The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2354: Stepping message

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"Welcome to all of you to visit Xianxian City!"

At this time, Xu Ziyan politely politely left the remaining monks, although this time it was only a general hand. Not for a certain person, but for everyone, but let these monks get excited at once, feeling that Xu Ziyan pays attention to himself, and immediately shouted and politely, a polite voice. If this is before, they will not care, and even reveal a little disdain, but after seeing the fierceness of the illusory, the position of Taixu in the heart has risen sharply.

In particular, the family of Hu Yan and the family of Li’s family were even more excited. Since they were suppressed by the city government, it seems that they were suddenly isolated by the south. The small and medium-sized families saw them as if they were hiding from the gods, and even some of them. Small families dare to ridicule them.


Today, too imaginary has given them enough attention. They have given them enough respect in front of many small and medium-sized families in the south. This is the charity in the snow. How can we not let their two families move?

Immediately came out of the crowd, his face showed a sincere smile and shouted to Xu Ziyan:

"How dare to excuse Xu Zongzhu to drive in person!"

"Hui Yan, the owner of Li, we are not welcome, the banquet is ready, please!"


The smile on the face of Hu Yan’s family and Li’s family is even better. The eyes swept through the small and medium-sized families, and the momentum of the big family appeared again on the body. The hearts of those small and medium-sized families are all in one heart. One by one, the secrets of the family, and the family of the Li family and the Li family have gone to the Taixu?


Even so. Does Taixu Zong have the strength to resist the city government? After all, the monks who had just appeared in the imaginary sects were also masters of the sacred period, and there was no monk in the sacred period...

Xu Ziyan and Hu Yan’s family, Li’s family left. In the hearts of these monks, they quickly and orderly lived in Wangxiancheng. In the next few days, a large number of southern monks poured into Wangxiancheng. The number has passed a million.

The manpower of the Taixu is extremely lacking. Even if the family monks in the Wuthering Mountains come out to help, this man is still extremely lacking. At that time, almost one or two people were entertained in a restaurant, and the monks of the Taixu and the Wuthering Mountains were almost exhausted.

Xu Ziyan knows that he can't continue this way, and the hospitality will definitely cause confusion. At that time, too imaginary is not able to take a tough shot, because the chaos is caused by the lack of manpower.

Who can be a good temper who can come to Wangxian City not far away? The grievances caused by the poor reception in these days have continued to occur. Xu Ziyan and Taixu Zongzhong high-level discussion. I informed the bosses of the Taixu and Wuthering Mountain families that they were operating in Wangxian City. They immediately posted notices and began to recruit monks. No matter what you do, as long as you and the various restaurants, inns. The owner of the shop negotiated the conditions and can live in Wangxiancheng.

After the notice was posted, Xu Ziyan and others closely watched the development of the matter. They are also very worried about not recruiting monks. After all, Taixu has little control over the entire South. Once the southern monks have watched the minds of the imaginary jokes, or the city government and the eight major families jointly secretly blockade, the southern monks may not really have anyone to apply.

However, the situation was enthusiastically exceeded by Xu Ziyan and others, but it was only one day to solve the problem of insufficient manpower. There are a large number of scattered applications. There are even a lot of disciples of various families applying for the job in Wangxiancheng.

This situation made Xu Ziyan feel a little loose and then nervous. She did not know if this was a conspiracy of the southern monks, and whether there were other thoughts. So he immediately ordered the light dance floor of the step to start the investigation.

The light dance building is not a professional. It only takes three days to make a clear investigation of the matter, and it will make it clear that most of the monks who apply for it are clear, that is, some monks who have not yet figured out the details are also investigating. in.

The reason why a large number of monks apply is very simple. It is because of the strong power in Wangxian City, which is almost a cultivation of the heavens and blessings. It is a dream that every monk who came to Wangxian City dreamed of. Therefore, the first condition for each monk who applies for the application is to control, and then other conditions.

The family monks who participated in the application were also some of the family's disciples, who did not have such a good cultivation environment in the family. Moreover, working here is not only able to have a general cultivation environment, but also a lot of money, everyone can get Xianjing because of the difficulty of work. They figured it out, it was no less than what the family got. So what are they hesitating? As a result, a large number of monks were employed.

As for the fact that the southern monk visited the jokes of Xiancheng, it was Xu Ziyan’s concern. Scattering is a very practical group. It can live in a well-being environment. It can have a stable job of earning Xianjing. It is not necessary to take risks as before and to be able to practice steadily. This is what they have been yearning for.

What kind of relationship does the South East have with them in this situation that is related to their own interests?

As for the city government and the eight major families, there is no response at all. From the announcement of the notice of Wangxiancheng, it is only one day. Every shop in the city of Xianxian has recruited enough people. Not to mention that now the city's main government and the eight major families have their own minds, it is twisted into a rope, and it is too late to respond. What's more, at this time, in addition to the Huyan family and the Li family's high-level came to Wangxian City, the other six families and the city's main government have not yet arrived.

Wangxian City was restored to order, everything became well organized, no one dared to cause trouble, even if the later monks heard about what happened before, although there was extreme doubt in their hearts. But it also converges a lot.

At this time, there were six people sitting in the main hall of Wangxian City, namely Xu Ziyan, Sha Qianli, and Xu Tianlang. Xu Qinyang, Xu Xingfan and stepping.

Xu Ziyan, Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan have all worked as Xujia's owners. Xu Tianwo has also been the king of Xianguo in the Zhongyuan Galaxy. Shaqianli is now the deputy lord of Taixu, and the stepping is a pair of eyes that are too imaginary, and this meeting was held because of the arrival of the step.

"The Sovereign!" said with respect and respect: "The monks who have been recruited by the shops in Wangxian City are now completely unclear. Twenty-three people are the spies of each family. This is their detailed contribution."

If you fall, walk from the chair and stand up. The hands were respectfully presented with a jade slip. Xu Ziyan took over the jade and used the knowledge of the gods, and he handed the jade to the sand thousand miles:

"Sand brother, this matter will be handed over to you. The twenty-three spies tell you the store owner and let them look at themselves. But remind the bosses that things have to be justified. We are too imaginary to help. They can come up."

"Yes!" Sha Qianli stood up and took his hands over Yu Jian, then sat back.

"The Sovereign!" step by step, said: "The eastern nine sects and countless small and medium-sized sacred doors still have seven days to reach Hope City."

“Oh?” Xu Ziyan’s eyes flashed: “Where are you coming?”

"Small sects are led by the great masters of the middle ages of the land, and the middle-class sects are the masters of the late Zengmen or the late peaks of the land. The nine sects are the early days of Tianzun. Grand monk."

"Who is the nine major sects coming?"

"Shenji Zong is a predecessor of Tianzun, led by Lai Junjie. The star domain is the son of Shang Dao, who is led by the team."

“Zhang Zun?” Xu Ziyan immediately remembered the Shangzun who was injured at the beginning, so he asked: “Now is he still the beginning of Tianzun?”


"It seems that the injury still affected his cultivation!" Xu Ziyan nodded and said: "You continue to say."

"Zhuzong led the team to Rizhao Fengfeng."

"Zhang Xuesheng?" Xu Ziyan immediately appeared in front of Zhang Xuesheng's face on the Jianfeng Peak and the Master's sword. This Zhang Xuesheng is not friendly to a Jianfeng and himself! The earth is still in the sky. Nowadays, Mou Zong is the master of the rhetoric, but he has sent Zhang Xuesheng, so there are only two possibilities. One may be that the rhetoric has an idea with the hope of the city, and one may be that the rhetoric can't be controlled. It is not the first possibility to use the character of the words and the relationship with oneself. That is the second possibility. It seems that many monks in Miao Zong have great ideas for Wangxiancheng!


Is your own master's sword worthless?


No, is that Zhang Xuesheng not a land respect? Did he break through?

"Step by step, that Zhang Xuesheng is now Tianzun?"

"Yes, the lord. Now that the snow is the beginning of Tianzun!"

"My master's sword is not empty?"

"No! No one knows his trace, even our light dance building has not found out his news."

Xu Ziyan’s face could not help but show a bitter smile. Master is really casual and doesn't know where to go.

"But..." Stepping his face and revealing a smile: "These brothers and sisters of this lord have come."

"They are coming too?" Xu Ziyan’s face showed a happy color, and he immediately understood it. This is his brother-in-law and sister, who also knows the thoughts of the elders of the emperors. Follow them to support themselves. I was moved.

"What are they doing now?"

"Congratulations to the Sovereign, your master brother Lang Yue is now the late stage of the land, your second brother's heart is the beginning of the land, your third division is cold and clear is the peak of the people, your four brothers Song Wanzhong and the five brothers thousand cups Drunk is the beginning of human respect, your six-sister Zhang Wujie is a half-step person."

"Great!" Xu Ziyan took a shot and was happy for his brother and sister.

"But this time there are a few aunts of Junjie who have come together." Step by step and said cautiously.


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