The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2455: painting

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Behind the door, the walls on the left and right sides are empty, and only a picture is hung on the opposite wall. Xu Ziyan’s gaze could not help but look at the painting.

It is a painting, but it is completely without the beauty of painting. It is more like a huge ink. However, Xu Ziyan just looked at it at a glance. He did not see the difference in the painting, and he felt that the nine attributes in his body fluctuated. There are a riot trend in the nine properties of Jinmushui, Fengyue, and Fengguang.

Xu Ziyan closed his eyes and the riots in his body gradually calmed down. Xu Ziyan did not open his eyes, but his heart was extremely shocked.

The nine attributes in the body have produced dramatic fluctuations. What does this prove?

This proves that there are nine kinds of attributes in this painting. This Ouyang Xuan is a wonderful wizard! It is only by the monks of the refining period that they can realize such a heavenly truth.

Such a purple smoke also understands why Ouyang Xuan is only 23 years old and is violent!

His understanding is too strong, and his body is weak. The body is like a dam, and the understanding is better than the river. His body is too weak, too savvy, and the river will eventually destroy the dam and flood it.

Just still worse!

Xu Ziyan was somewhat sighed because she did not feel the fluctuations in the time and space attributes of the body, which proves that there is no comprehension of time and space attributes in this painting. But even so, Xu Ziyan also lamented that Ouyang Xuan’s savvy surpassed himself, even surpassing the creation of Qiankun’s tens of thousands of miles, if not Ouyang Xuan’s physical qualifications are too bad...

Xu Ziyan’s heart has risen to yearning.

If Ouyang Xuan has extraordinary qualifications...

Do not!

Even if Ouyang Xuan has general qualifications, what kind of situation will he rely on? I am afraid that the entire Shangyuan continent will be brilliant because of his appearance!

Maybe it’s a holy level!

Xu Ziyan’s heart flowed with regret and opened his eyes. But instead of looking at the picture, I looked around. When the eyebrows were picked, she saw Xu Xingfan not knowing when she had sat on the side of a jade. Fall into the comprehension.

Suddenly in my heart, Xu Xingfan is also the root of the five attributes, and should benefit from it here!

Look at Gu Teng hope, at this time also sat on a jade stone and fell into comprehension. Xu Ziyan can't help but be a bit strange. Gu Teng hopes to be a single spiritual root of wood. Is he also aware of this painting?

"Xu Zongzhu!" Ouyang Pull said on the side: "Can you put this picture here for a while, wait for the immortal to wake up and take it away?"

Xu Ziyan nodded. At this time, she was asked to take the picture away immediately. She wouldn’t, Xu Xingfan and hope were caught in the comprehension. How could Xu Ziyan interrupt their understanding?

Looking at the background of Ouyang Liu Xian, Xu Ziyan remembered that he had not seen Ouyang Liu Xian for a long time, but he had never heard of him. He seemed to disappear. Such a crazy person against the law suddenly disappeared, and it was here to comprehend the heavens. Think of the madness of Ouyang Liuxian against the law. Xu Ziyan’s mouth could not help but smile. If Xu Ziyan still has a good impression on the people in the Ouyang family today, then only Ouyang Liu Xian is one.

Ouyang Liu Xian’s feeling for Xu Ziyan is very pure, only crazy against the law, not interested in other things. Suddenly, the eyebrows were picked, and the strange color in the eyes looked at Ouyang Pulling the whisper:

"Ouyang Liu Xian is not always crazy about the law? Is not interested in cultivation? How can you cultivate now?"

Ouyang Pull’s face showed a bitter smile: “I don’t want to be a master. The immortal is the most talented person in our Ouyang family. In my opinion, he is like a combination of Xuan’s ancestors and English ancestors. With good qualifications and high savvy, he has always been crazy about the formation of the law, but he does not like to practice.

The Ouyang family has high expectations for him, but he is also the most helpless. We don't want to force him. People like him can only let him develop freely, if he is forced to him. Instead, he forced his savvy. So let him be crazy about the formation.

However, since the Ouyang family was hit hard, it is a rare genius for the family to stay in the fairy. He finally offered to practice. ”

Xu Ziyan nodded, she had contacted Ouyang Liu Xian, knowing that Ouyang Liu Xian’s understanding is very strong. Perhaps the rise of the Ouyang family should be in the body of Ouyang Liu Xian.

"Ouyang Daoyou, are you not here to comprehend?"

Ouyang pulls his eyes and regrets shaking his head: "Every monk can only comprehend once in this painting. Once he wakes up from the insight of this painting, he will never get a second insight."


Xu Ziyan became more curious about the painting, and said with a sigh: "Then I will try it here. You can go out and announce that your Ouyang family has been attached to Taixu."

Ouyang pulls his head and says: "Xu Zongzhu, I went out and said that it is useless. Only you can announce it yourself. You will understand it here. I am here to protect you."

"You are not afraid of the six major families attacking the city government?"

"No!" Ouyang pulled a firm tone and said: "They all know that you have entered the Ouyang family. As long as you are in the Ouyang family for a day, they will not dare to do it."

"Okay! Then it will be annoying to Ouyang Daoyou to protect the law!"

"It's my honor!"

Xu Ziyan no longer speaks and sat down on a jade. She does not care that Ouyang Pull raided her in her immersion in comprehension. With her body strength of the three levels of the Holy Order, Ouyang Pulling in the middle of Tianzun is unlikely to hurt her. As long as he attacked Xu Ziyan, he would wake Xu Ziyan from his comprehension. This is also clearer than Ouyang Pull.

What's more, Ouyang Pull now needs Xu Ziyan to solve the problem for the family. Without the protection of Xu Ziyan, the six families will definitely destroy the Ouyang family.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan was sitting on the square jade with confidence. But instead of looking at the picture, she closed her eyes and first adjusted her spirit to the peak.

From Ouyangpu, I learned that a person has only one chance to comprehend. This can't help Xu Ziyan be cautious.

Ouyang Pull sat down on the jade behind Xu Ziyan and looked at the back of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan didn't care about his existence. Although there was a self-confidence reason for Xu Ziyan, it also made Ouyang pull an admirable heart for Xu Ziyan.

After half an hour. Xu Ziyan slowly opened his eyes and thought about the past on the opposite wall.

Only in an instant, Xu Ziyan felt that the nine attributes in his body had surged and gradually boiled. Xu Ziyan immediately picked up Qiankun. Combing the nine attributes of the body.

But the nine attributes are gradually boiling more, like the nine dragons, and Qiankun is like a Qiankun circle that binds the nine dragons inside, and the two sides fight endlessly.


Xu Ziyan squirted a mouthful of blood and his face became pale. At this time, Xu Ziyan knows that as long as he closes his eyes and withdraws from the painting, the abnormalities in the body will disappear immediately, but the only chance will be lost.

"I can't lose this chance!

Five saints are now born, and I don’t know when they will conflict with them. The mountain soul lost his memory, and I want to help him find his memory.

All this needs strength!

I want to be stronger!

Nothing can stop me from getting stronger! ”

Sitting behind Xu Ziyan, Ouyang pulled out and was shocked. He stood up from the jade and walked to the side of Xu Ziyan. He saw Xu Ziyan’s mouth still stained with blood.

Ouyang Pull’s heart immediately panicked. If Xu Ziyan falls here, his Ouyang family is just a mouth and can't tell. Originally, the six southern families were enough to destroy the Ouyang family. If they added too much emptiness, then the Ouyang family would really die and die!

How could this be?

Ouyang Pull’s heart is a mourning. This painting has been hanged here for tens of millions of years. In the tens of millions of years, the Ouyang family has countless disciples to comprehend here, and there has never been a disciple who vomited blood!

Suddenly his heart was shocked. He remembered that the legendary Xuan ancestor was also spurting blood after painting the painting, and finally fell. Is this proof that Xu Ziyan and Xuan ancestors have the same understanding?

No wonder she will achieve this achievement when she is so old! Family and Taixu Zong Zuo are self-seeking dead roads!


Ouyang Pull’s heart was tense again.

When Xu Xuan’s ancestors shed blood, they fell, and Xu Ziyan would not fall.


Another spurt came, letting Ouyang Pull's body shake, and his eyes could not help but stare at Xu Ziyan again. However, it was found that Xu Ziyan vomited blood and could not help but look at the side. There is another shock in my heart. It turned out that this time Xu Xingfan spurted a piece of blood. At this time, the muscles on Xu Xing's face were shaking and his face was pale.

Like Xu Ziyan, the riots in his body are not limited. It is only the nine attributes of the violent riot in Xu Ziyan, and the riots in Xu Xing's body are no attributes. But his cultivation is lower than the purple smoke! At this time, he is as painful as Xu Ziyan.

"What kind of person is this too imaginary?"

Ouyang pulled a speech at this moment. At this time, he already understood that this was the result of Xu Ziyan and Xu Xingxiao’s deep understanding of the painting. Although extremely dangerous, there is the possibility of corruption, but this also proves that Xu Ziyan and Xu Xingfan's understanding is extremely amazing.

This made Ouyang Pull’s heart rise a bit of envy and hate! Looking at the hope again, there was no change in the body of hope, and I could not help but sigh in my heart.

"Fortunately, there is still a normal imaginary, not a pervert!"

Putting down the envy and hatred in my heart, Ouyang Pull’s heart was raised again. However, he could not wake up Xu Ziyan and Xu Xingfan. After all, once they awakened the two, they lost the opportunity to comprehend. Who can guarantee that Xu Ziyan does not get angry?


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