The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2434: remorse

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"It’s so white that we have so many Danfu arrays! But so, isn’t our plan completely lost?”

Liao Bufan sighed a sigh: "Now in the South, apart from the Ouyang family, we have no power to use. The six major families are now unable to deal with the Taixu. After the World War, the Ouyang family has not been destroyed. It has almost become an empty shelf. Zhang Jiahe and Wang Jia also do not have the strength to unify the South.

Forget it! We will temporarily stop, but the Yaozu has been attacking Taixu. If the Taizong is really attacked by the Yaozu, after the Fengzu soul wakes up, I don’t know how to treat our Yaozu. ”

“Reporting to the four church owners!” There was a voice outside the small building: “Ouyang Lanyun asked to see the four church owners.”

The four church owners looked at each other and finally said Liao Bufan: "No see!"


Ye Cheng.

The light moon dance was lying pale on the bed, sitting in a red robe youth on his bedside chair, his eyes clear and his face worried. Slowly stretch out a hand and gently stroke the pale cheeks of the moon dance:

"Moon dance! Moon dance..."

The light moon dance is still closed, and the breath is weak. Xu Qinyang's clear eyes burst into a trace of blood, and there was a violent temper between the eyebrows, and the body's breath became fluctuating.

I took a deep breath, but I couldn’t calm the temper in my heart, and it was more and more difficult to control. A trace of blood mist emerged from Xu Qinyang's body, and there was a faint mourning. The whole room gradually turned red, and Xu Qinyang, a red robe, seemed to be a madman. The face becomes awkward.


The light moon dance on the bed made a noise. The blood in the room was floating, and the breath of Xu Qinyang was condensed. The eyes became clear, and the hand of the light moon dance was lightly called:

"Moon dance! Moon dance!"

The light moon dance slowly opened his eyes. I saw Xu Qinyang’s clear eyes, a smile on his face, and a weak call:

"Qin Yang..."

"Why? Why are you so stupid?"

Xu Qinyang raised his hand and gently stroked the cheek of the moon dance. After the incident, he had already known from the Ye family. Ye family saw the moon dance on the tower of the city and took a drop of blood to Xu Qinyang.

The essence of the blood is the essence of the monk's cultivation. Losing a drop will cause great harm to the monk. The light moon dance smiled weakly:

"I said... If you are not strong enough, add my heart."

"Moon dance..."

The eyelashes of the faint moon dance trembled and the gaze became dim.

"Moon dance!"

Xu Qinyang quickly took out an elixir, this is the congenital immortal given to him by Xu Ziyan. At the same time, a hand was held to hold the hand of the moon dance. The Yuanli was transported in, but the eyes of the final moon dance were closed.

"Moon dance..."

The face of the light moon dance showed a bit of painful color. Xu Qinyang extended his hand and gently opened the mouth of the light moon dance. He placed the fairy in his hand into the mouth of the light moon dance, and turned it into a liquid. . This is already the third life of Xu Qinyang to the light moon dance. Xu Qinyang's body has only five births, and his face reveals a tense color, and he looks at the moon dance for a moment.

The pale face of the faint moon dance showed a faint blush, the eyelashes began to tremble, and slowly opened his eyes again...


Ouyang Xun fiercely fled with less than a thousand monks, fleeing toward the town of the demon. He was able to escape this time, and he was desperately trying to take advantage of the city’s government. It is based on the congenital fairy charm presented by the four halls of the town. At this time, although he temporarily got rid of the pursuit, but his face is still not a trace of blood.

He knew that the six major families were still searching for his traces at this time. This time, the six families were completely torn apart. In the past, in order to compete for the position of the city, although the struggle between the major families was fierce, there was no Tianzun master to join. This is the rule that was established by the great family of the South. I want to ensure that the high-level forces in the South are not lost. It is guaranteed that there will not be too much difference in high-level power when resisting the Yaozu and fighting against the Eastern Zongmen.

However, Ouyang Xun is trying to realize his ambition and to build a big door that belongs to him. Speaking of Ouyang's ancestors, I suddenly launched the war between the monks and monks. Because he wants to destroy the Ye family.

This time, their Ouyang family fell into seven days of respect, in the encounter with Gu Jia and Huang Jia. Gu Jia and Huang Jia also each fell into the early days of Tian Zun. The death of a great monk in this realm is unbearable for any family. This hatred is big, and there is no hope of peace. The city's main government and the six major families must have one side to be annihilated.

"How to do how to do?"

Ouyang Xun flew in the direction of the city government, muttering to himself. The scene of the family’s monk’s siege was still swaying in front of his eyes, and his emotions were in serious fluctuations.

"Xu Qinyang! Qinmo! Too imaginary!"

Ouyang Xun gnawed his teeth, and his heart was very clear. The Ouyang family had completely lost the opportunity of this action. After seven days of death, the strength is not as good as the six major families. In this case, Zhang Jiahe and Wang Jia are bound to draw a line with the Ouyang family. And the four towns of the town demon city will not hesitate to throw up the Ouyang family.

"No! I must return to the town demon city as soon as possible, and quietly send away the family elite disciples. The blood of the Ouyang family cannot be cut off in my hands."

Within a forest, Qin Wuyang’s legs sat on the ground with a big sword inserted beside him. There were more than a thousand monks sitting around him, and the look on each face was very numb, like a walking dead.

The woods are very quiet, only the wind blows through the leaves and rustles, occasionally picking up the clothes corners of Qin Wuyang and others. Qin Wuyang closed his eyes and his face was covered with dust. Suddenly there were two lines of water in his eyes, and the dust on his face rushed out of the two ditches.

"Brothers!" Qin Wuyang’s voice rang quietly in the woods, and the voice was filled with remorse: "We are all disciples of the Ouyang family. Although I am surnamed Qin, my mother is the surname Ouyang. We are not fathers. Ouyang is the mother's surname Ouyang. The people of the Ouyang family are our relatives.


Speaking of this, Qin Wuyang’s voice is sobbing: “But we personally sent our loved ones to death, we are the murderers who really killed our loved ones. We will live ten times in order to survive. The loved ones have been sent to death, and it is very likely that the Ouyang family will be destroyed. What other faces do we live in this world?"

Qin Wuyang burst into tears, and all the people in the woods burst into tears at this moment, and a deep sob was heard in the woods.

"Dancing Yang, what do we do?"

"We will save our loved ones and do our best for the family." Qin Wuyang said firmly.

"The last force?" The monks around looked at Qin Wuyang with some stunned look.

"Yes!" Qin Wuyang stood up from the ground: "I am not ready to live, save our relatives. I will go to the Yang family to avenge, even if I can hold the Yang family alone, it is a knot. A wish."

"Call and kill!"

When the gods of the people were released, they saw that more than a dozen monks in the city’s main house were being chased by dozens of monks of the Yellow House and flew over the woods.

Qin Wuyang put his hand on the big sword hilt on the ground next to him and whispered: "Prepare. One does not stay!"

More than a dozen city monks flew over the woods, and the look of the emperor, some monks even lost their arms.


The monks of the Huang family flew over the trees.


Qin Wuyang sang a high voice, and his body shape was lifted from the woods like a sword. He rushed through the body of a Huang family monk in the air.


The body of the Huang family was turned into pieces and flew around. Behind Qin Wuyang, there are more than a thousand monks, such as the same thousand-profit arrow burst out from the woods, just a rush. So many dozens of Huang disciples in the air were killed.

"Dancing Yang brother!"

The dozens of city owners who fled were seen Qin Wuyang, his face was ecstatic, and he hurried to the Qin Wuyang.

Qin Wuyang put away the long sword and looked at it slowly. "Are the patriarchs safe?"

The monk fixed the sacred road: "It is said that it is withdrawing in the direction of the town of the demon city... The war is everywhere, and there are monks who flee and chase."

"let's go!"

"Dancing Yang brother, where are you going?"

"All the way to rescue the brothers. Return to the town of the demon city."


Qin Wuyang led more than a thousand monks and sixteen monks who had just rescued to fly in the direction of the town. Less than two hours after flying out, I saw more than 100 people in the six family members of the Huyan family, who were killing the monks of the Ouyang family. At this time, there were more than twenty people left in the Ouyang family.


Qin Wuyang’s arm screamed, and more than a thousand monks smashed the past with more than one hundred exchanging monks. The look of the exchanging monk is a change.



The one of the Huyan family who had been the "extracted" word for the first monk had just been exported. A sword mang has fallen from the sky and split him in half.

The team of Qin Wuyang is expanding, but more than a thousand people he brought out are decreasing. All the way to kill the direction of the town of the demon city. Although the number of people he brought out at that time was only 538, the team he rescued had expanded to more than 7,000.

These saw the desperate efforts of Qin Wuyang, and the original depressed heart re-energized and inspired the fierceness in the heart.

Gradually, they approached the town of the demon city, and as long as one day, they will be able to return to the town demon city. At this time, there were only 392 people left by Qin Wuyang, but his team had reached 13,000. And it is 13,000 people who are fiercely murderous, not just those who flee.


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