The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2423: Monster attack

I am very grateful to the 629 students (100) of the Moon Dance, and the rewards of the classmates of the Eiffel Tower (100)!


White elephants and Pakistani snakes have become frustrated: "What is going on?"

The Huangling demon statue said his discovery in detail, and the snake and the white elephant fell into meditation. Ba snake looked up and said:

"If this thing is true, and we are not sure, there may not be another chance in the future."

"But..." Huang Ling hesitated: "If Xu Ziyan and Wanli are within the Zongmen, we will lose a lot."

The white elephant suddenly looked up: "Huangling, I remember you have a void door. As long as there is a gap in any formation, this void door can hold this crack."

"Yes!" Huang Ling nodded, and his eyes flashed a smug look: "And it is still a great fairy. I got a lot of money when I got it."

"If you support this empty door in the mountain gate of Taixu, then the mountain gate should not be closed?"

"Nature will not!"

"That's good!" There was a hint of perseverance in the eyes of the Ba snake: "I will go to the sky again, and then you will let go of the void."

Huangling frowned and said: "And then?"

"Then three of us will kill the sky. Anyway, now he is already a watchdog of Taixu. Killing him, too imaginary will lose a strength. If Xu Ziyan and Wanli come out, we will entangle them. For a while, waiting for our demon army to come to the heap will also put Xu Ziyan and take thousands of miles to pile up. If we are not, you can also take the door of the void at any time to leave.

However, if Xu Ziyan and Wanli have not come out, it is proved that the two of them are not there. At that time, it is the moment when we succumb to the Taixu sect. Even if Xu Ziyan and Wanli come back in the future, dare to rush to our demon territory to avenge? Even if he dares to come, it is our territory, even if she is in charge. Also let her come and go. ”

Huang Ling and Bai Xiang looked at each other and nodded.

"We have to plan our time, waiting for our demon army to be far from being too imaginary, and not to be discovered by Taixu. We will start to act again."

"Good! Let's go!"

After an hour.

Too imaginary Zongshan.

Ba snake once again appeared in the sky and shouted: "Go over the sky, follow me. If you still admit that you are a demon, walk with me, don't throw the face of our Yaozu, and be a watchdog for the Terran."


The sky was full of anger, and the four feet and one slammed into the sky and rushed toward the air snake.

The guardian monk in the gate of the mountain raised a hand to throw a symbol, but his symbol was not released in the air. I saw a stream of light flying toward the mountain gate.


The stream suddenly stayed at the gate of the mountain and suddenly expanded into a door frame to ban the mountain gate. In the air, the white elephant and the yellow ridge appeared in the air, and together with the Ba snake began to kill the sky.

The sand in the cave house was amazed, and he saw the three demon statues smashing the sky. Also saw a door frame to support the mountain gate. Immediately flipped the handcuffs and tried to close the gate. However, the door of the mountain is flashing, but it cannot be closed.

Sha Qianli’s look changed and flew out of Dongfu. Shouted loudly: "Bell!"


The disciples above the bell tower slammed the big clock.

The monks of the Taixu dynasty rushed out of the Dongfu, and they had not waited for the reaction. The air rang the sound of the sand thousand miles:

"Fit. Prepare to meet the enemy!"

At this time, they saw the wind in the sky outside the sect. The four demon battles became a group. They naturally know the sky, and the sky is under the siege of the three demon statues.

The monk who was too imaginary was panicked and suddenly a mighty voice came from the air:

"Don't panic, array!"


Xu Tianwo, Xu Lin and others flew through the air. He flew to the front of the monks and saw the empty door at the gate. He also saw the three demon statues that were besieged outside the gate. The look became very dignified.

Seeing the appearance of Xu Tianwo and others, the monks who were too imaginary settled down and immediately began to array. Although their cultivation is not high, they know that there are still lords and tens of thousands of miles. When they think of the lords and the tens of thousands of miles, these imaginary monks have a sharp increase in confidence. Where do they know that their sovereigns and tens of thousands of miles are not in the sect.

Xu Tianwo’s knowledge spread out, and his face changed slightly. He said to the gods of Shaqianli:

"What about the sovereign?"

"do not know!"

"What about the seniors?"

"do not know!"

"Don't they be there?" Xu Tianwo's heart raised: "What is the door?"

I haven't waited for Sha Qianli to answer. The monks' minds are all changed. Looking into the distance, I saw the demon cloud covering the sky, and the demon people who could not see the margins came to the Taixu.

The green child hides in the array of law and looks out of the mountain gate. He is trying to open the fairy tales and block the enchantress outside, but when he looks back, he sees more than twenty articles flying in all directions from the Taixu dynasty. The figure flew to the outside of the mountain gate in an instant. Before the arrival of the demon army, it rushed into the air and slammed the past into the air.

These twenty-six figures are the diamonds, and they have pulled up the shadows in the air, and the power of tearing the space is in the air.


A series of blasting, the body of the three demon statues retreat in the air.

"Flying the sky, entering the sect!"

The sound of Sha Qianli came to the ears of the sky. The sky-turning figure disappeared instantly, and the next moment appeared next to Shaqianli.

The hands of Sha Qianli swiftly flipped the handcuffs, and saw twenty-six diamonds flew toward the mountain gate of Taixu, and then formed a battle to block the gate.

In the distance, the group of demons cover the sky, like a wide river that hangs upside down the mountain gate of Taixu. The three turbid waves in the forefront are white elephants, Huangling and Bazi.

At this time, the hearts of the three demon statues have been very certain, whether it is Xu Ziyan or taking thousands of miles at this time is not too imaginary. Otherwise, in this case, these two people cannot possibly not appear. This situation has excited the three demon statues, only to feel that today is the time to destroy the Taizong.


The group demon collided with twenty-six gold corundums. But the twenty-six diamonds, like the scorpion, still circulate in the war, and the endless power can withstand it.


The group demon is like a raging river, and the twenty-six stone statues are like a cliff. The endless long river was blocked, and the long river slammed against the cliffs, and the waves were higher than the waves.

The green child in the fairy tales stopped, and Xu Ziyan only let her guard the Taizong. Think of her as a secret card. At this time, I saw that there were twenty-six diamonds in the Taixu dynasty. When the mountain gates were sealed, they stopped thinking about the arrangement and only paid attention to the development of the situation.

Faced with twenty-six diamonds, it is the three demon statues that can not break through this barrier. The white elephant blinked, and it sounded like a diamond in the heart. At first, he also got a lot of such embarrassment in the ruins of Dan Fuzong, but he couldn't fix it. However, he did not expect Xu Ziyan to fix these stone statues.

The white elephant’s heart clearly remembers that the original purple smoke was a stone statue that was broken with the juice of the white bone vine. Since the relic of Dan Fuzong, he also wanted to repair the stone statue, so he prepared the white bone vine juice for a while. .

At this point, there is a way to crack the stone statue. White elephants are big in mind. Looking up and shouting, the group of demons lived and looked at the white elephant demon. The face of the white elephant demon statue showed a proud color, waving his hand slightly, and the group of demon slowly retreated.

Then I saw the white elephants in front of each other. There was a sap between his hands. The snake and Huangling's nose sucked slightly, and suddenly the face appeared stunned. I remembered that this sap was the sap of the stone-like scorpion white-bone vine.

The white elephants turned their hands, and the sap of the white bone vines flowed out, turning into fifty-two thin silk threads flowing toward the nostrils of twenty-six stone statues.

From the beginning of the white elephant to the handkerchief to the white bone vine juice into the nostrils of the stone statue is only a moment, then the white elephant raised his palm and swung in the air, the first to rush to the stone statue.


The pattern on the twenty-six stone statues flashed instantly. Spray out the fire column.


The three big demon rushed between shots, and the figure flew back toward the rear. But the twenty-sixth pillars of fire were directly used to escape from the inside of the mountain gate, and they slammed into the group of demons outside. In the meantime, countless demon people are flying away...

"How could this be?" The white elephant looked at the inside of the mountain gate, still flickering in the body, and constantly bombarded the stone statue of the fire pillar. He knew that Xu Ziyan had already applied a layer on the weak node of the stone statue. defense.

The white elephant's eyes flashed a vicious color, and looked at the Ba snake and Huangling. Ba snake and Huang Ling understood his meaning from the eyes of Bai Xiang. Looking back at the illusory, I finally nodded.


The mouth of the three demon statues made a whistling sound, and the group demon rushed to the Taixu. This time, the three demon statues did not take the lead, but they stood in the air and looked down.


The boundless group of demons constantly impacted the mountain gates of the Taixu, and were invariably blocked or blocked by stone statues. Or hit it into a powder.

Within the Wuthering Mountains.

An unnamed mountain cave, Xu Xiang looked toward the door of Taixu Zongshan, and his brow was locked. He saw the current situation of Taixu Zong, and also saw that Xu Ziyan was not within the Zongmen.

"Where did my sister go?" Xu Xiang’s face was full of worries: "Is I going to help a bunch of Taixu? But if I help too imaginary, I will definitely expose myself. If this leads to the Lord." How is this good?"

As soon as he thought of the Lord, the breath on his body became unstable, and the atmosphere of the middle ages fluctuated on his body. The look on his face is gradually becoming firm. Teng Ran’s arms jerked and his figure disappeared into space.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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