The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2397: Circumstance

The power of the thunder on the mountain speeds up the contraction, shrinking toward the peak, and Lang Yue and others look at each other, and the body shape is vertical and flies toward the peak.

Gradually, the rich purple scorpion gods gather at the peak,

Gradually, the rich purple scorpion shrouded the entire Thunder Xianfu.

At this time, Lang Yue and others, as well as countless monks gathered in the peak, watching the purple scorpion mine that released the devastating atmosphere.

There are nine days to go.

The purple scorpion **** has been narrowed to the main hall that only covers the stone monument of the town. The monks gathered at the front of the hall at this time. Except for Langyue and others, the monks looked at the hall with surprise. Thoughts emerge from their hearts.

“Is there someone refining the town’s stone monument inside?”


Xu Ziyan's body released a violent breath. In her body world, the mine attribute beads were integrated into the five elements of the Aegean ring. The Aegean ring added a property and became a six-element.

The breath of Xu Ziyan was climbing, rising from the late stage of the land to the peak of the late stage of the land. At the same time, after the fusion of the Lei attribute, Xu Ziyan's repair has broken through to the peak of the late Zun.

Xu Ziyan's body shape immediately entered the purple smoke space, and entered the time array method and began to hold the crystal vein to absorb the fairy power.

The purple scorpion shrouded in the hall, revealing the hall. The monks went into the sights, but found that there was no one inside, and the town stone was standing there.

"what 's wrong?"

Not only are those monks full of doubts, but Lang Yue and others are also full of questions. At the same time raised a trace of worry, purple smoke will not be an accident, right?

As a result, these monks gradually released their knowledge and began to explore the hall, but there was still no discovery. Just outside in the past, the monks have not recovered the knowledge of the detective. In the time array, Xu Ziyan has absorbed a thousand meridians and completed the breakthrough.

Seeing that the outside was full of monks, Xu Ziyan controlled the purple smoke space from the hall. Directly flew out of the Thunder fairy, out of the purple door outside the gate, the heart moved, Xu Ziyan's body shape disappeared again. When she reappeared, she had already stood in the temple of Chuangong in the middle of the mountain. I saw Xu Ziyan’s hands constantly playing the fairy, and the power of a thunder spread from the handcuffs. Finally, Xu Ziyan’s hands were combined.

The beads in the entire sect of the temple, which were covered with various exercises, came to Xu Ziyan and were collected by Xu Ziyan. At the moment of less than ten interest, all the beads of the Gongzhu Temple were collected by Xu Ziyan.

The figure disappeared in the temple of the martyrdom. The next moment, it appeared on the peak, and then walked toward the Thunder Xianfu.

Did not take a few steps. Xu Ziyan felt that the power of Thunder in the Thunder's space had become very thin, looking up into the air, almost no thunder.

"I don't know how many years it takes to restore the original Thunder!" Xu Ziyan sighed softly, and suddenly remembered that he still had a lot of thunderbolt beads, and Taixu Zong has not yet had a real refining space.

"Well. Wait a minute to dig some more stones and go back and set up a refining space!"

Hearing the footsteps coming from behind, the monks hurried back and saw a woman wearing a brawling head coming towards them. Others don't know, Lang Yue and others still don't know who this is?

They came to Xu Ziyan one by one, and Lang Yue asked in a low voice: "Little sister, where have you been?"

"I? Go around. But why are you all here?"

Langyue gave her a sigh of relief and said, "If there is nothing, let's get out of here!"

Xu Ziyan nodded lightly, and the monks immediately emptied and flew down the mountain, while other monks who did not know were leaving. Originally these people still want to go down the mountain to continue to experience here, but they suddenly found that there is no power of Thunder. One by one, they are depressed.

However, the changes in the Thunder’s space quickly spread out. As soon as the news spread, it immediately caused a sensation on the Upper Yuan Dynasty. Countless monks came here to find out what happened to the Thunder. What happened.

at this time. Xu Ziyan and his party have left the Thunderstorm Mountain Range and are sitting in the main city of Fenglei City.

Liu Lei, the master of the wind and thunder city, is the father of Liu Qingmeng. Two people have not seen it for many years. When he came, Liu Qingmeng did not like to say that he wanted to go home and see. So it was the Thunderstorm Mountain Range. Although Xu Ziyan did not say anything, everyone’s heart knew that Xu Ziyan had achieved his goal, so Liu Qingmeng invited everyone to sit at home.

At this time, Liu Badao is trying to render the changes in the Thunder Xianfu as if he were there. Then said to Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Zongzhu, after I received this news, I was about to take people to the Thunder Xianfu. You also want to go to Thunder Xianfu, we are going together, how?"

The monks smiled and looked at Xu Ziyan from time to time. But Liu Ba knife is wrong. I thought that these people were waiting for Xu Ziyan to make a decision and decided to persuade again.

"Xu Zongzhu..."

"Hey!" Liu Qingmeng’s face rose red: "We just came out of Thunder Xianfu."

"Oh..." Liu Ba knife looked a little embarrassed and said: "That... what secrets did you find?"

“No!” Liu Qingmeng said to his father: “There is nothing to discover, exactly the same as what you heard.”

The daughter-in-law is like a father, looking at Liu Qingmeng's expression, Liu Badao knows that his daughter does not want to participate in this matter. Liu Badao immediately understood that this matter is related to these people, or is full of danger, not his strength can participate, he laughed:

"In this case, I will not go. You must stay here for a few more days."

At this time, a monk came in and looked like a word. Liu Ba knife's face is a sinking road:


"Yes!" The monk hurriedly said: "The subordinate received the news that the relics of the ancient sects appeared in the broken mountains of the eastern continent."

"What?" Xuan Daozi began to take off: "Do you say it again?"

The monk's look was tight, and he looked at the mysterious path with some fear. Liu Ba knife said:

“Can it be?”

The monk immediately shook his head: "I don't know, but the news I received was the same."

"What's the news?" Xuan Daozi stood in front of the monk in the form of a floating figure. The huge pressure unconsciously dissipated and immediately let the monk sweat and his body trembled.

"Xuan Shixiong!" Xu Ziyan whispered softly.

The mystery of Xuan Daozi was clear, and the pressure was withdrawn. He reached out and gently patted the monk:

"Sorry, some are out of order!"

"No... It doesn't matter..." The monk swallowed a sip of water, and did not wait for Xuan Daozi to continue to ask, he immediately said:

"The news was that the squad had already arrived at the broken mountain range, and the ruins of the ancient ancestor were blocked. No one was allowed to enter, but the monks from all over the country were coming in, even the Mozu and the Yaozu came. At this time, it is in the midst of arrogance."

Xuan Daozi’s look changed, and he turned his head and looked at Xu Zi’s flue: “Ziyan...”

Xu Ziyan gave a slight meditation: "Xuan Shixiong, where is the inheritance of your family. If you don't want us to go, we will stay in Qingmeng for a while."

"No! The sects now face all the monks on the mainland, and they are powerless to solve this matter alone. I hope that Xu Zongzhu will help each other. Of course, if you get everything in the place where you are inherited, you only hope if I got the inheritance and I was able to make a copy."

Xu Ziyan turned his attention to everyone: "How do you think your friends?"

The monks nodded, but only two people did not respond. One was Xu Qinyang and the other was a light moon dance. Two people are fleeing there, and they don’t know how long they have been passed. Maybe they don’t know what happened here.

Xu Ziyan looked funny, but he didn't want to bother them. After all, Xu Haotian said that many times Xu Qinyang should find a Taoist priest and pass on the blood for Xu. However, Xu Ziyan pretended not to know, but others could not do this! These people have long watched Xu Qinyang and the light moon dance eyebrows to look uncomfortable, to know that there are almost no people here!

"Qin Yang brother!" Xu Tianlang screamed.

Silent and silent inside the hall, Xu Qinyang and the light moon dance did not hear the sound of Xu Tianlang at all, and a kind of emotional love flowed between the two people's eyes.

"Qin Yang brother!" Xu Tianwo raised his voice.

"What?" Xu Qinyang was shocked and turned to look at Xu Tianwo.

"Boom..." The crowd was screaming, and the face of Xu Qinyang and the light moon dance was red.

Broken mountain range.

There are three tribes facing each other.

This ruins of the ruins was also discovered by chance. Originally a disciple of a medium-sized Zongmen discovered a disc in the broken mountain range, about 100 meters in diameter, in a valley.

At first these monks thought it was a treasure, and they thought about putting it away. But no matter what kind of fairy they use, they can't be put away. Later, these people came up with another method, which is to hollow out the circumference of the disc and underground. See if you can put this disc away.

But when they hollowed out, the disc was so imaginary in the air, and how could it not be taken away. At this time, these disciples had no choice but to report to Zongmen through the jade.

After learning the news, Tongzong’s lord personally came to the broken mountain with his ancestral high-level and saw the disc. After three days of research, there was no way for the high-level officials of Tongtian. However, it was not discovered at all that a fairy sect of Tongtianzong discovered that the valley where the disc was located was originally enveloped by a formation, because there were traces of fragmentation in and around the valley valley.


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