The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2325: Golden Dragon Space

Xu Ziyan took back his gaze from the direction of the disappearance of the demon outside the field, looking toward the front, and saw a dragon gate from afar. Looking back, I saw the backs of eighteen monks. The figure of the eighteen people was moving and was waking up.

Xu Ziyan moved in his heart and immediately closed his eyes.

It is a very gratifying thing for Xu Ziyan to cultivate Yuan Shen as a cultivation to the holy level. This is the road to the holy level. But for Xu Ziyan, it is also extremely dangerous. After all, her true cultivation is only the beginning of the land. If there is a repair that wants to kill her and capture the heavens she understands, this does not surprise her. No one can resist the temptation of the holy level. Even the original lords, the Mozu and the Yaozu do not want to kill Yanshan Soul and Kuitian?

Presumably, the 18 monks also know that they can solve the illusion, and it must be that someone’s gods have broken through to the holy level. But even if they really want to know who broke through to the Holy Class, they will not ask questions and will only observe them silently. So Xu Ziyan is not afraid, these people will not think of her body any more.

Putting down this matter, Xu Ziyan remembered another thing.

There are a total of nineteen monks here, and they have rushed out of the illusion, but the eighteen masters have clearly not rushed out of the illusion, but have not completely indulged in the illusion. But why did the demon outside the domain let go of all the monks after leaving the illusion and left here?

Was it the ban that Longzu gave him?

This is really the ban on the dragon ancestor to the whole field, so that he guards the gantry here, but as soon as a monk rushes out of the illusion, this extraterrestrial demon immediately leaves here. Longzu will only give a chance to a monk, and it is impossible to give more chances to a monk.

At this time, the eighteen monks had already awakened, and there was a glimmer of joy on their faces. Although they did not break through this illusion, they still had a slight improvement. Xu Ziyan also opened his eyes and stood up from the ground. Welcomed to eighteen strange eyes.

No one would think that Xu Ziyan will appear here, that is, people who are rich in imagination will not think that a monk in his early 200s will be the peak of Tian Zun.

"Ziyan, you..." Tu Yihui walked toward Xu Ziyan, and did not hide his shock.

"Tuzhuzhu!" Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "I am just by chance. The repair of the Yuanshen reached the peak of Tianzun."


The soil looked at Xu Ziyan with water, and his eyes still showed shock. Even Xu Ziyan only reached the peak of Tianzun in the late days, which was enough to shock the 18 big monks in front of him.

But at this time, they refused to allow the purple smoke, even if Xu Ziyan now reaches the peak of the Tianzun period, how about it? That is only the cultivation of the Yuanshen, does not represent her true strength. What they are now concerned about is the illusion of who broke it. Whose gods broke through the peak of the late Tianzun and reached the realm of the holy level.

No one of the 18 great monks suspected Xu Ziyan. With the age and cultivation of Xu Ziyan, the Yuanshen cultivation can be cultivated to the peak of Tianzun's later period. This is already a chance for Tianda. This is already the ultimate, she is impossible to break through to the holy level, the foundation is not enough.

Therefore, the 18 great monks looked at each other, but they could not determine who they were, and they converge one by one. This is not an anxious thing, and it will be explored later. Now is anxious to enter the Golden Dragon space. Since the Silver Dragon space has a big chance, then will there be a big chance for the Golden Dragon space?

"Let's go and bring Liu Zongzhu them in!"

Mo said that the sky is condensed. The rest of the monks also nodded, flew up and flew in the direction of coming. Along the way, either kill the demon outside the domain, or expel the demon outside the domain. Just over a day, Xu Ziyan has seen Liu Jinsong and other monks far away. And the monks such as Liu Jinsong saw the monks such as Tu Yishui and they all came forward and greeted them.

The monks gathered in one place and immediately turned back and headed for the direction of the Dragon Gate. This flight was another two days, and everyone fell in front of the dragon gate.

Hua Yu and Xuan Tianao began to attack the virtual environment, and Xu Ziyan asked in the knowledge of the gods:

"How do you see the level of both of them?"

"The two of them have reached the realm of the inferior fairy tales and the inferior squadrons of the middle class. It takes only a little effort to break this virtual situation. There should be no problem."

"This is good!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently, could not help but think of his performance in the illusion, not to show a bitter smile on his face:

"Whoever has vanity! But... still boring hair!"

After spending nine days, Xuan Tianao and Hua Yu cracked open the virtual environment, and the light from the gantry was pushed outward. Formed a virtual alchemy room. There are five alchemy furnaces inside. But this time only Liu Jinsong entered the virtual alchemy room alone. No one else has ever entered.

Because everyone knows this at this time, here is the alchemy eight methods of the inferior Xiandan. Nowadays, only Liu Jinsong is a congenital Xiandan teacher on the Upper Yuan Dynasty. This is of course in the case that no one knows that Xu Ziyan is the first in the early days of the first grade.

Xu Ziyan did not go in, still standing outside watching Liu Jinsong refining the remedy. A figure fell in the air, but it was the Silver Dragon King.

"Silver Dragon King?" Dream God looked at the Silver Dragon King with vigilance.

Yinlong Wang waved his hand toward the dream machine: "I just came to see if I can't pass the assessment, I can do it myself."

Yinlong Wang glanced at the virtual alchemy room, and his face showed a strange saying: "You only have one middle-class innate fairy teacher?"

The dozens of big monks around are all red and silent!

"What kind of congenital Xiandan is Liu Daoyou?" Silver Dragon Wang turned to look at the dream machine.

"According to his own words, it is a Chinese product, Xian Xian Xian Shi!"

"Hey!" Silver Dragon King shook his head and said: "It seems that the five-color Huanglong is a human being who has no chance to owe you!"

Everyone can understand this sentence, and the eight-layer alchemy that leads to the sixth floor of the Dragon Gate requires the inferior Xiandan Master. It seems that this Golden Dragon space is the last chance for yourself and others. As for the opportunity of the five-color Huanglong space, it is so slipping away!

This can not help but let these big monks pass a trace of regret!

"But it's not without a chance!" Silver Dragon King's face showed a smile, but the smile looked like a sneer:

"Every alchemy furnace has ten chances. The five alchemy furnaces have fifty chances. When the time comes, Liu Daoyou will break through to the top grade Xiandan division! Ha ha..."

The monks were silent, but they looked forward to Liu Jinsong. Three days passed, Liu Jinsong has already begun the sixth law in the eight methods of alchemy.


In the virtual alchemy furnace in the alchemy room, Liu Jinsong shook his head regretfully. In front of him, an alchemy furnace was condensed, and a row of herbs appeared next to the alchemy furnace.

Liu Jinsong did not immediately refine the Dan, but closed his eyes and carefully recalled it again, and then pushed it again. Finally, he opened his eyes and began to refine alchemy.

After three more defeats, Liu Jinsong finally succeeded in refining the sixth method. These great monks outside the virtual alchemy have a long sigh of relief.

After another seven days, Liu Jinsong failed five times in the seventh law, and failed seven times in the eighth law. He finally fully realized the eight methods of the alchemy of the innate fairy.

The virtual alchemy room slowly converges and the gantry slowly opens. The breath of the ancients and Longwei came out...

The sound of the dragon screamed from the inside of the Dragon Gate. The Silver Dragon King also made a scream of the dragon, and first flew into the Dragon. The rest of the monks followed, and Xu Ziyan followed the last.

A sturdy golden dragon flutters in the air. The silver dragon king leads dozens of monks flying in the middle of the Golden Dragon Group. He sees a palace far away and stands in front of the palace gate. The Silver Dragon King is facing Falling down, shouting toward the golden dragon king standing in the middle:

"I have seen the Golden Dragon King!"

"Silver Dragon King, hahaha..."

King Jinlong came forward and smiled with the silver dragon king. Later, he met with the monks of various places, and the monks walked into the hall. The great monk who was able to walk here, Jinlong Wang gave enough respect, even Xu Ziyan invited to the hall. The hall was very broad, and the monks were seated. Then the Golden Dragon King did not wait for the monks to ask each other and said:

"You friends! Since you have entered the fifth floor space from the fourth floor space, then I don't have to say much. There is also a trial space in this space, which also has a big chance and a big day. The danger. As for the chance and danger, I can't say it!

Of course, the same is true. If you withdraw from this and do not enter the fifth-level trial field, we will not enter. From then on, we are not only unable to release the five-color emperor, but also can not use the trial field. But as long as you have a monk entering the trial space, we can enter the dragon. Think about it.

By the way, the Golden Dragon space from the first layer of Green Dragon Space to here is opened by Liu Daoyou. Therefore, our Jinlong family, the Yinlong family, the Black Dragon family, the Red Dragon family and the Green Dragon family are all strong allies of the Terran. And my Red Dragon King also owes Liu Daoyou a favor. ”

The eyes of the monks are envious of Liu Jinsong, and Liu Jinsong is full of red light, excited eyebrows and beards together, with the golden Dragon King, Silver Dragon King, Black Dragon King, Red Dragon King and Green Dragon King, the five dragon kings, Dan Zong immediately It will become a special existence in the Upper Yuan. There is no such daring to dare to provoke, even if it is on the Yuanmeng. Even before the demon demon started a big battle, the demon and the demon did not dare to hit the sect of Danzong.


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