The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2417: Second-rate big gate

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After telling the two disciples to continue their cultivation, Xu Ziyan was thinking about whether or not to set up a refining space in a place where Taixu was chosen, but found that Shaqianli entered the hall with enthusiasm.


"Sha brother, what is so happy? Please sit down!" Xu Ziyan said kindly.

"Xie Zongzhu!" After Shaqianli took a seat, his face still smirked with a smile: "Lord, in the year you are not there, Wangxiancheng has become the trading center of the entire Terran. One of the shops of Chugo And the houses were sold out, and the rest of the shops and houses were rented out."

"Oh? We are too imaginary to leave some of our own shops?"

"Except for some of the Zongmen operations, the rest are rented out. This is because our Taixu monks are now practicing and there is no one to operate."

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan reached out and frowned: "We are too few people to be too imaginary!"

“A lot!” Sha Qianli said excitedly: “Now we have more than 200,000 disciples who are too imaginary. Since we successfully hosted the auction, we have a large number of monks with them. The disciples or children came to the run. Under our assessment, the total understanding of our imaginary monks has reached 257,651."

"What?" Xu Ziyan’s face showed a surprise color: "So why are we too imaginary?"

"Sovereign!" Sha Qianli smiled bitterly: "I just said that our disciples are too imaginary. These disciples have good qualifications. They are currently in the growth stage. Naturally, they should focus on cultivation. So no one is going to run a shop.

Waiting for the passage of time. Some disciples will eventually be eliminated, and there will be no shortage of people by that time. ”

“Yes!” Xu Ziyan nodded. “Although the number of people who are too imaginary today looks a lot, the repair is too low!”

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan’s eyes brightened: “This is not to say that we are too imaginary to become a second-rate big door now?”

"Yes! Yes!" said Shaqianli joyfully.

Sha Qianli couldn’t be happy. He never dreamed that he would one day become a second-rate patriarch. Looking at the trend is too imaginary to become a first-class block, the same as the nine major gates of the first-class block. By that time, he was the deputy patriarch of the first-class grand gate. What a distinguished identity.

These days, Sha Qianli has been laughing, laughing at the muscles on his face, but he can't stop laughing.

“Notify Wang Xiancheng that all the goods will be sold for 30 consecutive days for three days, and it will be promoted to a second-rate big door for Taixu Zongrong!”

Xu Ziyan said with enthusiasm. Nowadays, the nine major sects have begun to be wary of too imaginary, and they have also fought against the demon statues. No need to be low-key. It is better to be more high-profile, to shock those forces with evil thoughts.

"Yes, the lord!"

Sha Qianli was even more excited. He reported some of Zongmen’s events to Xu Ziyan, and then left to arrange for the celebration of Wangxiancheng.

Waiting for the sand to leave. Xu Ziyan remembered the green sky that sky. Then the green child was called out, and then Xu Ziyan entered the green space of the array.

As soon as I entered the space of the law, I saw that the half-dead sky was suppressed by the green child on the ground. If the sky is in the full victory period, it may take a little effort for the green child to suppress him. Now it is easy to suppress a half-dead life. And lift.

When I saw Xu Ziyan in the sky, my eyes showed the color of fear. The power of the world that Xu Ziyan communicated with the bridge of heaven and earth is really terrible. Today's sky is full of doubts whether Xu Ziyan has reached the holy level.

When Xu Ziyan entered the space of the law, he did not speak. He immediately began to take out the pen and took out a piece of skin of a holy layer of five-color Huanglong and a bottle of blood.

A head emerged from the pen, it is the **** of the god: "Ziyan. You want to make a sign, what is the character? I am coming!"

"No!" Xu Ziyan suddenly stopped, and when he was killed with the demon and the demon, how did he forget the god? There are also horses...

Forget it, the first rule!

Xu Ziyan smashed the blood of the holy dragon. Start making soul symbols on the holy dragon skin. After the soul matrix has been created, the pen and dragon blood are put away, and then the soul symbol is swept into the sky!

After that, I took out a fairy and looked at it and shouted: "Open your mouth!"

Immediately, the sky opened his mouth honestly, and Xu Ziyan flexed his finger and threw the fairy into the mouth of the sky. Then said to the green child:

"Let him!"

In the air, the green children took back the fairy squad and stood beside Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan took out a large bucket and filled it with celery. Then he smashed it from the ground and threw it into the vat.

"Ziyan, you hurt your master in the sky, why do you want to save him, kill him!" Greener said in a hurry.

"Kill him? Where will it be so cheap!"

Xu Ziyan no longer cares about going to the sky, returning to the chair and squatting on his chin. Half a ring, I have a decision in my heart, looking at the green child:

"Green, no one knows your existence now, I want to give you a mission!"

"What mission?" Green children squinted.

"Guarding too imaginary!" Xu Ziyan's eyes flashed a bit of worry: "Now the five saints have been born, the relationship between the Taixu and the Five Sacred is unknown in the future. Once the conflict is over, the Taixu can't stop any of the five saints. Killing. So I want you to silently open a large array of emptiness, if there is nothing, you will not open a large array. With the existence of a large Zhoujianjian array, not everyone can enter the Taixu. But if there is a problem with the tyrannical defense, you need to take it. Right, can you withstand the holy monk?"

Greener wrinkled his brows and thought for a while: "I don't know, I haven't dealt with the holy monk. But don't worry. I must protect it too imaginary."

"Good!" Xu Ziyan's face finally showed a happy color: "That's your own go, remember not to let people find out!"

"Reassured, no one will find me!"

The shape of the green child disappeared instantly in the space, and Xu Ziyan raised his head. Opened the eyes of Kuang Peng looking up, his eyes piercing the roof of the hall and looking into the air. In her eyes, she saw a new layer of fairy squads that clung to the entire Taixu sect.

I remembered the horse-crossing, Xu Ziyan sank into the gloom of the gloom, and saw that the Majiao at this time had reached the end of Tianzun, and the heart was secret:

"It seems that we should choose a time to go to the Mozu, let the horses raise their strength to the peak of Tianzun."

After recovering the gods, Xu Ziyan left the hall and called out one. Then I chose a place to start building the refining space.

After handing over the establishment of the refining space to the one and the first one, Xu Ziyan returned to the hall and saw that the sky had recovered halfway. He took him out of the vat and looked at him coldly. :

"The original shape!"

Where do you dare to say "no" in today's sky? Immediately after the body rolled, the original shape appeared in the hall. It turned out to be a one-horned double-winged leopard!

Xu Ziyan jumped into the sky and shouted: "Go to the mountain gate!"


Over the sky, the clouds flew toward the Taixu Zongshan Gate, but only a moment flew to the mountain gate. Xu Ziyan's sleeves are lightly swinging, the mountain gates are wide open, and Xu Ziyan flies down from the sky and screams:

"From today on, your mission is to guard the Taixu Zongshan Gate, and you will be here now!"


Going down to the side of the mountain gate. Looking at the purple smoke with a poor look. Xu Ziyan took out a storage bag and threw it in front of the sky:

"These elixirs are enough for you to recover. Don't pretend to be pitiful. I will try to catch the three demon statues with you. I dare to attack my master, oh!"

When the words fall, Xu Ziyan has a sleeve and walks back to the mountain gate, and his body shape rises to the sky. The mountain gate behind him suddenly closed.

In the next few days, the news that Taixu Zongrong was promoted to the second-rate large-scale sect was spread at a very fast speed. The first change that took place was Wangxian City, which immediately flooded into countless monks, all of whom were sold at a 10% discount. Then the forces from all sides of the South came to the Taixu Congratulations.

The situation in the south is now completely different. The city government that was dominant in the past has been slightly at a disadvantage. Yang family in the eight major families in the South. Huang Jia, Gu Jia, Ye Jia, Li Jia and Hu Yanjia united together, leaving only Wang Jia and Zhang Jia to follow the city government. In the year when Xu Ziyan was absent, Taixu Zong had a posture that ignored the situation in the south, but the monks in the whole South knew that the Taixu sect was not in contact with the city government.

I thought that the original city government had blocked the resources of the imaginary sect. Now, a city of Wangxian, which was too imaginary, easily broke the blockade and made the city’s capital of the city a big joke. Afterwards, the city government used the scattered fairy to fight against the fairy city, and was also killed by the monks who were too imaginary. In particular, the appearance of the last thousand miles made the strength of the Taixu sect get a high-profile appearance, which made the whole southern heart feel awkward.

In this way, how can the city government have no scruples about Taixu? In this case, how dare to recruit the six major families?

Therefore, in the year when Xu Ziyan left, the south rarely became very calm. Every monk in the South knows that Taixu is a complete foothold in the South. This was not thought of before, when they thought that it would be too long to be destroyed. What they are thinking about now is how to make their own family disciples or children join Taixu.


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