The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2327: Fusion

Xu Ziyan firmly believes that even if he turns and leaves at this time, as long as he slowly understands, he can finally realize the integration of attributes to the peak, because she has found the direction of attribute fusion.

However, Xu Ziyan naturally will not leave, how can this chance of rapidly improving the integration path be abandoned?

Xu Ziyan took out a congenital Xianbao in the late peak space of the top grade, and once again began to collect a large number of fusion beasts here. Xu Ziyan only collected a small part, about a million or so, and flew forward.

Further forward is the fusion of the base period, Xu Ziyan killed a day and finally confirmed that this is still a dual attribute fusion animal space, and there is no three attribute fusion beast.

Xu Ziyan went all the way, and in each area, when the fusion beast of this area no longer worked for her, she came to catch the fusion beast. Then continue to kill to the front, the integration of the five attributes of her golden wood, fire and earth is also constantly improving.

Two months later.

Xu Ziyan has entered the fusion beast area of ​​the immortal period. The face of Xu Ziyan is a joy. Here she discovered the three attribute fusion beast. After a day of continuous killing, this joy finally calmed down. She discovered this area. The fusion beasts inside are all three attribute fusion beasts.

In fact, even if there is no integration of the three attributes, it is only a matter of time before Xu Ziyan wants to fully integrate the five attributes of Jinmu Shuihu. Because in the previous area, although it is only a dual attribute fusion beast, it is a double attribute in which various attributes cross each other. Xu Ziyan has actually begun to integrate the five attributes, and has the basis of the integration of five attributes.

However, there are three kinds of attribute fusion beasts that let Xu Ziyan improve the understanding of the five attributes. After all, attribute fusion is the fusion of the beast's sacred magical powers, and its attribute fusion is the most natural way of integration. The fusion of the three attributes is naturally more complicated and more closely integrated than the combination of the two attributes, so that Xu Ziyan understands the integration path more deeply.

However, Xu Ziyan also made a certain determination at this time. Here are the products of the next product, because in the past two months, she has never encountered a fusion beast with a Chinese product. Even so, the fusion of the five attributes of Xu Ziyan's Jinmu Shuihuo is also rising rapidly, although there is still a long way to go from Xiaocheng. But this trend is unstoppable.

The power of these three attributes after the fusion of Xu Ziyan is seen, it is too powerful! It is only the power of a three-in-one fusion of a fairy period that directly reaches the immortality. This is the real more difficult challenge.

Xu Ziyan killed another road for three months, and finally killed the area of ​​the Great Luo Jinxian fusion beast. At this time, she still did not see a big monk. Xu Ziyan understands that the masters of the big monks are higher than her, I am afraid that she has been left behind at this time.

The fusion beast in this area is already a four-integrated beast, and the power of the fusion of four attributes is even more daunting. A four-in-one fusion of the great Luo Jinxian can already erupt the power of the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian.

Such a purple smoke has become a lot slower. When she sneaked into the area of ​​the fairy king fusion, the time passed for nearly five months.

The fusion beast here is already a five-in-one fusion beast, and the bursting power has made Xu Ziyan stunned. The power of a five-ature fusion beast that erupted in a fairy king's period is equivalent to the power of the Xiandi period, and the two major levels are born.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has only half the distance between the five attributes and the small distance. The power of Xu Ziyan to release the fairy is also increasing.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has forgotten the years. Just knowing to stop killing the beast and comprehending the way of integration.

After half a year.

Xu Ziyan stepped into the fusion beast area of ​​the human respect. The fusion beast here is still a kind of fusion animal with no traits of gold, wood, fire and earth. At this time, Xu Ziyan has completely confirmed that Longzu was only a fusion beast that captured the five attributes of Jinmushuihuo.

The five attributes of human dignity and the power of the beast that erupted from the beast have already had the power of the early days of Tianzun. As a result, the speed of hunting of the purple smoke has completely slowed down.

Xu Ziyan had no choice but to switch to the body with chaos. Today's chaos is the beginning of Tian Zun's cultivation, and her fighting power is beyond the early days of Tian Zun. Therefore, this road chaos kills, Xu Ziyan tube absorbs the fusion of heaven.

But the embarrassing thing has arrived. When the fusion of human respects has no effect on Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan began to use the space fairy to absorb the human-influenced beasts here. But only ten were charged. The space fairy is unstable. It turns out that the ten people who are intimate with the beast are attacking the space fairy. The power of the ten fusion beasts is really not a top-grade space in the late stage.

Xu Ziyan immediately released five, which made this congenital Xianbao re-stabilized. Now her space congenital Xianbao can only receive these fusion beasts, which can not help but make Xu Ziyan feel a little regret.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is moving, presumably those Tianzun masters will also use the space fairy to collect the fusion beast here? However, they do not have the top-level Xianbao in the late stage of the product. It is good to have a space for the Chinese congenital Xianbao. Maybe it is the space of the inferior Xianbao, and now they can only collect the fairy king. Integrating the beast is much worse than you think. Thinking of this, her mood is much better.

When Xu Ziyan came to the fusion of the beasts of the Divine Period, the powers released by the land-respecting beasts were the power of the peaks of the late Tianzun, and even the chaos could not stand. Xu Ziyan immediately gave the chaos a violent increase in Dan, so that he could start to resist the fusion beasts, but he was completely unable to kill.

At this time, Xu Ziyan caught up with some monks and gods. For example, she saw her master's sword. The sword looked at Xu Ziyan with trepidation. Before the fourth layer of silver dragon space, Xu Ziyan was able to reach the end because her **** was repaired to reach the peak of Tianzun. But what is going on now?

Here, with the real cultivation, you can't take a break. Xu Ziyan was able to kill all the way here, which proved that Xu Ziyan had the cultivation of the peak of Tianzun. Even if it is not repaired, it has the power of this level.

When did Xu Ziyan grow to such an extent?

However, the sword was not empty and soon saw the difference of Xu Ziyan. At this time, the chaos in the face of a five-attribute beast of the land dignity was completely inferior. With his understanding of Xu Ziyan, he immediately realized that this was Xu Ziyan. What kind of medicinal herbs have been eaten, and the cultivation will be temporarily raised to this level.

Sure enough, Xu Ziyan in his eyes only played for half an hour, a five-in-one fusion beast did not kill, and then turned around and ran. In fact, at this time, the sword is not imaginary and can't resist the attack of the fusion beast. Simply follow his own disciple and turn around and run.

Two people ran all the way out of the area of ​​the cult of the beast, and the sword had no intention of stopping. Seeing that the front of Xu Ziyan was still flying at the fastest speed, the sword nodded slightly and frowned. Follow and continue to flee.

Xu Ziyan fled all the way to the fusion beast area of ​​the Xiandi period and stopped. He fell to the ground and panted. The sword has fallen from the sky.


There are dozens of great monks who have fallen. It is the great monks who are below the Tianzun period. They have not succumbed to the area of ​​respect. At this time, they all fell around Xu Ziyan, and their eyes looked up and down at Xu Ziyan, and their hearts were shocked.

No one has thought that Xu Ziyan has grown to such an extent without knowing it.

At this time, the smell of chaos began to fall, because the effect of the increase in Dan began to be lost, and when the breath was unstable, Xu Ziyan and chaos switched to the body. The breath of Xu Ziyan was concealed and performed like ordinary people.

The hearts of a large number of monks were stunned. It turned out that Xu Ziyan took a kind of elixir that could temporarily improve his cultivation. He avoided a lot of jealousy in Xu Ziyan's heart.

Let go of the observation of Xu Ziyan. The monks began to turn their attention to how to deal with the immediate situation.

"Liu Zongzhu, are we still waiting here?" Luo Xiangfan asked Liu Jinsong.

Liu Jinsong sighed and said: "We are here to wait, look at the power of these fusion beasts, I am afraid that those who are late monks may not be able to get past."

"Okay, we are here!"

Xu Ziyan stood there listening to a large group of monks there to discuss, and he was also thinking about how to do it next time?

Nowadays, her five elements of Jinmu Shuihuo are very evenly integrated, and they all reach two-thirds of the realm, but if they want to move on, they are not able to catch. So, can you first merge the two attributes into the realm of Xiaocheng?

Xu Ziyan wants to do it and sit on the floor immediately. Anyway, there is a master here. Once there is any danger, Master will solve it for himself, and Dan Fuzheng, Luo Tianzong and Tianxiang Zongzhu will not look at it. Therefore, Xu Ziyan entered the comprehension very simply.

She chose the two properties of Jinmu to start the fusion. At this time, these two attributes have reached two-thirds of the realm. The foundation of the integration has been very solid. Xu Ziyan has found a way to integrate. What she is worse now is only time. The time flow rate here is always different from the outside, staying here for 100,000 days, outside is just a day.

In the area of ​​the dignity period.

Eleven Ancient Heavenly Respects, the three great lords and the four great demons have formed an alliance, forming a fairy tales, and together they are squatting toward them. Around them are countless five-element ancestor fusion beasts. The attack did not simply bombard the 18 great monks, making it difficult for the 18 great monks to go further. But they are still pushing forward.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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