The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2454: Chamber

"Later?" Xu Ziyan’s voice rang softly.

“Later...” Ouyang Pull’s face showed a bit of bitterness: “The English elders learned a set of exercises from the painting, and they cultivated the Ouyang family to the position of the big family. The painting also became The treasure of the Ouyang family is very strange. It is very strange that every family disciple who was comprehended before the painting has different things. Some have nothing, some have learned new exercises, some have learned new Martial arts."

"It's nothing strange!" Xu Ziyan said with longing: "Xuan's ancestors are avenging, and your family disciples only learned a trace from the avenue, and did not understand the true meaning of the painting. I am afraid that your family is the one." The English ancestor did not realize the true meaning of the painting. The ...... ancestor..."

“Xuan’s ancestors were naturally buried and buried! But... people are dead... What’s the use?”

Xu Ziyan sighed a sigh: "What about that?"

"That was recognized as a sister by the British ancestors, and finally died."

Xu Ziyan nodded: "The old ancestors of the British are good, worthy of being the younger brother of Xuan's ancestors."

"Xu Zongzhu!" Ouyangpu said sternly: "I am willing to dedicate that painting to Xu Zongzhu, but I hope that Xu Zongzhu can pull the Ouyang family."

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and indulged for a while: "Ouyang Daoyou, to be honest, I am very interested in that painting, but how do you let me pull the Ouyang family? When the Ouyang family first arrived in the southern continent, it was all the same. It was awkward, and later it was a complete blockade of Taixu. What is even worse is that at the time of the Wangcheng auction, it also attacked Wangxian City. Your Ouyang family felt secret, but I knew all these things clearly.

Now, I don’t personally deal with your Ouyang family. It’s already benevolent and righteous. How do you want me to pull you? ”

Ouyang's face became awkward, and he said with a half-sound: "How do we join the Ouyang family to join the Taixu?"

"It's impossible to break! You don't know the conditions for recruiting disciples too much!" Xu Ziyan refused.

Ouyang pulls up and looks up, and makes a deep sigh of Xu Ziyan: "Only ask Xu Zongzhu to protect the Ouyang family from being destroyed!"

Xu Ziyan pondered. Today's Ouyang family can be described as the end of the road, leaving only the last site of the town of the town. Although there is a large array of guardians, the six southern families have invited Xuan Daozi, and the Ouyang family's guardian squad can't stop Xuan Dao.

If you don't shoot yourself. The Ouyang family will definitely be destroyed. The painting may be burned in the desperate mood on the occasion of the demise of the Ouyang family. This will be a huge regret.

Moreover, once the Ouyang family was destroyed, the entire southern continent lost its checks and balances, and the six major families were in a group, which was not good for the development of Taixu.

Then help out!

Xu Ziyan looked up and looked at Ouyang, who stood in front of himself: "How do you let me help you?"

Ouyang Pull’s face is a joy: “Our Ouyang family can’t join Taixu, but we can become a subsidiary of Taixu. Xu Zongzhu, how do you see it?”

Xu Ziyan nodded, and she understood in her heart that as long as she publicly stated that the Ouyang family became a dependent family of Taixu. Then the six major families absolutely dare not attack the Ouyang family again and destroy them. ,

If this matter was put a year ago, I am afraid that the six major families will not care too much about the illusory, but now the tyrannical sect has become a second-rate sect, and Xu Ziyan is killing the snake and the white elephant. Cracking the demon squad, repelling the Yaozu led by Huangling, defeating the semi-demons, and now the reputation of Xu Ziyan, the six major families can only close the Ouyang family.

Moreover, the Ouyang family's worms die without being stiff, and they still have certain strength. Once you pass this level, they can start from scratch. Recover some small families and rebuild them.

For the Ouyang family's growth again, Xu Ziyan did not worry. When the Ouyang family grew up, Xu Ziyan believed that Taixu had already become a giant.

"Ouyang Daoyou, even if I protect the Ouyang family for a while, I can't protect my life!" Xu Ziyan said with a sigh.

"As long as you protect the Ouyang family from this difficult time!"

"Good! I promised!" Xu Ziyan finally made a decision.

"Please ask the Lord to come with me!"

Xu Ziyan nodded. Standing up from the chair, and Ouyang pulled out and thought about walking outside the gate.

"Aunt!" Xu Xingfan saw Xu Ziyan coming out.

"Come with me!"

Xu Ziyan said to Xu Xingfan and hope, Ouyang Pull also smiled and said: "Please ask the two to stay in the city."

Four people flew in the air, and a figure flew from the ground, blocking the way of the four people of Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Zong Shi. Where are you going?"

Xu Ziyan lived in a smile and said: "Liao Zongshi, thank you for your hospitality in these days. I am going to the city government for a few days."

Liao Bufan looked at Ouyang Pull, and his face was a little unpleasant, and then he recovered his look to Xu Ziyan:

"But isn't the four hospitality?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and shook his head. "No, I went to the Ouyang family for some things. I changed the Japanese Ziyan to thank Liao Daoyou for his hospitality."

Liao Bufan’s face showed a smile: "Xu Zongshi, I will have to come back four times in the future. Let’s take a look at the technique of alchemy."

"Good! Don't ever!"

Looking at the back of Xu Ziyan's departure, Liao Bufan's eyes flashed with a confused look, and a thought emerged in his heart.

"Xu Ziyan has reached such strength now. Isn't it completely awakened? She... Is it Fengzu, her old man reincarnation?"

Xu Ziyan entered the city's main government and was concerned by all the monks in the town. The six southern families had to gather together again. They didn't understand what price Ouyang Pull had brought out to let Xu Ziyan enter the city's main government, but they knew that they could not start against the Ouyang family for the time being.

They know at this time that the southern continent is no longer the big family of them to say, but the world of too imaginary, is the world of Xu Ziyan. With Xu Ziyan defeating the power of the semi-demons tonight, they want to destroy their six families, they have no power to resist.

Xu Ziyan is not the city's main government, Xu Ziyan alone can sweep the six major families in the South, not to mention Xu Ziyan is not a person, she still has thousands of miles, with the Qin Mo Xu Qin Yang, has too imaginary.

However, they did not decide to leave the town of Demon. After all, Xu Ziyan only entered the city government and did not publicly announce her relationship with the Ouyang family. Just wait for Xu Ziyan to come out of the city government. If Xu Ziyan has not publicly indicated anything at that time, they can continue to attack the Ouyang family.

Only they still have a worry, worried that the Xuan Daozi who is coming to be impatient, without the help of Xuan Daozi, they can not break the Ouyang family's guardian family.

They went to see the mysterious son again in the night, and Xuan Daozi quickly agreed that they would wait for Xu Ziyan to come out here. In fact, nowadays in the town of the demon city, the monks are waiting for Xu Ziyan to come out, even if the purple smoke does not come out does not matter, after the dawn they will go to the city government to visit Xu Ziyan.

No one is a fool, the lord of a new big gate, and a great congenital sage. At this time, I don’t hurry to make a meeting. I have to wait until Xu Ziyan is used to the position of the lord, and then want to see Xu Ziyan. At that time, it is not you. I will see it when I see it.

Just like the nine masters of today's sects, who can see them when they want to see them?

Only now that Xu Ziyan is still not used to this position, she has not realized that she is now comparable to the tasks of the nine masters and Xu Ziyan is familiar with her face. Later, there are excuses and opportunities for seeing Xu Ziyan again.

Ouyang Pull entered the city's main house with Xu Ziyan, and Ouyang Xun and the family greeted the door at the gate. Ouyang pulled his hand and let them leave immediately. Then he took Xu Ziyan and went straight to the back hill of the city government.

The figure fell in the back hill, Xu Ziyan's knowledge spread out, and immediately found a place where the fluctuations of the array, and at this time Ouyang Pull is carrying her to go there.

There was a deep forest, Xu Ziyan followed Ouyang pull into the woods, and walked along a small radial direction. In her view, five large ancient trees appeared, and the path passed through the middle of five ancient trees.蜿蜒 Extend forward.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes flashed, and the fluctuation of the law was in the middle of five ancient trees. Ouyang pull no words, and has been walking along the small radial five ancient trees, Xu Ziyan secretly raised his vigilance, followed by Xu Xingfan and Gu Teng hope behind her.

Four people entered the middle of the five old trees, and they saw Ouyang pull out a number of handcuffs. A Guanghua shrouded four people, and Guanghua disappeared. Four people were already in a passage. Ouyang pulls along the passage, and on this road, many monks from the Ouyang family are guarded here, and Ouyang pulls them.

Xu Ziyan followed Ouyang to the end of the passage. There was a door in front of it. Ouyang pulled a few more immortals and printed them in the door. Then he reached out and pushed the door open and walked in. Xu Ziyan, Xu Xingfan and Gu Teng hope to follow.

As soon as she entered the room, Xu Ziyan’s gaze was a move. She saw a back and was sitting on the ground with her knees motionless. This back is somewhat familiar, a little thought about it, I remembered that this person is Ouyang Liu Xian.

Ouyang pulls a flash on one side and does not speak, letting Xu Ziyan look around. Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked around the room. This is a room that is not very large. There are nine jade stones on the ground. Presumably this is the place where the Ouyang family disciples are sitting on the jade, and this room can only sit once at a time. Nine people.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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