The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2346: Every thought

The first thing they need to understand is the scale of Wangxian City. From the scale of Wangxian City, we can speculate on the ambition of Taixu, and whether we want to build Wangxiancheng into a trading center on the mainland.

They have already seen this. It has all the foundations for the entire trading center of the Upper Yuan Dynasty, and it also has a factor that other Xiancheng does not have, that is, the Xianyuan power here is too rich.

These monks are carefully selected by each family, and are monks who have been to the Wuthering Mountains before. They are very surprised to see the concentration of Yuanli in Xiancheng.

When did the Wuthering Mountain Range have such a strong place?

Living here is almost a bit faster than family cultivation.

These monks passed on the family to the family. The patriarchs and elders of those families quickly speculated that the Taixu sect must have set up a super-splendid array in Wangxian City, which will make the Yuanli in Wangxian City so Rich.

That... Since Taixu can lay out such a huge gathering of big spirits, does that mean that they can also set up a large array of guards against the peak of Tianzun’s late period?

This is the second task of the monks in the Longye family to explore the ranks of the Taixu and Wangxiancheng guards.

However, this task is very difficult. Without the late monarchs of Tianzun, the monks attacked Wangxian City. They simply could not see the power of Wangxiancheng defending the city.

They inquired about the Taixu monks, and the Taixu monks were proud to tell them that the monks in the late Tianzun period did not want to break through the moat of Wangxiancheng.


They are still uncertain in their hearts!

Who knows if the monk is too bragging!

So this second task is delayed.

The third task has also been delayed. It is to find out whether the Wangxian auction is true.

Every monk in Taixu is proud to tell them that it is true.

The same is that they did not see it! It is impossible for the Taixu monks to give them in advance. However, they saw a variety of elixir, fairy, fairy and fairy in the late nine seasons in some shops in Wangxian. This can not help but let them have more trust and expectation for the over-the-counter auction, and also pass the news back to the family.

After a few days of study, the patriarchs and elders of the family have always believed that the 80% of the auction items in the imaginary are trustworthy.

This problem is coming.

Are these auction items accidentally obtained by too imaginary, or are there too many geniuses who have refining these auction items? If Taixu has such a congenital division, the vacancy of Taixu and Wangxian City is beyond doubt. Just around the corner.


If these auction items are just too illusory, then the attitude towards Taixu will be more thought about.

The unexpected news was the stone monument of the four gates of Wangxiancheng. As for the "斩" stone, the family of Longye did not have any surprises. They think that Taixu has that strength.

But the stone tablet that recruited disciples was much more unexpected than they expected, but after shocking, it was an analysis of the future situation.

If Taixu has a monk who has a battle with the peak of Tianzun, they are very skeptical that Xu Ziyan has this strength.

If it is too imaginary, there is a large array of guards who can withstand the peak attack of Tian Zun.

If it is too imaginary, there is a congenital division of the Danfu Array.

If too imaginary has a complete heritage. They do not doubt that if there is no complete inheritance, how can a monk who is too imaginary be so powerful.

If too imaginary has a lot of resources. This is not a problem as long as Wangxiancheng is successfully established.

If too imaginary has an environment suitable for monks to practice. As long as you look at the concentration of Yuanxian in Yuanxian City, you can speculate that the concentration of Yuanli will only be better.

In this way, there is no shortage of the legal and wealthy land of the imaginary sect. Is there a shortage of disciples?

If all this is too imaginary, it is not lacking. Not to mention the small and medium-sized families of Longye, the Yang family, one of the eight major families, wants to send qualified disciples in the family to Taixu.

Yang family will do this, so other families will do the same. Too imaginary take-off is just around the corner.

The previous blockade of Taixu was a big joke.

As for the city government, do you need to worry?

Yang Jiajian believes that Taixu Zong once demonstrated its strong strength through this auction. The recent Huyan and Li family members of the Taixu sect will surely send the qualified disciples of the family to Taixu, and they will pay the price and the alliance with the Taixu, because they have no way to go.

So the eight major families will remove the two families that are allied with the city government. Besides, the Huyan family and the Li family are simply impossible to form an alliance with the city government. If Yang Jia and his Taixu are allied together, there will be three big families separated from the city government. Only these three families have already made the city government unable to deal with it.


Among the eight major families, only Wang Jia and Zhang Jia went closer to the city government, and other Huang family, Gu family. Ye Jia and the city's main government are not close, especially the Ye family and the Ouyang family fighting for the city's position is very fierce, Ye Jia and Ouyang family are not only friends, they can be counted as enemies.

If these three families see the development prospects of Taixu, will they continue to be enemies with Taixu?

If these three families see the future prosperity of Wangxian City, they will bring them a lot of money. Will they continue to boycott the Taixu with the city government?

What is the southern ancestral home is the tradition of the South. This is an excuse. If a sect is powerful, and it can bring wealth to the families of the South and bring prosperity to the South instead of competing for resources with them, is there any reason to stop Taixu from taking root in the South?

In fact, it is two points.

One is strength!

One is the benefit!

When the power of too imaginary is not blocked by the South. The South can only choose to cooperate.

If too imaginary can bring their interests, then the South is happy to cooperate.

In the past, when a monk came to the south to establish a sect, it was not that the strength was insufficient to stand on the ground, or that it was not able to bring benefits, but to compete for interests with the South. This caused the south to be hostile to the Zongmen.


If you want to have strength, you must have benefits, and where it will be so simple. Since ancient times, there has been a monk who has come to the south to open a school to have the four skills of the Danfu Array?

In the Yang family's view, even the city's main government may not be able to withstand the temptation to see the wealth of the city. Even if the city government can withstand this temptation, Ye family joins the ranks of the Taixu dynasty, and the city government has been unable to stop this trend, let alone the Gu family and the Huang family?

Therefore, Yang’s family felt that if their speculations about Taixu were true, this opportunity must not be let go. The most important thing is that the Yang family's owner, Yang Yunxuan, is now controlled by Xu Ziyan, so he strongly promoted the alliance with Taixu in the family meeting. When the families in the south are still waiting to see, the houses and shops in Wangxian City are purchased in large quantities, and they are strongly recommended to send the elite young disciples of the family into Taixu.

However, Yang’s ancestors did not agree, but they did not resolutely oppose it. Instead, they decided to go to Xiancheng to see for themselves. This is not a general look, but a large number of Xianjing and a thousand young disciples selected from the family to accompany them. Once the illusory is true, the Yang family will first purchase the houses and shops in Wangxiancheng, and will send this thousand family disciples into Taixu.

The small and medium-sized families of Longye have this plan, so the team of monks starting from Longye is very large. Moreover, there are a large number of Longye Sanshou who also come to Wangxiancheng with all their own net worth and disciples. There is almost no pressure for these scattered repairs. As long as Wangxiancheng can bring benefits to them, as long as the Taixu is strong enough, it is complete. The inheritance and the excellent cultivation environment, they will rent a shop in Wangxian City and send their children into Taixu.

That parent is not looking for a child? Does the parent want the child to become a mess like himself? What is the relationship between the idea of ​​the southern city and the big families?

But the monks like Longye are, after all, a minority. Most of the monks in the southern continent are holding one to see if they can make a fortune. As long as there is a riot in Wangxiancheng, they will definitely rob the fire. It is the Huang family, Gu Jia and Ye Jia are also holding a look at the attitude, and did not make any preparations.

There are also some families or monks who are holding the idea of ​​robbery. The city government is thinking about taking this opportunity to drive out the tyranny of the South.

This is not...

The second batch of unruly dispersal from the city government came to Wangxiancheng.

The rehearsal of this arrival is higher than that of the first monks, and the number is about 200. There are two initials. They came along with the arrival of the first unruly monks, and did not know that the first monks had been killed by the fire dance and Ling Yijian.

So they entered the same place after Wangxiancheng, and they despised too imaginary. They also saw the sly sneer of the "斩" stone, and then attacked to destroy the stone.


Needless to say the result. Still only the emergence of the fire dance and Ling Yijian, will kill the first battle of the land, and then Ling Yijian and another sword, and the nearly two hundred monks who sacrificed the fairy in the panic.

The news spread again. The monks who are already in the city of Wangxian are honestly abundance. They honestly abide by the rules of the city of Xiancheng, and see the temptations of the immortal fairy fairy, and also honestly purchase the fairy crystal. I really can't afford it, I just watch it with sorrow, I don't dare to have the slightest mourning.

Everything has to wait for their patriarch to come with a family monk to make a decision. All they can do is wait.

But they are also painful and happy.



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