The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2353: welcome

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The two of them were there to comprehend the stars, but they didn't know the two of them fighting against each other! They just felt that the power of Xianqin and the sound power of Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan fell, and they could not help but be overjoyed. I just thought that Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan had to be exhausted, and the belief in survival suddenly increased.

Only two of them did not dare to kill Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan at this time. If that is the case, they could not escape from Wangxiancheng. What they have to do is to capture Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan, and then take Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan as hostages. This leaves Wangxian City.

Looking at the thousands of monks around, there are only three monks left, and their hearts are very regretful, regretting coming to Wangxiancheng.

Isn't this bad luck?


Still catching Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan as soon as possible, leaving Wangxian City. Then fled the south.

Two scattered exercises broke their own potential. In the situation of Xu Qinyang and Xu Xing's distraction, it was only less than a quarter of an hour to regain the disadvantage. Take the advantage.

On the other side, Ling Xiao was completely at a disadvantage at this time, and the situation was in jeopardy. After Xu Ziyan passed the illusion of the stars to Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan, they focused their attention on Ling Xiao’s body. She was tightly locked at the moment, and she had no idea what to do with Ling Xiao at this time, unless she shot.


If Xu Ziyan shot, not to mention the name of the imaginary imaginary, that is, Ling Xiao himself can not accept. All the evil monks who played the battle killed the opponent. Only Ling Xiaoyi needs someone to help, which will make his heart have a devil, which is not good for future cultivation.

Xu Ziyan locked his brow and sighed in his heart. Looking at Ling Xiao tightly, if Ling Xiao really has a life-threatening situation, she can't care much, only the shot will kill the scattered repair.

At this time, the three monks in the air were too one-sided. All fall to the bottom. Moreover, the situation of Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan gradually became more dangerous than Ling Xiao. At this time, most of their energy is immersed in the understanding of the stars.

"Ziyan. What happened to Qin Yang and Xing Fan?" Xu Ziyan’s ear heard the voice of the gods.

"It doesn't matter, Master! I passed them two kinds of sounds, and the two of them are comprehending."


A white tiger screams, attracting everyone's attention, and the focus of attention is Ling Xiao. At this time, I saw only the facial muscles of Ling Xiao twisted, and the white tiger image behind him exploded, making Xu Ziyan look a little, and my heart was tight. The face is full of worrying colors.


Ling Xiao’s figure was smashed out, and Xu Ziyan’s body was moving in a step. However, the figure was immediately stopped, and the eyes flickered.

Ling Xiao’s body suddenly fell out of the meteor, and the scattered figure followed.

After the impact of the White Tiger burst into a star, the same group of nebulae chased the scorpion and sneaked into the body.


Ling Xiao made a long shout, although the body suffered a blow and blood, but the light in the eyes became more vigorous. A lingering will is radiated from his body.

"He... This is completely integrated with the white tiger's will..." Xu Ziyan's eyes burst into the air.

"Ha ha ha..." Ling Xiao’s inverted figure suddenly stunned in the air, and smiled long: "Thank you for giving me pressure, let me get a breakthrough under pressure! Hahaha..."

Haha laughed, Ling Xiao's breath rose sharply, and instantly climbed to the middle of the land.

At that time, the scattered repair had already rushed to the front of Ling Xiao, and the eyes flashed in a stern color and shouted:

"Give me death!"


Ling Xiao suddenly opened his mouth and shouted a spurt of white gas from his mouth. The white gas turned into a white tiger at the moment of leaving his mouth, expanding rapidly in the space, and fluttering toward the opposite side. The past.

A sword mans hit the white tiger and passed everything from the white tiger's body. But the white tiger still rushed to the opposite side of the opposite side of the body and plunged into his body.

The look of the scattered is a stiff, and the face is instantly struggling. But it was such a short time that Ling Xiao’s sword had killed the past.


Jianguang smashed his body, and then Jianguang smashed, and the scattered body was smashed, even the Yuanshen was no exception.

Xu Ziyan’s dawn flashed: “I didn’t expect to lose the white tiger image, completely integrated with the white tiger’s will, and even let his white tiger’s will attack the monk’s soul more sharply. This is similar to sound work.”

Xu Ziyan’s heart moved: “I also fully integrated the unyielding will of Fengzu. Should I integrate the unyielding will into the sound? It seems that I need to spend some time studying it.”


At this time, there was another shock in the space. Xu Ziyan put away his mind and looked at the battlefield in the air. At this time, Ling Xiao’s figure has disappeared, leaving only two pairs of monks in the air.

Xu Qinyang and Xu Xing, who fell in the wind, suddenly slammed into the air, and burst into the endless light. Xu Qinyang's left hand was on the guqin, and Xu Xingfan's seven-hole sword crossed the air.

Two starlights appeared in the sky, each flying toward the two scattered.


The two stars flashed. Turned into countless stars, and then formed a universe to crush the past. The two meditation eyes that were rushing toward Xu Xingfan and Xu Qinyang suddenly became sluggish, and the body still flew toward Xu Xingfan and Xu Qinyang. But like the dead, there is no control of the will, and the souls of both of them have been completely suppressed by the stars.

Xu Xingfan once again waved a seven-hole sword and squatted toward the other side. Xu Qinyang also took a fine sword from the ancient piano and stabbed it out to the other side. The two essays simply lost their will, and it was like taking the initiative to greet Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan’s sword to commit suicide.


Xu Xingfan's seven-hole sword smashed through the other's body, and Xu Qinyang's fine sword stabbed into the other's body.


The swords of Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan were simultaneously twisted. The body and the gods of the other side were broken, and then they laughed and smiled in the laughter. Disappeared in the air.


In the sky, the sound of the smashing of the air was heard. The monks watching inside and outside the fairy city looked at the sky at the same time and saw several monks flying toward it. The repair of these monks was not high. It’s just the cultivation of the fairy season. Wearing too imaginary clothing.

One of the monks held a pagoda in his hand, only to see him fly over the battlefield, the left hand totta, the right hand to play the fairy, the pagoda was sacrificed to the air, Xiaguang Wandao, the tower door opened, a suction from the tower door Endogenous. A whirlwind was swept across the earth, just a matter of time. All the broken meat on the ground was sucked into the tower, then the tower door closed, narrowed in the air, and flew back to the hands of the fairy.

At this time, the second monk took out a gourd offering to the air, and moved a gourd that was enlarged in the air. The gourd turned backwards, the gourd mouth turned down, and a galaxy poured out from the gourd mouth, just in an instant. Wash the blood on the ground clean. Then the gourd was collected and stood side by side with the Tota monk.

The third monk was constantly playing the fairy with his hands, and the collapsed houses were rebuilt in the tenth, just like before, and of course there was no defense in the same way as before.

The fourth monk fluttered in double sleeves, releasing dozens of cleaning techniques during the rest of the time, cleaning the entire street cleanly, and then the four monks looked at each other and flew toward the city of Xianxian. Gradually disappeared into the vision of the monks.


The whole four squares of the city of Wangxian were flowing, and the four-door array was closed. The monks outside the city of Xianxian became cautious at this time, one by one, they came down from the air and walked in through the gates, even the Huyan family. The patriarch and the patriarch of the Li family are no exception.

The monks passed through two stone monuments one by one, and their eyes flowed on the two stone tablets. In particular, the "斩" stone on the left is more attractive to them.

Such a stone monument will definitely cause them to laugh at it before, and even a violent monk will punch a punch. But now that we have seen the power of too imaginary, most of the monks have become cautious and even fearful. It is the peaks of the late Ming Dynasty, and even the great monks in the early days of Tianzun are not afraid, but the look on the face has become dignified.

The sky is like a water ripple, a figure appears in the air, falling toward the ground, the clothes are flying, the hair is flying, the face is smiling with a light smile, and the momentum of one body reveals the master of a lord, but it is too The imaginary lord Xu Ziyan. The sky was flashing, and a figure appeared behind Xu Ziyan, but it was Sha Qianli and Xu Qinyang who just ended the battle.

The monks who had just entered the gate of the city had a tight look, and they stopped their footsteps and watched the Taixu monks on the opposite side. Xu Ziyan smiled and turned to the family of Hu Yan and the owner of Li:

"Welcome to the family and Li family!"

The hearts of the monks are all loose. It turned out that this is the sect of the tyrants who came to welcome the family and the family of Li. Then there was a envy in the heart. The people Xu Ziyan only came to welcome the family and the Li family. They did not include Inside. Before this mind is put in, they won't have it. Because they did not put Taixu Zong in their eyes before, but they just saw the killing of the Taixu monks, and let their hearts unconsciously fear the Taixu.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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