The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2332: Holy road

Within the bubble is a long-term vision, only to see the dense monk surrounded by the Dragon Palace, the fairy demon has. Endless, the scene is extremely spectacular.

Then there was a scene before the gantry in the bubble. Xu Ziyan’s gaze is a condensation, she saw the Yanshan soul. At this time, the six dragon kings also saw the Yanshan soul, Kui Tian, ​​the fairy and the demon Lord. At this time, the four great monks were looking at the gantry and thinking about it.

The color of the five-color Huanglong Wang changed slightly. He saw that the four people in the bubble were all repaired. Can not help but turn to Xu Ziyan asked:

"Xu Zongzhu, can you recognize these four monks?"

Xu Ziyan immediately shook his head: "I don't know!"

"Don't know?" The five-color Emperor Wang was fixedly staring at Xu Ziyan.

"I don't know!" Xu Ziyan's look has calmed down.

The five-color emperor Wang was fixedly looking at the time when Xu Ziyan had more than a dozen interest rates. He slowly smiled and said: "Xu Zongzhu, I am not malicious. I just found out that your look has changed."

“Yeah!” Xu Ziyan admitted generously: “I am just surprised!”

"Amazed?" There was a slap in the eyes of the Five-Colored Dragon King.

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan thought and said: "I found that these four monks are holy, and there has never been a holy level in the Upper Yuan, so I was surprised."

"Holy? How do you know that they are holy?"

"I have cultivated a kind of supernatural power called Kuang Peng, who can see through the cultivation of the monk, even if his cultivation is higher than me. I can see through the monks of the late Tianzun. But I just discovered the four monks and the emperor. Like you, I can't see it as a normal person. I don't think you can be an ordinary existence. And the four monks can attack the Dragon Palace vibration just like the ordinary one. There is only one explanation for this, and that is the holy level."


The five-color Emperor Dragon nodded, and he was naturally aware of this magical power. The suspicion of Xu Ziyan in his heart was removed. But my heart is still puzzled.

"Do you mean that there is no holy level in the Upper Yuan Dynasty?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan said seriously: "At least I have never heard of it."

"Impossible!" The five-color Emperor Dragon tightened his brow and pointed his finger at the Yanshan soul in the bubble: "This black robe monk is already a seven-level holy level, huh? How can he be so young? Is it? Is it a reincarnation? So, he should be a monk with your contemporaries. It will cause a sensation, how can you not know?"

"I don't know!" Xu Ziyan still firmly denied.

"Yeah!" The five-color Huanglongwang nodded: "Maybe he has been retreating and practicing, and he has not been born. It may be the first time to be born with his age. You don't know it is normal. But the color robe woman, white robe Men and Huangpao men can be six levels of holy level, and they are all very old. The years of cultivation must be long. How can you not know such a person?"

"I don't know!" Xu Ziyan also frowned slightly: "I just said that I have not seen the Holy Class in the Upper Yuan Dynasty, I have never heard of it."

"On the Yuan Continental?" The five-color Emperor Dragon finally heard the four words in Xu Ziyan's words, and his face looked strange and asked:

"What is the mainland of the Yuan Dynasty? Is it now that the Dragon Palace is no longer in the fairy world?"

"It can't be said that it is not in the fairy world, but now it is called the Upper Yuan Continent!" Xu Ziyan explained briefly: "The time I am flying up is still short, not very clear. It is said that the fairy demon broke out in the ancient times. The war finally broke the original fairy world. It formed the three levels of today. The bottom is called the lower galaxies, which are composed of many stars. The middle is called the middle galaxies, which are also composed of many stars. The above is only a vast continent, so it is called the Upper Yuan."

The five-color emperor Wang Wang looked at Xu Ziyan. Half-heartedly asked: "What are you talking about?"

"Of course it is true." Xu Ziyan said with some dissatisfaction: "As long as you go out and ask any monk, they all know."

The five-color Emperor Dragon nodded and did not speak. Looking at the four big monks in the bubble, they meditated. Suddenly his eyes lit up and stared at the white robe monk in the bubble:

"How can I see this person familiar? I seem to have seen it."

The other five dragon kings also set their sights on the white robe monks in the bubble, but the five of them were stunned by the face, clearly not knowing the white robe monk.

"I remembered!" The five-color Emperor Dragon suddenly sat up straight and said: "He is Yutian. He is a powerful man of Fengzu. I have seen him. I did not expect that he has now cultivated to the Holy Six. Layers."

Having said that, his look changed: "Is it because these four monks are monks of our time? Was the fairy world broken by several of them?"

Looking over at Xu Zi flue: "If this is the case, you have not heard that they are also normal, presumably they were all seriously injured, and now the injury is restored and born."

I heard that the five-color Huanglong Wang said that Xu Ziyan’s heart must be. The opening said: "What about this Dragon Palace?"

“Reassured!” The five-color Huanglong Wangyi waved: “This Dragon Palace can be broken with brute force? Don’t say that they are four, that is, four more efforts are in vain. It is not worth our attention.”

The words fell, a wave of robes scattered the air bubbles, looking at Xu Ziyan said: "Xu Zongzhu, since you are a human race. Then I am here to promise to form an alliance with the Terran, and owe you a human condition."

"Xie Huanglong Wang!"

"There is still a chance to give you!" Five-color Huanglong Wang smiled and looked at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan moved in the heart, but the look on his face remained calm, just making a listening. The five-color Emperor Dragon King saw Xu Ziyan's look unchanged, and his eyes showed a hint of appreciation:

"You have cultivated the power of the gods to the first level in the fourth floor space?"

"I don't know!" Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "It just feels higher than the peak of Tian Zun."

"That is the first level of the Holy Class, huh, huh..." Five-color Huanglong Wang smiled: "And now you also fully integrate the five attributes of Jinmu Shuihuo?"

"It just merged into the peak of Xiaocheng!"

"Oh... do you know how to be holy?"

"I don't know!" Xu Ziyan shook his head honestly.

"This is divided into two aspects. One monk is the root of the five attributes, and the other monk does not have the root of the five attributes. First of all, this is the first monk of the five attributes. The step is to cultivate the boundaries of each attribute, and then merge each of them into a five-line world. Finally, the five elements are cultivated into real body space.

This is only the first step. The second step is to first cultivate the Yuanshen to the first level, and then communicate with the bridge of heaven and earth to let the sea and the body space communicate. Finally, let the Yuanshen motivate the growth of the body space through the bridge of heaven and earth. When one hundred and eight meridians in your body become a bridge of heaven and earth, it will reach the level of the holy level. ”

Xu Ziyan’s heart is moving. Now her power of the gods has reached the level of the holy level, and her own body already has space. The bridge between heaven and earth has also opened three. Doesn’t this mean that she has now become a holy level? No, the level of his own strength has not yet reached that level.

"But, if it is so you are not far from the fall!" The five-color emperor Wang looked solemnly: "Because when you get through the twelfth bridge of heaven and earth, it is the moment of the first level of the holy level. At that time, the power in your body has exceeded the capacity of your body.

Before the great level of your holy level, every time you use the Holy Power after the bridge of the heavens and the earth, you will hurt yourself and hurt people. Moreover, the body of the peak of Tianzun can only use the power of the bridge connecting the three heavens and the earth once, to communicate the power of the bridges of the two heavens and earth twice, and to communicate the power of a bridge of heaven and earth three times. If you go beyond this, you will immediately die.

As for the power to communicate with the bridges of the four heavens and the earth, let alone the power that motivates it, and it will explode if it is not released. This is not the main thing, even if you have not used the power of the Holy Order, until you turn the twelve meridians into the bridge of heaven and earth, you can't resist the power, you don't need to provoke that power, it It will automatically explode your body.

Therefore, the third step called the holy level is the quenching. After your gods enter the holy level and open a bridge between heaven and earth, don’t rush to continue to open the bridge of heaven and earth, but try to quench the body. The strength of the body is first tempered to the first level, and then continue to open the bridge of heaven and earth, this is the real road to the holy level. ”

Xu Ziyan was in a state of sorrow. Fortunately, after he reached the holy level on the first level, he did not make the power to communicate with the bridge of heaven and earth. Otherwise, I am afraid that it has already fallen.


Xu Ziyan suddenly raised a trace of incomprehensibility, why did the Yanshan soul did not tell him this point. Is he not afraid that his body will be blasted? Suddenly in my heart, I asked the Emperor Dragon King:

"The Emperor Dragon King, if a monk is practicing at a very low time, such as the time of honor, he will cultivate the real body space, and then there will be a bridge of heaven and earth, but the **** does not reach the holy level, this monk can Is it motivating the Holy Power? If it is motivated, will it explode and die?"

The Emperor Dragon’s look was a smattering. He looked up and down Xu Ziyan and asked: “Is it true that Xu Zongzhu is yourself?”

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan could not hesitate at this time, and immediately admitted: "I have cultivated the body space very early, and I have opened a bridge of heaven and earth under the coincidence of chance, but the gods have never reached the holy level. ""



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