The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2373: Cruel old emperor

I am very grateful to Jie Hao students (200), 艹 芯 core classmates (100), mableip classmates (100), Longcheng day and night classmates (100), and the world classmates (100) of small medicine cans!


At this time, many heavenly esteems are paying attention to the fierce blows of these fourteen gods. At this time, they are all ready to move. It is false to say that they are not motivated by the treasures of Taixu, but there is no jealousy or true. After all, Xu Ziyan has never shot, making them feel very mysterious.

As long as this is hit, Xu Ziyan dies, even if he does not die, but only reveals the defeat, while the Taixu sect does not have strong power, and the surrounding Xianzun will not hesitate to shoot. Almost all the heavenly lords watched this blow nervously. Only Zhang Xuesheng and Langyue of the ancestors were ridiculous, and their eyes were also expecting. They were expecting the sudden appearance of Yanshan soul.

Facing the fierce attack of fourteen Tianzun, Xu Ziyan was so imaginary in the air, with a faint smile on his face, but there was a slight disdain in the smile.


Four diamonds were blocked in front of Xu Ziyan, and Sha Qianli stood behind Xu Ziyan.

"Come on!" Zhang Xuesheng and Lang Yue and others have a good spirit.

There is no figure in the sky, just a sword hangs from the sky, but the sword is too fast, so that the monks watching can't see clearly, but the extremely dangerous atmosphere makes these far-watching monks all over the body. There is a layer of goose bumps.

The fourteen monks who attacked only the figure of the late monk of the Tianzun, and flew out, and the blood spurted continuously in the mouth. The remaining 13-day monk's physique was a meal, and then the body suddenly dismembered and became countless pieces scattered toward the ground.


There was a coldness in the sky, and a sword mans fell from the sky and went to the late Tianzun.


In the late Tianzun, a yellow Luo umbrella was placed over the top of his head, and he shouted in his mouth: "Predecessors are forgiving!"

At this time, all the monks saw the master behind the sword, and the gaze of Zong Tianzun was a shock, and he could not help but blurt out:

"Take a million miles!"


The yellow roman umbrella cover was split into two halves by a sword. The voice of the late monk in the late Tianzun came to an abrupt end, and the body burst into the air.

I looked down at the five-color sword in my hand and showed a smile on my face.

The rehearsal of Tianzun’s later period is combined with the best innate treasures, which will greatly increase the number of miles.


There was a sudden roar on the ground. Attracting the eyes in the sky, I saw that the city of Wangxian became a green sea of ​​vines, and countless ancient vines rose from the ground, protecting the shops in Wangxiancheng.


The ancient vines traversed, and the monks who rushed to the shops were drawn, and the monks who were repaired as low monks were directly crushed by the ancient vines...


A loud tweet directly stunned the monks in the heavens and the earth, and saw that the statue of the Peng Peng, which they saw every day in the center of the square, suddenly moved, and the body radiated a strong breath, and the wings spread. In an instant, I came to the front of the three great devils. The two giant claws respectively grabbed a demon statue, and a giant mouth slammed into the third demon.


" the early days..."

The fairy gods in the air are shocked! The young friends on the ground were also shocked!

The three magical bodies in the air suddenly turned into black smoke and dispersed to the side, but even so, they were wiped with black smoke by two white paws and one mouth. Is the speed of Xiaobai comparable to that of a general monk?

Not far from the white, the figure of the three demon statues appeared again, but the look of the three devils became very pale. I have not waited for the stability of these three demon escaping, and I saw that six giant guns have already arrived at the three of them. Every gun is as big as a lonely mountain.


Six giant guns bombarded the body of the three great deities, instantly exploding the body of the three demon statues.

"These six guns...there is a god-like power..." The fairy face in the air changed again.


The six gun-like giant guns were suddenly disintegrated and turned into a hundred rifles and bombarded the chaotic monks on the ground.

"Ha ha ha... I can finally move the white, spring thirty mother. You see my power? Ah hahaha..."

Xiaobai screamed, and thousands of ice cones were sprayed in his mouth, and the monks who made the chaos on the ground spurred away.

"Pit!" This is the common voice of all the monks who have not done it, and make a statue of Tianzun, is there more potholes than this?

The monks who had already shot were even crying, and a city lord’s dark camp was smashed by flying water. The head flew in the air, and saw the rapid rise of Ouyang in the air, and a thought emerged in his heart:

"The city owner, not our incompetence, it is too imaginary too!"

There is no fairy on the ground. They are some monks of the Emperor, the dense ancient vines on the ground, the white ice cones in the sky, and the flying otters in the air consist of a hundred long guns.

Those chaotic tragedies have been tragedy, and the more than a thousand Mozu monks have been killed in the shortest possible time.

All of this happened too fast, except for the prepared monks, such as the monks brought by the eight elders of the Xianxian League, the monks brought by the Ouyang family, the Wang family and the Zhang family, and the monks, who broke out in the air. At the moment of the war, it began to wash the city of Xiancheng. Most of the monks had not reacted. Wangxian City had a huge force that shocked them.

At this time, life is more important than greed. There is a glimpse of them. They can’t help but look up and watch the air, but they have seen the battle disappeared in the air. Those Tianzun, including the nine ancestral gates, are looking forward with fear. An old man next to Xu Ziyan, the sect of the sect.

"The old man is here for thousands of miles, give me a hand!"

The sound is like a thunder in the sky above the city of Wang Xian, and there is no other sound in the whole city. All the hands-on monks looked up in the air with a dull look, and suddenly shouted in fear:

"It is a cruel emperor!"

"Shut up!" The sound of thousands of miles blew up again over Wangxiancheng.


The body of the monk who shouted the cruel old emperor turned into a powder.

The whole Wangxian City was quietly quiet. After the silence, the monks were afraid in the heart. A large ancient vine was dancing around them. Although they did not attack them, the strong breath that came out made They are heartbroken. In the air, a sky-drenched 鲲peng is slowly hovering, and there are a hundred rifles on their heads to patrol back and forth. One by one, they stood in the same place. The chaos came quickly and quickly, and Xu Ziyan’s nervous heart relaxed.

Xu Ziyan looked at the back of the thousands of miles, and his eyes showed amazement: "Master is too strong! Just show the name and let the world's monks frightened!"

"All the monks immediately returned to the inn, otherwise they killed innocent!"

The voice of Xu Ziyan fell from the air. The look of the monk on the ground is a loose, which means that the Taixu is not ready to continue to pursue this matter. Although most of these people did not take the shot, or said that they did not have time to take the shot, but when they thought of standing on the head of the cruel emperor, a heart could not stop shaking, heard that Xu Ziyan said, one by one, no words, Immediately flew to the inn where he lived. Just less than ten minutes, the entire street inside Wangxian City is empty.

The disciples of the Taixu class came out again and began to clean the battlefield.

sky. The figure of thousands of miles fades in the air and eventually disappears. No one knows where he went, and no one dares to use God to explore.

Stars Zong Tianzun's pale face slowly returned a trace of color, looking at Xu Ziyan's eyes flashing. It is the enemy of their celestial domain. It is said that the enemy is not accurate, it should be the heart of the Stars. In order to find out why the miles suddenly appeared here, he still sighed:

"Xu Zongzhu, take advantage of..." In the end, he still did not dare to export the word "Devil". "Would you join the Taixu in the Wanli?"

"Not bad!" Xu Ziyan nodded lightly.

Suddenly there was a whisper in the sky: "Go back and tell the old man that Shang Dao, the deity is waiting for him to die, as long as he has the guts!"

In space. Xu Qinyang and others shook hands in the handshake, and they looked at each other and smiled. With a shot in a million miles, there is no chance for them to shoot.

The cruel old emperor is so famous!

Put away the violence in the hands of the Dan, the soil of the land with both hands and waves, the collapsed house immediately re-twined. The auction venue also re-established.

Without any formation, any one of the monks present at the scene would make the auction venue collapse again.


Anyone dare?

And Xu Ziyan is more and more mysterious, she has not shot, what is she doing?

The knives that have already been shot are like the same handle. Fierce and persecutive. However, Xu Ziyan, who did not take the shot, was like an ancient sword hidden in the sheath, which made people wonder about her depth.


The more this is the case, the more taboo.

"Dear friends, if you are interested, please go back to the auction venue and continue the auction." Xu Ziyan said in a spring breeze:

"For the confusion caused by the party, the inconvenience caused to the friends, too imaginary, has been expressed. Every monk in the auction venue will get a nine-piece Juyuan Dan."

This nine-character immortal Xu Xuyan really did not regard it as one thing, but Xu Ziyan does not regard it as one thing, does not mean that others do not do the same thing!

How to say is also nine products Xiandan!

Although many of these monks have just held the arrogance of tyrannical tyranny, but since they appeared in the thousands of miles, they immediately put out this mind, and now they can get a nine-character fairy, the heart is more joy, only the stars Tian Zun’s Tian Zun gloomy face. But he did not leave, but entered the auction venue again.

At this time in the auction venue, the auction house was built again, and the four auctions were still supported by the auction platform. However, at this time no one looked at the four unicorns as pillars. One by one, the secret:

"Where is this too sacred, it is still the Zongmen that has just been established. I am afraid that this is already a big door."

This is the most happy time for a thousand miles. I didn't worry that it was fake before, but now it is calm and calm, and Taixu has weathered the storm without any loss. Standing on the auction floor, his eyes could not help but look at the first box. He knew that it was sitting in the box with Wanli and Xu Ziyan. At this time, he admired the tens of thousands of miles until the point of worship.

"It’s a cruel old emperor’s scream, and the Yuan dynasty shook three times!”


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