The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2348: Depressed by the spring thirty mother

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"No problem!" Simon smoked his chest and said: "This is not a challenge!"

"That can't be careless!" Xu Ziyan shouted.

"Yes!" West Gate solitary smoke, Ximen Yu and Tu Xingmang Ying Road, and then retreated.

"Sha Qianli, Pu Songhe, iron heavy, Zheng Hongzhen, snow flies!"

"In!" Five people walked out of the crowd and excitedly responded.

"The five of you are all in the early days of the land, and each has its own strengths. The five landlords will be handed over to you at the beginning."

"Yes!" Five people retired with joy.

Looking at the early 12 people in the main hall, Xu Ziyan finally did not let them deal with the twelve unruly people who respected the monks, because the twelve monks of the Taixu are the early people, and that The twelve monks who came to commit crimes ranged from the early days of human beings to the peaks of human beings. In the end, he sent out 12 early monks in the land, asking them to fight the enemy of the twelve people.

There are still some opportunities for the monks and the twelve monks to play, and they are unhappy. However, Xu Ziyan also had some troubles at this time. The top-level power of Taixu is now available, but the power of the disciples is too real.

There are not many monks from Xianwang to Xiandi. There are not many disciples in Taixu. Most of the disciples are now under the Tianxian period. They can only serve as a host of entertainment. They simply do not have the ability to play on such occasions. . So Xu Ziyan had to look at the twelve people to respect the early masters:

"The remaining more than a thousand enemies of the Emperor Xiandi will be handed over to you. Are you confident that they will not be able to escape?"

"Yes!" The 12-person honorary monk is very vocal, although they are not satisfied with the monks who are going to deal with the emperor below, but there is a chance to fight, is it better than no fight?

Xu Ziyan looked at the remaining monks and monks. "You don't have no tasks. Your task is to monitor everything around you. Once there are other monks in the war, you should always go up."

"Yes!" The look of these monks was so good.

"Uncle Uncle, Uncle Zhenshan, these monks will give you two leaders. Be sure to pay attention to the situation around you. Don't let us suffer too much because of unexpected situations."

"Sovereign, you can rest assured. There are definitely no problems with our two brothers." Xu Weitian and Xu Zhenshan Hongsheng responded.

"Gold invincible, magical!"

"In!" Jin Invincible and the Magic Demon came out.

"You two have to mention twelve points of energy to pay attention to the situation around you. If there are enemies in the Tianzun period, you two must go up in the first place."


Xu Ziyan waved them to let them both retreat, and looked at the road again: "Master, please also give you an overview."

"Yeah!" Taken a thousand miles and nodded slightly: "Ziyan, you sent out the stars and stars. Who controlled the whole center of the big array? Who is watching the whole Wangxian City?"

"Master, I have my own arrangements!"

Xu Ziyan smiled, who is in charge of the big battle center? Naturally, it is one, is there more qualified than the one? As for the safety of the first one, it is naturally protected by chaos. There is chaos, and nature is very safe.

At this time, the news that the monks who had left the city government gathered together and wanted to attack Wangxiancheng had already reached the city of Wangxian. Now it is less than a month away from the Wangxian City auction. Many monks have come to the city of Wangxian, but they are all monks from the south. The other three mainland monks are still on their way.

Even so, the number of monks gathered in Wangxian City has exceeded 100,000. These monks are the monks and some scattered monks sent by the large, medium and small families in the south. The true brigade of the family is still on the way. At the same time, there are a large number of southern scattered repairs on the way.

It was the more than 100,000 monks who arrived at Wangxian City who heard that some people were preparing to attack Wangxiancheng, and they were excited at the same time. In their opinion, too imaginary must not dare to fight, they should open the Guardian City of Wangxian City, not let the monks who attacked Wangxiancheng enter, so they can see what grade the Wangcheng City's moat has reached. This is also a task that has been completed and has a deeper understanding of Taixu.

Therefore, these people are no longer visiting the city of Wangxian, nor practicing. They are all concerned about the east gate of Wangxiancheng. These people know that the monks will attack from the east gate.

However, their hearts are also very surprised, because they can not see the slightest tension from the face of the Taixu monks. Those who are serving as service personnel are only monks below the Tianxian period, but they are like these ants. The monk did not have the slightest tension on his face.

More importantly, the four gates of Wangxian City did not open the big array at all, and at this time they received the news from the jade, that the more than a thousand monks were not far from here, about a time or so. Can reach the east gate of Wangxiancheng.

All the gods gathered in the sky above Wangxiancheng, but they did not see the slightest preparations of the Taixu. Those disciples who were trained as the following are still doing their own things, that is, the families of the Wuthering Mountains. The monks also stood in their posts, and there was no worry on their faces.

This makes the monks who wait and see very puzzled. Only with a curious mind to continue to watch. One can not help but secretly:

"Is it too true that the Emperor is really ready to open the gate to meet the enemy? Is Taixu really having that strength?"

The entire Wangxian City is too big to accommodate 100 million people. Originally, more than 100,000 people were thrown into the city of Wangxian, and they were thrown into the sea like a stone. Now these monks are quietly left in the room and pay attention to the east gate of Xiancheng with the gods, so the fairy at this time The city is very quiet and there are almost no people on the street.

Spring 30 is very depressed, these days she rode a small donkey in the city of Wangxian, but no one has provoked her. The monks and sorcerers who stood in front of the station saw the fierceness of the fire dance and Ling Yijian. They are all cautious. Naturally, they will not cause trouble in Wangxian City without knowing the truth of the Taixu.

So this caused the depression of Chun 30, she felt very lonely. Is boring. However, when the fire dance and Ling Yijian killed the enemy, the action was extremely fast. Before the spring 30-year-old came over, the battle was over, which made her feel depressed.

She heard the news that more than a thousand monks were coming to attack Wangxiancheng, so this time she decided to kill a good time. I prepared the money, and I whispered twice in my mouth. "The peach blossoms are not in the grass, the money is not guaranteed." Then the face smiles, and the little donkey riding on the armpits "gets" toward the east. Go door to go.

Wangxian East Gate.

A silence!

There are no monks guarding the gate, and there are no pedestrians on the street. Everyone knows that there will be a fierce battle here, and naturally no one will stay here.

The gate opened and the wind passed through the gate, and the sound of "呜呜" sounded.

At this time, a group of monks flew in the sky outside the East Gate, and the monks of the monks were fierce. Murderously rushed to the city of Xian.


More than a thousand monks fell from the sky and stood outside the East Gate.

At this time, the hearts of more than 100,000 monks in Wangxian City are very clear. Taixu Zong did not intend to open the guardian block to close the four doors, but to fight hard against each other. The monks were all excited. Although it was impossible to detect the ruins of Wangcheng City, it was able to see the true strength of Taixu. Is there anything more exciting than this?

Outside the East Gate.

More than a thousand monks stood there quietly, and their faces were all in a wrong way. They didn't even think that they were coming in, but the other side had a gesture that they didn't know.

The gates of the city are open, unguarded, and there is no such thing as the imaginary monks who are imagining them.

What is going on here?

Is it too scary to be too imaginary? Or is it too imaginary to put them in the eye?

Too imaginary is scared?

This is impossible! Since Taixu has dared to hold such an auction, he dares to kill. It proves that too imaginary is not a timid generation.

This is to say that they are not in the eyes!

This can not help but let these monks feel a tight heart, some regrets in the heart did not investigate too much before the impulsive. However, things have reached this point, it is impossible to shrink back, and their hearts are also very convinced that too imaginary real strength does not put them in the eyes, it is likely that too imaginary eyes are too small. Big up.


The first one of the first land lords sighed low and took the lead to walk toward the east gate. When they stepped into the gate, they saw two stone monuments. In the eyes of the flash, I want to punch a stone.


At this time, he heard the sound, and suddenly heard the sound in the silent city of Wangxian, which immediately made his heart nervous.

"Come! The people who are too imaginary have finally appeared!"

There was a trace of sarcasm on his face, and he thought that the Taixu sect had always refused to come out. This is still going to come out after all. As a result, the jealousy that has just risen to the Taixu sect has also eased the sarcasm and looked up to the opposite side.


A fascinating woman in a big red dress in the misty mist appeared on a donkey and was following the street to them.

Sitting in a room, Xu Ziyan’s face could not help but show a bitter smile. How did he forget the spring 30-year-old who had trouble? She is eager to get out of the purple smoke space, isn't it just to join in the fun?

How can she miss the whole lively now?


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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