Ziyan will not walk, but the air flying, gradually more and more around the domain around him, but there is no way to take Xu Ziyan, their fantasy can not affect Xu Ziyan, and these Outside the world, the demon saw that Xu Ziyan was not affected at all, and he did not dare to rush into the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan, but flew up and down around Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan flew for more than a day at the fastest speed. Suddenly, the demon around the area around her slammed into the air and instantly disappeared without a trace.

Xu Ziyan’s look was stopped, and he couldn’t help but stop, and he stood in the air and looked around.

The surroundings are very quiet, under the dim sky, there is no sound, and there is no such thing as a demon outside the domain. It seems that this is an empty world. Chu Ge Xu Ziyan has no more creatures.

Xu Ziyan’s figure slowly landed on the ground, and once again looked back and forth, looking at the front.

In front! Dark!

Silent and silent!

Xu Ziyan spread the knowledge of the gods to the front, and the initials were very fast, but only a moment of rest, the knowledge became slow and heavy.

Xu Ziyan’s heart was a sinking, and the gods were spread out vigorously, but the knowledge that spread out was slower and heavier, and eventually he could not move forward any more.


In her shroud, there is still a emptiness, not to mention the extraterrestrial demon, even the 11 ancient celestial lords who have entered here, the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect, the sacred sect of the sect of the sect of the sect And the four big demons disappeared.

God's knowledge retreated as the tide, Xu Ziyan locked his brow and stood there, looking at the front of the gaze.

God knows slowly and stagnate, and even what can't be extended in the end?

What is the description of the extraterrestrial demons that do not have a peak in the future?

Only one description!

That is the extraterrestrial demon in front of the demon outside the peak of Tian Zun!

What is the existence of the extraterrestrial demon that is better than the Tianqun’s late peaks?

Xu Ziyan’s heart jumped...

Is it... holy level...

What is the demon outside this domain? Will it be a **** outside the holy level?

No wonder that the Silver Dragon King said that this trial space has a big chance. If you can practice with the heavenly demon outside the holy level, can you not cultivate the Yuanshen to the holy level?

Of course, the Silver Dragon King also said that there is still a big danger along with the chance of Tianda.

Xu Ziyan can't help but smile, this is really a big danger!

How to do?

Can't get in?

Going in may get a chance to break the holy level! But the bigger possibility is the fall!

Don't go in?

That is to completely lose the opportunity! From now on, the Dragons will never open this place to the races outside the Dragon. Only this time!


Xu Ziyan immediately decided!

Xu Ziyan has never known how to enter the holy level, she did not ask the Yanshan soul, this is because she knows that when she has not yet asked, knowing ahead may not be a good thing! Yanshan soul did not take the initiative to tell her, then there must be a reason not to tell.

But now an opportunity is placed in front of her. This time it is not a way to tell her to enter the holy level, but it is very likely that the Yuanshen will be trained to enter the holy level.

How can such an opportunity be missed? How dare you miss it?

Even if it is a life of nine deaths, you must fight for that life once!

Xu Ziyan stepped into the unknown area step by step, stepping forward toward the front. There was silence around, and after a day of absence, I didn’t see a demon outside the field. This did not let Xu Ziyan have the slightest relaxation, but the heart was even more nervous.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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