The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2415: Array (three more pink)

"Great!" Xu Ziyan said happily: "Go, I will take you to a place."

Xu Ziyan took the green child into his own knowledge of the sea, flashed out of the purple smoke space, and returned to the fairy tales. At this time, it was only less than two hours before Xu Ziyan entered the time array.

“Feel like, where does this sound come from?”

Green children sitting in the knees of Xu Ziyan's knowledge of the sea, the knowledge spread out, about a quarter of an hour later, the green child took back the gods, and there was a shock in his eyes.

"Ziyan, this fairy squad was originally a top-ranking fairy tales. But this congenital fairy squad actually gave birth to an eccle!"


"The gargo is a congenital fairy tales that gave birth to the intellect under the circumstance of coincidence. The conditions for the birth of the wise are extremely harsh, but once the spirit is born, it will be able to constantly absorb the heavens and enhance the power of the sacred sect. Nowadays This fairy squad has reached the realm of half a step of the best fairy tales."

"You should be the best fairy?"

"Nature!" Green children nodded proudly: "Ziyan, the array you gave is the best innate fairy tales, and my gods and your gods are the same level, I am naturally the best innate fairy. ”

Xu Ziyan suddenly moved in the heart: "Green children, since your gods can be like me, and the market is also the best, you will not be holy?"

"No!" Greener shook his head. "I am just a device. I will not cultivate the real space. I will never become a holy class. But I will slowly become a supernatural congenital treasure, and I will unite with you at that time. It can also increase your power."

"Don't say this first, take me to find the instrumental spirit!"

"This is simple! We switch body!"

Xu Ziyan immediately switched to the body with Green, and the body of the green child disappeared in space instantly.

At this time, the three tribes in the cave space have reached the center. In their vision, a **** guqin is hanging in the air, emitting a **** atmosphere.

Mellon and Assassin’s eyes flashed in hesitation, and the two of them instinctively showed a hint of fear in their hearts. The two great demon statues suddenly appeared in the eyes, and each of them showed a magic knife in front of the **** guqin.

"Slow!" Take thousands of miles. The sword is not empty and the three demon statues shout at the same time.


A chorus, the strings are automatic, the blood is swaying, and the two magic knives bounced out. The magic knife hovered in the air. The two great devils reached out and held the magic knife that circled, and his face was pale.

"Receive!" A demon statue condensed a big hand and grabbed the guqin.


Another jingle, the big hand condensed in the air is a stagnation in the air. The demon statue mobilized the power of the body, the big hand stunned, grabbed the guqin.


The strings of the guqin vibrate sharply, and the demon respect only feels that his soul is slightly stunned, and the big hands of the condensate are scattered.

Silently around, the monks were staring at the guqin of the central emptiness. No one started again. Everyone was thinking about how to collect this guqin. Can resist the devil's blow. How can the guqin, who is caught by the demon, not let these monks be jealous.


The guqin in the air suddenly rang and went straight through the soul of each monk. One by one, the monks began to squat, and some of the monks who had been low were red-faced, and the ceremonies were attacked by the monks who were next to them.


The light moon dance spewed a blood. At the same time, Ma Jingying, the dance color clothing and other repairs for the monks who did not really reach Xianzun spurted blood, and the eyes began to redden.

"Moon dance..." Xu Qinyang reached out and grabbed the hand of the light moon dance.

The light of the moon dance is clear, the teeth are bitten, and the tip of the tongue is bitten, and the redness in the eyes is slightly lightened.

"Qin Yang..."

"Ah..." Ma Jingying suddenly shouted out and her eyes were red.

Xu Qinyang's look changed. With a glimpse of the eyes, many monks have attacked each other at this time, and only the true monks above the honor can maintain the Qingming.

Xu Qinyang's gaze fell on the **** guqin, which was constantly ringing in the center. His eyes flashed a hint of jealousy, but eventually he became firm.

Sitting on the knees, a guqin floated on the knees. Xu Qinyang moved his hands. . Long Fengming resounded through the space and instantly covered all the monks in the cave.

The censorship of the tribes of the tribes suddenly cleared, and the red color in the eyes gradually became clear.


Xu Xing hand-held seven-hole sword, his body suddenly swooped toward the **** guqin in the center, and a sword in the air flashed. The star illusion went to the ancient piano.


The blood-colored guqin strings move in unison, and Xu Xing-fan's figure flies out. A blood spurts in the air and stuns.


Xu Qinyang’s strings on his knees collapsed and a stream of blood was sprayed out.


The **** guqin strings twitch and shake the soul of each monk.

Xu Qinyang closed his eyes and made a turn in his heart, undulating toward the opposite Guqin.

Sword and heart!

The heartstrings move, the stars reappear, and spread toward the **** guqin...

The sound of the **** guqin was suddenly turned into a **** stream and slammed into Xu Qinyang. The sound of "铮" rushed into the body of Xu Qinyang...

"Qin Yang..." The light moon dances screaming.

"Qin Yang..." by Wan Li and Jian Wu's body shape flashed now Xu Qin Yang's side.

"Qin Yang..." Xu Tianwo and Lang Yue and others appeared one by one at Xu Qinyang.

Xu Qinyang was sitting there with some sluggishness. It was really not understanding why the **** guqin suddenly ran into his body.

"I'm fine!" Xu Qinyang said with some uncertainty.

Thousands of miles frowned and said: "It should be this guqin that senses your heart, so I think you are the main. But this guqin is a big evil thing, Qin Yang, you have to be careful."

Xu Qinyang smiled bitterly: "The younger generation knows that this guqin is unknown to the younger generation."

"Don't say this!" The sword said without a sigh: "Qin Yang, can you see if you can get any information from that blood?"

The eyes of the surrounding monks are all bright, and now it seems that this space is the **** piano. The **** people were born from this blood. There are no major casualties in the experience of the three tribes, but if you can't leave it here, it will be troublesome.

Xu Ziyan closed his eyes, the gods scanned in the body, and finally found the blood piano in the heart, but Xu Ziyan no matter how to motivate this guqin, it does not move. Opened his eyes, Xu Qinyang revealed a bitter smile:

"I don't want to impress it now, I am afraid I need to refine it first!"

"Let's hurry and refining!" said the sword without a sigh.

At this time, no monk wants to **** Xu Qinyang's **** guqin. On the one hand, if the blood does not take the initiative to recognize each other, it may not be able to grab it. Didn't you see the demon lord not grab it? On the other hand, what they are most worried about at this time is to leave here. Therefore, they all rushed to urge Xu Ziyan to refine the blood.

The green child appeared in a space surrounded by volatility, and in the center of the space stood an old man about one meter tall. When the green babies came in, the face was extremely shocked. .

Before the old man reacted, the green child rushed over, and the mouth sucked and sucked the old man into his mouth.


The entire big array shook up, and Xu Qinyang’s look, which had just wanted to refine the blood-colored guqin, suddenly changed. The monks also looked around.

Green's body suddenly slammed out of the head of the spirit, and in turn bite toward the green child, both sides tumbling in the air, biting each other...


The big array is constantly roaring, shaking, shaking...

"Let's go, I feel that the big battle is in chaos, this may be our chance!" Xuan Kong Ling suddenly said, then flew up and swept away toward the road.

The monks heard the words and they all followed. When they came, they were step by step, and they continued to experience battles. Although those blood people did not bring much harm to them, they affected their speed. Nowadays, the unrestrained, the monks have played the ultimate speed. In less than a day, the monks returned to the barrier of the fairy tales.

At this time, the barrier of the fairy squad has become looming and becomes very unstable.


Another roar, in front of the monks, there were several huge gaps in the barrier.


Xuan Kongling screamed and rushed out. Many of the monks behind him swarmed out, but the gaps were rapidly recovering. Finally, they closed again and locked the remaining tribes.

In the space full of formations, the formations no longer swell, becoming slow and regular flashing. On the opposite side of Xu Ziyan, Green is sitting cross-legged. Xu Ziyan looked at the green child, and couldn't help but smile. She originally thought about how to conquer this spirit, but did not think that the green child came up and directly swallowed the spirit.

"Ziyan, the spirit was refining by me!" Greener opened his eyes.

“Yeah!” Xu Ziyan nodded and said, “Give me what you know!”

Green nodded, and a message appeared in the **** of Xu Ziyan. After reading the messages, Xu Ziyan understood the reason for the incident.

This fairy squad is a blood piano. This blood piano was originally owned by the Gorefiend and was acquired by the sect after the death of the Gorefiend. However, no one can impede this blood piano, but it has been confusing many of the sects of the sect, which led to a **** case that was not so small.

The sect wanted to ruin the blood piano, but found that the blood piano could not be destroyed, and finally set up this big array to suppress the blood. In the hundreds of millions of years of suppressing this blood piano, this large array has produced an array. After the eclipse was born, he learned to absorb the heavens, but the piano was always fleeing to break the big array, so the priest had to give a large part of his energy to suppress the blood.


Still owed 20 chapters!



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