The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2326: Fusion beast

"How do you decide your friends?" Jin Long Wang swept across the crowd.

The eyes of the monks unconsciously looked at Liu Jinsong and had the love of five dragon kings. Liu Jinsong has become the center of these great monks without knowing it. Liu Jinsong saw the eyes of everyone and looked over, and said with a smile:

"Golden Dragon King, we still want to see!"

"Good!, the king personally took you there!"

"Thank you for the Golden Dragon King!"

The monks followed the Golden Dragon King and the Silver Dragon King out of the main hall, and they began to flutter and flew forward. Flying about three hours or so, far away, I saw a gantry floating in the air, a white cloud under the gantry, a golden long bridge rising from the ground, traversing the sky in front of the dragon gate.

This monk understands that, like the space of the fourth layer of the Silver Dragon King, the space with the big chance and the great danger is the bridge.

The monks and the two Dragon Kings resigned and embarked on the Golden Long Bridge. Xu Ziyan was dragged to the end, but now there are only a few dozen monks left here, and soon they will enter the bridge. Before Xu Ziyan walked past the bridge, he walked over the silver dragon king, the silver dragon. Wang Xiang Xu Ziyan smiled:

"You are at the end!"

"There is no hurry anyway! Hehe..." Xu Ziyan said with a smile.

"Oh, please!"

Xu Ziyan smiled and stepped on the golden bridge. This space is different from the dimly lit space on the fourth floor. It is a very bright space. Xu Ziyan looks far and wide and can't see the big monks. Xu Ziyan was not in a hurry. Even the gods did not spread outwards, but walked step by step with vision.

She really is not in a hurry, because she can guess from the experience of the fourth floor space, there must be a holy thing to guard there before going to the sixth floor gantry. Is the holy priest so easy to overcome?

Walking step by step, about two hours walked, and there was a thundering sound in front. Xu Ziyan stopped. Zhang looked forward and saw a giant wolf about ten meters long in her vision. Xu Ziyan glanced at the giant wolf, but found that the giant wolf was only the fifth layer of the refining period, and the mind was one of the loose.

The giant wolf ran to a distance of about ten meters from Xu Ziyan. Suddenly opened his mouth, and a huge light bullet appeared in his mouth, which was sprayed toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze is a condensation. She is really strange about this light bomb. This light bomb is two colors, half blue and half red, just as half of the sea is half the flame.

this is……

Xu Ziyan extended a hand to the front and a big handprint slammed against the light bullet.


A loud explosion, the light bullet burst, and Xu Ziyan was shocked. This light bomb is the power of the fifth layer of the refining period. The ninth floor is not limited.

Is this... the result of the fusion of fire and water properties?

Is this wolf a double attribute of fire water?

And... will it combine the dual attributes of fire and water?

The giant wolf saw that the light bomb that he had released was smashed by Xu Ziyan, and immediately angered. He kept spraying the light bullets toward Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan gently smashed the light bombs and called:

"Fu Shen. Come out!"

Fu Shen came out of the pen and said with dissatisfaction: "What is it... God, what space have you ran into? How come the fusion beasts come out?"

"This is... fusion beast?"

"Yes! This is the fusion beast!"

"What is the fusion beast?"



Xu Ziyan smashed a light bomb again, then condensed and asked: "Speak!"

Fushen turned a blank eye silently, and then said: "The fusion beast is a multi-attribute monster, these monsters are different from other multi-attribute monsters. Other multi-attribute monsters want to integrate attributes. It is difficult. It is necessary to comprehend the heavens. But the fusion of the beast's sacred magical powers is to integrate various attributes.

So as long as it is a fusion beast, no matter how many attributes it has, it will automatically merge soon after birth. ”

Xu Ziyan heard a loud cry: "There is still such a magical power? If these fusion beasts integrate multiple attributes into the realm of perfection, then is it possible to challenge many more places, and who else is their opponent?"

"No!" Fu Shen shook his head and said: "This fusion beast is also graded and divided into lower grades. Middle, top and best fusion beasts. The most popular fusion beasts, but they can only integrate attributes into the realm of Xiaocheng, middle products There are very few fusion beasts, but they can integrate attributes into the realm of Zhongcheng. The fusion beasts of the top grades are extremely rare. They can integrate attributes into the realm of Dacheng, and only the best fusion beasts can't see one at a time. Belonging to the legendary fusion beasts, they can blend attributes into the Great Perfection.

After all, the fusion beast is a monster, not a demon. The difference between the demon and the demon is that the demon has wisdom, and the demon has almost no wisdom, especially the fusion beast. Heavenly circulation, each has its own rationality. They have such a desperate power, and they must be extremely scarce on the other hand. Many monsters often end up practicing as a demon, but the fusion beast has never heard of cultivation as a demon, and their wisdom is very low. Their fusion attribute is an instinct, a kind of magical power, and has nothing to do with wisdom.

However, once the monk kills the fusion beast, the heavenly path of its fusion property will be dispersed, and the monk who killed it can absorb it and realize the fusion. Not only that, but the monks who are alone can also increase the roots by killing the fusion beast! ”

"Increase the roots?" Xu Ziyan was shocked.

"Not bad!" Fu Shen nodded: "But at the beginning it was a pseudo-root. For example, a monk's water root, and then he killed this fusion of water and fire, you can have a pseudo-fire root. Then the monk kept on killing these fusion beasts. When it was killed, the pseudo-fire root would grow into a real fire root. After continuing to kill, you can get the fusion of fire and water properties.

Therefore, in the ancient times, a large number of monks hunted and merged beasts everywhere, even if the fusion beasts were more powerful, after all, they belonged to the unwise population, so they were basically killed in the ancient times. I really didn't think that Longzu would have this preparation.

However, I feel that even if Longzu can capture the fusion beast in this space, it will only be the fusion of the beasts, and the dragon will not give a bigger chance to the race outside the dragon, and can give you the next product. The opportunity is already a big chance. ”

Xu Ziyan’s eyeball turned and said: “Then you mean that the dragon is still likely to have space in the Dragon Palace, and there is a higher-quality fusion beast inside?”

"Just have this possibility, but hope is not big. Purple smoke, I have already said to you before, the fusion beasts above the Chinese products are very rare, it is already difficult to find. More importantly, they were in ancient times. It’s almost extinct, so there’s a big chance that it’s not there at all.”

Xu Ziyan thought about it with a sigh of relief, but he smiled and said: "I am greedy!"

"Know it!" said Fushen: "Nothing, I will be in the pen!"

"go Go!"

Fu Shen got into the pen, and Xu Ziyan shot the dead giant wolf in front of the water and fire. He saw the string of fire and water from the body of this giant wolf. When Zhang mouth sucks, he will **** the string of heaven into the mouth, and the fusion will sit on the ground and refine the way.

How to refine this refining period is really easy. It’s just a dozen times of time. Xu Ziyan refines the fusion of fire and water, but Xu Ziyan does not stand up immediately, but continues to close his eyes. There, the integration of refining and chemicalization will be realized over and over again.

Time passes by in silence. This is the outermost part of the space. The fusion beast is very rare. Occasionally, one is also in the refining period. Xu Ziyan slaps it casually, and the fusion absorbs the fusion. Refining and refining, continue to comprehend.

Three days!

Xu Ziyan stayed here for three days, and this time he slowly opened his eyes, and the eyebrows showed a happy color.

"It turned out to be like this!"

Xu Ziyan stood up from the ground, and the gods spread out, and then the figure flew up in the space.


The shape of Xu Ziyan fell in front of a fusion beast in the refining period, then he shot him to death, absorbed the fusion heaven, and flew toward another fusion period.

During the seven days, Xu Ziyan almost reached the corners of the region where the refining period merged with the beast. Then she discovered a problem. The fusion beast in this space has only five attributes, namely the five attributes of Jinmu Shuihuo, and there is no light and darkness. The wind and thunder time and space attributes, and the fusion beasts of this area have five attributes, but each fusion beast has only two attributes, which means that the fusion beasts here are double attribute fusion beasts.

In these seven days, Xu Ziyan killed a lot of double-integrated beasts, and it is a fusion of various fusion properties. There are double-wood properties, there are two properties of wood and water, there are two properties of water and fire, and there are two properties of fire and earth. , there are two properties of the earth and gold, there are gold and water double attributes...

The fusion beasts have been multiplied for hundreds of millions of years, and the number is really too many, many are numerous, and all kinds of five kinds of attributes are available.

On the seventh day, Xu Ziyan finally felt that the heavenly path of the fusion beast during the refining period had no effect on her. But at this time, she has already integrated the five attributes of Jinmu Shuihuo, and has the basis of integration. The sky of the fusion of the beast during the refining period is relatively simple, but it is also the basis for the simple understanding that Xu Ziyan fully understands the integration of attributes, and the foundation of the integration of the five attributes is very solid.


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