The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2404: Preaching

"Six!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile.

Those who pushed the correct fairy singer’s face immediately showed a happy smile. Regardless of whether they believe in Xu Ziyan at this time, it is always a happy thing to be sure.

"Please also ask Xu Zongzhu to solve!"

Xuan Kongling sang toward Xu Ziyan, followed by Xuan Daozi. However, other sects did not give a gift, but looked at Xu Ziyan, and there was still great doubt in Xu Xinyan in their hearts.

Xu Ziyan did not take care of them, but walked toward the disc. Standing in front of the disc, Xu Ziyan condensed and explained:

"Although there are twenty-eight imaginary arrays, some of them are only auxiliary, and some imaginary arrays are pillars. Breaking the auxiliary illusion will lead to a series of reactions, but it will break the pillars. The fairy tales it supports will collapse."

These Xianzheng divisions immediately re-introduced these imaginary arrays, and then they suddenly found that Xu Ziyan said that they were all good. In this twenty-eighth imaginary array, there are really only six pillars.

"If you determine which six are, just break them!"

Xuan Kongling nodded seriously, and then out of caution, he picked out five sects and shot him at the same time, one person broke a sinister array.

After a flash of brilliance on the disc, it was silent, and there was no explosion. However, these fairy singers have already discovered through the scanning of the gods that the original squad of the iron plate has revealed flaws.

"Okay, what you need to do next is to find out sixty-four days."

"Heavenly Array?" Xuan Daozi asked in confusion: "Ziyan, Tianyan array is a three-pronged array. Do we not need to find a second-class fairy tales?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "This congenital fairy squad is a single product. The so-called single-strand array is made up of one three five-seven-six-story squad. So the next step we need to look for is the Sanpin Xianzhen."

"Oh!" Xuan Daozi applied a ritual to Xu Ziyan, and then turned to invest in the search for Tian Yanzhen, and Xuan Kongling and those fairy singers began to look for.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and the blue and blue eyes flashed in his eyes. In the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan's knowledge, he concentrated on the whole mountain gate through the eyes of Xu Ziyan.

This time, Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Kun Peng for a long time. There was a time of time. After that, he said that he had a good sentence, and then he hooked up in the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan licked his eyes. I walked back to my seat and closed my eyes, using my life to warm my eyes.

Next to the disc, the fairy singers whispered while scanning the array above the disc with the gods:

"You said that Xu Ziyan wouldn't really be a congenital first division?"

"How is this possible? Only our lords are the congenital sects on this continent! So we are the holy place of the fairy sect."

"But... she just said it makes sense!"

"That... maybe she just saw it in that kind of cheat..."

"And there! The auction of Wang Xiancheng in the past few days is the auction of the inferior fairy tales! If she is not the innate squad, what are the auction items?"

"Maybe... from which ruins the Taizong was obtained..."

"In any case, she can't be a congenital singer. How old is she? It's said to be more than two hundred years old? Even if she doesn't practice. I use all my energy in the formation. Can she realize the innate squad? Genius is not possible?"

"That... if she has a complete heritage?"

"How is this possible? The circuit of the Yuan dynasty was passed down to the late stage of Jiu Pin. There was no such thing as the sacred fairy tales in our late stage. The inheritance of our inferior ancestors was based on generations and generations of ancestors. How could she have completeness? The heritage of the road?"

"Moreover, even if she has a complete heritage, it is impossible. Although there is no complete inheritance, there is no need to comprehend the heavens. Only by inheriting it over and over again, but please pay attention to what I said. That is over and over again. Without tens of thousands of years, even hundreds of thousands of years may reach the innate sect?"

Xu Ziyan kept his eyes closed and raised his eyes. But their whispers were still in her ears, and they couldn’t help but sigh:

"These singers are doing a good job. If they don't have the complete heritage of Yanshan Spirit, if they don't have time, then they may not be able to have today's achievements."

"Then what is the grade of Xu Ziyan that you say today?"

"Well... It’s estimated that it should be similar to Xuan’s brother, that is, it’s not the same as the Jiupian’s late stage.”


Xuan Kong Ling spit a long breath. At this time, he had already searched for the sixty-four Tianyan arrays, and saw that the fairy strategists around him had not fully figured out. Then he stood there waiting, and he also wanted to give these fairy sects in Zongmen an opportunity to improve. But when the whispers of these people reached his ears, he also thought about it:

"What is the realm of this Xu Ziyan now?"

Suddenly, the heart is moving. Today, he is attacking the inferior product, but his father Xuan Tianao has been in the Yuanmeng League. He has not been given the guidance of his father for a long time.

If you ask Xu Ziyan about some problems that have been plaguing yourself, and she can still answer them, then the purple smoke is undoubtedly the innate first division.

As soon as he thought of it, his heart immediately became hot. If Xu Ziyan can really answer it, maybe he has a chance to break through to the innate first division. At this time, Xuan Kong Ling couldn't help anymore. He turned and walked quickly toward Xu Ziyan. When he walked to the front of Xu Ziyan, he saw Xu Ziyan sitting there with his eyes closed, and hesitated whether he was awakening Xu Ziyan. Just as he hesitated, Xu Ziyan opened his eyes.

"Xuan senior?"

"Xu Zongzhu..." Xuan Kong Ling is also the deputy sect of the ancestors, a generation of masters. At this time, I have to ask Xu Ziyan for advice.

Xu Ziyan saw this situation, reached out and threw out the eighteen-faced flag, laid out a soundproof array, and then took out a chair and asked Xuankongling to sit down before he looked at him and asked:

"Is there something?"

Seeing that Xu Ziyan was so thoughtful, Xuan Kongling’s eyes showed gratitude, no longer hesitate, and immediately said:

"Xu Zongzhu, I have a few questions to ask."

"Predecessors please say!"

Xuan Kong Ling immediately waved: "You still don't call me a predecessor, we are talking about it!"

"This can't be done!" Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "I call Xuan Daozi a brother!"

"Then you also call my father an old brother, we are all different."

"That... well, I will call you Xuandaoyou, is that good?"

"Good!" Xuan Kongling smiled happily, then condensed a smile and said seriously: "Ziyan, I am now learning to lay a five-line sleepy dragon array, but..."

Xuan Kong Ling took out a fairy crystal and crushed it, while posing on the ground to explain in detail the problems he encountered. Xu Ziyan simply does not stop, because in the sea of ​​knowledge, one is listening. By the time he was laid to the 136th step, the formation collapsed.

When Xuan Kong Ling looked forward to Xu Ziyan with a look of hope, Xu Ziyan made a contemplative form, listening to the interpretation of the inside of the sea.

Just after a quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan said with a sigh: "Xuandaoyou, the problem you encountered is that you have complicated things. It is because you want to complicate things, so your mistake does not happen. On the first hundred and thirty-six steps of the process, but in the thirty-first step, there was a problem. Although the error was very small, with the layout of the formation, the difference was lost."

Xu Ziyan also took out a fairy crystal crumb, while laying aside to explain. When it was laid down to the 136th step, the array did not collapse, and Xu Ziyan stopped. At this time, Xuan Kong Ling has been completely immersed in the aftertaste of Xu Ziyan's explanation, and the fingers are still sketching in the air.

Xu Ziyan raised his gaze and found that the sects of the sects of the sects had stood outside the formation at this time, and each face showed a shocking color. Xu Ziyan stood up and took a step in the way:

"Looking for it?"

Those of the fairy squad were shocked and looked at Xu Ziyan’s eyes full of respect. An elder prayed respectfully to Xu Ziyan:

"Yes, we have already found out sixty-four Tianyan arrays, and we have also analyzed them. There are three places, and seven places can be broken. Please ask the Lord to ask for three or seven."

"Three places!" Xu Ziyan said with a faint smile: "Let's see!"

"Yes!" A group of fairy singers followed Xu Ziyan to the disc, and the elders pointed out three places and seven places to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan shook his head slightly:

"Inaccurate!" Then the finger popped three light spots, two light spots fell in two of the three places, one light spot fell in one of the seven places.

"It should be these three places!"

The sects of the sects of the sects fell into meditation, and after a while they went to Xu Ziyan to give a courtesy: "Thank you for your support."

"Get started!" Xu Ziyan said faintly, and was not polite to them. At this time, these singular sects who were just arrogant were actually going to break the battle.

With a flash of brilliance, the three heavens were broken. After Xu Ziyan left the task for them, he returned to his seat.

Time passed by in silence, and it quickly passed for seven days. During the seven days, Xu Ziyan pointed out the array of the sects of the sects and explained the problems he raised.

At this time, the sects of the sects of the sects had already convinced Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan sat in the soundproof array to point out the mysterious spirits, one by one:

"Is this Xu Zongzhu really not a congenital sect?"

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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