The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2396: Refining and chemical town stone monument

Luo Tianyu indulged a bit, waved to let the monks in the back disperse, he and the falling snow walked into the main hall of the city's main house, before and after the seat, this whispered:

"We don't know much about the details of the secret sect. This thing can only be visited first and then we will be secretly visited. It is not appropriate to publicize."

The snow fell and nodded, and then the face appeared inexhaustible: "Why should we secretly leave Tianzhu City? Is Big Brother ready to give up the control of Tianzhu City?"

"We can't admit that we slaughtered the Sanxian League, so we can't take advantage of the Tianzhu City. No one knows that we have been to the Xianxian League Hall, killing them all, and moving away the Sanxian League. Treasures. Even if they suspect that we are doing it, it is only doubt. Hehe... And, as time goes by, the world’s monks calm down, the more they will not doubt our Tianfu business, because our Tianfu firm does not have that ability. In the quiet, the massacre of the Xianxian League was slaughtered. But... it still needs to be done."

"What do you like?"

"We have led the monks of Tianfu Commercial Bank to the Tianxiang City Sanxian League Hall. We don't know that the Sanxian League Hall has been slaughtered! Haha... This water is getting better and better. Just this Secrets..." Luo Tianyu will hold a fist: "I will kill him sooner or later."

"Oh, big brother has that treasure, let alone the secret sect, that is, the nine sects do not need to fear!"

The sky fell into the sky and said: "Tianxue, I haven't revealed this treasure since half a year ago. Even you just know, you know why?"


"The treasure is no matter what is outside, it can only be an aid. This time we raided the Xianxian League. Then, once this treasure is known by others, will it be changed to someone else to attack me next time?"

After all, my cultivation is only the peak of the mid-term, and it takes time to start this treasure. If the news of such a treasure spreads out, my eldest brother will die without a place of burial. ”

The face of the falling snow is white: "Tianxue knows."

"So I said that the treasure is just something outside the body, it is an aid. The important thing is its own cultivation."

"Tianxue was taught!"

Thunderstorm mountains.

Xu Ziyan and his party stood outside the space of Thunder Xianfu. At this point, the group once again put on a fight. They came in the cloud baby, no one knows that they came to the Thunder Xianfu, naturally no one here recognizes Xu Ziyan and his party. Moreover, the 39 people at this time, except Ye Fei, the emperor, the rest are the cultivation of the Emperor. They adjusted the cultivation.

After entering the thunderstorm mountain range, they left the cloud baby and walked in the thunderstorm mountain range. Along the way, I met a lot of monks. Some of these monks came to the thunderstorm mountain range, and some went to the Thunder Xianfu. Of course, the monks who want to enter the experience of the Thunder fairy will have to be higher, and those who are low-educated can only experience in the thunderstorm mountains.

A group of thirty-nine people entered the Thunder fairy space. These monks have been to Thunder Xianfu, and they are very familiar with it. Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked around. I saw some monks are killing with some Thunder. As they progressed, they gradually began to appear.

Xu Ziyan and others came here not for the first time when they came here. Although they used the lock yuan to control the Xiandi period, but the vision and experience are different, the ordinary Thunder will not be enough for them. Killed. But the high-end Thunder fairy will also make them very embarrassed. If it were not for their physical strength to be there, I am afraid that they would have been smashed by the Thunder.

This gave them a chance to try, and this way they killed and let them have a deeper understanding of the use of Xianyi.

But it surprised the hearts of the monks who saw them. They really couldn't figure out that this pedestrian was only a fairy emperor. How is the body so powerful?

All the way to the foot of the mountain. Xu Ziyan put the already-prepared bridge board on the broken bridge, and everyone quickly rushed over, and then Xu Ziyan collected the bridge.

Going up the mountain road, there are no other monks except for the thirty-nine people, because no monks can pass the broken bridge.

All the way through the Thunder bombardment, came to the half-mountain of the temple. Enter the temple. At this time, everyone also understood that Xu Ziyan came here to refine the Thunder fairy, because in the North Plains Xiancheng, they all saw Xu Ziyan release the thunder attribute. Lang Yue looked at Xu Zi flue:

"Little sister, what should you do for what you should do. We will here to understand the exercises in the temple."

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan nodded and then continued to fly towards the mountain. The condensation cream looked enviously at the back of Xu Ziyan. He was also Lei Linggen. He also dreamed of waiting for himself to cultivate the Lei attribute to the great consummation, and refining the Thunder fairy.

"Let's go! Let's comprehend those exercises!"

When everyone heard it, they flew to the temple of the martial arts. They all understood that after Xu Ziyan refining the Thunder fairy, I am afraid that there would be no chance to comprehend those exercises.


The figure flashed, Xu Ziyan appeared outside the Thunder Xianfu, looking at the Thunder Xianfu above the mountain, like yesterday.

Stepping into the Thunder Xianfu, the gods spread out and found that the tree was no longer there. I don't know which Tianzun had dug it away.

Xu Ziyan took back the gods and strode to the main hall where the stone monuments of the town were stored. Soon, he entered the hall. Xu Ziyan went straight to the front of the stone monument in the town, sitting cross-legged, and the stone monument of the town gave off the light. The sound of thunder was heard throughout the hall.

Xu Ziyan immediately operated the thunder property, and his hands were pressed on the stone monument of the town. The thunder property instantly came out and wrapped up the town stone.

The sound of boring thunder disappeared, and the light on the stone monument of the town was also gone. The property of Lei is very complete and the stone monument of the town is like a blend of water and milk. Xu Ziyan refines the stone monument of Zhenfu little by little. The time passes by in the silence. After three hours, the stone monument of the town is completely refining by Xu Ziyan, the heart of Xu Ziyan There is a subtle connection with the town stone.

Xu Ziyan still sat there closed, accepting the message in the stone monument of the town, suddenly jumped in her heart, finally understood why the Thunder giant sword said that coming here will have unexpected results.

Xu Ziyan immediately shot a handcuff in his hands. A piece of fairy print entered the town's stone monument, and then Xu Ziyan immediately began to operate from the first ten layers of the world's quenched body.


Lang Yue and others who were in the midst of enlightenment were suddenly awakened, and one by one swept away from the gate, and they saw that the power of the thunder in the entire space was now gathering in one direction. Gathering towards the mountains.

"Refining!" The condensation cream muttered to himself.

The eyes of everyone also looked at the mountains, and the color of envy appeared in the eyes.

The monks who are smothering with the Thunder celestial singers suddenly find out that the bodies of the Thunder celestial squadrons have been broken down, turning into the power of the thunder and rushing into the air, toward the distant peaks, like a thunderbolt...

At this time, in the peak of the hall, before the town stone monument, Xu Ziyan has been wrapped in the force of the Thunder, the purple scorpion **** rushed into the body of Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan running the world to quench the body and quench his body, She can feel that her body strength is improving.

"what happened?"

The monks who looked at the thunder in the eyes of the monks would disintegrate. They can feel that all the Thunder's power in the entire Thunder's space is gathering at distant peaks, because at this time they can't feel the power of Thunder.

I don't know who moved first, then everyone flew to the distant mountain. When they came to the broken bridge that made them fear, they found that there was no trace of thunder.

However, the monks still dare not care, first throwing a low-end fairy. It was discovered that there was no slight damage to the fairy, and this monk swarmed past.

But then they stopped and looked at the mountain in front of them with shock.

At this time, the whole mountain was shrouded in the power of the Thunder, and the dense purple scorpion gods kept bombarding the mountain peaks without leaving a trace of space. The atmosphere of destruction spreads.

These monks know that with their strength they simply cannot withstand the bombardment of this dense purple scorpion. They only stood under the foot of the mountain and looked forward to hoping to find the cause of the change.

At this time on the mountainside, the monks such as Langyue were shrunk in the temple of the martial arts, and the dense purple gods made them change color. Leng Qingyi asked with concern:

"Master, little sister will not have anything?"

"No!" Langyue shook his head firmly: "There must be nothing."

But there is a color of worry in his eyes.

Three days later, the purple scorpion that shrouded the entire mountain began to contract above the mountain. But the more the purple scorpion **** is shrinking, the more intense it is, and the greater the scent of destruction.

Five days later.

The purple scorpion thunder shrank to the middle of the mountain, revealing the temple of the sacred power. Langyue and others came out from the temple of the martial arts and looked nervously at the peak. However, the peaks were shrouded in purple scorpion, and they could not see the peaks at all. Even the gods that had spread out were destroyed by the purple scorpion, so that they could no longer use God to explore.

Inside the hall.

Xu Ziyan exhaled a long breath and smashed out two brontosaurus from her nostrils.

At this time her body strength has reached the holy level two. But she can no longer practice, because she does not have the twelfth layer of exercises in the world.

Sinking into the purple smoke space, seeing the Thunder giant sword still in the time array method, knowing that he has not yet derived the twelfth martial law of the world's quenching body, they have to withdraw the knowledge of God, open The pair looked at the purple scorpion that shrouded themselves.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan's eyes are bright, she feels that the thunder of the righteousness here is too rich, and when the heart moves, it begins to merge the righteousness of Lei and the auspicious ring of Jinmushui.

In the endless space filled with mysterious meaning in the purple smoke space, the pearl of the thunder property began to approach the auspicious ring formed by the fusion of Jinmushuihuo, but the five elements of the Aegean ring bounced off the Lei-beads.

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, and the six attributes of Jinmu Shuihuo were flowing in the heart. The five elements of the Aegean ring began to spin up, releasing a thousand lines, and the mine attribute beads were also released inextricably. The two sides began to entangle, and gradually the mine attribute beads began to approach the five elements of the Aegean ring.

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