The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2358: Promotion of second-rate medium-sized Zongmen

I am very grateful to the students who have no words at the end of the summer (588), the students who meet the water cloud (200), the students of the night Qing Li (200), the students of mableip (100), the students of Jie Yi (100), the students of Longcheng Day and Night (100) , rest for 123 students (100)!

Hu Yan’s family said with anxiety: “And this auction has only played a deferred role. After the auction is over, the city government will take action on our two families. We can’t afford it!”

The room was silent, the air became heavy, as if the sea was half suffocating. For a long time, Li’s owner said with a sigh:

"Now we have three ways to go!"

"The three roads?" Hu Yan asked the eagerly.

"The first road is to completely surrender to the city government, and later become a dog in the city government."

"No! This is absolutely impossible!" Hu Yan's family immediately denied: "And even if we are willing to surrender, to this part, the city government may not be willing, they need an object of Liwei."

"Yes, this first road is simply not feasible. The second road is attached to Taixu."

"You talk about joining too imaginary?"

"How is this possible? Too imaginary will not take us at all. You are not seeing the rules of the collector on the stone monument at the gate of the city. I am talking about attachment, too imaginary to see the contribution we make every year. Corresponding protection."

"What do you mean to make our two families a subsidiary of Taixu?"

"You don't want to!" Li Jiazhu smiled bitterly: "Taiwan sects are not yet willing to agree, because the Taixu sect must give us two family protections once promised. The power of the etheric emptiness is not necessarily positive. After all, the city government has a monk in the Tianzun period, and the Taixu sect does not show signs of a monk in the Tianzun period. So I think we can only go the third way. That is to send the family-talented young disciples. Into the Taixu, it can be regarded as leaving some incense to the family."

The family of Hu Yan was silent for a while, and suddenly looked up and asked: "Li Jiazhu, what do you say about Xu Zongzhu?"

“I don’t know!” Li’s owner shook his head. “She looks like an ordinary person, but we all know that he is not an ordinary person. I think she is the master of one, and it should be the highest, then she is the least. It is also the middle of the land."

“Will she be a goddess?”

“How come?” Li’s owner laughed and said: “How old is she? When she first came to the South, we also saw her cultivation, but it’s the Xiandi period. It’s been a few years to reach the land. The period is already the limit. It will definitely not be Tianzun."

"That is too imaginary, there is no Tianzun? I heard that there is a demon and a demon around Xu Zongzhu, one is called Jin Invincible, and the other is called Magic Magic. It is said that they are very strong."

"I have heard this too. It is said that the two of them are the peaks of the late stage."

"I also heard that Xu Ziyan took Xu Tianwo with those who had fought in Longye. The Taixu monks all showed the Tianzun period."

"Do you believe this? You didn't see it at the gates of today's city gates. They were the highest in the early days of the land. But the strength of Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan was very strong, and they were able to kill the late stage. peak."

Speaking of this, Li’s master suddenly said: “Hui Yan’s owner, do you say that Xu Zongzhu will also have a strong ability to challenge the next level, and be able to fight against the early monks of Tianzun?”

The eyes of Li’s family also light up: “It’s hard to say!”

"In any case, Taixu has a large array of guardian sects. We first send the young elite disciples of the family into Taixu, leaving incense for the family. Then we will further discuss with Xu Zong. See if we can attach too much Zong."

"Do you really want to rely on Taixu? If there is no monk in Tianzun, it is useless to attach to Taixu. Besides, we both have a family of monks, let us have two monks." Is it appropriate for the family to attach to a Taixu who does not have a monk?

The reason why we sent the family young elite disciples into the Taixu sect is because the Taixu sect has a large array of guardian ancestors, but the Guardian ancestor can only guarantee that the tyrants are not broken, but they cannot protect our family. A lord who does not have a monk in heaven, even if they rush to help us, they are not killed by the city government, which in turn harms the tyranny. ”

"Also!" Li Jiazhu said with meditation: "Then we will send the family and young elite disciples into the Taixu sect, and there will be a tyrannical ancestor's ancestor. At the very least, we can protect the family disciples. We do not hesitate, we do not hesitate, we This is to see Xu Zongzhu."


the next day.

The monk in Wangxian City was shocked to find that the family of Huyan and Li’s family had hurriedly left Wangxiancheng. But two days later they understood the reason. Hu Yan’s family and Li’s family returned, and they did not come back alone. Instead, they took a large number of young disciples. In a rough way, Hu Yan’s family and Li’s family led each other more than 2,000. The teenager entered the city of Wangxian.

Then I saw the Taixu sects and the monks began to take the more than 4,000 monks and take them toward the direction of Taixu.

All the monks in Taixu are guessing what the Huyan family and the Li family are doing. Soon they remembered the stone tablet that enlisted the disciples' rules at the gate of the city.

The Huyan family and the Li family are to send the family juvenile elite disciples into the Taixu sect!

These people combined the combination of the Huyan family and the Li family in the South, and immediately guessed the answer, but the Taixu dynasty did not make a statement until now. These people only have to wait and wait for the statement of too imaginary.

Only one day, the Taixu monk returned to Wangxian City with nearly 5,000 teenagers, and then Taixu Zong opened a flowing seat in Wangxian City and held a grand celebration. On the celebration, Xu Ziyan announced two things.

One thing is about the young disciples of the Huyan family and the Li family. It is not the speculation of the monks. The Huyan family and the Li family sent the young elite disciples of the family into Taixu. However, nearly 5,000 disciples did not join Taixu, and Taixu eventually recruited 3,685 people, and the rest were eliminated.

Xu Ziyan announced at the celebration that the rules on the stone monument beside the gate of the city are only those monks who have the qualification to enter the Taixu sect, but they may not be able to join the Taixu sect. If they want to join the Taixu sect, they still need to be assessed.

The assessment is divided into three items. The first item is Linggen detection, the second item is perception detection, and the third item is perseverance detection.

Taixu has a lot of room for cultivation, and it is easy to test these three items. After the selected young disciples returned to Wangxiancheng, they couldn’t help but ecstasy on their faces. They saw what was called the Zongmen. Too imaginary is simply a cultivation of holy places, where there is not only a very strong force, but also a lot of cultivation space, which is not what their family has, and they have never heard of it. No wonder the disciples who are too imaginary are growing so fast.

This is the fairy door!

The days before are alive!

Just entering the Taixu Zhuang strolled around, the Taixu Zong has conquered their hearts, and the centripetal force of Taixu Zong has increased greatly. One by one, they rushed to describe the grandeur of the people around them, and those disciples who were eliminated were full of frustration, looking at the selected disciples, their eyes full of envy.

The second thing that Xu Ziyan announced was that Taixu Zongrong was promoted to second-rate medium-sized sect. The number of monks who are too imaginary has reached more than 8,000, surpassing the number of monks required for second-rate medium-sized sects, although most monks The repair is very low, but it is also a second-rate medium-sized sect.

This is a great event for Zongmen Rongsheng. Especially for Taixu Zong, it took several years to climb from a third-rate Xiaozongmen to a second-rate medium-sized Zongmen, creating two unique features of the Upper Yuan Dynasty. One is the speed of climbing, and the other is based in the South.

The whole Wangxian City has become a sea of ​​joy. No matter what the mind of the monk is holding a smile on his face, he sincerely congratulates the Taixu.

At the same time, many of the secrets have also had an idea. Since the Huyan family and the Li family have sent the elite young disciples of the family into Taixu, do they also send their children into Taixu?

Some of the scattered works here have long had the idea of ​​sending their children into Taixu. This part of the monk has made up his mind to wait for the banquet to end, and then send his children into Taixu. There are still some scattered repairs on the sidelines. They are not sure that Taixu will survive in the south. They don’t know how the city’s government will treat Taixu. The most important thing is that this auction is too big. It has become the center of the storm on the entire Yuan Dynasty. Will it be strangled by all parties in an instant?

If this is the case, send your child into Taixu, isn't it going to die? So they decided to wait and see for a while.

There are still some monks who are not very optimistic about the illusory. They think that the tyrannical sect will surely be destroyed in this storm. It is the so-called gun-heading bird. The movement that is too sinister is not just the promotion to the second-rate medium-sized ancestor. The door can withstand it. Moreover, this second-rate medium-sized Zongmen is basically an empty shelf. Although it shows a certain strength, it is not enough. There is no Tianzun master monk sitting in the town. What's more, most of the monks are disciples below the Tianxian period?

So they just came to see the excitement. If the forces of all sides began to strangle the Taixu, then they could fish in troubled waters. They laughed at the family and the Li family in their hearts. They simply fainted and sent the family disciples to death.

Similar to these scattered ideas, there are some small and medium-sized families in the South. They are also waiting for Wang Xiancheng to completely mess up. Today, Wangxian City looks prosperous from the outside, but it is like a gunpowder barrel. A sparking star will explode completely.

After the normal two today, the two are owed, a total of four more, the first is more.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued, please search, the novel is better updated faster!

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