The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2322: Mirage

After another three days, Xu Ziyan saw a huge black mountain far away.

Do not!

That is not a mountain!

Xu Ziyan’s heart was tight, and he immediately stopped his footsteps because there was a row of eyes growing on something like a mountain. Each eye had a radius of ten feet.

Dark and slightly bright! Glittering with a strange light!

Xu Ziyan counted, just eighteen eyes, Xu Ziyan looked down the light of the eighteen eyes, saw 18 monks sitting in a place not far from the mountain, each monk was just covered by a gaze .

The eighteen people are exactly the eleven ancient gods, three lords and four big demon.

At this time, the eighteen monks were sitting on the ground and did not move.

"They... is this in a illusion... or is it fighting with the illusion?"

Xu Ziyan took a deep breath and recognized the water in the sea in the knowledge of the sea: "Small water, if I am lost, play Longfengming immediately!"

"Well!" The water of the palm of the hand immediately turned into a guqin, ready to play at any time.

Xu Ziyan walked forward step by step. Suddenly the dark mountain moved, and then a slit was cracked on the mountain. The slit gave off a dark and slightly bright light, and gradually the seam Zhang Da, turned into a big eye with a ten-foot square, and looked over Xu Ziyan...

Xu Ziyan immediately sat on the floor, and then she felt that the scene in front of her changed. She stood in a small courtyard with a big tree in the yard, a lounge chair under the big tree, an old man lying on the lounge chair, holding in the left hand. A teacup, holding a folding fan in the right hand, is swaying.

"Grandpa..." Xu Ziyan's eyes were wet, and his lips screamed.

"Taro..." The old man raised his sullen eyes and looked at Xu Ziyan. He whispered, "Where have you gone? Don’t come back to see Grandpa for so long!"

"Grandpa..." Xu Ziyan ran to the old man, kneeling on the ground and buried his head in the arms of the old man. Weeping and crying.

The old man raised a hand and gently stroked the hair of Xu Ziyan. He did not speak, but looked at her with pity. Xu Ziyan did not know how long he cried, but he felt that the depression buried deep in his heart was released. Clear and refreshing.

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan sighed softly and looked up at the old man sitting on the lounge chair, whispering softly:

"Grandpa, I hope that you are real. I hope that all this is true! But although all of this is a fantasy, it is the release of my years of smoldering."

"Shantou, what are you talking about?" The old man looked strange and even showed a slight disappointment in his eyes.

Xu Ziyan smiled, but the smile was full of beauty. Reaching out and touching the face of the old man:

"Good real!"

The old man’s backhand grabbed Xu Ziyan’s hand and there was anxiety and anxiety in his eyes: “Shantou. What happened to you? What is true? Don’t scare Grandpa!”

"Grandpa? Hehe..." Xu Ziyan smiled slyly, his eyes widening and looking around and saying:

"I have already gone back to Earth. My grandfather is already dead. I know this is the illusion you created with my subconscious hope. You can change a fantasy."

"What are you talking about?" The old man on the recliner was trembled with his beard, pointing his finger at Xu Ziyan. "You said that I am already dead? Good. Good, good, you don't go home for many years, curse me when you come back. Die! You are my good granddaughter."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes showed a hint of surprise, slightly frowning, and ignored the old man roaring there. Thinking for a while, Xu Ziyan’s face showed a faint color.

The extraterrestrial demon should be just to create a fantasy. This illusion outside the heavens and the devil will not be collected, only you completely broke this illusion.


Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked at the old man, and he was hesitant in his eyes. She knows that she wants to break the illusion in front of her eyes. There is only one way to kill the old man in front of her. Although this old man is just an illusion, it is also the appearance of a grandfather. Let Xu Ziyan personally kill this "grandfather", Xu Ziyan is really some can not go.

But Xu Ziyan also knows that this is a kind of tempering of the state of mind. If it is false, if you can't do it, then your mood is not enough. In the past, this state of mind was still hidden in the depths. Nowadays, with the help of this extraterritorial demon, it has already emerged. If it is not able to face each other, it will immediately become the heart of Xu Ziyan. If you don’t say it will fall here, even if you escape this robbery, you don’t want to practice it from now on. Going forward on the road.

Xu Ziyan looked at the "grandfather"'s gaze for a while and became hesitant. Gradually, the face of the purple smoke became pale, and the forehead was covered with sweat.

"Fake is fake!"

Xu Ziyan took a deep breath and looked at the "grandfather" eyes firmly, extending a hand and slowly slamming the forehead to the "grandfather" forehead.

"What are you doing?" the old man shouted angrily.


Xu Ziyan’s palm was shot on his forehead, and there was no flesh and blood. The old man’s body swayed and disappeared. Immediately after the surrounding environment, the house, the small courtyard, the old tree, and the wall were distorted, and then “啵The sound disappeared.

Xu Ziyan looked around and saw that he was still sitting on the floor. In front of her was the back of the eighteen monks, and in front of it was the giant demon outside the mountain.

Just as Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked at the giant demon outside the giant mountain, the nineteen eyes of the demon outside the field slowly closed, and then they flew up and flew toward the distance, and disappeared without a trace.


Hearing heavy breathing sounds in his ear, the first 18 masters opened their eyes and stood up from the ground. They turned their heads and looked at Xu Ziyan. They all smiled on their faces and marched toward Xu Ziyan:

"Thank you for your support, otherwise we will really fall here!"

Xu Ziyan politely said: "You predecessors praise, purple smoke is just luck!"

"Right, Xu Zongzhu!" Life Tianzun floated in front of Xu Ziyan, staring at Xu Ziyan and asking: "You have cracked the illusion, then your Yuanshen cultivation is not... has reached the holy level?"

When Xu Ziyan heard a word, he observed his own god, and the surrounding monks looked at Xu Ziyan tightly. Half-sounding, Xu Ziyan looked up and said:

"I don't know, but I can feel that my power of the gods has increased again. It should be... more than the peak of the late Tianzun!"

"That's it!" Life Tianzun looked enviously at Xu Ziyan, and some Tianzun eyes flashed.

"Okay!" Tu Yishui took a double shot: "We will separate them. When the time comes, the extraterrestrial demons on the road will run away, and Liu Zongzhu will welcome them."

"it is good!"

The monks responded with a sigh of relief, and Xu Ziyan flew in the direction of the coming. On the way, those monks in the late Tianzun stage had shot, or killed the extraterrestrial demons of the late Tianzun, or drove them away.

Two days later.

The monks and Liu Jinsong and other monks meet. When everyone knows that Xu Ziyan has made a breakthrough in his state of mind, he is admired and envious.

The monks did not stop at all, and immediately flew in the direction of the gantry. Going back to the place two days ago, the dark demon outside the dark mountain has disappeared and saw the Dragon Gate far away.

The figure of the monks fell to the front of the dragon gate, and Xuan Tianao and Hua Yu began to crack the virtual environment. Time passed quietly in the silence, and after seven days passed, Xuan Tianao and Hua Yu’s face was very ugly, they kept discussing each other, pushing them, and then experimenting constantly, but they still could not break. Open the virtual environment of this gantry.

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, her heart was a little impatient, and she looked at Xuan Tianao and Hua Yu's appearance is simply not the slightest way to crack the virtual situation. I said to me in the sea of ​​knowledge:

"Array one, you can crack this virtual situation!"

"Of course!"

Hearing what he said, Xu Ziyan strode to the front of the Dragon Gate. The surrounding monks were surprised to see Xu Ziyan. There are also many monks who know that Xu Ziyan is a congenital sect, but her realm should not exceed Hua Yu and Xuan Tianao?

"Xu Zongzhu..." At this time, Xuan Tianao and Hua Yu also saw Xu Ziyan coming to their side.

"I am coming!" Xu Ziyan said faintly.

"You?" Xuan Tianao and Hua Yu's look could not help.

But at this time, Xu Ziyan had crossed both of them and then handed over the body to the Yuanshen. Then in the eyes of everyone shocked, Xu Ziyan quickly cracked the virtual environment.

On the gantry, there was another radiance, and there was an alchemy room with five alchemy furnaces. Liu Jinsong stepped out and entered the alchemy room.

But only he entered the alchemy room alone, and no other monks entered. Because everyone knows that the alchemy eight method of this virtual alchemy indoor assessment must be the alchemy eight method of Zhongpin Xianxian Xiandan, and only Liu Jinsong alone dare to try, the rest of the Xiandan division does not need to try, simply can not comprehend, the level Too much difference. Therefore, the eyes of the monks were admired and enviously looked at Liu Jinsong in the virtual alchemy room.

This kind of gaze made Xu Ziyan's heart somewhat uncomfortable. This kind of gaze also gathered on her body, but at this time they all moved away from her body. The eyes were removed from Liu Jinsong's body and looked at other free alchemy furnaces. Once they were in shape, they entered the virtual alchemy room and a voice of surprise sounded outside.

Xu Ziyan back to those monks and monks, with a smug smile on his face.


In the next moment, the smug smile stuck to her face...


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