The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2416: Intercept

What excites the spirit is that there are a group of monks who have not been low, and they have entered the big battle. So it immediately summoned the monks to the caves that suppressed the blood, and then removed the ocean that was evolved from the big array to suppress the blood, and concentrated on absorbing the heavens, and the monks took over the burden. All the way to the **** nest.

But it never imagined that there would be a person who was higher than it, and who could suddenly find it, and swallowed it.

At this time, Xu Ziyan already knew what happened inside Xianzheng. He could not help but frown slightly and worried about Xu Qinyang. The Yuanshen and the Green Children are connected, and they can be clearly seen within the fairy tales. The face could not help but reveal the color of regret. The two great demon statues and the three demon statues have escaped from the fairy tales. Otherwise, Xu Ziyan really has the heart to kill the five peaks of the late Tianzun. Shake his head and say to the green child:

"Green children, let those monks out first!"

"it is good!"

The green finger slightly moved in front of the body, and a huge portal appeared in front of the tribes. The tribes of the tribe saw it, and the desperate heart was filled with joy, and swarmed out to the outside, waiting for the last monk to rush out. After the fairy squad, the portal was closed instantly.

"Ziyan, where are we going now?"

"Don't worry, wait until the monks leave and say."

In the eyes of the green child, he was not convinced: "I just left in front of them, and they could not find me."

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment and thought about it. Now, with the ranks of Green Kids, maybe it can really do such a thing. However, Xu Ziyan still shook his head:

"We are not in a hurry!"

At this time, the three tribes began to leave to the outside, the two great deities to the back of Xu Qinyang, eyes flashed from time to time to kill. They have an instinctive feeling that the blood piano must be related to Gorefiend, and it is best to destroy it. At the same time, the eyes of the three demons looking to Xu Qinyang are full of greed. However, on both sides of Xu Qinyang, there are thousands of miles and swords, and they have scruples.

In the rapid flight, they soon came to the forbidden city. I rushed out of the disc. After flying out of the forbidden land one by one, the emptiness stood in the air, and the gaze naturally fell on Xu Qinyang's body because of the forbidden trip. Only one person has gained, and that is Xu Qinyang.

"Hui Ziyan!"

Two figures appeared in the air, which was the Mafa Demon and the demon statue that escaped. These two gods returned to this place after raising their wounds. They were not willing to leave, but there was a trace of fear for Xu Ziyan. Now that Xu Ziyan is absent, the two great gods are in shape.

Take a look at Wanli’s heart, and look at the magic and demon guards, but see that the demon and the demon respect each other for a moment, they led the Mozu and the demon to go.

The Terran monks also left each other, Jin Ge. Xuan Daozi, Hua Gu Ren and others also quit, and the sword is not empty, but also with Lang Yue and others to go to Wanli to leave. Only the light moon dance looked at Xu Qinyang's eyes full of worries, and Li lazy to see the appearance of the faint moon dance, and cover his mouth. Then said to Xu Qinyang:

"Qin Yang brother, I and the moon dance want to go to you too imaginary cultivation, do not know whether to accept?"

"And me!" Ma Jingying also shouted.

"I also want to go, maybe the purple smoke can still come back." The dance color clothes whispered.

The girls who have been staying for a while haven’t left their eyes, and they all want to go to Taixu. Xu Qinyang’s heart suddenly raised a glimmer of expectation:

"Okay, let's go back and wait for the purple smoke."

Within the forbidden area.

The green fingers twitched, and the whole fairy swayed. Instantly shrink into the body of the green child. Xu Ziyan thought about it and put the green child into the purple smoke space. Then fly towards the exit.

Came to Chugo, his arms swayed, and skyrocketed, wearing a disc and standing in the air. Zhang Meng died, at this time it is already empty. There is no monk.

Whistling the mountains.

The space was rippling, and the figure of a thousand miles appeared in the air, looking at the Taixu, and his heart was very sad. When I saw too imaginary, I thought of Xu Ziyan...

Take a thousand miles and suddenly jump, and reach out and tear the space. Then his face changed and he found that the space had been locked. The five-color sword was taken out in the hand.

The seven rays of light spurred from the seven directions toward the miles.

"A sword breaks the law!"

Take a five-color sword into a big compass in a thousand miles, and the swordsman blasted and spread toward the surrounding.


Seven lights shattered the big compass, although the power weakened most of the time, but in the end it was bombarded in the thousands of miles. When the time is over, the muscles in the body are broken and the blood flows.

The three great devils and the four demon statues appeared in the air, and their eyes revealed that they were killing the enemy.

This is also to ride thousands of miles, the five attributes of the roots of the powerful force, and in the hands of the best peak of the congenital Xianbao, if replaced by another Tianzun later, has long been under the strike of the three major demons and the four demon statues.

In the heart of Wanli, there is a trace of tension. He is not nervous, but the sleeve of his left arm. In the sleeve of his sleeve, he is dressed in a sleeve, and Xu Qinyang and other monks are loaded in. He wants to tear the space back to the virtual Zong could be faster, but did not expect that the three great devils and the four demon statues would wait for him before the Taixu.

He can protect the left arm just now, and the injured part is in the right half of the body. Such obvious movements must have been seen in the eyes of the three great devils and the four demon statues. At this time, the seven pairs of eyes are moving toward the left of the miles. Look at the arm.

A sword in the sky smashed down, and this sword mantle burst in the air, turning into a world, a world of swords, exploding with thousands of swords and mans, like a sun bursting out of thousands of rays.

A feeling of threatening life hits the three magic deities and the four demon statues.


Each of the three demon statues and the four demon statues released their own potential, and released the defensive shield at the same time as the attack.


A series of infinite roars, the attacks of the three demon statues and the four demon statues were all washed away, and the seven defensive shields were shattered, and the seven figures flew backwards.

A mysterious wave shrouded the seven heavens, and an extremely dangerous feeling caused the seven heavens to tear the space without hesitation.


Another sword fell from the sky, and the irresistible Tianwei gathered toward one place.


The space was broken, and the demon lord was actually smashed out of the crack in the space. The whole body was ruined, and the blood spewed and dying. The other six peaks of the late Tianzun have escaped without a trace.


The volatility of the space will shroud in the sky, and it is the green children who release the fairy tales. Xu Ziyan's tired figure descended from the air. She just saw Master's blood all over the body, being besieged by the three great devils and the four demon statues, and could not help but anger. At the moment, he did not hesitate to communicate the bridges of the three worlds and unleashed the power of the world.

However, in order to solve the problem for Master, the power of the world was divided into seven, and the power was insufficient. Therefore, Xu Ziyan released the green child at the same time. The fluctuation in the air was that the green child was releasing a large array.

I didn't think that the peaks of Tianzun's later period were really different. Although they didn't see the green children in the stealth and the fairy tales, they felt the extreme danger, so they chose not to hesitate to escape. However, Xu Ziyan, who was already angry at this time, was so let go, so he released the power of the world for the second time.

With the cultivation of Xu Ziyan now, the power of the two worlds can be released. The last blow to the world is not to attack the seven heavenly gods, but to smash toward a heavenly statue. Xu Ziyan did not have time to consider who bombarded, but only went to a Tianzun bombardment.

Therefore, the demon statue is tragedy!

Not only was Xu Ziyan bombarded a half-dead, but also was arrested by Green Child.

Silently and invisibly, Xu Ziyan took the green child into the purple smoke space. Fly towards Wanli.


"Ziyan!" Thousands of miles of excitedly looking at the flying purple Xu: "You are not dead?"

"I naturally didn't die!" Xu Ziyan looked anxiously toward the four sides: "Master, Qin Yang, what about them?"

"They are here!" In the long sleeves of Wanli, Xu Qinyang and others came out.


"Ziyan, where have you been?"

Seeing that everyone was fine, Xu Ziyan’s heart was put down, and a smile appeared on his face: “I broke through inside, maybe the fairy tales feared that I would rob him inside, and slammed its fairy tales. Kick me out."

"You... Tian Zun early?" Xu Tianwo looked at Xu Ziyan with astonishment.

"Well! Brother Sirius, you have to work hard, otherwise you will be getting farther and farther away!"

"Hey!" Ling Xiao sighed: "I thought I broke through to the middle of the land, and I was one step closer to the purple smoke. I didn't think how long it took, and it widened the distance."

Looking at the tired look of Xu Ziyan in Wanli, my heart is a tight one. I am afraid that the demon and the demon will come back to raid again.

"Or go back to the Zongmen!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart is also tight. At this time, she is not only the emptiness of the power in Dantian, but also the power of the acupoints is only five, and the power of the gods is less than one percent. At this time, if those demon and demon statues really come back, the trouble is really big.

The current urgency should be, everyone knows the danger at this time, taking thousands of miles to hurt, Xu Ziyan at first glance is very bad. So everyone hurriedly flew back to Taixu.

As soon as he entered the Taixu sect, he took thousands of miles and Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang immediately announced the retreat. Taking thousands of miles is for healing, Xu Ziyan is trying to restore interest rate, and Xu Ziyan wants to refine the blood color guqin.

Xu Ziyan was the first to go out. The first thing she did was to see if she had gone through the miles and Xu Qinyang. After I found out that the two people had not gone through the customs, this was the second apprentice Sha Xiaofan and the amount of the hole. After reviewing the road, I found that both of them were steadily advancing at the level of Da Luo Jinxian, and this was satisfactory to answer questions to the two disciples.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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