The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2359: The crisis is approaching

Congratulations to laozhaotou students to become the best elders!

Xu Ziyan and others who are too imaginary are also very clear. Nowadays, they have not yet reached the auction day. Wang Xiancheng has poured into more than one million monks. As time goes by, on the day of the auction, I believe there will be more than Thousands of monks rushed into Wangxiancheng.

If so many monks are really confused, even if they are too imaginary, they will all join the battle from the thousands of miles to the disciples who have just entered the sect. I am afraid that they will not be too imaginary. The riots of millions of monks are definitely not something that today's imaginary can resist.

Therefore, after the end of the feast, Xu Ziyan immediately convened a meeting to let the monks above the Taixu clan's honor period move all the way, and closely monitor the various areas of Wangxian City. As long as someone found the rules of Wangxiancheng, they immediately killed and rioted. The seedlings are killed in the cradle.

The auction of Wangxiancheng was too important for Taixu.

Success, too imaginary has gone the way to take off. Failure, Taixu is likely to be annihilated in the long river of history, and maybe these people will fall to Wangxiancheng.

Tu Xingmang has returned to his position and is in control of the entire array of Wangxiancheng. After the battle and the chaos, Xu Ziyan took back the purple smoke space. After doing all this, Xu Ziyan stood in front of the window and looked at the night sky. His face showed a trace of worry and tension.

The Huyan family and the Li family sent the young elite disciples into the Taixu sect. The news that the Taixu sect was promoted to the second-rate medium-sized sect. The news was quickly transmitted to the heads of various forces in the night sky.


A teacup was thrown to the ground, and Ouyang Xun was full of face.

"Well, you are in a hurry. Li Dongsheng, I dare to send the family disciples into the Taixu! You are a purple smoke, you are ironed to be right against the whole South. Wang Xiancheng auction must be destroyed. Too imaginary must die! ”

"Come on!"

"City Lord!"

"Go to the Wang family and Zhang Jiazhu!"

In the other direction of the southern sky, the Yang family, the Huang family, the Gu family and the Ye family were once again gathered together.

"The Huyan family and the Li family sent the young elite disciples into the Taixu class!"

“Taiwan sect is promoted to second-rate medium-sized sect!”

"It is to let these two families take the lead. We Yang Jiayi went to Wangxiancheng and proposed to send the family disciples into Taixu." Yang Yunxiao said with a sigh.

"Our Ye family is also!"

Huang Jia and Gu Jiajia had a look at each other and hesitated in their eyes.

"You have all received the news!" Yang Yunyi spared no effort to persuade: "The power of the Taixu sect is very rich, and there are many cultivation spaces. It is something that we have never had in the South. It is simply a cultivation holy place."

"This... just hearsay..." said the Huang family.

"It's not wrong!" Yang Yun said: "These messages are from the mouths of the Huyan family and the Li family who joined the Taixu classmates. Huang Jiazhu, Gu Jiazhu. You must know that even the Taixu is a practice. Holy land, but there is also a degree of difference. Joining a day early. You can occupy a place of cultivation as early as possible. Going late. I am afraid that a good cultivation place will be occupied by others. By then, your family disciples may not Envy our disciples of Yang Jia and Ye Jia, hehe..."


"Nothing but!" Yang Yunqi once again preached: "The four treasures of our people who cultivate the immortals are the law and wealth. Law, as long as you look at the speed of the Taixu monks to improve, you can know that Taixu is complete. The inheritance of the martial arts. The monk, Taixu Zong now has dozens of monks and monks, and will naturally point to our family disciples. But there are not many dozens, so the sooner you join the Taixu, the more you can get more. The instructions may be accepted as true disciples by those who respect the great monks. So I advise the two to make a decision early.

fiscal. Too imaginary, there is still a wealth in the city of Wangxian? Land, then I don't have to say it.

In addition..." Yang Yunqi suddenly said mysteriously: "I tell you a message, you can not rumor. ”

"What news?" The other three owners opened their eyes.

"Too illusory is not just a landlord!"

"You mean..." Ye Jiazhu’s eyes showed a thrill of excitement: "That is a sacred monk?"

"Who is it? How many? What order?" Huang Jiazhu and Gu Jiazhu could not sit still.

"You all know that Xu Ziyan and his party once fought a battle with us in Longye?"

“I’ve heard that!” Gu’s eyebrows screamed: “I’ve heard that the dozens of monks in the Taiyuan sect of the Longye War are all monks and monks. Isn’t that true?”

"Really! Very true!" Yang Yunqi nodded seriously: "And our Yang family ancestors are not opponents of Xu Zongzhu."

"Is this... really fake?" Huang Jia's family is somewhat awkward: "How can a monk who is too imaginary suddenly appear so many days? Besides, since Xu Tianwo and others are Tianzun monks, why did you only reveal when you shot in Xiancheng? What is the beginning of the peak of the land?

"Yeah!" Gu’s family also nodded and said: “When I heard this news, I thought it was a rumor that I didn’t pay attention to it.”

"Hey!" Yang Yunyan's face was a sinking voice: "Is it a rumor? I personally participated in the fairy war, I saw it with my own eyes!

"Yang Jiazhu is not annoyed!" Huang Jiazhu and Gu Jiazhu said in a hurry: "We were only scared by this news, and some can't accept it for a while!"

"Forget it!" Yang Yun's face was unpleasant: "I just kindly told you this news, you don't believe it."

"Letter! How can you not believe it!" Huang Jiazhu and Gu Jiazhu had already wanted to understand at this time. Yang Yunqi could not lie on this matter. How can he devalue his ancestors?

To put it this way, it’s really a sacred monk, and it’s too dark to hide!

The two of them were really moved by Yang Yunqi, and they looked at each other and finally nodded:

"Good! We are all four together to send disciples into Taixu!"

Yang Yunxiao smiled, and smiled from the heart to the outside, and said in his heart: "Master, as a result, six of the eight great families in the South have sent their disciples into Taixu, and Taixu has completely established themselves in the South!"

Between a fairy boat, the leader of the nine major sects in the east once again gathered together, and the atmosphere was very dignified. The early eyes of Shenji Zong Tianzun swept through the other eight sects of Tianzong, and the eyes flashed a little triumphantly. The development trend of Taixu was still seen first.

"You friends! Now I have received the news? That Taixu has been promoted to the second-rate medium-sized Zongmen. It is said that the Taixu sect now has more than 8,000 monks, and it is only one step away from being promoted to a first-class medium-sized sect. More than a thousand monks, I am afraid that as long as the auction of Wangxiancheng is successfully held, after the auction ends, the number of monks in Taixu will exceed 10,000, and the sect will be promoted to a first-class medium-sized sect. Approaching."

"Not so serious!" Zhang Xuesheng said with a serious look: "Even after the end of the auction of the Fairy City, the number of monks in Taixu is more than 10,000, promoted to a first-class medium-sized Zongmen, but the threshold is so good to promote? I know that even a third-rate big door needs 100,000 monks. How can 100,000 monks be so well recruited? I think everyone is too concerned about too imaginary?"

"Can't say that!" said the singer of the celestial domain, Zong Tianzun: "Taiwan sects can't be used as a common sense. It has not been built for more than ten years, and it has rushed from the third-class Xiaozongmen to the first-class medium-sized sect. This is enough. I am extremely vigilant. At this speed, I am afraid that it will become a big door in a hundred years. Do we have to wait until the day when the tyranny has really become a big gate?

At that time, I am afraid that the imaginary sect is full of wings. Even if we can finally kill it, we will lose a lot. It is better to smother it if it is still weak. ”

"There is no reason for this!" Zhang Xuesheng argued that "there are a lot of medium-sized sects that are more powerful than the Taizong dynasty. If you are going to kill the tyrannical sects now, don't you say that you want to have a strong medium-sized sect. Strangled? It would be unfair if you don’t kill those medium-sized sects that are more powerful than the tyrannical sects, and you’re tempted to kill the weak and tyrannical sects!”

"But those medium-sized sects are not too imaginary, and too imaginary gives us a great sense of threat!"

"This is not a reason. Besides, the development of Taixu is too fast. It does not mean that it will develop so fast after it is promoted to the first-class medium-sized Zongmen. I do not agree with the action against Taixu, because it has so far It is only a second-rate medium-sized sect, even if it becomes a first-class medium-sized sect, it is also a weak among the first-class medium-sized sects. There is no reason to target Taixu at this time." Zhang Xue said firmly.

"What do you say?" The look of the **** machine Zong Tianzun looked at several other Zongmen Tianzun.

Danzong Tianzun slightly thought about it and took the lead to say: "I see this thing is still in Wangxiancheng. After seeing Xu Zongzhu, let's discuss it again!"

"Agree!" The device Zong Tianzun also opened.

"Agree!" Fu Zongtian respects the road.

"Agree!" The sect of Tianzong also said.

"........." Luo Tianzong and Tianxiang Zong Tianzun also agreed.

There was a glimmer of light in the eyes of Shenji Zong and Xingyu Zong, and the heart said: "You old ghosts, but they want to divide the interests of too imaginary."

Zhang Xuesheng’s face is also very unsightly. Dan Zong’s thoughts on Tianzun’s thoughts are also clear. These people are holding the interests of the imaginary sect. If they can easily share the benefits, they will not take action. The interests of too imaginary, after all, these people are very clear, if too imaginary is threatened to promise to give up the benefits, from now on it will become a subsidiary of the nine sects of the East, and then do not want to be promoted to a large sect. . Will become the object of continuous suppression by the nine major sects.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued, please search, the novel is better updated faster!

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