The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2371: Small soil change

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The female disciple again came up with a tray and placed it on the auction floor. At this time, Shaqianli has completely entered the state, and smiled and reached out to open the red cloth on the tray, revealing the ten jade bottles inside.

"You friends, this is the ten bottles from the peak of the ground line to the break of the Tianxian period. There are ten broken orders in each jade bottle. You know that no one can fly, no fairy, can not fly, It is not the immortality that is not a fairy! It is a hurdle for those who cultivate our immortals. If I don’t say much, I will not know it. Everyone knows its value. The starting price is 10 million.

"500 million!"

The words of Sha Qianli have just fallen, and some people have quoted. The starting price of the Shaqianli newspaper is 10 million yuan, but it is only the starting price. The price of breaking through the fairy period has soared to 300 million. Do you really think that 10 million will be able to shoot it?

"600 million!"

"700 million!"

"800 million!"


"Two billion!"

The speed of the quotation began to slow down. In the end, the first bottle broke through the Tianxian period. The Dan was still photographed by Danzong at a price of 3.1 billion. Then the nine bottles of broken Dan entered the fierce auction. The bottle broke through the Tianxian period, and the Daxie won more than three billion yuan of the best fairy crystal, plus the breakthrough of the fairy period income, has broken through the 35 billion best fairy crystal.

A face of Sha Qianli was already like a chrysanthemum. He opened the red cloth on the tray that was sent up and pointed to the ten jade bottle roads:

"Here is a broken bottle of ten bottles that broke through to Luo Tianshang, and there are still ten broken orders in each bottle. If I have more, I will not say it. The starting price is 100 million yuan."

"One billion!"

"Two billion!"


In the end, ten bottles broke through to the ruins of Luo Tian Shangxian, which was harvested by Taixu, and nearly 300 billion yuan of the best.

"'s just stealing money!" It's not a calm ride: "Ziyan, you are really intriguing. Isn't this seduce someone else to grab it?"

Xu Ziyan’s eyes flashed a trace of Mangdao: “Who dares to grab. There must be preparations for life. Too imaginary wants to develop rapidly and needs too many resources. Whoever makes Taixu’s current disciples is too low. ”

"To the big Luo Jinxian's broken Dan!" The face of Wanli also revealed a trace of tension, paying close attention to everything in the field, and Xu Ziyan is also the case. In the eyes of both of them, if anyone wants to rob, It should be shot.

But things made them very surprised. They waited until the last bottle of broken orders was auctioned out and there were no accidents.

Xu Ziyan has waited until the fairy gods have all left. Only a sigh of relief, and then the heart was ecstatic, but this day's auction for Taixu won more than 2 billion of the best fairy crystal.

This is simply a rich day! When he smiled and smiled at the master, he heard the door knocking on the door, and Xu Ziyan immediately put away the look of his face. The condensate said:

"Come in!"


From the outside of the door, a group of people, such as Sha Qianli, Xu Tianwo and other Taixu dynasty high-level, as soon as they entered the room, Sha Qianli was excited to dance:

"The Sovereign, sent, we made it! We are too imaginary and no shortage of resources!"

Speaking of it. The tears of Sha Qianli suddenly flowed down, and the scene of the past was played back in front of his eyes. Their own hardships have not changed until they enter the Taixu. However, the South also blocked the Taixu sect, and the Yaozu came to the door several times. Taixu is always in the midst of storms.

Although Xu Ziyan has always provided the resources of cultivation of Taixu, there is not only a shortage of shortages, but also very rich. However, the heart of Sha Qianli is still in the eyes of the blind man, because he does not know when Xu Ziyan can provide resources. How can a purple smoker raise a sect?

If the resources of Xu Ziyan are exhausted, Taixu has no cultivation resources and no enemy attacks. Too imaginary will collapse. Even if you don't break down, don't think about it. It is normal for a sect to fail to develop and eventually be destroyed.


Today, all the dark clouds are scattered. As long as the city of Xianxian is in existence, Taixu will not lack resources. Shaqianli firmly believes that Taixu will become the richest sect of the entire Yuan Dynasty.

A dissertation has joined Taixu, and with such a big chance, how can he not let him cry?

Pu Songhe, Tiezhong, Zheng Hongzhen and snow are also the same. Only those of the Xu family did not take this too seriously, but happiness is inevitable.

"Okay! Sha brother, this is just the beginning, not so excited. You are a deputy lord of too imaginary!"

Xu Ziyan said faintly, the side of the road directly gave Xu Ziyan a white eye, and the heart said: "I don't know who was happy to jump in front of me, stinking!"

Xu Ziyan simply ignored the white eyes of thousands of miles and put on a dignity of the great world who had seen the big world, so that Sha Qianli and others were admired.

"The lord is really unfathomable!"

"Cough cough..." Coughed two channels with thousands of miles: "What are you doing here? Today is too imaginary, but I am afraid that it has been spread all over the city. I don’t know how many monks are too red. Harvest, Wang Xiancheng will cause confusion at any time, and not return to his own position?"

Everyone’s look is all over again, and my heart is in vain, and I am praying to the world: “Yes!”

When the words fell, one by one quickly retired, and there were two people in the box who took Wanli and Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan frowned slightly:

"Master, why didn't anyone rob you today?"

When I took a thousand miles, I was greeted by Xu Ziyan: "What? You still want to be robbed?"

"It’s not the disciple’s hope, but the feeling that someone will jump out. It’s better to jump out earlier than to jump out later. Only a thousand days to be a thief, how can there be a thousand days to prevent thieves?”

Nodded by the ten thousand condensed place: "Through today's auction, I estimate that those people should not be able to sit still, maybe there will be a fierce battle tomorrow. You must be careful with the purple smoke."

"Disciples understand!"

The news of the harvest of more than two billion yuan of the best fairy crystals between the days of Taixu was soon spread to the corner of Wangxian City. Everyone in Wangxian City was red-eyed. A person can't be without greed. The difference is that some can control their greedy heart, while others can't control it.

The monks in the entire city of Wangxian were stimulated by the news of more than two billion yuan. Even the usual meditation practice can't be done, and there is always a lot of sparkling crystals in the eyes...

The next day's auction started again.

The entire auction was filled with monks, and Sha Qianli went to the auction floor with red light.

"Dear friends, the treasures of today's auctions are all related to the system. The first auction item is a dragon skin in the early days of Tianzun..."

The whole venue is a quiet!

Dragon skin of the Tianzun period! Fu Zong Tian Zun’s eyes lit up...

At this time, Xu Ziyan was a god-dead. The dragon skin of this day was secretly collected outside the Dragon Palace. At this time, she suddenly remembered the small soil. I don’t know if Xiaotu has swallowed up the five dragons with different attributes that he gave him.

After sinking into the purple smoke space, I came to the Saturn and saw a dragon sitting on the ground. The whole dragon stretched for kilometers.

It is said that he is a hybrid dragon, but Xu Ziyan has seen the real five-color dragon. The five colors of the five-color dragons are distributed very regularly on the body, and they are combined with heaven. Where is the current small soil, there are five colors on the body, but this... five colors... too messy...

There is no law at all!

"Isn't it going to be scrapped?"

Xu Ziyan scratched his head and released his knowledge. The heart is slightly relieved, the small soil is not abolished, but the realm has some growth. The original cultivation of the small soil was only the beginning of the human respect, but now it has reached the peak of the human respect.

"No waste!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart was a joy, and the humanity turned into a human figure and shouted to the small earth on the planet: “Little soil!”

Xiaotu heard the words and saw Xu Ziyan, and immediately the big tears flowed down, which directly shocked Xu Ziyan:

"What happened to you?"

"Master... I... I became a dragon..."

"What happened to the dragon?" Xu Ziyan asked inexplicably: "Is your cultivation not growing?"

"It is growing. But I am afraid it will always be this realm!" The tears flowed out of the small earth like two waterfalls.


"I am a hybrid! My blood is not pure! It will be difficult to improve in the future! Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless the owner still has a dragon corpse to swallow me!" The words fell, and the small soil looked pitifully at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned and said: "If you give the dragon corpse again, will not completely ruin you?"

The words of the small soil must be purple smoke, the meaning of the dragon corpse, the spirit immediately revive, do not cry, excitedly said:

"Master. It won't be abolished. If there are a lot of dragons with five attributes to devour me, I will probably completely change the blood and become a true five-color dragon. Even if I can't be a real five-color dragon, as long as The dragon corpse is swallowed up, and the repair can also be improved."

"What you mean is..." Xu Ziyan’s brow was deeply wrinkled: "You can’t rely on cultivation to improve and repair in the future? Can you rely on the devouring dragon to improve your realm?"

"Not! If I can completely change the blood. Become a five-color emperor, then I can re-cultivate. If I am still a dragon, I can only rely on the devouring dragon to improve."

"That... How big is the chance that you will change your blood to become a five-color dragon?"

"I don't know!" Xiaotu shook his head honestly.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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