The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2424: Xu Haotian blew himself

In the city of Wangxian.

Many monks stood in the air and looked at the Taixu, and the chaotic figure disappeared in Wangxian City.

The situation at the Taixu Zongshan Gate has become more and more dangerous. On the impact of countless demons, the battle of twenty-six diamonds like scorpions has gradually become slow. After all, they are just embarrassing, a kind of embarrassment without thought.

Tenran, there was a stagnation in the battlefield, and there was a crack in the tightly stitched mountain gate that was originally blocked in this stagnation. Just in the moment when this silk crack appeared, there was a slight and rapid fluctuation in the air outside the mountain gate.

Standing on the side of Sha Qianli, the sky suddenly squinted, and the figure rushed out. Two huge claws were gathered in the air to protect the front of all the Taixu monks.

There are three big demon statues in the Taixu Zongzong, and the power of the world is dissipated from the three demon statues.


The two giant claws that were in front of the monks were shattered, and the sky-shaped figure flew out. The power of the three great gods spread to the Taixu monks...

"Going the sky!" Sha Qianli was shocked.

A fairy palace world appeared in front of the Taixu monks, and a fairy palace circling and dancing, the fairy voice, blocking the attack of the three demon statues, but there are still Yu Wei leaking from both sides of the fairy palace world, toward The Taixu monks attacked and went.

"The Sovereign!" The look of the Taixu monk was a spurt, but when he saw the enchanting leaked, his face looked changed.

A magic cloud swayed, and a troll appeared in the sky. Two huge fists slammed out continuously, and the last glimmer of the three demon statues was smashed.

"Small ring!" Xu Haotian exclaimed in surprise.

"Xu Ziyan!"

The three demon statues suddenly stunned their bodies, their eyes flickered, and looked around. They looked for a thousand miles and saw that the figure of Wanli did not appear. The hearts of the three demon statues were slightly relaxed. This will return the eyes to the three monks opposite.

The chaos has restored the appearance of Xu Ziyan in the middle, standing on her right side is a demon-like sky, the left is a magical Xu Xiang.

Qin Yangfeng.

Before the Dongfu, the moon dances. Li lazy, Liu Qingmeng, four women standing in front of the Dongfu Gate, looking at the distant mountain gate, everyone's face is full of worries.

"What about the seniors?" Liu Qingmeng looked around.

"Without the predecessors, the purple smoke may not be the opponent of the three demon statues." Li lazy and lazy.

"There is a skyrocketing, and that...the demon, should be able to withstand it?" Condensed frost said uncertainly.

The light moon dance did not speak, but looked back and looked at the cave behind him.

The green child is naturally confused, and both of them are divided by the splitting of the purple god. The gods between each other can also figure it out at any time.

"Chaos, do you need me to help?" Green's voice rang in the chaotic god.

The chaotic eyebrows are picking up, and the warfare on the body is: "Green, don't mess with me, I can't easily encounter a big battle. You hide and watch it."

"But... purple smoke makes me guard the Taizong."

"Purple smoke is just for you to guard. Now when there is too much imaginary, I am not going to destroy it. Don't ask for your shot."

The chaos interrupted the connection between the gods and the volley, and the volley took a step. The figure was already in front of the white elephant. The right hand held a fairy palace and smashed toward the white elephant.

This imposing power makes the white elephant change color. Only in an instant he felt a deadly threat and immediately restored his body. It was a giant statue, raising two front hooves and smashing toward the opposite fairy palace.

When the chaos hits, the sky will also go out with the impact, and it will spit out. A ray of light hit the opposite Huangling. Huangling also showed no signs of weakness. With two eyes shining, two rays of light burst out, and the light spewed out of the sky was shredded in the air. The two figures quickly collided into the air.

Xu Xiang’s face showed a hint of helplessness. The figure suddenly turned into a black cloud, and the snake was surrounded by the snake. It turned into a black spear and shot at the middle of the snake.


Sha Qianli sipped a lot, and the Taixu monks retreated. At the same time, Xu Tianwo and other monks also released defensive shields to resist the power of the six great monks in the air. Even so, it can't stop all the power, and the imaginary disciples who were shocked were killed by the time.

Wang Xiancheng, Jin Invincible and Magical Devil looked at the direction of Taixu, and the color could not change. The invincible figure of Jin suddenly disappeared into Wangxian City, and at the same time he called out to the illusion:

"Magic, close the four gates of Wangxian."

At the gate of Taixu Zongshan, the battlefield composed of twenty-six stone statues was rushed out of a gap. At the beginning, there was a demon family who rushed out of the gap and rushed to the Taixu monk. A golden figure also struck out.


A demon family has just appeared in the air in the early days, and it has been hammered into a powder by the invincible.


Xu Tianwo and others swallowed the violent increase of Dan, and the momentum of his body suddenly increased to the beginning of Tianzun, and rushed to the opposite side of the demon Tianzun.

The sky smashed a piece, and the Taixu disciples once again retreat. At this level, they couldn’t get into the hands of the fighters, and they were instantly shaken into powder.

Initially, Xu Tianwo and others still prevailed, but as the demon monks continually penetrated through the gap, they gradually fell to the bottom.


Xu Xiaotian's body shape was plunged into the ground from the air. The middle-aged figure of the Yaozu Tianzun swooped toward the ground. Below are the disciples of Taixu.


Xu Xiaotian’s figure rushed up with the ground, and he sipped “retreat” in his mouth, and his figure once again rushed to the demon’s Tianzun.


The demon had a body, and a tail would wrap around Xu Tiantian. He couldn’t help but bombard him on Xu’s body, watching Xu’s body begin to crack.

Xu Haotian's seven-year-old continually ejected blood, and Xu's eyes were red, and he wanted to rescue Xu Haotian, but he was entangled by the Yaozu.


Twenty-six stone statues smashed and did not know how many demons, the formation of the battle is getting bigger and bigger, the crazy demon people are using their lives to attack the cracks of the battlefield more and more, more and more The more demon people rushed into the mountain gate.

Xu Haotian felt that his life was losing. He glanced at the demon who was rushing in, and looked at the panicked disciples below. The body suddenly burst into a dazzling light.


Xu Haotian blew himself up. The body of the Tianzun Yaozu was swept away by Xu Tiantian’s self-destruction. The entire tail was blown up and blood was sprayed.






The Taixu monk was red eyes. Even the fearful disciples on the ground have sacrificed their own fairy instruments and rushed into the air.


The power that overflowed from the sky would rush to the foremost volume of the sky, and slammed into the sand on the back of the body. The bodies of the two men smashed toward the ground.

Not yet on the ground, the body of the hole in the arms of Sha Xiaofan was shattered...

"Dong Tian..." Sha Xiaofan shouted with a snarl.

"Boom..." The body slammed into the ground.


Xu Qinyang’s body inside the Dongfu suddenly shocked, only to feel the pain in his heart. A stream of blood was sprayed out, and the eyes covered a layer of blood red.

Taking a deep breath, the blood red in his eyes disappeared, and Xu Qinyang came to the front of the cave door with a flash of his body and reached out to push the door open. I saw four girls standing outside.

Hearing the sound behind him, the light moon dance suddenly turned around and said, "Qin Yang... Uncle... Uncle, he... blew himself..."


Xu Ziyan suddenly burst into a sultry momentum, and the momentum was filled with blood red, and the momentum of the late Ming Dynasty peaked straight into the sky. The figure is vertical. Xu Qinyang's figure appeared in the clouds, his eyes swept away, and the redness in his eyes became more and more vivid.

A **** guqin came out and floated in front of Xu Qinyang. Xu Ziyan's hands and fingers are flying fast on the strings.


A **** red in the sky, countless demon people in the air shape, and then exploded, the broken limbs fluttering in the sky.


The Ba snake got rid of Xu Xiang. To the air, Xu Qinyang flashed, and behind him was a magic cloud. Xu Qinyang held all the strings in one place and pulled them loose toward the back.


The strings vibrate, a huge blood man is formed in the air, it is a **** man with a clear facial features, and Zhang mouth slams into the snake.


Ba She’s head spurted a blood. The whole person appears to be wilting, and a little blood red in the soul continually tears his soul.


The Pakistani snake screamed at Xu Qinyang, and the huge sound wave quickly swayed toward Xu Qinyang. At the same time, Shantou swayed, and a thick tail slid toward Xu Qinyang.

Xu Xiang came from behind, and the magic cloud of the sky condensed in the air. A rope was formed to entangle the tail of the snake and pull it toward one side.


The Ba snake broke the black rope, and the shape of the Xu Xiang appeared on the other side, and the magic cloud on his body was dim. The snake that broke away from Xu Xiang, Yu Wei of the tail pumped to Xu Qinyang.

"Qin Yang!" The light moon dance before Dongfu exclaimed, and the body shape flew in the longitudinal direction of Xu Qinyang.

Xu Qinyang put the **** piano in a vertical position, and the tail of the snake was beaten on the blood piano. The **** blast burst out of a **** glow, and the tail of the snake was bounced off, but the tail of the snake would also fly out of Xu Qinyang. Even with the occlusion of the **** piano, Xu Qinyang’s body stunned, nose and nose spurted. The figure is crumbling in the air.

The blood that was sprayed from the nose and mouth was sprinkled on the blood piano, and the **** piano sounded like a sound, and the blood of the blood was blended into the body of Xu Qinyang. Xu Qinyang's binocular burst of blood, a black hair turned into a blood red, the momentum of his body suddenly climbed to the peak of the late Tianzun.


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