The monks in the east, west and north are far from the city of Wangxian, and they are all on their way to Wangxiancheng. The monks who belong to the southern continent have already begun to stay in Wangxiancheng.

The southern families, including the city government and the eight major families, have sent monks from the former station to Wangxiancheng. They all want to know about Wangxiancheng, see the layout of Wangxiancheng, and the true and false of this auction.

Upon entering Wangxian City, there is a stone monument on the left and right sides of the four gates. On the left side of the stone monument is a large "斩" character. There are only two rules below:

"In the city of Wangxian, the fight is forbidden. If there is any injustice, you can go to the law enforcement team to make a statement! The offender is awkward!"

"Not allowed to sleep at night in Wangxian City, the discoverer is jealous!"

All the monks who entered the city of Wangxian did not hide their disdain, pouted, and scorned in their eyes. A Zongmen, which was just established in the southern continent, a three-stream medium-sized sect, even dared to erect such a stone monument. The rules are established, but can you do it?

Do not say that you are too imaginary strength to kill the monks who violated the rules, that is, you can kill, do you dare to kill?

You know that killing a monk will lead to a group of monks. If you kill a disciple of a family in the South, will that family be willing to give up?

If the monk is a monk of the Eight Great Family in the South or the Lord of the City, do you dare to kill?

After killing, can you be too imaginary to bear serious consequences?

You must know that there is no excuse to attack the Taizong in the whole south. Now you have sent an excuse to the South. Maybe a big family, or the city government will send a dead ghost to deliberately want to kill the rules, let you kill, and then will be too imaginary. Killed.

This is too imaginary lord is a guy who has no brains. It seems that this is too far from being destroyed by the sect!

Besides, even if you dare to kill the monks in the south, do you dare to kill the nine monarchs in the east? Do you dare to kill the monks of the Northern Alliance?

It’s really not strong, and the tone is not small, but it’s just a big joke!

But these monks are monks sent by the families of the south to fight in front. Although the heart is very disdainful to Taixu, but still able to restrain himself, there is no trouble. Instead, I looked at the stone monument on the right. The top of the stone on the right is engraved with four characters:

Recruitment rules.

Under the four words, there are rules for the sinister sect:

Before entering the refining period before the age of fifteen, it may be a foreigner.

Before the age of 30, practicing to the foundation period can be a foreign sect.

Before entering the age of eighty, he was a foreigner.

Before the age of 150, he entered the Yuan Ying period. Can be a foreigner disciple.

Before entering the age of three hundred years ago, it can be a foreign disciple of Taixu.

Before entering the distraction period before the age of five hundred, it can be a foreign disciple of Taixu.

Before entering the Mahayana period before the age of eight hundred, it can be a foreign disciple of Taixu.

The look of these southern monks is a glimpse. The standard of this illusory apprentice is not low! And looking at the rules of the apprenticeship, as long as the age of more than eight hundred years old, lost the opportunity to re-enter the Taixu. Even if your cultivation at that time is already Tianzun, it will not be accepted.

Eight hundred years old!

What does 800-year-old mean on the mainland? It means that it is a young boy. This age-old monk does not have any experience at all. He usually spends his time in cultivation. Once he enters the emptiness. The cohesiveness of Taixu will soon be formed.

Moreover, the standard of Taixu is destined that the disciples they receive are all qualified people, and the map of Taixu is not small! It seems that they are ready to take root in the South and thrive!

These monks regained their gaze and began to walk towards the city of Xiancheng, which went deep into the city of Xiancheng. They were shocked.

The fairy power here is so rich!

The environment here is so beautiful!

Is such a fairy city built by Taixu?

Isn’t the illusoryness always blocked by resources?

Where is the resource of Taixu Zong to build such a fairyland?

How can a tyrannical He De dare to have such a fairy city?

Does Taixu Zong have the strength to occupy such a fairy city?

After the monks set up the inn, they immediately began to observe in the entire city of Wangxian, and then one by one sent a message to the various families through the jade.

These monks only observed Wang Xiancheng. They observed very finely. They almost went around looking at Xiancheng, but no one was troubled. The entire Wangxian City is still very calm and full of peace.

But this peaceful atmosphere is finally broken. The troubled monks came, and it was those monks who were separated from the city government, those unruly monks.

The number of these monks is quite a lot, although not coming together, but a wave of arrival. But there are more than a hundred monks who came to the first wave.

Among the more than one hundred monks, there are fairy kings and emperors. There are emperors and five people. Two of these five people respected the early stage, one person respected the peak of the early stage, one person respected the middle stage, and one person respected the late stage.

The gang of people fell from the east gate. Seeing that the city gate did not even have a monk guard, the look could not help. There are monk guards in any fairy city.

These unruly monks were just a glimpse. Anything laughed and stepped into the East Gate. Anyone saw the stone on the left and a big "斩" on it.

The head of the person who respected the late monk "Ha" smirked: "A small Taixu sect dares to put such a big word, let me destroy this stone tablet and see how they marry me?"

"Yes! Boss, ruin it, and can not be destroyed, let the purple smoke personally come to the old road to apologize, and give the boss a fairy Jing as the boss's shot!"

"Yes, hahaha..."

The monk of the late monk shook a punch at the stone monument.


A brilliance flashed over the stone monument, and the power of the late monk was resisted. The stone monument is not damaged at all. The look of the late monk is a glimpse, and then it is furious. In the face of so many younger brothers, how can I endure it? Immediately throwing a punch again, condensing all his power.


A light appeared in the sky!

A glimpse of the Nether Light!

A glimpse of the Netherfire from the Nether Light, fell on the body of the late monk.


Only in an instant, the man who was a late monk was burned into a fly ash.

There were two figures in the sky, and there were two figures, fire dance and Ling Yijian. The fire dance waved, and the airborne lights of the sky flew toward the fire dance, and were dragged into the hands by the fire dance.


More than a hundred monks released the fairy, coiled around their bodies. At that time, the southern monks who arrived earlier spread the knowledge and watched the battle. The man in the mid-term monk raised his sword and pointed at the fire dance in the air and sneered:

"Bold, you dare to kill people, are you not afraid that our southern monks will step on the fairy city?"


Ling Yijian did not know when he had a sword in his hand, and he fell from the air. In an instant, more than a hundred Jianguang squatted from the air.

"Puff puff……"

More than a hundred heads flew out, and blood was ejected from the neck. One by one, the gods smashed out from the more than one hundred heads and shouted in amazement:

"You, you, you... would you dare to kill us?"

"Where is the monk who dares to show the fairy squad of the law enforcement team in the city, killing innocents!"

When the words fell, Ling Yijian once again smashed out a sword, smashed more than a hundred swords, and annihilated the gods of more than a hundred monks. The sky was rippling, the body shape of Ling Yijian and the fire dance disappeared, and immediately there was a team of Taixu The monks appeared, but they only cleaned up the bodies as soon as they took a break, as if nothing had happened.

The gods in the sky recovered, and the monks of each one looked dignified, and they took out the jade briefings to inform the families about what had just happened.

Nima, isn’t it true that Taixu is only a third-rate medium-sized sect?

How do you casually come out with two people, each with a trick to kill a hundred monks?

This... that Xu Ziyan has not come out...


Not too imaginary, except for Xu Ziyan, only these two masters?

It must be like this!


With such two masters, I dare to be so arrogant, waiting for a more powerful monk, what do you do?

Among the monks in the South, there are only the monks from Yang Family and from Longye who are silent. They know the horror of the Taizong. They have already received instructions from the host, this is to seriously investigate Wangxiancheng. The scale, and the authenticity of this auction.

Since Xu Ziyan and other Taixu monks have revealed their strength in Longye, the Yang family and the Longye families have already known that with the strength of Taixu, it is impossible to be expelled from the South by the South. Taixu can definitely be in the South. Based on the footsteps, I want to expel the Taixu dynasty from the South. Only the Yaozu will attack a large number of people, and there will be a big demon with the peak of Tianzun.

However, the Yaozu has attacked the Taixu several times. Although there is no big demon in the late peaks of Tianzun, the demon people can't break through the sect of the Taizong.

How powerful is the sect of the Taizong Guardian?

If the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of

Blocking too imaginary resources?

Do not make jokes!

If the auction of Wangxiancheng is true, it proves that Taixu has the innate Xiandan division, the innate first teacher, the innate fairy teacher and the innate first division.

Are there any resources for the Zongmen who have these four types of innate teachers?

Too imaginary does not need the resources of the South. The monks in the east, the north and the west will come to Wangxian City not far away, and use their resources in exchange for the innate fairy, the congenital, the congenital and the congenital. Array. Moreover, Wangxian City will soon become a trading center of the Upper Yuan Dynasty. From then on, the resources of the world will gather in Wangxian City. Where resources are lacking, Wangxian City will not be lacking.

Therefore, the tasks carried by these monks are different from those of other families.



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