The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2330: Quebec arrival

The black robe youth is the soul of Yanshan who lost his memory. After he gave up that palm, there is no other movement, but he knows that it is impossible to open the dragon gate with his own cultivation. . But the power that broke out in that palm made the fairy demon around them clear, and they were frightened and frustrated. In particular, the three demons of the Mozu were shocked in the hearts of the late monks, and the shock in their hearts was even worse than the other monks.

Because all three of them have already seen that the power of the palm of the Yanshan spirit is absolutely more than a hundred times, a thousand times.

How can this be?

You must know that in the Upper Yuan dynasty, they have been standing at the top of the peaks of these days. Perhaps other monks will be slightly higher than them, but that is only because the practice of cultivation is different, and it is higher in actual combat power. Some others, not the upper ones. There will never be a power like Yanshan Soul that just broke out.

That is not the reason for the practice, but it is actually higher than the peak of their late Tianzun, and it is not a little higher than a hundred times, a thousand times higher.

Is this... true and false?

Wouldn't it be an illusion?

Suddenly, one thought emerged from the minds of three Mozu monks.

This...will not be the legendary saint?

Legend has it that there were five saints between heaven and earth before the collapse of the immortal world. Later, it disappeared. Some said it was fallen. Some said it was injured. It’s only after so long. Everyone has already forgotten the five saints in the world. It is.


At this moment, they remembered it!

Is it... this black robe is one of the five saints? Five saints are going to be born?

Yanshan soul stood in front of the dragon gate and carefully observed the dragon gate. The array of methods was seen by Yanshan soul, but those arrays have been closed, which means that these arrays have lost their usefulness. In other words, what actually blocks the soul of Yanshan is the Dragon Palace itself, not what it is.

Yanshan soul as a master of refining, after careful observation, his face was not revealed a bitter smile. This Dragon Palace is made from more than 100 kinds of materials and is very hard. Absolutely not a bird of Yanshan can be blasted.

Although the virtual environment above the Dragon Palace has converged, it still contains this other array. This kind of array of Yanshan soul is not impossible to break, but after the break, facing the hard Dragon Palace is also in vain.

But Yanshan soul is not in a hurry, because he has now calculated that the weakness of this Dragon Palace is there. This Dragon Palace can be destroyed at any time, but this is not the best time.

He has to wait...

More and more monks and monks came over and saw the soul of Yanshan standing alone in front of the dragon gate. Some monks wanted to fall before the dragon gate, but they were pulled by other monks. Some monks were careful. Many of them saw the Yanshan soul standing alone in front of the dragon gate, while the other monks just dared to stand far away, and immediately felt the difference and stopped the figure. When they saw that many of the monks standing around them had surpassed their cultivation, they had greater scruples about the Yanshan soul. One by one, honestly and far away, looking for acquaintances to ask who is Yanshan, what happened.

Just as they secretly looked at the soul of the Yanshan Mountain, there was a figure in the sky, and then fell in the direction of the Yanshan soul.

The move of the figure caused a stir in the hearts of the surrounding monks. Someone went to dare to provoke the soul of Yanshan. If Yanshan souls angered them, the result would be unimaginable.

Yanshan soul eyebrows slightly wrinkled, just want to shoot the monk, but the ear heard the monk screaming:

"Evil Lord!"

Yanshan’s soul is a meal, looking over the head to the monk who has fallen by his side. It was a female repair, but the hair was in three colors. Yanshan soul's eyes are slightly glimpsed, feeling a touch of familiarity. He knew that this was because of his own memory loss. Lift your left hand and gently press your temple, look at the other side and ask:

"you are?"

"You..." The monk's face showed a shock: "What happened to you?"

The face of Yanshan soul is bitter: "I am lost!"

"Amnesia? How come?" Looking at the expression of Yanshan's soul, the monk hurriedly said: "I am Quebec, do you remember me?"

"Quita? Five of the five holy ones?"

Kui Tian’s eyes lit up: "Do you remember me?"

"No!" Yanshan soul sighed a long time: "It is the demon Lord and the lord told me."

"The demon Lord and the lord?" Kuitian's face changed greatly. He looked up and down the Yanshan soul and asked: "Are you okay? Is your amnesia harmed by them?"

"No!" Yanshan soul shook his head and said: "I saw them after amnesia, according to the two of them. I and two of them are very good friends and have been practicing together..."

The surroundings were very quiet. At this time, all the monks around knew who the two people stood before the dragon gate. That is the two of the five saints, the evil master and the Quebec.

If you are not afraid to move a little, it will lead to the illusion of the evil master and Kui Tian and kill them. At this point they have already ran.

But don't talk about running at this time, you don't dare to move.

Kui Tian listened to the story of Yanshan's soul, and his face was a look of dumbfounding. Let the soul of Yanshan look inexplicable. Half-sounding, the face of Yanshan soul has already shown a hint of anger, and Quebec sighed a bit:

"The evil Lord, do you really believe in the words of the lord and the demon?"

“Don't they say that they are all lies?” There is a sarcasm in the eyes of Yanshan Soul: “Why do I believe in you?”

Kui Tian's look is also a change, there is a trace of anger in the look, she is also a saint, Yanshan soul is very rude, she really has the urge to leave her sleeves. But when I think of the current situation, I have to work with the evil masters to fight against the lords, the demon Lord and the demon, and then we have suppressed the anger in our hearts and said faintly:

"Is it true if I say it, don't you judge it yourself?"

This time Yanshan soul was not angry, but thought a little, then nodded: "You make sense, I am listening."

"There are only five holy places in this world. Do you know this?"

"Yeah!" Yanshan soul nodded.

"So, do you think that these five saints may become good friends again? Is it possible to practice together for a long time?"

Yanshan soul frowned slightly and thought about it: "It is not impossible! After all, the saints are rare, and together they can communicate with each other."

"The lord is the lord of all the celestial beings, the devil is the lord of the demons, the demon lord is the lord of the demon, do you think that the lord and the demon can become friends? Can you practice with you at the same time?"

The time of thinking about Yanshan’s soul was a little longer: “At our level, the battle between the demon and the demon is a small matter. It is only reasonable to seek the avenue. So I think that our five saints are not together. No such possibility."

Kui Tian silently, long time sighed a sigh: "Evil Lord, I can not convince you. But I can tell you a fact, believe it or not with you."

"please say!"

"You are caught by the lord, the demon and the demon, and then you can't kill you, break your body down..."

After Kui Tian finished, Yanshan’s soul screamed for a while: “Why are they doing this?”

"Air transport! The saints are airlift! They are arrogant for plundering you and my saints!" Quetta's face showed anger.

Some of the hearts of Yanshan Soul at this time believed in Kuitian’s words, not for others, only for the phrase “they plundered you and my holy people”. Although he did not know what role this airlift would play in cultivation, he knew that the words "the holy man" were enough to attract people.

"You...and..." Yanshan soul looked at Quebec with some hesitation.

Kui Tian smiled and nodded: "After you, I was also chased by the lord, the demon and the demon. But I finally escaped. So I said that it is impossible to be friends between the five saints. I want to plunder the qi of other saints. It is that we are not friends, just because they are all pursued by the lords, the demon and the devil, and they are temporarily alliances."

"That... how am I lost my memory?" Yanshan soul only felt a splitting headache, holding the thumbs on both sides of the temple with both hands.

"I just heard what you said. The first thing you encounter after you lose your memory is the lord and the demon. This thing can't be separated from them. You still need to ask them. The evil Lord, this is the future, we Let's take a look at the two to see if you can break the gantry."

"it is good!"

Within the Dragon Palace.

In the virtual alchemy room before the sixth floor of the gantry, Xu Ziyan is carrying out the final step of the eight methods of alchemy. Outside the virtual alchemy room, the five dragon kings of gold, silver, black, red and green looked excitedly at Xu Ziyan. At this time, their hearts were very clear. These days, Xu Ziyan experienced many failures, and this last step can complete the alchemy eight. The last step of the law, open the sixth floor of the Dragon Gate, to welcome the birth of the five-color Huanglong.


A melodious voice rang in the virtual alchemy room, which was the last alchemy eight method that Xu Ziyan entered. Xu Ziyan’s face burst into a happy smile. At this moment, she has successfully completed all the eight methods of the alchemy of the inferior Xiandan. In time, Xu Ziyan will reach the peak of the last grade. Moreover, the original Xu Ziyan was already the first in the early stage of the Shangpin Xiandan, and now he will have the eight-character of the alchemy of the inferior Xiandan. As long as Xu Ziyan will calm down and cultivate for a period of time, he will soon reach the realm of the inferior peak of Xianpin.

The virtual alchemy room disappeared, and Xu Ziyan stood up from the ground and suddenly heard applause from behind. Amazed in my heart, Huo Ran turned back, but saw the gold, silver, black and red, five dragons are standing behind her and applauding.


I am grateful to my comrades for their support during my travels, so that my monthly ticket can still be on the list. Although I have not entered the top ten, but this has made me very content, thank you comrades!



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