The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2405: Killing

I am very grateful to the rubbersoul classmates (8888), the idiot classmates (1888), the Jie dynasty classmates (200), the book friends 131106140302790 classmates (100), the tqx classmates (100), the dragon city day and night classmates (100), mableip classmates (100) The reward!

"I think it is! Xuan brother, but the late stage of the nine-character singer, if Xu Zongzhu is not a congenital sect, how can you point to the mysterious brother? And you see the sacred brother respects like you see the lord. Xu Zong must It is a congenital sect."

"Congenital singer! No wonder the lord is living with his old brother when he is in Xu Zongzhu!"

"Hey, what kind of innate fairy singer do you say Xu Zongzhu will be? Will it be more powerful than the lord?"

"Is this impossible?"


On the thirteenth day, the ban on the mountain gates of the ancient ancestors finally broke open, and the sects of the sects of the sects cheered for a while, this is a congenital fairy tales they broke, and they broke through this time. They have made great progress. They firmly believe that after returning to Zongmen for a period of time, they will be able to make a breakthrough. Therefore, a pair of eyes looked at Xu Ziyan's eyes full of admiration.

"Into!" Xuan Kongling excitedly shouted at the relics of the ancient ancestors.


Seven people are in front of the mountain gate, and the monks are all changed. The three demon statues and the four demon statues are at the gate.

The look of the mysterious spirit sinks. Coldly shouted: "What do you want to do? Here is the ancient ruins of our ancestors. Do you still want to dominate the Mozu and the Yaozu?"

"Hehehe..." A demon smiled and said: "We don't have that meaning. This is a good relic of the ruins, but it is indeed a relic of the ancient ancestor. It is not a relic of the current sect. So this ruin does not belong to your sect."

"You..." Xuan Kong Ling's face is blue, if he can't beat each other, he will immediately start.

"Of course it does not belong to our Yaozu, it belongs to everyone! So we are still willing to follow our previous agreement, everyone can go in, each opportunity."

"Our Mozu also means this!"

"Then what are you still doing here? Don't let it go!" Xuan Kongling said indignantly.

Demon faintly said: "We will let it go. But before entering here, our Yaozu needs to solve a grudge. In order to prevent us from solving the grievances, your Terran advanced to search for the treasures inside, so in our Before you resolve your grievances, please wait for the first class."

If you fall, you will no longer pay attention to the Terran monks. Instead, I looked at Xu Ziyan and savagely said:

"Xu Ziyan, you are killing our Yaozu in Wangxian City. This account is worth calculating with you today."

"And our Mozu, today we have to count with you to kill our Mozu."

"What do you want?" Xu Ziyan said faintly.

"You are too wicked to die today!"

"Oh, huh..." I haven't waited for the opening of the purple smoke. I took a step forward and stood on the left side of Xu Ziyan: "The demon. Is the Mozu? I will meet you today."

"Want to kill my disciple, have you asked me the sword in my hand?" The sword stood in the first step and stood on the right side of Xu Ziyan.

"Then you will die together!"


The three demon statues and the four demon statues unabashedly released their own pressure. Pressed over to the side of Taixu. Xu Ziyan, who took a thousand miles and a sword, became a row, blocking the power of the opposite side. The monks who were too imaginary stood behind three people and were not affected by a trace.

Xu Ziyan nowadays, the realm of the gods on the first level of the dynasty simply ignores the pressure of the other side. It is that the two people who are tens of thousands of miles and the sword are completely ignorant of the other's pressure. The multilingual monk who can integrate the attributes is not only powerful. It is the gods who have to go beyond their own cultivation, or how to integrate them?

but. Xu Ziyan, although the appearance of Wanli and Jianwu is calm, but there is tension in the heart. After all, there are seven peaks in the opposite stage. They are not able to resist three people. The most important thing is that there are too many monks behind them. When they are self-concerned, the peaks of Tianzun can be instantly killed. Sirius them.

"Hey! You want to kill the Terran on the Terran's site, when we don't exist?"

A voice rang out, and Xu Ziyan turned to look at it. When he saw the words of Mou Zong, he took a step forward and looked at the seven peaks of the Tianzun.

"Hehehe..." A demon smiled cheerfully: "Do you want to block the deity?"

"Is it funny?" There is a sound, but it is the ancestral mystery: "This is the territory of the Terran, and you are not allowed to be arrogant."

The eyes of the seven great Tianzun's late peaks are all a glimpse. In the eyes of a demon statue, there is a flash of glory: "Want to die, the deity will fulfill you."

"Maybe we will die! But I guarantee that the Mozu and the Yaozu will certainly bear the anger of the Terran. After today, the Terran will definitely enter the Mozu and the Yaozu territory."

Xu Ziyan's eyes flashed a glimmer of color, and Zong Zong and the sects came out to support her. Xu Ziyan had no accidents. After all, Xu Ziyan was born in Mou Zong, and the peak of the sword of a Jianfeng had no match with the demon, and Zong Zong could not sit still. And the sects have just been greatly favored by themselves, and they are not likely to help. But she never thought that the Shenji Zong would come forward.

"In the Terran's territory, you want to kill the Terran. If you don't exist, do we have nine sects?" It is also a sound that makes Xu Ziyan unexpected, but it is the deputy lord of the celestial domain.

Then other major gates and Shangyuan League also came forward, looking at the three magic deities and the four demon statues at the gate of the mountain.

This situation is not thought of by Xu Ziyan, but looking at the monks is completely sincere, there is no trace of fake appearance, Xu Ziyan understands.

The human race can fight, but when the Mozu and the Yaozu want to publicly kill the Terran in the Terran. They are the public enemies of the Terran, and the original infighting Terran will soon become a piece of iron. This is also why the Terran has been able to survive.

There are some feelings in Xu Ziyan's heart. It seems that he still lived in the Yuan Dynasty for too short a time. He has a lot of incomprehension on the mainland. It seems that I have to re-examine the mainland!

At this moment, the factions of the Terran disappeared. They are a whole, and their names are called human races.

The look of the three great deities and the four demon statues became dignified, and they have already reflected this time. The eleventh-day lords of the nine sects of the sects and the sect of the squadron did not come, so that they were somewhat forgotten. They just thought that no one here could resist their fierce flames. They can kill the people they want to kill.

However, they forgot that this place is a Terran territory. Although the nine patriarchs and the 11th Heavenly Emperor of the Shangmeng League did not come, the top leaders of the Nine Zongmen and Shangyuanmeng stood in front of them. They are here to openly want to kill the monks of the Taixu sect. This is undoubtedly in the face of the people, taking the face of every monk of the Terran, and screaming.

Just imagine. If too many monks are so ruined by the Mozu and the demon in the face of the elite of many Terrans in the Terran territory, and the Terran has not responded, the numb race is not far from extinction.

Therefore, the Terran must resist, even if the strength is not as good as the other. Even if it is because of the fall, but it can pass on a proud bone, otherwise they will live numbly. But the result of waiting is not only their personal death, but the annihilation of race.

The three great demon statues and the four demon statues instantly realized that their way was apart from the problem. There is no problem in starting a war here today. They have an absolute advantage. After all, they have seven peaks of the late Tianzun at this time, and there is no one in the Terran.

But once they fought here with the Terrans, they would have to meet the anger of the Terran and greet the anger of the nine patriarchs and the eleven ancient gods. The Mozu and the Yaozu have not yet prepared for a full-scale war with the Terran.

The three great devils and the four demon statues looked at each other. The Mafa Demon took a deep breath and shouted:

"Do you want to cause a racial war?"

"Mafa, Hugh wants to reverse black and white. It is your devil and the demon who want to cause racial wars. In our territory, we blatantly kill our people and dare to insult me ​​and other people."

The voice of the voice rumbling in the space. The whole sky suddenly changed, and an emotion of anger and enemies fell down in the sky, falling down toward the Terran, and making all the Terrans suddenly fighting. It is precisely the saga of the Yuan Dynasty that is famous for its rhetoric:

Words and phrases follow!

Marfa suddenly burst into laughter: "Ha ha ha..."

"What a ridiculous thing!" The voice of the rhythm sounded again in the air, and it was not inferior to the laughter of the other party.

Marfa did not care, the smile of convergence, his eyes sweeping through the surrounding human monks and said:

"This is only the personal grievances of our Mozu and Taixu, and has nothing to do with the Terran. Even if it is a Terran territory, can't it stop our Mozu and Taixu to solve personal grievances?"

Having said that, Mafa Mozun stared at Xu Ziyan: "Xu Zongzhu, you are killing the monks of our Mozu in Wangxian City. I am here to present you a life and death duel, only two of us."

"Xu Zongzhu!" At this time, a demon statue locked his eyes and said in a thousand miles: "Take a million miles! I will show you a life and death duel."

The hearts of the demon and the demon are also very clear. At this time, it is not appropriate to start a war with the Terran. They are not prepared. But just let go of too imaginary, the demon and the demon have also lost their faces. The Terran has pride, the Mozu and the Yaozu also have, they must erect confidence in the Mozu and the Yaozu in front of the Terran. Therefore, choosing a separate duel and killing the tyrants of the tyrants and the first master of the Taixu sect is the best choice.

This single-person duel is too vain to refuse. If it is rejected, the Taixu will be cast aside by the entire human race. Therefore, even if the purple smoke and the thousands of miles know clearly, it can only be **** the scalp. Moreover, this kind of challenge will not arouse the rebound of the entire Terran. The Devil and the Yaozu do everything that conforms to the rules of the Yuan Dynasty.

There are also comrades in the urging, and first of all, thank the comrades for their love of the best, but the bell is very busy, and recently the chapters that were owed before, really lack of strength. Well... don’t bother...

*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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