The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2331: Five-color emperor king

Seeing Xu Ziyan turned around, Jin Long Wang Hongsheng said: "This Taoist friend, thank you for opening the Dragon Gate to welcome the five-color Huanglong."

Xu Ziyan hurriedly said: "The Dragon King is too polite! Purple smoke also has income here!"


"In the next imaginary lord Xu Ziyan!"

Hearing that Xu Ziyan was the master of one, the five dragon kings did not have any shock. It is not surprising that the age and cultivation of Xu Ziyan, together with the achievements on the road and Dandao.

"Xu Zongzhu, we will go to see the five-color Emperor Dragon King in a moment. When there will be a five-color emperor coming to meet you, you can slowly travel to the five-color Huanglong Temple."

At this time, a burst of "rumbling rumbling" came and looked around, and saw that the gantry was slowly opening.


The five dragon kings snorted and rushed inwardly into the dragon gate, disappearing instantly without a trace. Xu Ziyan walked slowly into the Longmen, standing inside the Dragon Gate and looking into the distance. Blue sky and blue sea, green jungle. A five-color emperor is coming from afar.

Xu Ziyan looked back outside the dragon gate, and his heart was awkward.

This trip to Longmen will have a profound impact on the entire Upper Yuan Dynasty. Many monks have greatly improved the strength of the ontology, which will complement the shortcomings of the monks in the Upper Yuan Dynasty. At the same time, there are quite a few monks who have greatly improved the strength of the Yuanshen. It is not only to let the cultivation of the Yuanshen catch up with its own cultivation, so that it has no defects, and even many monks have cultivated their own gods beyond their own cultivation, paving the way for future cultivation.

More importantly, many monks and monks began to cultivate new spiritual roots, become Do Lingen monks, and even appear five spiritual masters. If these monks are able to combine these attributes in the future, there is no doubt that the Yuan Dynasty will usher in a big era.

A brilliant big time!

In the next hundred years, millennium, or even 10,000 years, within a million years. The monks of the Upper Yuan will enter a process of rapid ascension. Form a situation in which a hundred flowers are in full swing.


A dragon screamed the emotion of Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan turned his head and saw that the dragon in the air was flipping, and the human figure fell from the air in front of Xu Ziyan.

"Xu Zongzhu!"

Xu Ziyan knew that he must have known his identity from the Golden Dragon King. Then he also said a courtesy: "Dragon Friends."


The emperor had less words, and flew in the distance with Xu Ziyan. However, he did not fly fast, and Xu Ziyan slowly followed him behind him, admiring the scenery below.

In the space outside the sixth floor of the gantry, the 18 great monks continued to kill in the area of ​​the heavenly fusion beast, as they did when they were young. At this time, they have forgotten their identity, forgot their age, and cheered for every progress.

This feeling has been gone for a long time, they seem to have returned to the young age. Now they have already killed the fusion beasts of the late Tianzun, and these 18 great monks are now all five spiritual roots. It’s just that the original root of the root is the true root. The rest of the roots are still in the state of pseudo-roots, and they are weak and small and can't be weak. They are slowly cultivating those pseudo-spirits in the direction of the true roots.

Outside the Dragon Palace.

Yanshan soul and Kui Tian stand side by side. Neither of them spoke, because the two of them had just tried together and could not break the gantry in front of them.

The dense monks around did not dare to speak. But one by one is in the exchange of knowledge.

"The black robe is the evil Lord!"

"That color robe is Kuitian!"

"Now both saints are coming. Do you say that the other three saints will also appear?"

"Not good to say!"

"These saints have been born, it seems that the fairy world will have a big reshuffle!"

"Yeah, this is a catastrophe!"

"It's also a big opportunity!"

"We didn't enter the Dragon Gate. Does it mean that we missed this big opportunity?"

"Hey! Who said no! We only have to wait for the saints to open the gantry. Follow the opportunity to get in touch!"

"I look at it! This has come to the two saints, and they have not seen them open the door."

"Evil Lord, Quebec!"

Two sounds suddenly came from the sky. Everyone, including Yanshan Soul and Quebec, looked into the air and saw two figures falling towards Yanshan Soul and Kuitian.

When Quebec saw these two people, his eyes immediately burst into an angry flame, and his body violently fluctuated. Yanshan soul doubles the brilliance, and he can feel his fierce hatred towards the lord and the demon. Does that mean that everything that Kui Tian said just now is true?

"Xianzhu, demon Lord!" Yanshan soul screamed. The tone is calm and the old well is not.

There was a glimmer of doubt in the eyes of the demon Lord. He found that he had not received the message of Hu Meier for some time, but now the Yanshan soul is in front of him, but he still has not received the message of Hu Meier. This shows that Hu Meier must have an accident. Hu Meier is the cultivation of the peak of the late Tianzun, and only the Holy Class can make her hurt or die. Is it that Yanshan’s soul has broken the identity of Humeier and killed it?

Does this mean that the Yanshan soul has recovered its memory?

At this time, the heart of the lord was also hesitant, because he saw the Kui Tian next to the soul of Yanshan. With Quebec, I will definitely tell the things she knows and the soul of Yanshan.

What kind of attitude does Yanshan Soul have for himself now?

At this time, the lord and the demon have fallen on the opposite side of the Yanshan soul, and put away the inner mind, looking at the sound of Yanshan:

"The evil Lord, don't come innocent?"

"Oh..." Yanshan soul has no words, just calmly "hehe" two times, but there is no smile in the eyes, no anger.


Very calm!

The lord and the demon Lord have a relatively glance, and they know that the lie that was said before has already been seen, even if the Yanshan soul has not yet been seen, it will not last long. Of course, neither of them can take the initiative to admit it. Simply change the subject and look at the Dragon Palace. The gaze is a condensation:

"Dragon Palace!"

Yanshan soul saw their look, and believed a few points for Quebec’s words. It was only when he was not completely clear that he remained completely calm. But for the lord and the demon, it is a vigilant heart.

Quietly on the side of the day also calmed down, the body's breath gradually stabilized. Her heart is very clear. Without the joint efforts of the evil Lord, he is definitely not the joint hand of the lord and the demon Lord. At this time, he can only endure.

"Evil Lord, why don't you go in?"

“Oh?” Yanshan’s soul said faintly: “Is this important?”

"This is of course important!" The look of the lord became dignified: "According to the legend, before the Dragon and the phoenix battle, a dragon palace was created, leaving a blood for the dragon. Presumably there must be a lot in this dragon palace. The dragon ancestors. Longzu, but the legend has reached the highest realm, his experience is too important for us."

"The experience of the Dragon Lord? Hehe..." The look and tone of Yanshan's soul is still calm: "Does it have our gas transport reuse?"

"This...hehe..." The lord showed a sly smile: "The evil Lord, that is all the past. Now we are facing the Dragon Palace. No matter what kind of grievances are worth putting down temporarily."

Yanshan soul nodded, and most of the hearts have believed in Quebec's words, but this is not his own memory, and needs to be confirmed later, but his vigilance against the lord and the demon has been raised to the extreme. On the surface, it was still very calm and nodded:

"A few monks have already entered the Dragon Palace. At present, the Dragon Palace has been closed. I have tried it with Kui Tian. I can't open it. Why don't we try again?"

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan flew in the air and looked around the bottom. From time to time, from the clouds or the deep sea, a huge five-color faucet is found, and the huge pressure is raging around. Even the power of the **** of the purple smoke at this time has surpassed the peak of the late Tianzun, and it has been shaken by several huge five-color Huanglong.

Far away saw a palace, Xu Ziyan fell to the palace gate under the guidance of the five-color emperor. The figure has just landed at the door. I saw the five-color Emperor Dragon King with gold, silver, black, red and five dragon kings ushered in.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept away, and the gold, silver, black, red and green dragons did not need to say it. Xu Ziyan had already seen it before. It was the repair of the peak of Tianzun’s later period, and the breath of the five-color Huanglongwang was completely different, and no repair could be seen. For, like ordinary people. But Xu Ziyan is very clear in his heart. This does not mean that the five-color Huanglongwang is ordinary, and how the dragons may be ordinary. This can only prove that this five-color emperor king is a holy level.

"Xu Zongzhu, thank you for cracking the seal of the Dragon Seal!"

"Don't dare!"

Xu Ziyan hurriedly returned. Her heart is very clear, the other party really wants to thank themselves for cracking the seal of the Longzu to come out to greet themselves, otherwise it is impossible for him to come out to greet himself in such a late stage. Therefore, the look on Xu Ziyan's face is very respectful.

"Come, please!" The five-colored Emperor Dragon's face showed a happy smile. The big step led Xu Ziyan to walk inside the hall.


The entire Dragon Palace shook at this time. The five-color Emperor Dragon suddenly frowned a little, and went to the middle of the upper position to sit down, and greeted the gold, silver, black and red, five dragons and Xu Ziyan, and this was the faucet on the chair armrest. Stroked on it. The faucet opened its mouth and spit out a bubble. The bubble floated to the center of the hall and expanded to a diameter of about five meters. Then there was a scene outside the Dragon Palace in the bubble.



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