The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2426: Refinery


Xu Ziyan’s body was once again bombarded. At this time, Xu Ziyan’s strength, speed and reaction were in a weak period. Huang Ling’s hand had a long gun, and the white elephant had a pair of giant hammers, which bombarded the body of Xu Ziyan. The meteor flew away in the distance, and disappeared in an instant.

But the next moment.

The figure of Baixiang and Huangling has already appeared above Xu Ziyan. At this time, the two demon statues have already seen that the purple smoke has been extremely weak, and this is the best time to kill Xu Ziyan.


The long gun in Huangling’s hand was tied to the back of Xu Ziyan. The huge force would cause Xu Ziyan to fly out again, and in her heart, a crack appeared and blood flowed out.

The severe pain made Xu Ziyan suddenly wake up from the sacred consciousness, looked up and saw a world shrouded. Instantly, the foreground of the eye changes, and there is a plain in front of it. The plain and the sky meet suddenly, and the body that Xu Ziyan barely stands on looks forward.


It was a group of white elephants rushing toward her. Xu Ziyan was in a shape and wanted to fly, but found that not to fly, it became very difficult to move forward.


Xu Ziyan was suddenly stunned and knew that he was now caught in the other side of the world. And the other side of the world seems to have the boundary of the gravity attribute, so that she spends a lot of effort every move. At this time, there were less than two left in her body, and she took a half step. It consumes half the power of the hole. If Xu Ziyan exhausts the power of this half-hole, she really does not have the power to fight back. Even if she is the body strength of the second level of the Holy Class, she can't stand the other side constantly bombarding herself. The so-called water drops are worn, and her life will fall here.

"Ha ha ha..." The white elephant put away a pair of sledgehammers, and the laughter was full of pride. The Huangling eye on the side is full of envy, arching towards the white elephant:

"Congratulations to the white elephant brother. This purple smoke is very extraordinary. After the white elephant brother refining it, there may be unexpected gains."

“Not bad!” Bai Xiang said with joy: “I found that the body of this purple smoke is very strong. I am afraid that it has exceeded the peak of Tianzun’s later stage and reached the legendary holy level. I really don’t know how she cultivated, if I refine it. After the transformation, maybe my body can also break through to the holy level, hahaha..."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes showed painful color, and now she has become very difficult to frown. The white elephants in the distance are already rushing to her. Looking at the endless white elephant group, Xu Ziyan felt that he would be trampled into mud by these white elephants sooner or later.

Xu Ziyan thought of a move.


The Thunder giant sword was inserted beside her, Xu Ziyan said weakly: "Thunder the giant sword, can break the world?"

Thunder's giant sword frowned slightly: "This is the boundary of Tianzun's late peaks. We have already fallen into the realm of each other and it is difficult to break open! Unless you have spare energy to make it out of bounds. Join me."


The white elephant has already rushed to the front, and the Thunder giant sword rushed to the front of Xu Ziyan. A glimpse of the sky, Wan Dao Lei Mang destroyed the white elephant in front. But in an instant, in front of Xu Ziyan, there were countless white elephants, filling the gap of a sword.


The Thunder giant sword once again smashed out, but Xu Ziyan and the giant swords in Fujian and Taiwan knew very well that only the world would be broken or escaped from this world, otherwise these white elephants would be inexhaustible. Until she was destroyed and refining, the Thunder giant sword was suppressed. At this time, Xu Ziyan was weak and could not be released.

"Ha ha……"

The face of the white elephant showed a happy color. He saw the Thunder giant sword, and if this treasure can be obtained, the strength will increase substantially. I am afraid that when I meet a holy monk, I can also fight a two-pronged approach.

He knew that he had encountered a rare opportunity. If it wasn’t for Xu Ziyan’s serious consumption after killing the Ba snake, if he didn’t take this opportunity to cover the purple smoke into the world, he not only did not have the chance to get this treasure, but also Xu Ziyan once The outside world and the great sword are united, and they are not necessarily opponents.


Now Xu Ziyan and the Thunder giant sword are in his world, which gives him a chance. So he never has the mind to stay here. As for the treasures of the Ba snake, what about Huangling? Still have to go back to the retreat to refine the Xu Ziyan and the sword.

"The Huangling demon statue, the treasure of this Ba snake will be left to you, and the deity will leave!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart turns, here is the world of white elephants, that is, Xiaomumu can’t cross the boundary of this monk’s cultivation. Moreover, if you enter the purple smoke space in the world of white elephants, you will definitely find the existence of purple smoke space by white elephants. Under the other party's imprisonment, the purple smoke space will not be able to leave.

"Xiaolong, have you cultivated out of bounds?" Xu Ziyan stood behind the Thunder giant sword and sank into the gods.

"Yeah!" Xiaolong nodded.

"Then you come out and break this out of the world!"

At this time, the white elephant has returned to his own cave house through the shuttle space. Before he sat down on his knees, he heard a dragon in the soul.


The radiance of the five colors spread in the realm of white elephants, a multicolored light spot was generated, and then rapidly expanded to form a multicolored world. From this colorful world, countless five-color emperors rushed toward the opposite white elephant.


The white elephants in the world are in a state of collapse...

Xu Ziyan’s face was a joy, his eyes flashed blue, and he opened up the eyes of Peng Peng, trying to find a trace of flaws that left here.

Within the Dongfu, a face of the white elephant became ugly, and immediately the legs were wide, and the hands were turned to be enchanting. In his world, countless white elephants suddenly disappeared, and the whole world suddenly became chaotic and fascinating. The Xu Ziyan, Xiaolong and Thunder giant swords were drowned.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes flashed a bit of pain. She felt that her body was being eroded. She knew that it was white elephants who were beginning to refine themselves.

"Oh..." The sound of the dragon's painful screams sounded in the ear.

"Oh..." Thunder's giant sword also issued an abnormal cicada.

Xu Ziyan is hesitant to enter the purple smoke space, as long as she enters the time array in the purple smoke space, her repair will soon resume. However, she is not sure that she has entered the purple smoke space and found that the white elephant in the space has more powerful means.

If the white elephant refines the purple smoke space, then the purple smoke will never turn over again.

"Little dragon, let's join hands!" At this time, the sound of the Thunder giant sword sounded.

"it is good!"

Xiaolong’s body instantly contracted and changed into a young boy. The Thunder giant sword turned into a streamer and flew toward Xiaolong.


Xiaolong held the hilt of the Thunder's Great Sword in both hands and poured in his own cultivation.


Surrounded by thunder in the whole world, the atmosphere of destruction is filled with the world.


Xiaolong sighed and slammed the giant sword in his hand.


A thunder swayed around, and the four-in-one demon was unfolding. There was a crack in the chaotic sky, but it instantly healed.


The white elephant sitting cross-legged snorted, and the enchanting of the hands turned more quickly. A white light surrounds a white elephant like a jade belt, which is the boundary of white elephants. In the world, Xiaolong once again waved the Thunder giant sword.

The white elephant bite his tongue and spit out a drop of blood. The drop of blood dripped between his hands, his hands flipped, and countless enchantings were printed into the blood. Then he flexed his fingers and the drops of blood fell into the world.


Xiaolong took the Thunder giant sword and pulled it out again. Xu Ziyan looked at the direction of the Thunder with hope. The crack in the circle just made her see the hope of escape. As long as she let her escape, let her resume the cultivation, and be able to display the world, she will definitely come back to kill the white elephant.


The circle of the dragon spread out, and the five-colored halo opened up the circle of white elephants in the middle, and the thunder of lightning destroyed into the air and roared away in the air. Xu Ziyan’s face is a joy, and this time the power is even stronger than the last time.


Suddenly a cloud of blood was covered in the sky, and numerous Thunder Dragons were covered in it. Lei Long was swaying around, but it was tightly covered by the blood cloud. Although it was hit by the dragon, the blood cloud still shrouded the brontosaurus tightly inside. The sound of "Boom" is endless in the blood cloud, such as the same song of thunder and lightning, and finally became silent, and the blood cloud of that layer suddenly exploded, shrouded toward Xu Ziyan, Xiaolong and Thunder.

Xu Ziyan’s heart was in the air, and he reached out and grabbed the pen.

"Fu Shen, come out!"

"Why?" When the **** came out, he first asked very unwillingly, and then jumped in the air: " how did you run into the realm of others?"

Then there is another jump: "How do you feel weak to this extent?"

"Less nonsense!" Xu Ziyan said: "Combine with the Thunder giant sword!"

At this time, Fu Shen also knew that the situation was urgent, and he no longer bicted with Xu Ziyan. The figure flashed to the top of the Thunder. In an instant, the spurs of the Thunder giant sword flashed, and the brilliance was loud.


Xiaolong sipped aloud, and the five-colored halo converge toward the Thunder giant sword. The dragon, the Thunder giant sword and the Fushen merge into one, the sword has not yet been thrown out, and the whole white elephant world begins to shake.

The white elephant's face changed, and another spurt of blood, the enchanting in the hand pulled out the blurred afterimage. The blood cloud in the world suddenly became rich, turning into a **** dragon and slamming toward the dragon.

At this time, the dragon has been incarcerated in a hundred feet, and the thunder giant sword in his hand is beyond the hundred feet, and the blood dragon who slammed into the air and fluttered in the air smashed the past.

The comrades are all back to travel! The results of the pink ticket list are not ideal! Waiting for the strength of their comrades. Double!

*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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