The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2422: Probe

Xu Ziyan secretly nodded in the heart, this Xu Tianhong is good, able to adhere to his heart under his own pressure. I waved it: "You like snow, I don't care, but I can't delay the cultivation of snow."

Xu Tianhong looked a glimpse, and then his face showed ecstasy: "The ancestors are wise..."

"What do you say about the stinky boy?" Xu Yunyuan's face is black, Xu Tianhong usually used to be accustomed to him, and did not expect to open his mouth in front of his ancestors.

At this time, Xu Tianhong also reacted, and he used to say the mantra. His face was also white, secretly looking at Xu Ziyan, and he was not angry when he saw his ancestors. This time he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xu Yunyuan, Xu Tianhong left!" Xu Ziyan said faintly.

The ten monks immediately understood the meaning of Xu Ziyan, and they gave a farewell to Xu Ziyan. After leaving Xu Ziyan, the ten monks had sweat on their backs, and there was a sense of restlessness.

"Xing Gangdi, this time thanks to the ancestors, otherwise we..."

"Yes! Otherwise, we will not say that we will eventually die, but it will become a sinner of Xu family!"

"You said what did the ancestors come back to?"

"The ancestors' minds are what we can guess? But... this time the ancestors should bring us some good things for the Xu family?"

The faces of the ten monks showed an excited look.

Xu Qingxue’s Dongfu, Xu Ziyan, Xu Qingxue, Xu Yunyuan and Xu Tianhong sat around the table. Xu Ziyan learned about the situation of Xujiaxianguo today and was quite satisfied with the operation of Xu Yunyuan. Some of the well-prepared Danfu squadrons were handed over to Xu Yunyuan, and then they were separately given to Xu Yunyuan and Xu Tianhong, a nine-piece fairy and some elixir and fairy, and finally made a refinement The cup was handed over to Xu Yunyuan, and he was placed at the gate of the Xujiaxian State. If there was a Mozu monk or a monk who had been planted with a demon species, it would immediately appear, which allowed the two to leave.

Xu Yunyuan asked Xu Ziyan to call a Xu family monk in Xujiaxian before his resignation. Xu Ziyan refused faintly and told him that he would leave after a while.

After Xu Yunyuan and his son left. Xu Ziyan spent another day answering some of the problems raised by Xu Qingxue, and gave Xu Qingxue a nine-piece fairy and a large number of Xiandan and Xianfu and left Xujiaxian.

Zhongyuan Galaxy.

A lot of hidden world.

A crack appeared in the sky, and the shape of Xu Ziyan appeared on the colorful island, looking down to the bottom...


On the mainland.

Mysterious void.

In the soul of Yanshan. In the vision of the lord, the demon Lord and the Quebec, the five-color emperor Wang Fei quickly approached the dragon master. Seeing that the Dragon Lord will be swallowed up.

Suddenly, a beam of light was shot from the huge ball of light, and it was instantly hit on the body of the five-color Emperor Dragon. The ray was connected to a five-color emperor king like a silk thread, and he saw the five-color emperor Wang Mengran. After living in the body shape, then Yanshan soul four saints felt the life of the five-color Emperor Dragon suddenly disappeared.

I am still a very good one.

Four Saints felt that the life of the five-colored Emperor Dragon King disappeared, and then the five-color Emperor Dragon King floated in the void. Occasionally, the direction of the fluttering direction is toward the Four Saints. Only the big eyes of the five-color Emperor Dragon King have lost the color of life...


The demon territory, the flagpoles show, the demon cloud covers the sky.

Tens of thousands of demons are coming to the Wuthering Mountains. Huangling, Baixiang and Bazhen, the three demon statues have already lurked in the white clouds above the Taixu Zongshan Gate early. Converging the demon, looking down.

"White elephant, why do you say that God is so honestly guarding the mountain gate?"

At the gate of the mountain, the sky was on the ground, and his eyes closed, as if he were asleep.

"It should be controlled by the immortality of the Taixu Emperor!" The white elephant hesitated.

Huangling frowned and said: "If the sky is made by Xu Ziyan, once we attack too imaginary. Will this attack us?"

"It's hard to say, it depends on how much Xu Ziyan controls the sky."

"That once the sky is completely controlled by Xu Ziyan, then our situation is not good! Xu Ziyan, riding thousands of miles and turning the sky to us three, we are not at all dominant!"

"Or, are we secretly talking to the sky?"

“Ten thousand can't!” Huang Ling shook his head again and again: “Once the sky has been completely controlled by Xu Ziyan. It exposes our possession.”

The Ba snake sank and said: "You two are hiding somewhere else. I contacted the sky and said that it was to save him and see what he reacted."

"Good!" The shape of Huangling and Baixiang disappeared silently. The Ba snake looked at the sky in front of the mountain gate, and a trace of God passed to the sky in front of the mountain gate.

"Going the sky!"

The sky is a shock. Suddenly looked up and looked at the hiding place of the Baiyun Zhongpa snake.

"Ba snake!"

"It's me! Are you controlled by Xu Ziyan?"

The sky was silent, the white elephant was silent, looking at the sky below, waiting to answer. Half-sounding, the gods of the sky are passing over:

"Ba snake, let's go. Don't bother to disturb the tyrants in the future, otherwise I will not be polite."

The face of the Ba snake showed a disappointing look, and his figure disappeared in the clouds. I continued to watch the white clouds in the sky for a while, and once again returned to the ground and closed my eyes.

On the other side of the deep white clouds, Ba snake, Huangling and Baixiang once again gathered together. Ba snake said with dismay:

"It seems that it has been completely controlled by Taixu. He warned me that if I am provoked to be too imaginary, I will be welcome."

Huangling indulged in a moment: "Ba snake, it is better to take the sky away, I went to Taixu Zong to check it out. Even if we do not attack Taixu, we must understand Taixu. ”

"Yes, this thing is going to be fast, our demon army is coming soon." White elephant also whispered.

"Good!" Ba snake nodded. "I am going to take the sky away. Huang Ling took the opportunity to go in and explore it. The white elephant is responsible for the wind."

The white elephant nodded with Huangling, and the three demon statues disappeared again in the air.

At the gate.

The shape of the Ba snake suddenly appeared in the sky above the sky and looked at the sky and shouted: "Going over the sky, can you come up and talk?"

The disciples of the eight guarded mountain gates at the gate of the mountain were a burst of tension. A monk immediately raised his hand and threw a fairy charm. In the cave house, Sha Qianli changed his face and opened his eyes. The index finger of his hands painted a circle in the air. The scene of the Taixu Mountain Gate appeared in front of his eyes.

Huoran stood up in the sky, looked fiercely at the airborne snake, and slammed into the sky.

"Ba snake!"

The sand in the cave house was a tight look, and both hands pulled out the shadows in the air, and quickly shook hands. The prohibition of the mountain gate quickly closed.

At the moment when Huangling left in the sky, the shuttle space entered the Taixu sect silently, and the ban on the mountain gate behind him was completely closed.

In the high sky outside the mountain gate, the sky is fiercely glaring at the white elephant: "Ba snake, do you want to attack Taixu?"

Ba snake immediately shook his head: "Going over the sky, you are a generation of demon statues, why should you guard the mountain gate for Taixu?"

The momentum of the sky was weak, and then he savagely said: "This is my own business. You will leave immediately, otherwise you will fight a battle. You and I have not fought for a long time, I am very itchy!"

Ba snake shook his head and his face showed disappointment: "Going over the sky, you are too disappointing. The name of the sky is no longer suitable for you. You are a demon pet of the Terran, and you are not qualified to fight with me. It!"

When the words fall, the figure flies toward the demon territory, and the sardonic voice falls from the sky: "Go over the sky, you will be your watchdog in the future, hahaha..."

"Ba snake!"

Roaring all over the sky. But the Pakistani snake has already torn away the space and disappeared without a trace. I screamed in the direction of the disappearance of the Pakistani snake, and it fell to the ground before falling back into the mountain gate.

At this time, in the Taixu Zongzong, all the monks flew out of the Dongfu and looked at everything that happened outside the mountain gate. When I saw the snake leaving, I couldn't help but feel relieved. However, Shaqianli was still standing in the air and looking forward to the outside of the mountain gate. Xu Tianwo and others are also standing next to Sha Qianli. Only Xu Qinyang still retreats in Dongfu.

Too imaginary.

In the air.

Huangling demon hides in the space, carefully watching the bottom, the look is a slight glimpse, he found that he did not find Xu Ziyan and ride thousands of miles in the crowd.

“Don't you let Zi Zi smoke and take thousands of miles?”

Huangling demon has doubts, but at this time the Taixu Zongshan Gate is closed. He does not dare to release the knowledge of the gods in a blatant manner. If Xu Ziyan and Wanli are in the air, then isn’t he caught in the middle of it?

Huang Ling was very patient and quietly hid in the void. Waiting until the Taixu Zongshan Gate reopened, all the Taixu monks returned to the Dongfu, and he spread the knowledge in the air. He only spread the knowledge of God in the Taixu sect, and did not disturb the sky outside the mountain gate.

He is confident that as long as the mountain gate opens, even if Xu Ziyan and Wanli find him in Taixu, he can also escape before the gate closes.

God's knowledge carefully sweeps through every cave in Taixu. Of course, some of his temples are not able to penetrate, and this includes Xu Ziyan's Dongfu. This made him somewhat uncertain, and he did not know whether Xu Ziyan and Chengli were in the Dongfu.

Huang Ling eventually left Taixu Zong, and the sky outside the mountain gate suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes flashed a trace of hesitation, and the knowledge quickly spread out. After a while, I took back my knowledge and closed my eyes and squatted.

"How is Huangling?" In a space, the snake whispered.

"Xu Ziyan and Wanli seem not to be too imaginary."

The eyes of the Ba snake and the white elephant are bright, but Huang Ling continues to say: "But, I am not sure!"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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