The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2370: Harvest

The monks who passed the capital verification are all proud of their faces. They can participate in this unprecedented auction and can enter the venue. It is a kind of pride.

As for those monks who can't get in, there is nothing to lose. They didn't come to the auction. They knew their own things, and they could auction them with their own orders. Or is it a fairy?

Their purpose of coming to Xiancheng has been reached. In Wangxian City, they have already purchased the fairy and elixir they need, or the fairy and fairy. The fairy crystals in their storage rings were almost blinded by Wang Xiancheng. If they didn't want to insist on seeing the grand occasion of the auction, they had already left Wangxiancheng, and it was too expensive to live in Wangxiancheng.

Of course, there are also many greedy monks who expect chaos in the city of Xian, so they can also fish in troubled waters. There are quite a few monks who hold this kind of idea. The closer to the beginning of the auction, the more violent the atmosphere is, and the air is filled with violent breath...

The auction venue has been filled with monks, and the tense atmosphere is floating in the air. The monks are waiting for the first day of the four-day auction to begin.

Sha Qianli was the auctioneer of the auction. Sha Qianli was very excited. When did he experience such a big scene?

In the face of him are Xianzun, there is no such thing as a fairy emperor. The monks who are respected by the people are not worthy of being here. The people sitting on the second floor are all Tianzun.

There is an auction platform in front of the auction. The auction booth is very new. The four pillars supporting the auction platform are not the pillars, but the four tall kylin stone statues with a huge auction platform.

Sha Qianli walked up to the auction floor with red light. After repairing to reach the early stage of the land, he was able to live in the scene. Although his heart was very excited, he did not lose his mind. Stepping onto the auction floor step by step, his eyes swept away. At this point the venue was already silent, and the monks were waiting for the start of the auction.

Although we have already known that the finale of the auction today is a breakthrough from the peak of the Mahayana to the break of the human fairy period, the peak of the late Xianxian breaks through the breaking of the Tianxian period, and there is a breakthrough to the break of Luo Tianshang. Order one hundred. Da Luo Jinxian's broken order Dan hundred. But too imaginary to make such a big move, the things in front of the auction will not be too bad, right?

Sha Qianli saw that the eyes of the monks gathered on their own bodies, and a huge sense of satisfaction filled their hearts. This life can have this honor, worth it!

“You friends!” The voice of Sha Qianli rang loudly at the auction venue: “The treasures of today’s auctions are related to refining. So the treasure of our first auction is a returning grass.”

A female repairer walked up the steps and held a tray with her hands covered with a red cloth.

There was a wave of volatility in the venue. These people are Xianzun, and naturally they know the purpose of returning grass. Returning grass is the main medicine for refining Fengyidan.

As the name suggests, Feng Yi Dan is an elixir that enables the monks to understand the meaning of the wind. Although it was not possible for the monk to fully comprehend the wind Dan, but even if he only realized a trace, he opened the door to comprehend the meaning of the wind. It is said that everything is difficult at the beginning, and it can shake the gap of the meaning of the wind. There will be a way to follow. This shows the preciousness of the grass.

This is Xu Ziyan picking up some herbs from the purple smoke space for auction, can not be auctioned off the order Dan? Moreover, the medicine gardens on the purple smoke planets all have time arrays, and the herbs that Xu Ziyan took out are definitely long-lived.

"All the friends in the room are Xianzun, and they have a wide range of knowledge. I don't want to elaborate on the usefulness of the grass." Sha Qianli said with a smile:

“But what I want to emphasize is that this strain of sylvestris is more than 10,000 years old!”

When the words fell, he unveiled the announcement on the tray. Open the jade box on the tray and make a gesture. Immediately there were countless gods flying in the air, sweeping over the returning grass, and all the monks were shocked. After their knowledge, the age of the returning grass was indeed more than 10,000 years.

In fact, this is still Xu Ziyan let the peach blossoms temporarily opened up a small medicine garden. If you use the herbs of the old medicine garden, what about the age of medicine?

Only Xu Ziyan should be low-key, do not want others to know that she will be time-bound.

However, if this mind is known by the immortal on the spot, I am afraid that it will spurt blood immediately.

Are you still low-key? Is the age of medicine still low-key?

Therefore, when Sha Qianli said the age of medicine. After the exploration of the gods of these immortals, these immortals are not calm.

This is too imaginary like a newly established sect, the rich heritage!

"The reserve price is one million yuan, and you are invited to bid."

"Two million!"

The sound of Shaqianli just fell, and Danzong’s Tianzun opened his mouth and immediately raised the price by one million. Shows the heart of Dan Zong.

What is Dan Zong doing?

Alchemy! If you can't bring it back, you can't be killed if you can't bring it back to Zongmen.

However, Dan Zong needs, other sects or forces need it! Isn't there no alchemy teacher?

"Three million!" Ouyang Xun immediately increased the price.

"Five million!" Situ Ming of Tiandan Commercial Bank also spoke.

"10 million!" Dan Zong Tianzun took out the momentum of the big gate.

"15 million!" Stars Zong Tianzun said faintly.

"20 million!" Dan Zong Tianzun did not give in.

The surrounding area is a quiet, 20 million top grade Xianjing has far exceeded the value of a returning grass, Dan Zongcai is rough, and people are studying the elixir. There is nothing remarkable about this price. Other forces will offend Danzong if they increase the price. It is. The most important thing is that it is not worth it. The Stars are not willing to offend Danzong for a returning wind. So in the end, this returning grass was obtained by Dan Zong.

Sitting in the No. 1 box, Xu Ziyan was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth. In the purple smoke space, the grass-like returning grass, he actually exchanged 20 million top grades!

Sitting next to her, she wrinkled her breeze slightly: "Ziyan, you are an elixir teacher. Is it a waste of this herbal auction?"

Xu Ziyan raised his hand to take the tea and filled it with tea. He said with a smile: "Master, what I have with this herb is similar to grass."

It’s a surprise to take a look at the miles, and some can’t see through this disciple. It seems that this disciple is not the time to meet him now, and he is very rich! Knowing that Xu Ziyan didn't care, he nodded and closed his eyes slightly.

"Now we are auctioning the second herb..."

The atmosphere of the auction venue gradually warmed up. With the introduction of a strain of herbal medicine in Shaqianli, and the age of each herb was more than 10,000 years, the atmosphere of the venue gradually rose to a climax.

Xu Ziyan sat in the first box and probably counted it. Until now, the proceeds of the auction have been converted into the best of the billion crystals. The eyes of Le Xu Xu Ziyan have become a seam, and the elixir of this finale has not yet begun to auction.

“Everyone!” The sound of Sha Qianli is even more exciting: “The next step is today’s finale.”

The venue was silent at once, and a female repairer came up with a tray covered with red cloth and placed the tray on the auction table.

Sha Qianli reached out and gently opened the red cloth, revealing ten jade bottles. Sha Qianli stretched out his fingers and swept over ten jade bottles:

"Dear friends, this auction is a breakthrough from the peak of the Mahayana to the break of the Danxian, there are ten jade bottles, each of which contains ten broken orders.

Everyone knows that only the breakthrough to the immortal period is counted as the real journey to cultivate the immortals. Not to mention how many of the younger generations of the Taoist friends are stuck in this level, they say that if they can get a breakthrough in advance, among their peers. I got the first opportunity. The so-called "improvement of immortality, one step fast, step by step, one step slow, step by step slow.

The auction price of these broken orders is one million bottles per person! ”


"One hundred and eighty thousand!"


"Three hundred million!" Dan Zong Tianzun once again said: "Dear friends, Dan Zong only needs this bottle, I hope that all of you will give Dan Zong a face."

Everyone knows his opening. Dan Zong is ready to buy back to study and crack the broken Dan. It was in the box that the mile was also slightly moved, and the slightly closed eyes opened and looked at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Master is assured that breaking Dan is not so good!"

"Don't care, Danzong's inheritance is very great!" said ten thousand miles.

"Nothing, even if they cracked, they can only blink!"


"The main medicine for breaking the order is the fruit of the earth's different bears! Now the fruit of the upper Yuan dynasty has disappeared?"

“Need the holy fruit as the main medicine?” Take a look at Wanli, then nod and say: “This is not afraid, have the holy fruit?”


Xu Ziyan laughed and said nothing, and said in his heart: "I don't think it's so simple. I have a group of big bears in the world. And these fertile bears in the earth are really good. Now the number of bears in the earth has doubled. Moreover, there are more and more different bears in the world that can produce the holy fruit. I don’t know how the wild bears were almost destroyed.

Where does Xu Ziyan know that the land is in her space and is arranged on a single planet, there is no natural enemy at all, and the power is strong. Under such conditions, if the earth is not prosperous, then there is still heaven. ?

In the end, everyone gave Danzong face, so that Dan Zongtian Zun took a bottle of broken Dan with 300 million yuan. After the fight for the nine bottles of broken orders, the competition was fierce, but each bottle of broken Dan did not exceed the price of 350 million. In short, ten bottles of broken orders Dan for the Taixu sect in exchange for more than three billion of the best fairy crystal.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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