The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2335: Five holy gatherings

"You said it is good!" Huang Long Wang said: "But this Dragon Palace was built by Long Zu, is it that the four saints outside can crack it?"

Xu Ziyan didn't move, but his heart sighed. She knows the tactics of Yanshan's soul. At the beginning, even the dragon ancestors couldn't help the five-color stone, let alone the intellectual lord. I am afraid that the refining techniques and arrays that were originally owned by the crickets are also accomplished in the long-term absorption of the heavens. I am afraid that the achievements will no longer be under the dragon ancestors.

However, Xu Ziyan could not say it, and he could do nothing, only silently.

"Well, I am telling you about quenching now!" said the five-color emperor Wang Ningsheng: "There is still a separate space after the sixth floor space, where there is a quenching place. But there is also very dangerous, half life and death. You have to think about whether you are going in."

"I am going!" Xu Ziyan did not hesitate.

"it is good!"

This is the ancestral training left by Longzu. As long as you enter the sixth floor and are willing to go into the quenching, we can't stop it. So this is what you deserve, not the opportunity I just said.

Since you have promised to help the dragons in the future, I have to give you another chance. Having said that, Huanglong Wang took out a Dragon Ball Road:

"This dragon ball contains a virtual alchemy room and the best alchemy eight methods of the immortal elixir and many of the best congenital immortal Dan, as well as the supernatural innocent immortal alchemy eight methods and many super inferior immortal Dan Dan, today I will give it to you as my thank you."

Xu Ziyan could not refuse at all. The Dan Dao inheritance in her Dan Fuzong heritage only came to the top of the fairy tale. There is no such thing as a congenital immortal record of the best and super good. Therefore, Xu Ziyan only said thank you, and collected the dragon ball.

"Let's go, I will take you to the quenching space!"

The five-color Emperor Dragon stood up and walked outside the gate. Xu Ziyan also stood up and followed. Fly to the depths of the sixth floor.

A very simple door, the five-color Huanglong Wang turned to Xu Ziyan and said: "Entering this door is the quenching space, which is the star force quenching body. I often go into the quenching body. But the body of our dragon family is originally strong. If you are inside If you can't stand it, just come out, don't force it."

"Thank you!"

The five-color Emperor Dragon has no words, just made a gesture of asking.

Xu Ziyan reached out and pushed the door, tilting the starlight from inside. Step into it. The door behind him quietly closed. Xu Ziyan looked up and saw that he was in a starlight, and countless stars were spreading to him...

In the fusion of the beast space, the eighteen masters are still struggling hard...

Outside the Dragon Palace.

The lord suddenly heard the voice of Yanshan soul god: "The evil master, you are a fairy sergeant, this dragon palace does not have to use brute force to break it?"

Yanshan soul looked at him, and the gods said: "I just want to try the strength of the Dragon Palace."

The eyes of the lord are a bright light: "So, is there a way to break this dragon palace?"

"of course!"

"What are we waiting for? We promise you to pick a baby first!"

Yanshan soul shook his head slightly: "Do you think there is a dead thing in this Dragon Palace? There will be no living dragons?"

The look of the lord changed: "What do you mean?"

"I mean there is a dragon in it, and there is a holy dragon!"

The lord silently said: "What are you doing?"


"What are you waiting for?"

"Wait for the Lord! If such a big thing happens, if the Lord knows it, it won't come. It will only be able to insure if we gather our five holy."

"When the Lord does not come?"

"That will wait! Anyway, we are not in a hurry, you can slowly practice while you are here."

Within the Dragon Palace, the star force quenches the space.

The stars of the sky fell and gathered on the body of Xu Ziyan. At this time, Xu Ziyan was like being wrapped in a light. She has not seen her body.

Xu Ziyan in the light is suffering from extreme pain at this time. She feels that the star force is like a slender and strong knife with the same handle cutting her body, transmitting it into her body and cutting her skin. , meat, tendons, bones. Dirty, pulse...

This kind of pain made Xu Ziyan gradually fall into a collapse. If she was not determined, she would have escaped. That's it, she also feels that if she continues to persist, she will be cut into powder and fallen.

However, her current power of the gods has reached the level of the Holy Level. Let her consciousness be sober, and clearly feel the pain of cutting.

I don't know how long it took, the muscles on Xu Ziyan's face began to distort, the muscles of the body began to tremble, and the seven sputum oozing blood. Gradually, the skin began to show blood marks, which was cut by a piece of silk power.

Xu Ziyan sighed softly. She knew that she would go on like this again. The silk force would cut her skin, muscles, bones...

Cut her into pieces.

Suddenly, a message came from her gods, and then she heard the sound of the Thunder giant sword:

"Ziyan, this is the tenth layer of the practice of quenching the body, and you begin to practice immediately."

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a joy. She just kept working in the world, but the nine-layered world’s quenching body could not stop the cutting of her. Now I heard that the Thunder giant sword sent her the tenth layer of heaven and earth, and I couldn’t help but overjoyed it.

"Thunder and the Great Sword, have you been tempering in the time array?"

"Yeah!" Thunder's great sword said: "You have to hurry to practice, I am going to push the eleventh floor of the world."

"Okay, thank you!"

Xu Ziyan began to read the tenth layer of the celestial body in the message, the chapter is very short, but the comprehension still took Xu Ziyan nearly one hour.

It was only this time of nearly one hour that Xu Ziyan’s body had become a snowman. The skin had been completely cut, and began to cut her muscles. The flesh and blood fell off the body a little bit, making Xu Ziyan feel trembling.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Ziyan began to run the tenth layer of the world's quenching body...

Outside the Dragon Palace.


A figure fell from the sky and landed in front of the dragon gate. The eyes swept away toward the four monks in front of the dragon gate. The look is a glimpse:

"Imperial Lord, demon Lord, evil Lord, Quebec?"

"Magic Lord!" The lord, the demon Lord, the evil Lord and the Quebec simultaneously called.

The Lord did not understand how the four monks in front could gather together so harmoniously, and they looked at the eyes of the Lord and the Lord.

The lord's condensate sounds what happened to the Lord, and the Lord's eyes light up. First, a ritual to the Yanshan soul:

"The evil Lord, I apologize to you for what happened between us. You can always avenge me. Of course I will not be able to get rid of it. Today, please open the Dragon Palace first, and we will work together to seize the Dragon Heaven."

Yanshan soul nodded and looked calmly: "Since this dragon palace appears in the form of a dragon, then its weakness is not difficult to find, the dragon has a reverse scale, and this weakness is at the scale of the dragon."

The arms of Yanshan Soul suddenly spread out to both sides and lifted upwards.


The earth cracked from the middle, and a gap was splitting on both sides, and then the two halves of the split land rose toward the air, like two huge islands.


All the monks flew in the distance, and only the five saints stood on the ground alone. At this time, the five standing grounds stood like a huge pillar. The other grounds have been thrown out by the Yanshan soul far away, and I don’t know where it is.

The entire Dragon Palace was revealed. It was a tens of thousands of meters of dragon-shaped buildings. The groundwater poured out and climbed up.

The lord stretched out a finger and cried in the air: "Dess!"

All the groundwater stopped climbing immediately, as if it had been frozen.


The shape of the Yanshan soul swooped down to the bottom.


The lord, the demon Lord, the devil and the Quebec followed.

Only in an instant, Yanshan soul is standing in a place in the Dragon Palace, staring at a place on the Dragon Palace in front. Then use your fingers to point to the Dragon Palace:

"This is the scale of the dragon. You wait a minute!"

When the words fall, Yanshan soul's hands and fingers are constantly taking turns, and the mysterious pattern is constantly being generated between his fingers, infiltrating into the scales of the dragon...

Within the Dragon Palace.

Beyond the star force quenching space, the five-color emperor king stood with gold, silver, black, red and green. The five dragon kings stood there, staring at the gate of the star force quenching space.

"The Emperor Dragon King, are we here to wait for the Lord?" Green Dragon King asked softly.

"Yeah!" The five-color Huanglongwang nodded. "We have nothing to do anyway, just here and so on."

"The Emperor Dragon King, Xu Zongzhu really deserves the Dragon to give her a Dragon Ball?" Red Dragon King asked inexplicably.

"It's worth it! She is just a human being, but she can cultivate the five attributes to such a degree, and open the bridge of heaven and earth in advance. Such people will not kill them immediately, or they will make good friends with her. Now we have to face The saints outside the Dragon Palace are best able to retreat."

"That... can she withstand Star Force tempering? Red Dragon King asked worriedly."

"I can stand the best, if I can't stand it, I will be disappointed!"

Within the quenching space, Xu Ziyan's skin began to regenerate, gradually recovering the original appearance, and flowing radiance on the body skin.

Xu Ziyan is running over and over again, and the strength of the body is slowly rising. She has already felt that her body strength is infinitely close to the holy level.


The light wrapped in Xu Ziyan fluctuated for a while, shaking a burst of humming. The body strength of Xu Ziyan entered the first level. So as long as the level of the force of Xu Ziyan reaches the holy level, she will become a true monk at the first level.



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