The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2435: Self-destruct

Congratulations to mableip students to become the best master!


Qin Wuyang lived in a figure and raised his hand over his shoulder. More than 10,000 monks stopped in the air, and there was a battlefield in front of them, which was killing the sky. One side is a monk of the six major families, stuck in the road to the town of the demon city, the look on his face is full of pleasure, one side is the Ouyang family, the look on his face is full of rush.

The number of both sides is constantly increasing, and there are six family-run monks coming and going, and the monks of the Ouyang family have also escaped here. At this time, the monks of the six major families have exceeded 100,000, and the monks of the Ouyang family have surpassed 20,000. It was blocked here by the six family monks.

Qin Wuyang’s eyes glanced in front. He saw Ouyang Xun’s fierceness. He saw the three peaks of the Ouyang family’s early days. However, at this time, no matter whether it is Ouyang Xun, or the three peaks of the Ouyang family, the peaks of the early days are all down, and there is always the possibility of degeneration. If they haven't changed their genius recently, they are using the four gifted congenital celestial treasures. I am afraid that they have already fallen. Even so, there are many injuries and they will not be able to see them.

He also saw Ouyang's ancestors. At this time, Ouyang's ancestors also led the family's last force to come over. At this time, he is fighting with Yang's ancestors. Although he has the upper hand, the whole scene is the Ouyang family. Constantly being slaughtered.

Qin Wuyang tightened the sword in his hand and took a deep breath. He turned his head and screamed at the 392 people who followed behind him:


"Teng..." Three hundred and ninety-two monks rushed to endless murderousness, eyes filled with madness: "Yes!"


Qin Wuyang snorted. The figure rushed out, followed by the 392 monks behind him. The remaining 10,000 people also know that they only have the opportunity to live if they break through the opposite blockade before they have the opportunity to return to the town. One by one, they followed the 392 monks and rushed forward.

The monks of the six major families saw the pair of people in Qin Wuyang. Although they saw that there were more than 10,000 people who had rushed over, they were a little surprised. Has this Ouyang family been beaten up early? How come there is such a force?

However, they did not go to the heart. On the one hand, the six major families still have the upper hand in the number of people. On the other hand, the Ouyang family has no momentum, and many people are killed.

Immediately, about 20,000 people were separated from Qin Wuyang, and it was Yang’s monk. For Qin Wuyang these people. Only a few senior executives of the Yang family knew that they were controlled by the Yang family, and the rest of the Yang family did not know. The Yang family ancestors who were in the sky above Ouyang took the opportunity to see the Qin Wuyang below. They couldn’t help but frown. At this time, he had no way, and he could not help but sigh:

"It's a pity that these secret pieces!"


More than 10,000 people in Qin Wuyang are like an awl, and Qin Wuyang is like a cone-shaped squatting and colliding with more than 20,000 monks on the opposite side.霎 Time flesh and blood splash, limbs flying.

The so-called will be the courage of the soldiers. Among the people of this tens of thousands of Ouyang families, there are no monks who have been trained to be higher than Qin Wuyang, but Qin Wuyang’s embarrassment on the road has made him the leader of more than 10,000 people indisputably.

Qin Wuyang did not defend at all, but a desperate attack, tearing the opposite defense, and constantly there were monks flying by his fairy. The people behind him are also average. They rushed to the front, and gradually they lost their thoughts. Only know imitation. Imitating the Qin Wuyang in front.

This is a kind of potential, and there is the potential brought by Qin Wuyang!

At this time, more than 10,000 people have lost their own thinking. In their hearts, they only know that they are following Qin Wuyang. Qin Wuyang kills people. They kill people. When Qin Wuyang stops, they stop.

Once people's emotions are out of control, it is a terrible thing. At that time, their brains are blank. I only know that I am following others, even those who have cultivated them.

One person is desperate. Wanfu Mo Dang. What's more, more than 10,000 monks who have cultivated talents?

More than 20,000 monks of the six major families were smashed by more than 10,000 people in Qin Wuyang, and they rushed out of the channel in the middle. They rushed past like a gust of wind and rushed to the past. . That kind of situation surprised the hearts of the six family monks.

"Is the Ouyang family not the dog of the family? The people of the Ouyang family have not lost their momentum? How are these people like crazy dogs..."

Qin Wuyang looked up and saw the Yang family ancestors. His eyes became red and bloody, his body shape suddenly slammed upwards, and his speed was brought to the extreme, and he rushed toward the Yang family.

Yang’s ancestors’ eyes were so strong that even if he fell to the bottom of the wind, he could pour out his hand and send a blow to Qin Wuyang.


The ancestors of the Yang family had a sense of killing in their hearts. It was a pity that Qin Wuyang had disappeared without a trace. The sword in the hand blocked the attack of Ouyang Lanyue, and the left hand flexed.

Qin Wuyang's body was vertical and escaped from the key parts. The one finger pointed to his left leg.


Qin Wuyang’s left leg burst into a **** fog from the left foot to the thigh root. However, Qin Wuyang seems to be unconscious, and the body shape has already reached the front of Yang’s ancestors.

The Yang family ancestors collided with Ouyang to attack the fairy, and the left hand was a finger. Qin Wuyang’s body was biased, and the right arm of the fairy was suddenly turned into a blood fog. However, his body has already rushed to the front of the Yang family ancestors, opened a big mouth and bite to the Yang family ancestors.

"Not self-reliant!"

Yang’s ancestors snorted, but his face changed, because he saw Qin Wuyang’s body light up.


Qin Wuyang has exploded! A great monk in the land of honor has blew himself!

Even if the Yang family ancestors were the great monks of the Tianzun period, they were shocked by this sudden self-destruction, and a blood was sprayed out.


The Yang family ancestors have not yet calmed the blood in the body, and there is an infinite roar under him. It is a self-destructive voice.


Another blew, even Ouyang Lanyue did not stop the body shape pursued by Yang, looking down. This hope, can not help but see the split, see the Ouyang family monks below are in the middle of the impact of the six family monks, have blew themselves.

These self-destructive monks are the more than 300 people who followed Qin Wuyang. They have no love, and they can't live. In the body of poison, today and Yang family turned over, Yang family broke no more to give them the principle of antidote, long ago has a mortal heart. The brain is blank, and they are out of control. At this time, they saw the scene of Qin Wuyang’s fierce self-destruction. The heart is even more impulsive.


More than three hundred monks quickly chose to blew one by one, rushing into the middle of the six family monks, and the destructive power caused by the self-explosion made the six family monks discolored.

But what Qin Wuyang didn't think was that the monks who had saved more than 300 mortal hearts did not think that the more than 13,000 monks who had been rescued by their lives all the way were also in the brain, emotions. In the situation of total loss of control, after they saw Qin Wuyang and more than 300 monks blew themselves, they did not hesitate to choose the blew...

More than 10,000 monks were like floods and beasts. They spread out and rushed to the crowds of the six major families, and then they blew themselves up.


The six family monks died in countless moments and fell from the sky. The sounds caused by more than 10,000 people slammed into the extreme, and the six family's monks feared. Some timid monks have already flew into the distance. The monks of the six major families have no longer formed a force, and they have fallen.

Ouyang Lanyed his eyes, Ouyang Xun blushes his eyes, and the Ouyang family monks are red eyes. At this point they no longer fled back to the town of the demon city, they only thought of desperate.


The posture of Ouyang Lanyue rushed toward the Yang family's ancestors. The heart of Yang's ancestors was a glimpse. At this time, he had been injured by Qin Wuyang's self-destruction, and it was not Ouyang. Opponent, at this time, he saw that the opposite Ouyang Lanyue was not a person at all, but a person who might blew himself at any time. He had already seen the madness from the eyes of Ouyang.


The self-destruction of more than 10,000 monks continues, and the sound of each monk's self-destruction shocks the soul of the Ouyang family monks, and also makes the six family monks change color.


The figure of Yang’s ancestors flew back, and Ouyang’s moon in the field of vision was like a madman and rushed over to him.

"But it!"

The ancestors of the Yang family sighed in their hearts, and their eyes swept toward the bottom. They saw that the Ouyang family still had a monk there, and the rest of the Ouyang family monks also smashed their eyes. In contrast, the six family monks have been chilling. Stretched out the space and the body disappeared.

Seeing that Yang’s ancestors fled, the remaining Tianzun also smashed the space and went away. It’s impossible to stay here. If you want to stay here, and finally force the Ouyang family to blew a few days, then you don’t know which one is bad. Anyway, I don’t want to go with the Ouyang family’s Tianzun anyway.

The situation reversed instantly, and the monks of the six major families fled. Instead, the monks of the Ouyang family crimped their eyes and chased them behind.

"Ouyang family disciples listen to orders!"

Ouyang Lanyue remained awake. He knew that the Ouyang family monks at this time were only provoked by Qin Wuyang and others, but waiting for the passage of time, this fierce vent, there is no fighting power. So he permeated Yuan Li and snorted. The Ouyang family monks in the state of violently awakened.

A break of the drink caused the Ouyang family monks to stop, the fierce and stunned eyes gradually recovered to the Qingming, and then they remembered the scene just now, one by one could not help but red eyes, and even some monks began to sob.

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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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