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Xu Ziyan was crying and laughing there, but the monks at the East Gate were neatly lying there. They never thought that the Taizong was a monk, but there was only one monk, and it was a charming woman.

What is too imaginary?

The street at the East Gate was silent and divided into two camps. A camp is more than a thousand monks, looking at the opposite side. The other camp has only one person, a flirtatious woman.

Things were too much for the expectations of the more than a thousand monks, so there was a very strange silence on the street.

Chun Sanniang stopped at a distance of 100 meters from the other side, so she rode on the donkey and looked at the more than a thousand monks opposite. In the eyes, she also passed a trace of surprise. She found that there were two monks on the opposite side who were the same as her. But she is not afraid. She knows that her master Xu Ziyan must be paying attention to it and will not let herself suffer.

But she did not move, because Xu Ziyan released her condition is not allowed to cause trouble. That is to say, if no one first provokes her, she is not allowed to provoke others. Now that the thousand pairs of monks on the opposite side are stupidly standing there, they have not provoked her at all, nor have they violated the rules of Wangxiancheng. How does this make her work?

Spring 30-year-old mother is a little angry, angry why these people still do not. But she has no choice but to sink a face. A thousand pairs of monks across the cold.

The opposite monks finally reacted, but they couldn't figure out the identity of Chun Sanniang, and the two monks of the late Ming Dynasty also saw that Chun 30 was also a peak of the late Ming Dynasty. I was very careful in my heart, and I turned to the spring thirty mothers:

"Excuse me, this fairy name!"

Spring 30-year-old mother and lips lightly said: "Spring 30!"

"It turned out to be a spring fairy!" The land is in the late stage of the peak: "Is the spring fairy, but the Taoist who came to the city to attend the auction?"

Spring 30 maiden gently swayed her head, only gently swaying her head and fascinating, so that many of the monks on the opposite side breathe.

"I am a monk who is too imaginary!"

The opposite of the monk's face is a change. The darkness in the heart. When is there a landlord who has a late monk? But it’s just that there is nothing remarkable about the end of the land. Don't say that you have two peaks in the late stage, that is, you can kill them by the thousands of monks behind you.

The monk’s late monk’s look became fierce at once: “You are too imaginary but arrogant enough.” Speaking of it, stretch out your finger and point to the “斩” stone monument:

"I dare to erect a piece of such a stone here, and dare to kill my friend. I will ruin this piece today. You will immediately return your lord, let her come down and apologize, and offer you too imaginary." All the treasures of the sect, otherwise my friends can't die in vain, we will wash the fairy city today. The blood wash is too imaginary."

"Well, okay!" Chun 30’s face showed a seductive smile. Riding on the donkey, patted two small hands:

"Then you still don't hurry to destroy that stone?"

"Well?" The opposite side of the land respected the peak of the peak, and looked at the spring thirty mothers indefinitely, the heart secretly:

"Is this woman a fool?"

"Not fast?"

Seeing the other side does not move, Chun 30 is anxious. Although the land of the late Zunfeng was suspicious, but the words were exported, they could not be scared by the other woman. They bite their teeth and banged the "斩" stone.


A boxing bombardment on the "斩" word stone monument, the stone on the top of the flow of sorrow, there is no slight damage, just in the face of the monks facing the glimpse of the moment, the spring thirty maidens gleefully sang:

"Peach blossoms are not in the grass, and the money is not guaranteed!"

Then one hand was gracefully raised, and more than a thousand dollars were thrown out to the opposite side.

Opposite to these people, I don’t understand the meaning of the two words of Chun Sanniang, but when I saw the spring thirty mothers spilling out a thing and rushing at them, how could they let these unknown things get close and immediately sacrificed? Xian Yan, the more than a thousand of money into a powder.

Spring 30 is excited, she can finally shoot. Excitingly spread his arms, he just wanted to fly from the donkey and danced to a stunning debut, but he heard the voice of Xu Ziyan in his ear:

"Hone to stay there!"

When the body of Chun 30 was stagnant, a face was pulled down.

In the air, two figures appeared in the air. It is Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan. Xu Qinyang's eyes fell on the peak of the late Ming Dynasty. At that time, the eyes of the late Ming Dynasty's peaks also fell on Xu Qinyang's body. His face was not loose, and the other side was only the peak of the early age.

"Is you bombarding the stone monument?" Xu Qinyang asked coldly.

"Yes! What are you doing?"

The land of the late 巅 巅 袍 袖 袖 袖 袖 袖 袖 袖 袖 袖 袖 袖 袖 袖 袖 袖 袖 袖 袖 袖 袖 袖 袖 袖 袖 袖 袖 袖 袖 袖

Xu Qinyang swept his eyes over the more than a thousand monks and asked coldly: "Are you all coming to attack the city of Xianxian?"

Seeing the Taixu sect is just the beginning of the two peaks of the land, and the momentum suddenly grows up. They cried a lot:

"Blood washes the fairy city! Blood wash is too imaginary!"

“Very good!” Xu Qinyang faintly said: “Xing Fan, Hands!”


Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan rushed to the peaks of the two dynasties, and they had released the savage fairy in the air.


The two peaks of the late Ming Dynasty also released the killings. I want to kill two people, Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan.


Unlimited roar, both sides of the body are retreating, the air hurricane raging, small space cracks dense. The surrounding houses collapsed, but the walls and the ground did not have any damage.


The more than a thousand monks were rushing to the city of Xiancheng and began their **** journey. However, their word "kill" just shouted for export. In the air, there was another wave of swaying, and two figures appeared, but it was Xu Tianlang and Ling Xiao.

A magnificent world spreads. In a moment, I will cover a late stage of the land.


Behind Ling Xiao’s image is a white tiger image. One pair of eyes glared at another late stage, which made the late look of the land stagnate, and felt that his mind had a rupture. Ling Xiao has already rushed to him like a tiger.

"Get together. Kill them!" The figure was rushed toward Ling Xiao.


There was a sneer in the sky, and three figures appeared in the air. It was Xu Lin, fire dance and male forging.


Xu Lin did not retain it in his own right. When he came up, he broke out all his potential. A unicorn image appeared behind him, screaming and screaming. A flame knife is displayed in the hand. Towards a middle-aged peak in the middle of the land.

A glimpse of the Nether Light appeared in the air, and the fire of the Nether was fired. The cold flame volleyed and shrouded toward the second mid-term.


The son of a forged sword, the sound of a whimper in the air, a cloud of gloom, the son of the forged face with sadness, eyes and tears, ushered in the last mid-level peak.


In the sky, four swords were smashed, and the void was smashed. The sword light spread endlessly, like four strokes and swaying to the middle of the four respects. It is exactly the nameless, Di Yi, Intoxicated and Ling Yijian.

The three turbid waves are like the galaxy hanging upside down to the three peaks of the sacred land. The main source of the galaxy is standing at the source of the solitary smoke, Ximen Yu and Tu Xingmang.

The long yellow sand rushed to the scene, and the Sharon Salon screamed at the head, but it was Shaqianli who attacked an early stage of the land.

Pu Songhe's figure circling in the air like a crane dance, surrounded by the sword, spurred toward the beginning of a land.

The sky suddenly darkened, and a black giant peak pressed down toward the third place. But it was the iron weight that gave him the million prison peak that Xu Ziyan gave him.

Zheng Hongzhen’s figure instantly appeared in front of the monk in the early stage of the fourth land. His body was gently shaken, and his body was centered on the bamboo shadows, and he and the opposite side of the land were immediately shrouded in inside.


Blowed over...

The sky suddenly fell in the snow, and the snow fluttered with a sharp blade.


A snow dragon swooped down towards the last place, and stood on the top of the dragon.

There was another roar in the air, and it was the twelve great monks in the early days of the illusory land that gave the strongest blow to the twelve monks who came to the monks. These twelve early monks in the early days of the great masters sighed with anger. Xu Ziyan did not give them strong enemies, but gave them twelve people to respect, so they all shot the other side and let the lords see them. Strength.


Twelve figures appeared in the sky, but the twelve people who were too imaginary were the first big monks. The twelve people who respected the early monks also had a sigh of anger. Being able to kill the disciples below Xiandi, which made their hearts very depressed, so they vowed not to let these people escape.


A fascinating flow of clouds over the East Gate opened the door to the East Gate and closed the gate.

All the monks who are observing with the gods are shocked. The closure of the East Gate indicates that the Taixu will kill all the enemies of this thousand.


Does Taixu have that ability?

The monks who appeared at this time were the highest in the early days of the monks. Is it too imaginary that they are all war gods? Can you be more challenging?

There was only one woman who had a peak in the late stage, and she was still standing there with a donkey.

There is also a book recommended:

Title: "百媚千娇"

Author: Kuril Banshee

Introduction: The fierceness of past lives plus the charms of this life, no one wants me to be cannon fodder!

*(To be continued..)

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