The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2333: Plunder air transport

"Then have you led that kind of power?"

"Used, I feel that power is a lot bigger, but the body does not have any discomfort."

"You were not a holy **** at that time?"


"So the power you mobilize is just one ten thousandth of the true holy level, but that shouldn't be without the slightest injury!"

Huanglong Wang suddenly browed and said: "At that time, did your body strength exceed your repair?"

"Yes! Far more than!"

"That's right!" Huanglong Wang clap his hands: "On the one hand, you can't mobilize the real holy power. On the other hand, your body strength is far beyond repairing, so you are not hurt. I guess you must not use it frequently?"


"That's right! If you use it frequently in a short period of time, you will definitely be hurt, but it will not endanger your life! And before your **** is not at the holy level, the genius monk can only be the most Get through the bridges of the three worlds. Well, yes, at that time your five attributes have not yet merged?"

"How do you know that I am Wu Linggen?" Xu Ziyan asked in surprise.

The Emperor Dragon suddenly laughed and said: "You have merged the five attributes into the realm of Xiaocheng in such a short period of time. If it is not Wu Linggen, how could it be so fast? Even if you are the four Linggen, you want to cultivate the last pseudo-root. Being a true spiritual root is not a success in such a short period of time."

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan nodded and said: "I did not have five attributes at the time, let alone five attributes, that is, there is no fusion of any two of them."

"The power you are igniting is even smaller, and naturally it will not hurt your body. But now you have merged the five attributes into the realm of Xiaocheng, and the power of the gods has reached the level of the holy level. Be careful. You can communicate with a bridge before the Yuanshen, and the five attributes can be communicated before the fusion. This proves that your understanding is extremely strong. Now you have five attributes. The Yuanshen reach the holy level, I am afraid you communicate. The bridge of heaven and earth will be faster. You must not go to the bridge of heaven and earth until the strength of the body has reached the holy level."

Xu Ziyan nodded, and his heart was relieved. Presumably, Yanshan Spirit expects that there is no fusion of its five attributes. The Yuanshen did not reach the holy level, not to mention the Yanshan soul also knew that her body was far superior, so even if the three bridges of heaven and earth were communicated, it would not hurt her body. When necessary, Yanshan Spirit will naturally come to find himself.

"But..." At this time, the five-color Huanglong said again: "Your talent is really high! It is said that only Longzu and Fengzu had opened a bridge of heaven and earth before the Yuanshen reached the holy level, and then No other monk can do this. So at that time, all the people thought that they could only open a bridge of heaven and earth until the gods did not reach the holy level. I did not expect another miracle to appear in front of me today."

Xu Ziyan heard a shock in his heart. He did not only open a bridge between heaven and earth, but opened three. what on earth is it?

I remember that Master said that his inner world is a continent, and the mountain soul also said that his body space is also a continent. Is it that all the body space cultivated by the saints is a continent? And my body space is a reason for the universe?

Even if his own **** does not reach the holy level, even if the five attributes of his body space are not integrated, can he still get through the bridge of the three worlds?

It must be like this!

Xu Ziyan’s heart suddenly rose a hint of pride. His own qualifications have merged with Peng Peng from the coincidence of Shan Linggen, and then he formed an acre of space by practicing Master’s journey through Wanli. Later, the space continued to expand, eventually breaking into countless pieces, forming a star, and the cultivation of the Qiang Kun was improved by himself. It is no longer the five attributes of Jinmushuihuo, but also has the characteristics of the golden wood, the fire, the earth, the light and the wind, and the eleven kinds of properties.

It is this kind of shackles that has led to the continuous growth of his body space, and he has the foundation to communicate with the bridge of heaven and earth in advance.


Does this mean that his own success will be higher than that of the Five Saints, does it mean that his own cultivation will be the same as the original Longzu? Even more than Longzu?


What is Long Zu?

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan looked at the five-color Huanglongwang Road with radiant eyes: "Huanglong Wang, what was the original Longzu?"

"I don't know!" Huanglong Wang shook his head and said: "There is no monk who knows the real repair of his old man!"

"So... how many layers does the holy level have?"

"I don't know this!" The five-color Emperor Dragon King continued to shake his head: "The treasures left by Longzu are sealed. Only by layering one layer to the peak will the seal of the next layer be solved."

"That... What is the repair of the Emperor Dragon King now?"

"I?" The face of the Emperor Dragon King showed a trace of pride: "Seven levels!"

Xu Ziyan said in the heart: "Isn't that the same repair as the mountain soul?"

"The Emperor Dragon King. Are there more monks in your holy age?"

"Not many, there are more than a dozen, but all are dragons and phoenixes, but half-sacred is in the human race, the demon and the devil are many!"

"Is there a dozen holy levels?" Xu Ziyan opened his eyes in surprise: "Is there a number of holy levels between heaven and earth? Can't it exceed a certain amount?"

"Who are you listening to?" The five-color Emperor Dragon looked at Xu Ziyan in confusion.

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan paused: "This is what I just speculated. I think the existence of the holy level should be carried out by the atmosphere. The air transport between the heavens and the earth should be counted. After the operation is scraped, naturally there will be no more holy monks."

"You are a speculation!" The five-color Emperor Dragon suddenly laughed and said: "Without this statement, although air transport is very important, it is not a necessary basis for becoming a holy class."

“There is no such statement?” Xu Ziyan said in his heart: “Then there is no such thing as plundering the air of other saints?”

“How can this be said?” The five-color Emperor Dragon looked strangely at Xu Ziyan: “It’s really hard to be a holy class. First of all, there must be a real five spiritual roots, not the monks of Wu Linggen who want to nurture. It is too difficult to pseudo-roots and then cultivate the pseudo-roots into true roots. It is almost impossible.

Because the monk does not reach the holy level, there is a limit to living longer. And to cultivate a pseudo-linguistic root into a true spiritual root, I am afraid that the life-threatening life of the end of the Tianzun period may not be achieved. Therefore, only the five-color Huanglong and the colorful phoenix, which are born with five attributes, are likely to break through the holy level. unless……"

"Unless what?"

"Unless the monk is born with endless life, you can slowly cultivate the true five spiritual roots. Or..." Here, the eyes of the five-color Emperor Dragon are bright: "Or plunder the heavens of other saints, by plundering others The heavenly way of the saints refines and revitalizes them, so that the monk can create a false spiritual root through the heavenly heavenly path, and then catalyze it to become the true spiritual root. This should be the predatory air transport that you say in your mouth."

Xu Ziyan felt awkward in his heart. He wanted to be the lord of the first time. The demon and the demon people surrounded the Yanshan soul and Kuitian. In fact, they wanted to kill the Yanshan soul and Kuitian, and then plundered the two heavens, but they were because of the original The gods who hold the heavens are deeply hidden in the head, and they can't break the skull of the skull. This is to break the seal of the body under anger. The idea of ​​plundering the air is just to say something nice, not so naked.

"But..." The five-color Emperor Dragon shook his head again: "How is this possible? A monk who is not a holy class kills a saint and then extracts his heavenly refining. How to say it is like a joke..."

The voice of the Five-Colored Dragon King suddenly stopped and his look changed. Stretching out the right hand on the faucet on the armrest of the chair, the faucet will spit out a bubble, and expand to the diameter of about five meters in the center of the main hall. Inside, there are also Yanshan soul, fairy, demon and Kuitian. Monk.

"The four..." The breath of the five-color Emperor Dragon suddenly became heavy: "They are neither dragons nor phoenixes, but one is the seventh level of the Holy Level, and the other three are the six levels of the Holy Level. How is this possible? Are they plundering and refining the heavens of the dragons and phoenix saints? The sages of the dragon ancestors and the dragons? Xu Zongzhu, you said before that you have never seen the holy level, right?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan nodded.

"Have you heard about the situation of the dragon and the phoenix in today's fairy world?"

“Dragon and Feng nationality?” Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and thought and said: “The dragon and the phoenix have heard of some. Now the dragon and the phoenix are divided into the ranks of the Yaozu. I have not heard of the dragon and the phoenix. There is no such thing as a monk who has a great reputation. Anyway, I have never heard of a holy monk."

The five-color Huanglongwang sat there and muttered to himself: "So, the dragons and the phoenixes were really defeated at the beginning! All the holy levels have fallen...the dragon ancestors..."

The eyes of the five-color Emperor Dragon suddenly violently, staring at the influence of the four holy monks in the bubble in the center of the main hall:

"The four monks must have been, they must plunder and refine the heavens in the Holy One when the saints of the Dragon and the Phoenix were fallen. Damn! Kill!"

Xu Ziyan is also in the heart, presumably in the ancient times, the evil Lord, the lord, the demon Lord, the devil and the Kuitian are not holy, even if it was the lord of the lord, the lord Yutian is only A glimpse of a sacred heavenly road, its cultivation is still the peak of the late Tianzun. If this five saints did not plunder the heavens of the refining saints, would it be very difficult to become a saint?




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