The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2328: Last pass

These big monks are the most double roots. When they come here, the strongest is to merge the dual attributes into two-thirds of the realm. As for the rest of the attributes, it only produces a little pseudo-root, distance growth. There is still a long way to go for the real roots, not to mention the fusion of these roots. Therefore, their strength growth is not much, much worse than the growth of Xu Ziyan's strength.

Time passed a month in the advancement of these 18 great monks, and the 18 great monks finally couldn’t stand it, only to retreat to the rear. It is not easy to go backwards. The fusion beasts of the dignity period have been chasing them. It took another nearly a month for them to return to the area of ​​human dignity and start to rest here.

The Shuanglingen monk like Tu Yishui is going to raise the fusion of the two attributes here, and the monks who are single-rooted are ready to raise the pseudo-spirit root here.

After a month, they set off again. In one month and eight days, they began to retreat again. Then carry out the trimming and lifting, and then go inside.

In this way, they went back and forth for half a year. In the Xiandi period, Xu Ziyan finally realized the golden wood property to the realm of Xiaocheng. After the integration of Jinmu properties and the realization of Xiaocheng realm, Xu Ziyan immediately switched to the body with chaos, entered the purple smoke space, and took out a crystal vein in his arms and began to absorb the fairy power in the vein. Has been absorbing 286 veins, Xu Ziyan's repair is finally stable in the early peak of the land.

Xu Ziyan switched the body again and chaos, letting the chaos return to the understanding of the purple smoke space, because as long as the promotion of Xu Ziyan is promoted, it will lead to the chaos of cultivation.

Xu Ziyan returned to the fusion animal space, thought a little, began to pull the water property into the fusion of the golden wood properties, began the fusion of the three properties of Jinmushui.

In the area of ​​the land and the respect of the people, the eighteen masters are still squatting back and forth, in the second month of Xu Ziyan's integration of the properties of Jinmu. The eighteen masters finally broke into the area where the mid-term fusion of the beasts, and the road to progress once again became difficult.

Another year passed, Xu Ziyan switched to the body again and chaos, and returned to the purple smoke space. She began to hold the crystal vein cultivation, and she merged the three attributes of Jin Mushui into the realm of Xiaocheng, and she was promoted to the middle of the land. However, after this level, Xu Ziyan found that it was very difficult to merge one attribute again. It was not impossible to integrate, but it took too long, maybe it would be a hundred years, maybe it would be a thousand years or even a million years.

The only shortcut is to re-enter the area of ​​the beast and the beast, and to kill the fusion heaven that the fusion beast absorbs. Xu Ziyan switched to the body with chaos. Then he sinks into the chaos and comes to the chaos. He sees the chaos sitting close to him, and his body is climbing up in a hurry. Xu Ziyan is sitting in front of the chaos waiting for the chaos to rise to the middle of the heavens.

With the power of chaos, once it is upgraded to the middle of the Tianzun. That real combat power is the peak of the late Tianzun.

Xu Ziyan was forty-three days, and the chaotic cultivation was finally stabilized in the middle of Tianzun. Seeing that the chaos was stabilized, Xu Ziyan took back the gods and stood up from the ground and walked toward the front.

"Ziyan, what are you doing?" asked the sword without looking at Xu Ziyan.

"I will go ahead and see!"

The sword has no wrinkles and no brows, and he has no words. He feels that Xu Ziyan is the strength. Just look at it and there should be no problem. It just nodded slightly.

The shape of Xu Ziyan soon disappeared into the vision of the monks. The big monks also thought that Xu Ziyan was a bit tired. He wanted to sneak a few people to vent their sorrows, so there was no monk. These great monks are long-standing people who are naturally able to sit still.

The original strength of Xu Ziyan was strong, and now the three attributes of Jinmu Shui are merged into the realm of Xiaocheng. Although it is only the mid-term cultivation of the land, but the real combat power has reached the middle of the Tianzun.

Therefore, she rushed through the sacred area of ​​the human body, and when she entered the area of ​​the land, she switched to the chaos and chaos began to kill. And Xu Ziyan is responsible for absorbing the sacred sacred period of the integration of the body of the fusion of the body.

Xu Ziyan entered the area of ​​the beastly period and merged with the beast. Then began to kill the past all the way, and did not rush forward vertically. She now only needs to kill some of the cultivating beasts here, and does not need to cross the area of ​​respect, and she does not think that she can really pass.

She smothered out for twenty-seven days, but did not know that the eighteen monks returned to the place of retreat from where she left, for another rest and cultivation.

Half a year later, several double-characteristic monks such as Tu Yishui finally integrated the dual attributes into the realm of Xiaocheng, and those pseudo-lingual roots began to have a tendency to transform into the true roots.

These great monks know very well that there are only two ways to transform these pseudo-spirits into true spiritual roots. One is to kill all the way to the end of this space, kill enough fusion beasts, absorb enough fusion heavens, naturally it will be transformed into a true spiritual root, and then continue to kill the fusion beast here, absorb the fusion heaven, the five attributes Fully integrated.

The other way is to rely on time to slowly practise the pseudo-roots into the true roots, but this time is long, I don't know how many years.

Therefore, these great monks decided to continue to kill the fusion beast here, and once again joined forces to rush into the area of ​​the fusion of the beast. At this time, Xu Ziyan has successfully integrated the fire attribute into the three attributes of Jinmu Shui, and successfully integrated the four attributes of Jinmu Shuihu into the realm of Xiaocheng.

She originally combined the five attributes of Jinmu Shuihuo soil with two-thirds of the realm, so she has an understanding of the fusion of five attributes. He has to mix two attributes more quickly than other monks.

With Xu Ziyan's four attributes of Jinmu Shuihuo merged into the realm of Xiaocheng, the cultivation of Xu Ziyan has also been upgraded to the mid-term peak of Dizun. The chaotic cultivation has also been elevated to the peak of the mid-temporal.

The chaos has come to this cultivation. The immortal she released is not only as simple as the peak of the late Tianzun, but also the speed and density of releasing the fairy scorpion are extremely strengthened, and the vitality of the body is deeper.

The monks who are also the peaks of the late Tianzun are still different in their combat power. For example, the two great monks are the masters of the late peaks of Tian Zun, but a large monk can release a fairy tales of the late peaks of power in the end, while another monk can release two equals within the rest of his life. Can of Xian. The result must be that the second monk won.

Today's chaos releases the speed and density of the fairy, which is not only twice as high as the peak of the ordinary Tianzun, but even four times. Moreover, the deep thickness of the capacity contained in her body is far beyond the peak of ordinary Tianzun. Therefore, the chaos at this time is only the peak of Tianzun's mid-term, but its true combat power is at least equivalent to the peak of the three days.

Xu Ziyan immediately continued to let the chaos sneak into the depths. This time, she sneaked into the area of ​​the middle-aged fusion beast. Xu Ziyan let the chaos continue to smash the fusion beast. She was away from the 18th Tianzun late peak that was rushed in the other direction. The farther the monk is from the original.

When the chaos rushed into the late Zeng area and smashed it back to the area of ​​human dignity, Xu Ziyan once again entered the final realization. This time, Xu Ziyan is going to realize the five attributes of Jinmu Shuihuo and the realm of Xiaocheng.

The soil is the center of the Five Elements. This time, the comprehension took Xu Ziyan two years, and finally integrated the five attributes of Jinmu Shuihuo into the realm of Xiaocheng. Then Xu Ziyan entered the purple smoke space, holding the veins and began to absorb the force, and the repair was also promoted to the late stage of the land. The chaotic cultivation was also promoted to the late Tianzun.

It is horrible to ascend to the late Tianzun's chaos, and the true strength will not be defeated at the same time. Xu Ziyan hides in the chaotic sea of ​​knowledge, watching her rushing all the way into the Tianzun area, the fusion beasts in the Tianzun area, each one is the power of the peak of the late Tianzun, but the stronger the fusion beast, it is released The speed and density of the fairy are doubled. The fusion of the first peak of the Tianzun is twice as fast as the original beast of Tianzun, and the density is twice as high.

At this time, the strength of a person is separated from the strength of the eighteen masters. Even if the eighteen masters gathered the power of the eighteen monks in one place, it would be as powerful as the one released by the chaos. This is because chaos is a person, then the immortality of her release is perfect, and the eighteen masters can not fully fit, not only can not fully fit, there are constraints.

Secondly, chaos is a person, and the speed of advancement is very amazing. When I saw a group of fusion beasts, I immediately ran away, and I saw the fusion beasts that had been placed on the list and rushed to kill them.

And the eighteen masters gathered together, their eyes were very large, and eighteen were not as good as one person, flexible and changeable. So the chaos is running while playing, and the eighteen monks are squatting, they are constantly facing the siege of a group of fusion beasts.

So after a month, the chaos has already left the eighteen monks far away in the other direction, flying fast and desperately toward the depths.

This road was killed and it took three months. Xu Ziyan only felt that there was no fusion beast, and the fusion beast behind him did not dare to follow it. Xu Ziyan’s heart was a shock, and she knew that she should have reached the last level.


In Beijing, the dryness is very hot. I am busy today. I came back very late. I just got out of the code. I went to sleep, it was too tired, and my comrades were good night!



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