The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2374: Hot news

"You friends!" With the hot performance of thousands of miles, the emotions of Sha Qianli are even more exciting: "Now we continue to auction..."

The next auction was orderly, but the atmosphere clearly lacked a hot spot. When the situation reached the auction on the third day, it began to gradually recover. By the time of the last auction on the fourth day, it was restored to the original popularity.

Because these monks have already thought about it, no matter how they treat Taixu in the future. They came to the auction this time, and they were cruel in a thousand miles. As long as they did not violate the rules, they could not jump out and kill themselves. So the auction returned to the scene of the hot auction.

However, after this hot auction was over, the words of Xu Ziyan were thoroughly inspired.

"You friends!" Xu Ziyan stood on the auction floor. All the monks' eyes were gathered on Xu Ziyan's body. I don't know what Xu Ziyan will bring up this time.

"There are a few things announced here. The first thing is to reiterate that Taixu will take out one-tenth of the shops in Wangxian City for rent, and the rental period is one hundred years. One tenth of the houses are for sale. The remaining shops are temporarily reserved. It’s for the self-use, but the rest of the house can be rented to the Taoist.”

Xu Ziyan fell, all the fairy statues fell into meditation. Nowadays, there are thousands of people sitting in the town, and I am afraid that Taixu and Wangxian City have already established a firm foothold in the South. As a result, this fairy city will definitely develop, and it seems that it does not suffer from buying or renting some properties here.

At this time, those Tianzun who are the big gates are also very skeptical that they can take a thousand miles to sit in the town of Taixu, even if the big door join forces can kill Taixu.

Taixu is not weak now. If you want to kill too imaginary, you must first kill thousands of miles.

Killing thousands of miles?

It is impossible to kill thousands of miles with the ancestral elders of Zongmen. It is a must for the masters of the ancestors to kill thousands of miles.

But is this possible?

Even if it is not possible now. At this time, the attention of the chief patriarchs is not here at all, but in the secret of the Shangmeng League. Although they do not know what the secrets of the Shangyuan League are, it is not easy to spend so much time and energy on the Buddhism.

In this way, at least for a few years, there is nothing wrong with it, and there is nothing wrong with Xiancheng.

Taixu is from the establishment to the present scale, but for a few years. If you are giving too much time for a few years. What will Taixu Zong develop into? At that time, can the Dagongmen still kill Taixu?

"This thing should go to let the lord know, and only the lord can make a decision."

The eight major sects except the ancestral lord immediately decided to return to the sect. Immediately dispatched the monks and monks to go to Shangyuan to seek their respective sovereigns. As a result, it is not good to buy property in Wangxian City.

Zhang Xuesheng thought differently. He was shocked by the appearance of thousands of miles. He did not think that the Taixu sect had the evil spirit of Yanshan. There is also the cruel old emperor in the miles.

He is determined that the Yanshan soul must be too imaginary. Therefore, his heart also believes that no one can kill Taixu, the bulk of the door is not, that is, now there are eleven ancient gods who can't do it. These people add up to the ants in front of the seat of the Yanshan spirit.

Therefore, he decided to purchase a home in Wangxian City and purchase a shop.

In fact, people with a clear eye can see it, as long as Wang Xiancheng can exist, as long as the illusory is not destroyed. As long as the auction of this size becomes a regular auction, Wangxiancheng will definitely become the trading heart of the entire Yuanyuan. The property in Wangxian City will be a high price, and now the purchase is absolutely earned.

There are many monks with the idea of ​​Zhang Xuesheng. After they decided to leave the auction, they sent people to the trading hall of Wangxian City to buy real estate.

"The second thing is..." The change of the monks' looks was seen in the eyes of Xu Ziyan. A smile appeared in her mouth and continued:

“The property of Wangxiancheng will not be sold or rented within five years after the sale and rental of this property.”

The monks heard the words, and the heart was a move. Too imaginary, what is this? This is to wait for the price increase, how much do they want to rise?

“After five years, Taixu will sell one-tenth of the shops and houses in Wangxian City. The price will be ten times the price of this sale and rental.”

“Five times in five years?” The monks were silent. Because everyone knows that if Wangxian City can develop safely for five years, this house price is not expensive.

"The third thing is that from this moment, the Mozu will become a race that is not popular in Taixu and Wangxian, because they openly robbed the shops in Xiancheng in Wangxiancheng, so Wangxiancheng will ban the Mozu from now on."

For this, the monks are not surprised. The Yaozu was banned by Wangxiancheng, and it was normal for the Mozu to be banned. However, when there was chaos at that time, there were also ethnic groups who rushed to the shops in Wangxian City. At the beginning, there were some monks who were blindly obedient. These monks had no shortage of these immortals. They were very worried about how Xu Ziyan would treat these monks.

"As for some monks of the Terran who participated in the robbery, those blindly obeyed, and the Taixu is not ready to pursue. But this riot is clearly an organized riot, and the Taixu will continue to investigate. Too imaginary will not That's it."

Ouyang Xun Meng, Wang Jiazhu, Zhang Jiazhu and Luo Tianba have a heart, but there is still no change on the surface.

"The fourth thing is that Wang Xiancheng will continue to hold some auctions in the future, that is, the finale of this auction will also appear in a small number of auctions."

The spirit of the monks is alive, this is too imaginary to turn such an auction into a regular auction!

"Xu Zongzhu, is this scale even every auction?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

“No!” Xu Ziyan shook his head. “Just a small amount appeared in the usual auctions, such as breaking the order, and there will be no more than ten auctions each time.”

“Oh!” Everyone understands that Wang Xiancheng’s future auctions are not the size of today, but there is no difference in form from other Xiancheng auctions. The difference is that the auction of Wangxiancheng is every time, or every A few auctions, there will be a small number of this finale auction.

Even if the city of Xianxian holds such a small auction every month... No! As long as such an auction is held every six months, which auction in the world will compete for the city?

Soon, the auction of Wangxiancheng will become the world's first auction, and Wangxiancheng will become the world's first trading heart.

"After five years, Wang Xiancheng will once again hold an auction of this size!" Xu Ziyan’s voice rang again: "This is the fifth thing I want to say."

“Why is it five years? Can Xu Zongzhu not be able to shorten the time any more?” Some monks asked in a condensate voice.

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "On the one hand, this type of Danfu Array is very difficult to refine and takes time. On the other hand, the Shangyuan continent is too big. It takes time for all the friends to come back and forth. So five years Not long or short, just good."

When the monks thought that it was such a thing, they would no longer speak. Xu Ziyan continued to smile and said:

"Of course, since there will be a small number of final auctions for this auction at the usual auctions, then these auctions are not suitable for the final auction of the second auction after five years of seating."

The entire auction venue is a quiet, each pair of eyes is locked with Xu Ziyan.

"What do you mean? Is it a good job to change the shaft? Is there anything better than the current finale?"

"Of course, it is not that there is no such a squad in the second auction five years later, but they are not the finale. The second auction will also be auctioned for four days, the first day. The auction items are the same as the current ones. The final finale will be 50 break-throughs of the breakthrough of the Tianxuanxian period and ten break-ups of the breakthrough period."

Although these immortals are still suffocating and have no sound, the atmosphere of the entire auction venue has fluctuated.

The king of the immortal period is broken!

The monks on the mainland of the Yuan Dynasty know that only when they break through to the king of the fairy, they are counted as true brothers. Just like the big gates, it is not the brothers of Xianwang who are the inner-door brothers. Only the monks of the Xianwang period are qualified to become Xuanmen.

Once you enter the king of the fairy, you can step into the sky.

"On the second day, Wangxian City will auction the treasures in the field of the game, and the finale of the finale will be a hundred copies of the peaks of the product from the beginning of the product to the end of the product."

The face of Xianzun in the auction venue began to move, and the innate charm of the product was a powerful weapon of destruction.

“The auction items on the third day will be treasures in the field of refining, and the finale will be ten pieces of innate treasures from the beginning of the product to the peak of the product.”

The monks have already thought of this result, but still heart-warming, the product Xianxianbao is definitely a high-end weapon in the current Yuanyuan continent. There is not much in the whole Shangyuan continent. Which monk who owns the congenital fairy treasure is not Tianzun? Even the monks of the land are not qualified to own, this is too imaginary to auction ten pieces of each order!

"The treasures of the fourth day of the auction of Wangxian City are all about the field of formation. They will auction the flag from the beginning of the product to the peak of the late stage, and the array will be 10 pieces."

The monks left the auction venue with all sorts of thoughts. The hearts of these great monks are really ridiculous. But when I think of the cruel emperor, I still forget it for the time being.

Then there was a purchase and rental of real estate in Wangxian City, but in less than a day, one-tenth of the houses in Xiancheng were sold out, and one-tenth of the shops were rented out.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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