The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2427: Wan Yaojie (two more pink)

The huge Thunder giant sword is like a sky, the thunder is snarling, the striated circle is hovering, the multicolored halo is boundless...


The boundary of the white elephant collapsed. In the secret room of the white elephant, Xu Ziyan, Xiaolong, Thunder giant sword and Fushen appeared. Xu Ziyan looked at it and found that it was a secret room, and the trace of white elephant disappeared in the secret room.

Xu Ziyan’s right eye showed a mysterious vortex that slowly turned. The eye of the space caught a trajectory where the space crack just closed.

Xu Ziyan raised his hand and pointed it at Xiaolong's eyebrows, and then entered the circle of Xiaolong with Fushen and Thunder. Xiaolong read the message that Xu Ziyan gave him, reached out and grabbed the space, and the figure disappeared into the secret room.

Xu Ziyan threw the Fushen and Thunder giant swords in the circle of Xiaolong. He entered the purple smoke space and immediately entered the time array method, swallowed the elixir, embraced the veins, and began to recover.

The layered space barrier is broken, and the white elephant shuttles in the space to the distance. But he felt that he had been locked in by the gods, and even if he was constantly moving, he could not get rid of the tracking.

At this time, the breath of the white elephant became weak. Just by Xiaolong, Fushen and Thunder giant sword broke the wall and made his **** a big injury. At this point he has felt that he can't get rid of the pursuit.

The flash of the eyes in the eyes seems to have made some kind of decision. Suddenly changed direction and fled to the depths of the demon territory. Soon he broke into the deep forest of fog. The Yaozu knows that there is a forbidden place in the area of ​​the Yaozu, where there is no return for the Yaozu. Numerous demons have gone there, but they have all disappeared. The father of White Elephant, once a generation of demon statues, went to check there, but never returned.

Baixiang used to go to the foggy forest. He finally understood why even the big demon of the father’s peak of the late Tianzun was gone, because there was a big array and a legendary Wan Yao. After recognizing the big demon, he decisively left. I have never been there.

However, today he has been forced to evade, and since he can’t escape, he will die.

Huangling stood at the peak. Looking deep into the foggy deep forest, the twins flashed a trace of shock.

"Hsu Ziyan escaped from the world of white elephants? No, it should be that Xu Ziyan collapsed the world of white elephants, otherwise the white elephant would not be like a dog who lost his family. He...this is where I want to go..."

Huang Ling’s eyes suddenly reached the limit: “He’s going to the big demon! He wants to go with Xu Ziyan!”

The shape of Huangling instantly faded away and disappeared into the peak.

An endless mist shrouded the boundless endlessness, and the mist rose and rose. From time to time, it turned into the image of various Yaozu, fighting each other and playing with each other...

A stream of light hangs from the sky, it is the white elephant that flees. He rushed into the big demon in the head. Behind him is a five-color streamer, and the time shows the shape of the dragon, and also rushed into the big demon without hesitation.

Wan Yao in the big array.

The dragon stood still, and the gods spread out and found that the trace of the white elephant was lost. Xiaolong’s heart is anxious. Draw out the body, a million-foot dragon is now in it, shaking his head and swaying, sweeping toward the surrounding.


Wan Yao is stunned, and the great pressure is coming. Countless demon gods rushed toward the dragon, and instantly suppressed the dragon.


The dragon is released from the bounds, and countless demon gods are all blocked.


Wan Yao has a large array of rotations. A large compass formed in the air and fell to the bottom. When the big compass fell, it formed a Wan Yao world. The dragon's world was immediately completely suppressed. The dragon's world and the Wan Yao world were like two large and small compasses squeezing each other, gradually The world of Xiaolong has a tendency to collapse.

Xu Ziyan's body shape appears in the circle of Xiaolong. At this time, she has completely recovered her cultivation. As soon as she appeared, she saw the danger of Xiaolong. At the same time, she also saw that the Thunder giant sword and Fushen were anxiously standing in the circle of Xiaolong.

"Why don't you help?" Xu Ziyan asked as he looked up at the big compass.

Fu Shen shook his head and said: "I can't help. We are now in the circle of Xiaolong, as long as one shot will hurt Xiaolong first. But if Xiaolong first puts the world together, we will work together. I am afraid that this area will be closed. Xiaolong was killed by the Wan Yao world."

"You two are not afraid of being killed?" Xu Ziyan said with no anger.

"Not afraid!" Thunder giant sword said: "Even if this Wan Yao world is more powerful, it is difficult to hurt my body. I am trapped here."

"I am not afraid!" Fu Shen proudly said: "I am a soul body anyway, I can hide in the pen."

Xu Zi was so angry and too lazy to talk. When the mind was moved, the dragon, the Thunder giant sword and the Fushen were collected into the purple smoke space.


The Wan Yaojie pressed down to Xu Ziyan, and circling among the tens of monsters.

Xu Ziyan extended a hand and lifted up to the sky, holding up the Wan Yao world. The whole body is a sinking, but the two-and-a-half body of the Holy Class still allows her to firmly hold the Wan Yaojie.

When I thought about it, I pulled the Yuanshen of the first one into the sea of ​​knowledge.

"After the array, can the whole 10,000 demon blast be cracked?"

The consciousness of the first one spread out, and it was released, and said to Xu Ziyan in the sea of ​​knowledge: "Master, the whole array has the function of confusing the gods. The things discovered by the gods are not real. Or borrow the master's鲲鹏目."

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan's eyes are blue and flickering, holding the demon world in one hand, the body slowly rotates, and knowing the array inside the sea quickly pushes the big demon.

"Master, this big array is a great array. I have the best innate line in your inheritance, but I have never realized it. Now with this big array in front, I will be able to break through the best innate array. division."

Xu Ziyan’s face could not help but reveal a bitter smile: “Just one, don’t think about breaking through the best innate masters, or crack this big monster first. You won’t have a problem?”

"No!" said firmly in a tone: "But... I need time!"

"Let's hurry up!"

Within the tens of thousands of squad, the Wan Yao community is slowly hovering, and the demon swaying, thinking of Xu Ziyan entangled. Xu Ziyan held the Wan Yao world in one hand and gradually felt heavy and felt that the demon was eroding her body.


A drop of sweat slipped from the tip of the nose...


Mysterious void.

The lord, the demon Lord, the Yanshan Soul and the Quebec are still standing in the void, looking at the huge light group in the distance. Finally, the four holy eyebrows are gently hopping. They finally discovered the change of the light group. The light group is not a layer of constant, but a contraction, like a heart. It’s just that this time is too long. If it’s not for the Four Saints to stay here for a long time, I can’t find it.

When the light group swelled, there was a mysterious wave that spread out, extremely weak, and gradually disappeared as the distance spread.

Yanshan soul suddenly sat on the empty disk and closed his eyes.

His move made the lord, the demon Lord and the Quebec look a glimpse, and then the three saints closed their eyes, and then the eyebrows were a pick, and the face showed excitement, and the legs were sitting in the void... ...


Deep foggy forest.

Wan Yao is outside the big array.

A figure suddenly appeared in the air, looking at the front of the Wan Yao Dafa, Huangling's eyes flashed a touch of joy, and then smiled low, then burst into laughter.


After laughing for a quarter of an hour, Huang Ling’s laughter gradually fell.

"Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan, I really want to thank you. You will be turned into a slave, kill the Pakistani snake, drive the white elephant into the big demon. Hehe... Now this demon is left with only one big demon. This whole demon belongs to me, belongs to me Huangling, ah hahaha... You said that I want to thank you? Hahaha..."

Huang Ling laughed for a quarter of an hour, and his eyes were full of joy: "The most valuable thing is your dedication, hahaha... Xu Ziyan, you not only help me solve the other three monsters, but also put myself I am trapped in a big demon. As long as I unify the demon, and then destroy the tyranny that lost you, the demon will be carried forward in my hands. Ah hahaha..."

The demon territory is changing, and the Huangling flag is square. The divided demons are gathering at the speed of Huangling at a very fast speed...

Town demon city.

City House.

The repressed atmosphere is felt by the monks passing by outside the city government. The main hall of the main hall of the city is closed, and the surrounding law is opened. Sitting in the main hall, all the high-level members including the Ouyang family ancestors.

Ouyang family ancestor, Tianzun mid-peak peak. In the middle of the two Tianzun, the three peaks of the early Tianzun, and the early days of the five Tianzun. Within the entire hall, only Ouyang Xun rushed to the top of the peak.

"Rapid!" Ouyang's ancestors shouted: "This is your commitment to me? You promised that as long as we give you full support, you will unify the South and establish a large gate centered on our Ouyang family. Nowadays, the big gates will not be said, and the whole south is not torn apart. Our Ouyang family is now completely weak. Yang family, Ye Jia, Huang Jia, Gu Jia, Li Jia and Hu Yanjia are united in one place, that is, Wang Jiahe. Zhang Jia is also vacillating now, and there is a tendency to protect himself. I need you to give me an explanation."

"Rapid!" said a mid-day condensed voice: "Since the birth of the Yuan Dynasty, our south is a pure land of family power. There has never been a Zongmen established in the south, but now the Taizong is flourishing. The town center in the south has already Falling into the foil of Wangxian City, you need to explain."


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