The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2337: Dragon disaster

At this time, the five-color Emperor Dragon King has already killed his eyes. With his super-powerful, tyrannical body, the incarnation of the dragon entangled the Yanshan soul, the three masters of the lord and the demon.

The six-story holy dragon is on the Kui Tian, ​​the six-story Shenglong and Quebec stalemate together, and the battle power of Kui Tian is also super strong. The body caused by the three demon monsters is not under the five-color Huanglong.

But the Lord of the Lord was a little worse. He was suppressed by the five-story holy dragon and fell to the bottom. The remaining five sacred layers of the five-color emperor are rampant among the monks below the sacred demon. No monk can resist them. A lot of fairy demons fall from the air, like it rains. Generally falling from the air.

But at this time, the fairy demon is also killing red eyes. Their number is more than the dragons. At this time, they have forgotten to escape, only knowing the killing, and gradually separating the five colored dragons of the holy level, respectively. In the middle of the siege, the fairy scorpion, the fairy and the scorpion, bombarded the past with the dragon, and the five colored dragons on the first level of the holy level were also frequently dealt with.

Xu Ziyan began to move, she hid in the body space, controlling the purple smoke space to fly rapidly at low altitude. The body of a red dragon fell from the air. Above it was a group of fairy devils who smothered each other and chased the body of the red dragon, but whenever a monk wanted to take the red dragon body first, it would always Received an attack from the surrounding magic demon.


The body of the red dragon disappeared, and the fierce battle of the demon demon was just a stop, and he could not help but stop the battle, then squinted his eyes and suspected that his eyes were spent.


The body of the red dragon is gone...

At this time, Xu Ziyan has controlled the purple smoke space to leave far away, and the body of the red dragon floats in the void of the purple smoke space.

On the ground, there is a body of a five-color emperor lying in the center, but there are tens of thousands of fairy devils in the fight for the dragon corpse.


The body of the five-color emperor disappeared. No one saw how it disappeared. He just felt that he had occasionally glanced at the fierce battle and found that the body of the five-color emperor was gone.

This battle from Tianming to dark, and then from the dark to the dawn. Day by day, after three days, the Dragons have already died more than two thousand. This is an unbearable pain for the dragons. Although the demon enchanted more, it has fallen into a million.

At this time the scene is more chaotic. Not to mention the battle scene of the holy level, just say the fairy demon of the holy level, these three days, because the body of the dragon has suddenly disappeared, making these fairy devils suspicion, the heart is more and more impetuous, from time to time Attack each other.

The body of the mountain soul is not lower than the five-color emperor, and even more than the five-color emperor king, and his cultivation is equivalent to the five-color emperor king, plus the lord and the demon. The Five-Colored Dragon King finally began to fall on the wind. Kui Tian, ​​who fought with the six-level five-color emperor of the Holy Class, gradually gained the upper hand. Only the devil still fell in the wind and was beaten by the other side.

The five colored dragons on the three levels of the Holy Level were not very good, although they killed a lot of fairy demons, but were surrounded by millions of monks. Although it has not been injured, it has already shown signs of fatigue.


And the spirit of Yanshan, the lord together with the demon Lord of the Five-Colored Emperor Dragon King, saw that the five-colored Emperor Dragon of the three holy level has been exhausted, and the heart suddenly appeared in the five-level emperor of the three holy levels. Above the dragon, the big sleeve is in the air. Three giant guns appeared in the air, and then the big sleeves were raised.

"go with!"

The three-handed guns, like the pillars of the heavenly pillars, spurred toward the five colored emperors of the three holy levels. The fierce power and lightning speed caused the space to collapse and collapse, while a big hand tightened. Followed by. Prepare to capture the heavens in the body after the death of the five holy emeralds.


From the other side, a huge dragon tail was swept, and the space collapsed and collapsed. The countless fairy demons were directly crushed, and many monks were crushed and collapsed, swept swiftly. To the three big guns.

This dragon tail is the dragon tail of the five-color Emperor Dragon King. He saw the action of the demon Lord, in a hurry, with the dragon and the dragon claws to resist the attack of Yanshan soul and the lord, a dragon tail swept away.

At this time, the spirit of Yanshan and the Chinese language now understand the mind of the demon Lord. The demon Lord saw the five colored dragons on the first level of the holy level, and they were able to kill three five-color emperors in one stroke. Three sacred layers of five-color Huanglong, after collecting the heavens, come back to the siege of the five-color Huanglongwang.

This naturally makes the Yanshan soul and the lord heart unhappy, is this not the cheaper of them? The two of them worked hard to stop the five-color Emperor Dragon King. The Yaozu went there to find the cheap, and there are so many good things in the world?

Therefore, Yanshan Spirit and Xianzhu simply do not control the dragon tail, and consciously reduce the intensity of the attack, the heart of the dark road, it is best to kill the demon Lord with a dragon tail, even if it is not dead, it is also good to hurt him.


One leg of the demon Lord suddenly became thick and long, like a lonely mountain, slamming into the dragon tail that swept across. He knew that as long as he could stop the dragon tail, the three big guns he released would definitely kill three five-color dragons, and he was only slightly injured. It is definitely worthwhile to exchange a slight injury for three Heavenly Levels.


The solitary peaks squatted on the dragon's tail, and the space that collided with one foot and one tail completely collapsed into a black hole, and the hurricane that was picked up directly shattered the surrounding fairy demon. The body of the demon Lord was drawn out like a meteor. The dragon tail continued to sweep forward, but after all, it was blocked by the demon master. The dragon tail wiped the end of the gun with three handles and did not smoke. The three-handed rifle only slightly changed the direction of the three-handed rifle.

All of this happened in an instant. The three-handed gun was swept away by the dragon's tail. Instead of hitting the heads of the three dragons, it was inserted into the body of three dragons.


Three five-color emperors gave a sigh.


The three giant guns that had been shot into the body of the three dragons suddenly exploded, and the body of the dragon spurted out the flesh and blood of the sky.


The tail of the five-color Emperor Dragon King was wrapped in the air, and the five colored dragons on the first level were wrapped together. Then the tip of the tail was lightly in the space, and the space was broken. The five-color emperor of the layer was thrown in.


The Yanshan soul and the lord's attack slammed into the distracted five-color Emperor Dragon King. The huge body of the five-color Emperor Dragon King rolled in the air, and the huge dragon mouth ejected blood.

But his huge tail was still struggling to sweep the Lord. At this time, the repair of the demon Lord is only five levels of the Holy Level. It is not as good as the demon Lord. Where can the hard end of the dragon tail of the five-color Emperor Dragon King, the figure disappears instantly in the same place and appears in the other direction.


The five-color Emperor Dragon King knows that in this fierce battle, there is only one way to fall. Screamed, and then broke the space barrier, the body shape disappeared instantly. The five-color Huanglong, the six-level holy layer, was only slightly under the wind. It just broke out suddenly, and broke away from the shackles of the sky, opened the space barrier and fled in the other direction. The five-level five-color Huanglong, which was helped by the five-color Emperor Dragon King, had already disappeared into the space barrier in the other direction when the Emperor Dragon’s voice was heard.

Yanshan soul did not hesitate to follow the direction of the five-color Huanglongwang, and the lord followed closely. The Lord of the Hesitant hesitated, and finally followed the Yanshan Soul and the Emperor. Kui Tian pursued the five-color Huanglong who was on the fifth floor of the holy level. The demon Lord hesitated a little, and finally chased the direction of the five-color Emperor Dragon. He felt that although he caught up with it, Yanshan Soul and the Emperor would not give him a good face, but the inheritance of Longzu must be in the Five-Color Emperor Dragon King. He can't give up.


The remaining one thousand or so dragons of all kinds below the holy level heard the command of the five-color emperor king, and most of the demon demons also scattered and chased the dragons. Only a small part of the demon demon stayed. I began to search on the ruins of the Dragon Palace, hoping to find some treasures.

On the far side of the cloud, there are dozens of Taixu sects in the sky. Xu Xingfan looked at the scattered dragons and asked:

"Uncle Sirius, why don't you let us kill the dragons?"

Xu Tianwo looked at the dragons and the monks who had disappeared into the air and said: "I can't find a reason to kill the dragons. The dragons gave us the opportunity to improve our cultivation. In this respect, The Dragons did not offend us, but they have grace for us. We are too imaginary to be ungrateful. I think if the lord is here, it will not let us do that. Right, where is the lord?"

Xu Ziyan’s face showed an anxious color.

Where is Xu Ziyan at this time?

Xu Ziyan is tracking the three sacred layers of the five-color emperor on the way. When Xu Ziyan saw the five-color emperor king throwing the five-colored emperors of the three holy layers into the turbulent stream, he suddenly remembered the five-color Huanglongwang and she said However, once the dragon is in trouble, I hope she can keep a little dragon blood for the dragon. At the moment, the purple smoke space was controlled. The space was not closed, and it was rushed in.

As soon as I entered the time and space, I saw that the three five-color emperors were breaking through the space barriers on the other side. Xu Ziyan immediately called out Xiaomumu and entered Xiaomumukou to let Xiaomumu track three five-color Huanglong.

There was no space for chasing, and there were six spaces. Xiaomumu stood in the air and spit out the purple smoke from the mouth. Xu Ziyan took Xiaomumu up and looked up in the air. He saw that it was an uninhabited island in the middle of Wangyang. The three five-color emperors were squatting on the ground at this time, the blood in the body. Like a fountain, it spurts out to the outside.



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