The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2338: return

Xu Ziyan's body shape fell to the bottom, and at the same time, he picked up the eyes of Kun Peng and looked at the three five-color Huanglong. This hope, the heart sighed, the three-handed gun was swept by the five-color Emperor Dragon, did not hit the head of three five-color Huanglong, just shot their bodies, but then the explosion of the three-handed gun was injured In the heart of the three dragons, and the injury is very heavy, it seems that Xu Ziyan has reached an incurable point.


The three five-color Huanglong saw Xu Ziyan, who was descending from the air, and looked up at Xu Ziyan's eyes full of fear and anger. Struggling to spurt out the dragon's breath, but there is nothing to do. Despair is revealed in the three pairs of dragons.

Xu Ziyan fell in front of the faucet of the three five-color Huanglong, and stood in the air and looked at the three five-color emperors to say:

"I promised the Five-Colored Dragon King. When Longzu was in trouble, I kept a little blood for the Dragon. What can I help you?"

Although the eyes of the three five-color Huanglong still have doubts, the fluctuation of the body is calm. Xu Ziyan looked at the suspicion of the three five-color Huanglong, and smiled a bit:

"You don't have to doubt that it was the five-color Emperor Dragon King who gave me this, and I promised it."

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan took out the dragon ball. The three five-color Huanglong Wang saw the Dragon Ball, and the look in his eyes became a bit of trust. Xu Ziyan did not have time to continue to explain to them, looking up and looking around the air:

"I will put you into the space fairy, you don't resist. We have to get out of here, I don't know when the five holy chasing will be bad."

Xu Ziyan took out the space fairy, and regardless of whether the three five-color Huanglong agreed, they began to receive three five-color Huanglong. What she thought was that I had already done what I should do. If the dragons don't believe in themselves, then don't blame themselves for not keeping promises.

The three five-color emperors only hesitated for a look, and they gave up the resistance. On the one hand, they saw the dragon ball in the hands of Xu Ziyan. I have already believed in the majority of Xu Ziyan. Plus they don't feel like they can live for a long time, so they don't care so much.

Xu Ziyan collected three five-color Huanglong, and then jumped into the mouth of Xiaomumu, let Xiaomumu casually wear it. And she is entering the space fairy. Looking at the three five-color emperors dying in front of me, the heart sighed, and the sleeves of a Buddha, the water of the Xianhe River was drawn from the purple smoke space, and poured out like a waterfall from the air.

At this time, the three five-color Huanglong had completely believed in Xu Ziyan, and a five-color Huanglong looked at Xu Ziyan, and his eyes were filled with grief.

"Thank you! But... no... if you have a chance... go back to the Dragon Palace... see if you can help the dragon... keep a little blood..."

The huge faucet slammed down and swayed. At this time, the liquid of Xianhe was poured less than one foot high. Xu Ziyan looked at the other two five-color emperors, and saw that the two five-color emperors were also dead.


From the body of the three five-color Huanglong, the colorful heavens were rushed out and circled in the space fairy. Magnificent and dazzling. Only the blockage of the space fairy can't be dissipated, only flying in the space fairy. Look at the heavenly heavenly sky, and look at the three five-color emperors on the ground. Xu Ziyan sighed and did not learn the holy heaven. Did not move the body of the five-color emperor, and left the space fairy, and took it up, then said to Xiaomumu:

"Huilong Palace!"

On the ruins of the Dragon Palace, only hundreds of thousands of fairy demons were searched around, and among these people there were also Xu Tianwo and others. They turned around and anxiously shouted:




Above the high sky clouds. There was a figure of Xiaomumu. Xu Ziyan flew out of the mouth of Xiaomumu, waved the small wooden wood, and heard the shouts of Xu Tianwo and others.

Swinging the sleeves and breaking the clouds underneath, I saw the scene of the Dragon Palace below.

Where is the figure of a dragon?

Some are just the ruins of the Dragon Palace and the monks who looked around and looked at the sound. I saw Xu Tianwo and others who looked anxious. When I saw my eyes, I saw that there was no casualty in the Taixu Zongxiu. I was overjoyed in my heart, and I waved my sleeves and my body shape fell to the ground.

"Uncle Uncle. Uncle Zhenshan!"



Xu Haotian and others immediately surrounded Xu Ziyan.

"Ziyan, where have you been? You have nothing to do?" Xu Zhenshan asked with concern, while looking up and down with Xu Ziyan.

"I have nothing. Just now I followed the lord and they wanted to go and see, but they are too fast, I lost it! Are you all right?"

"It's okay! Sirius doesn't let us participate in the action of hunting the dragons, so we have been hiding aside."

"Sirius brother is doing right!" Xu Ziyan glanced at Xu Tianwo with approval and said: "I see a lot of dead demons here, let's clean the battlefield!"

Xu Tianwo smiled bitterly: "They have been cleaned by the monks here, and things like storage rings have been searched."

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan's face showed a trace of regret, but then excited again: "We collect the body, the human body's body even if the demon and the demon's body can receive more than how much! Right, these fairy How can the demon not accept the body?"

"The body is too big, it is not convenient to collect the storage ring on the corpse. Even if the Mozu and the Yaozu are only useful part of the body, most of them are useless. Here are the demons, if you directly put the demon and the demon The corpses of the tribes are taken away, they will not take care of them. But you are cutting the bodies of the Mozu and the demon in front of them, and the Mozu and the demon cannot be ignored. So everyone is busy collecting the storage rings and some There is no one in charge of the celestial body. Besides, this is the ruins of the Dragon Palace. There are other treasures. Who can see these corpses!"

"They don't want it, we want it!" Xu Ziyan distributed the space fairy while saying: "Hurry up and collect, how much can be collected! I have a sect. But the mosquito is small, it is meat!"

Xu Ziyan’s words are exported, and Xu Tianwo’s faces are all deplorable. They only remembered that Xu Ziyan had to raise a sect at this time. He wanted to know how generous the purple smoke was, but now it is so pretentious that it can be seen that Xu Ziyan is not easy. The figure was immediately unfolded, and the body of the Mozu and the demon on the ground was madly collected.

The surrounding fairy demon also saw the actions of the Taixu side, but no one cares about them. Because they are busy at this time, they are fighting with some extraterrestrial demons and fusion beasts. The collapse of the Dragon Palace has made the extraterrestrial demons and fusion beasts die a lot, but the remaining extraterrestrial demon and fusion beasts are strong. And the strong ones in the fairy demon are going to chase the dragons, and these hundreds of thousands of fairy demons gradually become defenses from offense.

Just collecting the time of two quarters of an hour, Xu Ziyan found that the fairy demon could not stand the attack of the heavenly demon and the fusion beast. The power of the fusion beast has surpassed the same level. The extraterrestrial demon is even more terrifying. Once the demon demon is controlled, those demon demons immediately attack the same kind.

Xu Ziyan immediately sent a voice to the Taixu monk: "Collection."

The figure fluttered, and a dozen of Taixu monks came to Xu Ziyan in an instant. Xu Ziyan said:

"let's go!"

"Where? Where are you going?" Xu Xingwen asked.

"Back to the gate!"

"The Sovereign!" Xu Tianlang asked in a deep voice: "Why don't we accept more of the bodies of the Mozu and the Yaozu?"

Xu Ziyan’s gaze gestured: “The fairy demon has been unable to stand the extraterrestrial demon and the fusion beast!”

"That... do we want to help?" Xu Tianwo's face showed a hint of hesitation: "Why don't we accept some extraterrestrial demon and what fusion beast?"

Xu Ziyan smiled bitterly: "You don't know, there are holy levels in the extraterrestrial demon and the fusion beast. I don't think they will die in the collapse of the Dragon Palace. Now they are only scared by the Five Sacred, I don't know if the Five Sacred will return. So we dare not come out. If we rush to collect extraterrestrial demon and fusion beasts, annoy the two holy levels, or wait until they realize that the five saints will not come back, that is our bad time. The extraterrestrial demon and the fusion beast have the upper hand, and the holy fusion beast and the extraterrestrial demon will not come out, which is the best time for us to leave.

Don't say it, go! ”

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan stood up and flew away in the distance. Xu Tianwo and others also flew up in the air, followed by Xu Ziyan.

Far away from the Wolong Mountain Range, Xu Ziyan stopped in the air and looked back and sighed:

"I am afraid that from now on, this Wolong Mountain Range will become a dangerous place in the Upper Yuan Dynasty!"

"That... Five Holy Wills will not come back to destroy these extraterrestrial demons and fusion beasts?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "Five Saints will not care for such a gossip, as long as the two heavenly demons and the holy sacred beasts do not leave here to go out to do evil, but stay here, the Five Sacred will not be in control. Not only will it become a dangerous place here. The land will become a place for trials in the future. Not all bad things. This is all about the future, let's go!"

Xu Ziyan waved out the cloud baby and turned it into a flying boat. After everyone entered the flying boat, each person first returned the space fairy with the demon and the demon corpse to Xu Ziyan, and then each chose a room to start counting their own harvest. .

Xu Ziyan also entered his own room and began to count the harvest.

Xu Ziyan first concentrated the collection of the demon corpses in a space fairy, and collected them while collecting them, with a total of 180,000. Happily collected it, and prepared to go back to the four halls of Danfu. Then the corpses of the Mozu were thrown into the gloom of the genius, and the horses were handed over to the devour. The thought was that, waiting for the Ma Jiao to swallow and refine these corpses, they should be able to reach Tianzun. It’s peaking late!



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