The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2334: request

The five-color Huanglong Wang Yi boxing broke the bubble in the center of the main hall, and the eyes flashed in the eyes, but finally sat there with frustration. Xu Ziyan is very aware of the psychology of the five-color Huanglongwang at this time. He wants to rush out to kill Yanshan Soul, the Emperor, the Devil and the Quebec, but he does not have that ability.

The five-color Emperor Dragon King is only a seven-level holy level, and the Yanshan soul outside the Dragon Palace is now the seventh level of the Holy Level, let alone three levels of six levels. If he goes out, it is not bad to be killed. Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan suddenly moved. In the beginning, the lord, the demon and the demon master arrested the evil master, but there was no way to kill it. It is not possible to put the evil Lord out, and this will decompose the corpse of the evil lord. Doesn’t this mean that the holy class does not die?

But the five-color Emperor Dragon King said that the holy levels of the ancient times have fallen, and that the five holy plunders have refining the heavens. What is going on?

"The Emperor Dragon King, can the Holy Class be killed? Isn't the Holy Class not living forever, and living with the heavens and the earth?"

The five-color Huanglong Wang looked at Xu Ziyan and said: "Have you not heard of the Holy Class?"

Xu Ziyan looked a stagnation, and then smiled bitterly: "I just said that I have not heard that there are holy monks in the Upper Yuan Dynasty today, not that I have not heard of the existence of the Holy Age in ancient times."

"Yeah!" The five-color Emperor Dragon nodded. He also felt that the reason for Xu Ziyan was very sufficient. He said with a sigh: "The holy level is of course a lifelong immortal, and the same life as the heavens and the earth. But this is only normal, it does not mean Unexpected circumstances. So they can naturally be killed."

"This..." Xu Ziyan frowned slightly: "But I have heard of a legend that in the ancient times several holy priests seized a holy monk. But how could he not kill, and finally he had to take his body Decomposed and sealed up."

"Is this the case?" The five-color Emperor Dragon looked strangely at Xu Ziyan.

"Well, the legend I have heard is like this."

The five-color Emperor Dragon King pondered for a long time, looking up at Xu Ziyan: "You talk in detail about the legends you heard, such as the body of the monk who killed the immortal?"

"The legend is a stone!"

"A stone?" The five-color Huanglong Wang looked shocked: "Can you know which stone he is?"

"do not know!"

"If he is the stone, it is really impossible to kill."

"Which stone?"

"The five-colored stone on the Yuetian Peak."

"The five-colored stone on the Yuetian Peak?"

"Not bad!" The five-color Emperor Dragon nodded: "There are only a few dragons in the dragon family. Of course, the Feng family should also know a few. I was originally regarded as the future patriarch of the dragon by Longzu, so I learned this. Something.

Long Zu once told me that the five-color stone on the Yuetian Peak has been born with wisdom. Long Zu originally wanted to refine it into a fairy treasure, but it was impossible to take it away from Yuetian Peak with the ability of Longzu. Later, Longzu wanted to refine it at Yuetian Peak, and it was impossible to refine it.

Later, Longzu wanted to put the gods into the five-color stone to conquer the newly born spirit, but found that the gods could not enter. Finally, Long Zu left with regret, but told me. Once the five-color petrochemical is a living, be sure to make a good deal with him because he is not killed. It is not afraid to be an enemy with him, but it will be a lot of trouble. ”

"Oh..." Here, the five-color Emperor Dragon sighed: "I thought that when the Dragon Palace was opened, the enemy of our Dragons would still be the Phoenix, but did not think of the sea. It is not exactly what it used to be. Now our The enemies are foreign monks who have plundered the dragons and the phoenix."

Xu Ziyan was silent. At this time, she really didn't know what to say. She understood the mood of the five-color Huanglongwang at this time. The Dragon Palace opened, and the old rival Fengzuo disappeared, but his new opponent did not make him relaxed. Even because of the existence of Yanshan soul, he did not dare to open the gantry.

This is definitely a shame for the proud dragons, especially for a five-color dragon king! But he has no other choice. I can only choose to close the Dragon Palace and close the door.

At this time, Xu Ziyan also had a general understanding of the holy level. The normal way to become a holy monk is to practice, as the five-color Emperor King said, step by step. The shortcut is to be able to plunder the heavens of refining and other holy levels. Presumably, when the dragon and the phoenix battled, the five saints today absorbed the heavens of the fallen saints, and they now have the five saints. Since then, there has been no more fallen monks, and no sixth saint has ever been produced.

No wonder the original lord, the demon Lord and the demon Lord wanted to kill the evil Lord and plunder the path of refining his heavenly path. It turned out that they had done this before they became holy. The only difference is that in the ancient times, they were hiding behind and waiting for the holy level to fall, and then went out to snatch. In ancient times, they took the initiative to attack and kill the evil Lord.

"I will tell you about the second method of cultivation and sanctification!" At this time, the five-color emperor king has recovered calm:

"We will use the single Linggen monk as an example. The first step he has to do is to cultivate the boundary and then cultivate the realm into a single-property body space.

This is the first step. The second step is to repair the Yuanshen, and then cultivate the Yuanshen to the first level, and then communicate with the bridge of heaven and earth. After the bridge of heaven and earth communicates, try not to provoke the power of the bridge of heaven and earth to the enemy, but use it to promote the growth of the body space, slowly evolve the other four pseudo-roots, and then slowly cultivate the pseudo Linggen became the root of the real spirit, and then cultivated these four attributes a little bit, slowly refining these four attributes out of bounds, and then slowly blending these four boundaries into the internal space to form a five-line space, after which It should be hardened, and then it can continue to open the bridge of heaven and earth after quenching. This is an extremely slow process, and it is almost impossible to complete before the life is exhausted.

Of course, there are also shortcuts, that is, hunting and melting the beast, but the fusion beast has not been left in the ancient times, which is not realistic at all. Therefore, in the ancient times, apart from our five-color emperor and colorful phoenix, there was no holy monk at all. This is because our five-color emperor and colorful phoenix itself are the five spiritual roots, and on the other hand, because our Shouyuan far exceeds other races. ”

“There are no Wu Linggen monks in other races?”

Xu Ziyan asked, her meaning is very obvious, you see that I am the root of the five attributes, not only cultivated to the extent of today? Is there such a monk in the era of the prosperous age?

The five-color Emperor Dragon King naturally understands Xu Ziyan’s mind, and can’t help but laugh: “To say that the Terran, the Demon and the Mozu are among the longest, almost endless, as long as they are not accidentally degraded, they They can live almost infinitely. But their attributes are also very simple, only dark attributes. In the case of normal cultivation, it is almost impossible to cultivate sanctification. You want to cultivate four pseudo-roots and then cultivate them. It is too difficult to become four true spiritual roots. There has never been such a demon monk.

Although there are many spiritual roots in the demon, there are even four Lingen demon monks, but their Shouyuan is shorter than the Mozu, so there has never been a demon sanctification.

The Terran is a monk with a natural spiritual root, but the Shouyuan of the Terran is really short. It is the shortest race of the Shouyuan in the Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu, and it is even less likely to cultivate and sanctify. ”

Having said that, the five-color Emperor Dragon stared at Xu Ziyan: "I am really surprised. How did you cultivate a five-linger to such a level? You were already a fairy before entering the Dragon Palace. This is simply a miracle."

Xu Ziyan honestly replied: "My adventures are more!"

In the eyes of the Five-Colored Emperor Dragon, there was a glimmer of ecstasy: "The thing of air transport is mysterious and mysterious. I can't see it. I can't figure it out yet. But you should be a person with air. Xu Zongzhu, I have already told you that if you want to be a holy class, you must enter the holy level, and cultivate the five elements of space in the body, open the bridge of heaven and earth, and cultivate the ontology to the holy level. Now your **** has entered the first level. The body also cultivated five elements of space, and opened a bridge between heaven and earth. Although the cultivation has not yet reached the holy level, it has already laid the foundation for the holy level. Now you are the quenching body, now you can give it to you. A big chance, let you complete the final step of quenching.

But I have a request! ”

The look of Xu Ziyan is a glimpse. Letting a very proud five-color Huanglongwang say the word "request" must be a very serious matter. However, the chance of the quenching body Xu Ziyan can not be let go, which makes Xu Ziyan feel a lot heavy on the shoulder, said:

"You say!"

"If there is a situation in which the dragons are annihilated in the future, I hope that you can try to keep a little blood for the dragons."

"I?" Xu Ziyan asked in surprise. At this time, she understood in her heart that the reason why the Five-Colored Dragon King said this was because she saw the Yanshan soul outside the Dragon Palace, the lord, the demon Lord and the Kuitian four saints.


You are a holy seven-layered five-color emperor king who can't protect the dragon's blood, but let me keep it. Isn't that a joke?

"Oh, huh..." Five-color Huanglong Wang smiled: "I said that nature is not the present. There is nothing in the Dragon Palace in the Dragon. I am talking about the future if you have the ability. If the Dragons have an accident, I hope you can help."

"This is no problem!" Xu Ziyan's heart was relieved, as long as it wasn't for her help now, she really didn't have that ability. However, Xu Ziyan also had some understanding of the formation, and asked:

"The Emperor Dragon King, whether it is a battle or a rune, must have weaknesses, even if it is a high-quality array. I think this Dragon Palace is more than just a simple building, because it is a space, it must be There are arrays of laws and runes on the building of the Dragon Palace. This dragon palace may not be broken! If you are surrounded by four holy people outside the Dragon Palace..."

By the way, this month is even less. I haven’t seen my first step book. Feng Ming’s comrades can go and see that the book is short and can’t cost a few dollars. This can also make a few light of the gods for the bell, oh...

*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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