The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2336: Dragon Palace collapse


The intensity of the star power in the whole space suddenly became sharper, and the speed of the drooping was also faster. Xu Ziyan snorted and felt that he began to feel pain again. The smoothness that broke through to the first level of the Holy Class was gone, only extreme pain.

She knows that this is an upgrade of Star Power. If I don't have the 11th layer of the practice of quenching the body, it is impossible to stick to it here.

Immediately sink into a glimpse of the gods into the purple smoke space, and sure enough, seeing the Thunder giant sword is pushing the twelfth layer of the world's quenching body in the time array method.

Take back the gods and think about whether you want to leave the space of the star force. Just thinking about it for a moment, Xu Ziyan decided to stay here for a while, because after her body strength broke through the holy level, although the degree of quenching of the star force has increased, it has caused pain again, but it has not yet threatened the extent of life. .

Xu Ziyan knows that the strength of the current star power has reached the second level of the Holy Class. She hopes that she can take this opportunity to further temper her body, because once she withdraws from here, she will no longer have the opportunity to enter here. So she will not leave here on the verge of falling.

"So long after the sect has not come out, will she have fallen into the inside?" Silver Dragon King outside the space of the quenching body asked softly.

"I don't know!" The five-color Huanglong Wang said slowly: "But if she hasn't come out after a day, she should fall into it. She can only break through the strength of the body with the power of Shenlong. It is impossible to break through to the second level of the holy level. So tomorrow is her final deadline. And this space of quenching body is basically prepared for the holy monk. At the beginning, the idea of ​​the dragon ancestors was that there would be a holy monk entering the Dragon Palace, and then the holy The level monks left this opportunity to take their body strength to the next level.

I didn't think that the monk who entered the Dragon Palace did not have a holy class, but even so, this Xu Ziyan actually cultivated itself, and the realm of the Yuanshen and the strength of the body did not reach the level of the holy level. The three-level assessment will practise the realm of the Yuanshen to the first level. The combination of five attributes laid the foundation for the sacred level. Therefore, I have a glimmer of hope for her. If she can get out of the space of Xingli quenching body, the future achievements must be limitless. You must have enough respect for him. ”

"The four holy levels outside the Dragon Palace?"

"If there is only one holy level. We can also let him in. There are four now, and one is the seventh level of the Holy Level, and the third is the sixth level of the Holy Level. Their power is too strong. Now we are among the five colors of the Dragon. Beyond the seven levels of the Holy Level, there is only one level of six levels, one level five, one level four, two levels three, two two levels, three levels. Put the four monks in. Once they are speculative, we can't resist them. Maybe the blood left by the dragon ancestors will die in their hands."

Speaking of this, the five-color Emperor Dragon spit out a breath: "When we have a third level of the Holy Family, or my strength goes up one level, and breaks through the eighth level of the Holy Level. I am not afraid of them."

Outside the Dragon Palace.

The lord, the demon Lord, the demon Lord, the evil Lord and the Quebec stand at the scale of the dragon. At this time, the array of the dragon's inverse scale has been completely cracked, completely revealing its weakness.

The five holy forces jointly attacked the dragon in the scales.


An infinite roar, the entire Dragon Palace is shaking. Immediately afterwards, a network of cracks appeared from the scales of the dragon, and then the cracks spread rapidly around the Dragon Palace.


Inside the Dragon Palace, the dragons looked up and the six dragon kings on the last floor changed dramatically. The wind and clouds in the sky have changed dramatically. The space cracks in the same way are like the golden snakes, and the space inside the Dragon Palace is extremely unstable.

"Not good!" The five-color emperor Wang Hao shouted: "They cracked the dragon's counter-scale, the dragon palace is going to collapse! How is this possible? How can they have such a brilliant fairy singer?"


The five-color Huanglong Wang flew into the air. Li Yansheng passed out layer by layer: "Accumulate to me immediately, ready to meet the enemy!"


In the six spaces, a strip of five-color Huanglong, Jinlong, Yinlong. Black dragons, red dragons and green dragons vacated and flew in the direction of the five-color Emperor Dragon King.


The sky shattered, and countless boulders fell from the sky, and the dragons flew toward the last layer.

Outside the Dragon Palace.

The monks in the sky stunned and watched the huge Dragon Palace shattering under the attack of the Five Holy Forces. From the scale of the dragon, the crack began to spread and spread quickly. Broken, saw a dragon flying fast, and saw a monk and a demon monk are at a loss to avoid the boulder falling in the air, while staring blankly at everything that happened around him.

The space collapse of the Dragon Palace directly smashed some Terran and Yaozu monks, and even some dragons were strangled, and the surviving Terran, Yaozu and Dragons were in a panic.

But the monks outside the Dragon Palace no longer care about this at this time, they all look to the five saints in the middle of the imaginary, they are waiting for the action of the five saints to decide their actions. Naturally, there will be no tribes and demon monks in the eyes of the five saints. Their eyes only pass from the dragons, and they have been moving forward to find the holy rank of the dragons.

The five saints almost laughed at the same time. They have already seen the saints in the dragons. At this time, the saints in the dragons are standing at the forefront of the last layer, standing behind them thousands of five-color emperors, Jinlong , Silver Dragon, Black Dragon, Red Dragon and Green Dragon. At this time, I was looking forward to the five saints with anger.

"There is only one holy level seven, one holy six, one holy five, one holy four, two holy three, two holy two, three holy level. We can slaughter Dragon, as long as these holy levels are killed, and the heavens are refining and refining, our repairs will surely take it to the next level! Hahaha..."

The lord suddenly laughed wildly, and the rest of the four saints laughed too. The figure disappeared in space, and instantly they reached the front of the five-color emperor king. They did not speak, and immediately burst into endless potential, bombarding the past with the dragon saints.


Numerous Terrans outside the Dragon Palace, the Yaozu and the Mozu monks understand, the Five Saints is to kill the dragon! What are they waiting for?

Kill! Grab!


The densely packed millions of monks have sneaked into the past thousands of dragons.


A dragon was also angry, and screamed at the monks who had killed the past.

The star force quenching space suddenly became extremely unstable, and the stars began to fall, the space became extremely unstable, and the power of space was strangled.

Xu Ziyan didn't know what happened, but knew that the power generated by this change was definitely not something that he could resist. Instantly entered the purple smoke space, and then turned the purple smoke into a mustard, avoiding the fall of the stars and the force of space.


In the last space of the Dragon Palace, the space of the star-hardened body was also broken, and the purple smoke space was worn out from the gap, and then the purple smoke was stagnant there.

In front of me, it was a scene of doomsday. It was all over the place. It was killing everywhere. It was not the body of a monk and a dragon that fell from the sky. However, the monks fell more and the dragons fell very little.


A five-color Huanglong, a three-level sacred dragon, was shot by the lord, and the mouth was sucked. The colorful heaven was sucked out of the body of the dragon and sucked into the mouth.

At the same time, the demon Lord also killed a holy two-tiered dragon and absorbed the heavens. The demon smashed a holy level and three layers to absorb the heavens. Kui Tian killed a holy two-tiered dragon to absorb the heavens. Yanshan soul smashed a holy level and four layers to absorb the heavens. Although the five saints were each attacked by other holy dragons, their strengths were there, they resisted the attack hard, and they also killed a holy dragon to absorb the heavens.

In this way, the Holy Dragon has a seventh level of the Holy Level, a sixth level of the Holy Level, a fifth level of the Holy Level and three levels of the Holy Level.

Xu Ziyan saw from the space those monks who first entered the Dragon Palace, including 18 great monks who also participated in the killing. There are too many people, the scene is too confusing, and she can't find the Taixu monk. I thought that with their cultivation, if you take the violent increase, you should have no problem with self-protection, then you will let go of the air and look into the air. I saw that the dragons were outnumbered after all. Although they destroyed too many fairy demons, they also fell down in a strip and fell from the air.

In order to compete for the dragon's body, the fairy demon chased the dragon's body and fought each other. After all, the dragon's body is full of treasure, and thousands of dragons are too few for the monks who have added more than 10 million to the inside and outside of the Dragon Palace.

Therefore, the entire space is really chaotic to the extreme, the fairy demon is in a fierce battle with the dragon, and the demon demon is also in a fierce battle, and the complete battle becomes a mess.

When Xu Ziyan saw this time, the energy of Wusheng had been completely attracted by Shenglong, and there was no extra energy to pay attention to others. At this time, the five-color Emperor Dragon King alone blocked the soul of Yanshan. The three masters of the lord and the demon Lord were worthy of the five-color emperor king. The combat power was definitely not comparable to the ordinary five-color emperor. Although it fell in the wind, it was entangled. The fairy, the demon and the Yanshan soul.

At this time, the five-color Huanglongwang had already suffered a big loss. He did not think that the other five saints would not have the rules of the ancient times. Everyone would fight against each other and win the game. Instead, they would directly compete with their strengths, but they would It is not too low-level four-level holy level, three-tier and two-tiered holy dragons to go, the sudden killer, so that the five-color Huanglong Wang was caught off guard and lost his men.


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