The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2471: misfortune

I am very grateful to my classmates (100), mableip classmates (100), and gegaosb classmates (100) for their rewards!

At this time, the Thunder Giant Sword changed its look and shouted to Xu Ziyan: "Ziyan, I can't help you, I have to go back and protect the Thunder!"

"Want to go? Hey!"

During the time of the sword, the voice of the gods and gods came, and the whole fairy sword world suddenly shed light and formed a barrier.


The sword spirit of the Thunder's Great Sword hit the barrier and was bounced back. It is also a super-premium sword, and it is a combination of the three-level gods of the holy level to form a barrier to trap the Thunder giant sword.

"Then die together!"

The Thunder's giant sword was fierce and savage, and it turned into a thunder net and covered the past with the gods. The **** of the gods was shocked. At this time, the **** of Xu Ziyan finally caught up with the gods, and hugged him with both hands, biting him on his shoulder.

The **** of the gods uttered a pain, and with a wave of his hands, the barriers in the world of the sword disappeared and fled to the outside. But his head had just ventured out of the Great Sword and saw a blue world shrouded him.


The god's knowledge was knocked back, and there was a palm of water.


Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen took the opportunity to take a bite on the god’s consciousness. The **** of the lord sighed again, and the figure suddenly became a stream of air flowing out of the arms of the **** of Xu Ziyan, and then fled to the outside. .


A thunder net blocked his way. The god's knowledge once again turned into a human form, and a punch was made, and the thunder net was blasted out of a hole. From the inside, he went out and there was another water curtain in front of him. The **** of the lord slammed another punch, and the water curtain blew out a hole, and the half-body had already pulled out the giant sword.


His feet were caught by the **** of Xu Ziyan and took off inside.


He saw a flamingo rushing out of Xu Ziyan's eyebrows standing in front of the giant sword. He rushed toward him and opened his mouth and bit him.


Scared the gods to change their body shape. He took back the inside of the sword and looked up. He saw a fire phoenix drilling into the sword.


The Thunder giant sword grabbed a foot of the gods. One palm of the water caught one arm of the god's god, and the fire spirit grabbed his other arm. Xu Ziyan began to devour him without hesitation.


The **** of the gods screamed, and then uttered different syllables in the air, the syllables mysterious. Started to spread within the world of Xianjian.


The entire fairy sword shook. In the whole time, the whole fairy sword became a sword-stricken world, and it was directed toward Xu Ziyan, the water of a palm, the Thunder giant sword, and the fire spirit.

At the same time, this world of fairy swords has spread beyond the sword, and the whole cloud above the fairy hills has gathered.


Tens of thousands of swords trembled and slammed into the sky. Fly over the mountains.

In Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the sea, he immediately said to Xiao Jin and Xiao Mumu:

"You two are leaving the body with purple smoke quickly. Otherwise they will be destroyed by these swords."

"You run with purple smoke, we both go in and see!" Xiao Jin slammed out and threw himself out of Xu Ziyan's eyebrows and rushed into the sword. Xiaomumu just wanted to rush out, but was stopped by the array:

"Small wood, my strength is not fast with purple smoke, you quickly take the purple smoke!"

Xiaomumu hesitated for a moment, and immediately spread his own knowledge, occupying the body of Xu Ziyan, and went to the bottom of the mountain. After a few ups and downs, they jumped to the foot of the mountain and looked back at the mountain.


The air continued to blast, and I saw a sword smashed into a handle, turning into a powerful sword and blasting toward the giant sword in the center of the mountain.


Tens of swords rushed into the sword, and the sword in the whole sword was surging, like a boiling ocean. Xu Ziyan released the power of the gods to the maximum, swallowed the gods of the gods and then rolled them out in the space. For a while, it was the appearance of Xu Ziyan, and the appearance of the lord for a while...

A palm of water, Huo Linger and Xiaojin wanted to rush out of the sword several times, but they were all bombarded with millions of swords. The Thunder giant sword wants to rush back into his sword body several times, but it is blocked by millions of swords.

The Thunder's giant sword was so sharp that both hands played a mysterious handcuff.


Sticked to the giant sword, the Thunder giant sword that has melted has suddenly turned into a thunder and rushed into the sword and the sword spirit of the Thunder giant sword.

The Thunder giant sword, the water of the palm of the hand, Huo Linger and Xiaojin released all their power and rushed to the outside, but the congenital sword layered and surrounded them.

However, these swords are never attacking the body of Xu Ziyan's **** and the gods. Xu Ziyan understands that this is because there is a breath of the gods and gods. After all, the gods and gods have already stayed in this sword for many billions of years, and they have long been integrated with this sword. The only way now is to swallow and refine the gods of this lord.

At this time, at the top of Xianshan, thousands of congenital swords were smashed and turned into a powerful sword. Only the top five peaks of the top of the stone on the stone platform are always nailed to the stone platform.

That tens of millions of innate swords formed a huge congenital sword whirl in the air, and landed down toward the giant sword.


The entire innate sword whirlpool suddenly shrank and indented into the giant sword.


Within the Great Sword, an oversized congenital sword whirlpool appeared in the sky, facing the Thunder giant sword, a palm of water, Huo Linger and Xiaojin strangled.


Sword gas hit the Thunder giant sword, a palm of water. Huo Linger and Xiao Jin’s body let their body roll in the air. Xu Ziyan was anxious, but she knew at this time that she could not help them. Only do our best to refine the gods of the gods. However, although the gods of the lord are not as powerful as the purple gods at this time, it is also a three-level holy level. Is it so easy to refine?

A holy level and three layers of God's knowledge, even if it does not resist, let Xu Ziyan refining, it also requires constant time, not to mention the god's knowledge is still strongly resisting.

Time flies quickly in the fierce battle, gradually thundering the giant sword, a palm of water. Huo Linger and Xiao Jin began to resist, and the breath began to weaken. At the same time, in the millions of swords are also constantly consumed, the sword vortex in the world of giant swords began to shrink.

"Boom..." Fire Linger was the first to hold on. The whole body was dissipated as a star fire, and then turned into a fire attribute scattered within the world of giant swords.

Next is the water of a palm, Xiaojin, Thunder giant sword...

The whirlpool of the innate swordsman in the Great Sword World dissipated. Beginning in the mysterious arrangement of the Great Sword. Constructed a versatile pattern, and then gradually hidden into the giant sword.

As these quaint patterns gradually sneak into the world of the Great Sword, the giant sword of the Sinister Mountain shines, and the giant sword is further tempered, and some impurities are tempered. The body is shrinking, but it is more crystal clear, and the power of the entire giant sword is climbing. Has reached the peak of the super product.


In the sky, there is a melody, and a pattern of verses descends from the air. Circled around the giant sword, they were printed together in the giant sword.

After about a quarter of an hour, these heavenly signs disappeared and the fairy sound disappeared. The giant sword above the foothills is released from the light, and a sacred sword is presented on the foothills.

Within the Great Sword.

Xu Ziyan is still refining the gods of the gods. At this time, the power of the gods' rebellion is getting weaker and weaker, and gradually stops. Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen appeared completely, sitting on the knees and sitting in the Great Sword, and began to refine the gods’ consciousness with all his heart.

Within the Great Sword, thousands of light spots began to gather, slowly hovering around the Xu Ziyan Yuanshen, a spot of light began to converge, gradually divided into eleven areas, each area of ​​a color, five of which The light spot is the least, and it is the first to complete the convergence, which is concentrated into five fist-sized spots, releasing the attributes of wind, light, darkness, time and space.

Then there are two areas with more light spots that eventually converge into two head-sized spots, exuding the attributes of earth and wood.

Finally, the light spots in the four regions converge into a human-sized light group that exudes powerful gold, water, fire and thunder properties. But these four light groups did not end the change. Gradually, the metallic light group became the appearance of Xiaojin. The light group of the water attribute turned into the water of the palm of the hand, and the fire attribute light group became the fire spirit. As a child, the Ray attribute light group became the look of the Thunder giant sword.

Then these four humanoid attributes looked at each other and looked at each other with a smile. Then they looked at the Xu Ziyan sitting cross-legged in the middle, revealing the color of concern one by one.

At this time, the breath of Xu Ziyan Yuanshen has become very powerful, upgraded to the sixth level of the Holy Level, and continues to climb with the devouring of the gods.


Xu Ziyan spit out a breath, opened his eyes and looked at the Thunder giant sword in front of his eyes, Huo Linger, a palm of water and Xiaojin said:

"I have completely refined the gods of the gods, and now my power of the gods has reached the peak of the sixth level!"

The Thunder's Great Sword, Huo Linger, a palm of water and Xiaojin are silent. Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen is a slogan:

"How come you don't talk?"

The four humanoid attributes looked at each other and they handed it together: "Congratulations!"

"What's wrong with you?" Xu Ziyan looked at the four humanoid attributes: "Is there something happening?"

"Yeah!" Four humanoid attributes nod.

"What happened?" Xu Ziyan was anxious.

"We..." Thunder's sword showed a bitter bitterness on his face: "We have already integrated this sword with one another, and it is impossible to separate."

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued, please search, the novel is better updated faster!

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